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By:  Christina


Chapter 1


Christina sat on the beach alone, holding her head down, knees tucked ever so slightly to her chest, her dark brown hair blowing in the wind. Her hazel eyes scrunched up in concentration as she wrote in her notebook that sat on her knees. In deep thought, she didn't even notice the football that landed beside her, or the figure that yelled:


"Hey, could you please toss me that football?" The figure walked a little closer and asked again.


"Excuse me, could you please hand me the football beside you?" Concentrating intently on her writing, she did not notice the face 10 inches from her own until she heard a loud clap that made her scream and jump up, for once acknowledging the person in front of her.


"Asshole! What the hell are you doing?" she said looking up, instantly getting a glimpse of the person that scared the shit out of her. There stood Justin Timberlake, the world famous singer from the pop group *N SYNC. She was always a fan of their music, but never paid much attention them. She wasn't much of a sucker for "clean cut, preppy guys." In her opinion, they were conceited, and she hated conceited people. She had to admit he was the most gorgeous guy she had ever seen. 


"Oh, sorry, but I was trying to get your attention cause I wanted you to give me that football beside you." He was so nice, nicer than she thought. Suddenly, she felt pure embarrassment.


"Oh! It's ok, you just scared me that's all...sorry for being such a bitch about it."


"So, I'm forgiven?" he said jokingly, giving a crooked smile. She was too busy checking him out to even notice his question...


*~ Christina's View ~*


Damn! That smile! How sexy! Those beautiful blue eyes and that cute curly hair! How could I have been such a bitch to him? Ugh...I blew it...


*~ End ~*



"Um, did ya just hear what I said? Hello?"


"Oh, sorry, what did you say?"


"I asked you if I'm, am I?" he said once again giving his crooked smile.




"Of course, who could stay mad at that cute smile of yours?" She said trying to flirt as much as she possibly could.




"Well, good...umm, wha..."




"Hey Justin, quit flirting with that chick, so I can finish kicking your ass in football!" a dark haired man yelled. 




"Thanks, Chris thanks a lot..." Justin mumbled under his breath as his face turned red.




*~ Christina's View ~*




Aww! Look! He's blushing cause his friend called him out on his flirting! How cute! He's so adorable!




*~ End ~*




"Well, sorry, but I gotta go finish this game I promised my friend Chris, but maybe I'll see you around? Are you staying at this hotel?" he asked pointing to the hotel in front of them.




"Umm, yes I am, are you?"




"Ya, so I will definitely see you around..."




"Ok, see ya later, I'm gonna go to my room and take a shower anyway..." she said smiling. "Bye, nice to meet you."


"You too," he said picking up the football and smiling, then turned and walked away to get back to his game.




*~ Christina's View ~*


Damn! Look at that ass! Ugh...if he's that fine in the back...


*~ End ~*




Christina got up and walked back to the hotel, completely forgetting about her notebook lying on the beach.




20 minutes later, after their football game, Justin made Chris walk with him back to where Christina was sitting earlier, by chance she would still be there. Instead, he found her notebook.




"Chris, you can go ahead and go to the room, I just wanna walk on the beach for a while."




"Ok, I'll be in my room if ya wanna do somethin later..." Chris replied as he walked away. Justin leaned down and picked up the notebook from the sand. He opened to the inside and found a note written on the cover. It read: 




Hi, if you found this notebook there, my dumb ass probably left it somewhere like I always do...damn me for leaving my stuff everywhere! Anyway, if you wanna read it, I don't mind, it is just a notebook full of my poems and thoughts...but, please be a kind person and return it to me ASAP cause sooner or later when I'm in the mood to write, I will notice it's gone and I will be a lost lil puppy dog...j/k! Anyway, to return it to me just mail it to me at 1895 Southshore Rd. Orlando, FL 75816 Or, call my cell phone # at (419) 555-3872










P.S. By the time you've finished reading this, I'm probably kicking myself in the ass for loosing it.




Justin couldn't help but laugh at this note; he loved her sense of humor! Hell, she had a sense of humor. Most the girls he'' dated couldn't even add two plus two. Now, he has a name to go with the face: 'Christina...what a beautiful name' he thought to himself. He remembered when they had met earlier. Her short red and white Hawaiian drawstring shorts showing off her silky, long tanned legs, her beautiful smooth hair, her pouty red lips and perfect teeth, the yellow tank top she wore that showed off her wonderful round breasts, and last, her tight, round ass...she was about 5'10, just the way he liked it: tall, but not too tall. Just thinking about her turned him on. There were no words to describe what he wanted to do with her.




"Calm down, Justin, it's just a girl," he told himself. He glanced back down to her notebook, and saw her name again...




"Well, Christina, I'll be talking to you tomorrow..." he quietly said aloud.




*~ Meanwhile in Christina's Room ~*




"Dammit! Where did I put it? I just had it! Ugh...I can't go to sleep till I write about Justin! Oh, his name is sooo sexy!" I can hear myself calling out that name every night!" Then it dawned on her...she left her notebook down on the beach!




"Shit, damn me!" she yelled at herself.




10 minutes later she was down on the beach looking for her notebook. With no luck, she went back to her room, just missing Justin in the lobby reading a certain missing notebook...She sat down at the desk in her room and grabbed a piece of stationary paper that read 'Jamaican Suites Hotel'.




"This will have to do," she told herself, "Since I can't stop thinking about him, I'll write about him." She wrote 'Justin' at the top of the paper and began to write...




2 hours later, she looked at her watch: 2:45 a.m. After turning of the desk lamp, she crawled into the bed, not bothering to take change her clothes, she was too tired. As she slowly drifted off to sleep, she thought of Justin and hoped she would see him tomorrow...




*~ 2 Floors Up ~*




Justin lay in bed after reading Christina's entire notebook. Her writing was so incredible...she was so smart. At first his attraction to her was physical, but now, it was something more. He drifted off to sleep thinking about how perfect they fit together...


Chapter 2


Christina awoke in the morning after an incredible night full of dreams about the sexy man, Justin; she had met on the beach. Opening her eyes, she noticed her room was full of sunlight, she glanced at her clock- 10:30, damn, she hadn't slept that long and that good for a long time,




"Thanx, Justin-" she mentally said to herself and smiled.




Pulling herself out of bed she noticed she still had her clothes on from the day before. Walking into the bathroom, towel in one hand, she turned on the shower. Setting the towel down, she slowly undressed, and jumped into the shower.




*~ 45 Minutes Later ~*




Walking out of the bathroom fully dressed and ready for a day full of fun, Christina heard her cell phone beeping. She quickly walked to her bag and pulled out her metallic blue Nokio phone. * "2 Messages" showed on the screen. 




"Hmm..." she thought as she put the phone to her ear as she started listening. Message One:




"Hey gurl! Where have you been? I have been trying to get ahold of you for like 2 days! Anywayz, I know you wanted to be alone for your little "time to myself" trip, but I miss you and I wanna come down there and stay with you! Tell me whatcha think and lemme know cause we need to get our groove on with some hot Jamaicans, so you can get your mind off of Zack! Call me! Luv ya! Bye!"




Christina had to laugh at her best friend, Arisa's message. They had been best friends since their sophomore year in high school, and still stayed that way after Arisa moved to NC to live, while Christina was still in Texas. Later on, they both moved to Orlando to live together.




"Maybe Risa should come down," Christina said aloud, debating the decision, soon silently deciding for it. She dialed their apartment number, and heard the familiar message on the machine:




"Hi, this is Christina & Risa: We are out getting' our groove on with some hotties, so we are here: If you are a hottie, please leave your name & phone # ~and size~ Risa said in the background laughing, ~laughing (Christina)~ & we'll call ya back, bye! -Beep




"Hey gurl, it's me, I got your message & I totally think you comin here is an awesome idea! But, hey, here's a better idea. Why don't you invite Brandi, Jessi, and Sara to come down too!! Then we could really go ape shit, K? Call me later and we'll talk about the details! Luv ya! Bye!"




Having Brandi, Jessi, and Sara would be so cool! - She thought.




She couldn't wait to hear from Risa! Suddenly, she remembered, she had another message on her cell. She sighed loudly as she began to listen to it:




"Hey baby, its Zack.... I really miss you, I'm really sorry... I know you want to be alone, and to think about our relationship, but I wanna see you. I'm really sorry about messin around with that girl, but I really know that you could forgive me... I really love you; I need you, please think about it before you drop our relationship. I love you & I will call you again at 12:30. Bye, Baby..."




That's the last person she wanted to hear from... 3 days ago, she went to his house because she got off of work earlier, and caught him in bed with some blonde-haired bimbo (sorry if you're blonde, no offense). She immediately went home packed her bag, and cried her way to the airport. After deciding on Jamaica, she called Arisa and told her crying hysterically. Risa insisted on coming with her, but Christina said no, sayin she needed to be alone. The past 3 days she had been trying to decide on what to do about Zack, but now she knew exactly what to do: it was over, she couldn't forgive him.... He preached about how much he loved her, but he always treated her like shit; forgetting to meet her, to call her on her birthday. She had wasted 2 years of her life on someone she thought loved her...Even though her heart was breaking into a million pieces, she had to end it, she couldn't let her heart break anymore.










Chapter 3




Lying in bed asleep, Justin suddenly heard a loud knock on the door of his hotel room.




"Who the hell..." he thought to himself. He grouchily made his way to the door in his wife-beater and boxers. Jerking the door open, he screamed




"What the fuck do you want?" until he saw JC.




"Dude, you were supposed to be on the bus like 30 min. ago...remember the autograph signing?"




"Oh, shit, ya. Sorry man, I forgot. Give me a sec, K?" No prob." JC said as he sat on the bed and flipped on the TV.




Justin slowly walked into the bathroom and shut the door, slipping his shirt off, showing his 6 pack. Walking to turn the shower on he heard his cell phone ringing. Quickly, opening the bathroom door, he sprinted to his bag and pulled out his baby blue Nokio flip-phone.




"Hello?" he quickly said, out of breath."




"Hey hun, how are you doing? Are you liking Jamaica? You're not sick are you, cause you sound a little breathy."




"Oh, hey mom, I'm fine, I'm liking Jamaica a lot" he said thinkin about Christina, "I'm not sick, I just ran to get the phone, I'm out of breath."




"Oh I see, so have you met anyone you like there?"




"Well, there is someone..." he started telling his mom about Christina while he walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower.




"She sounds nice, Justin." Lynn excitedly said.




"Well, I don't know her that much, but I'm hoping to get to know her better... But I gotta take a shower and get ready before all the guys kill me. Luv ya."




"I love you too sweetie, buh-bye"




"Bye, Mom." Justin hung up the phone and got in the shower.




*Meanwhile in Justin's room*




JC was on the bed watchin X-Files when he heard a loud knock on the door. Getting up, he opened the door to see Lance, Joey, and Chris standing there.




"Oh, hey guys, Justin is in the shower, but don't give him any shit cause he knows he's late, and he's sorry." JC warned them.




"Ok, but next time he better hurry his little ass up." Chris replied.


20 minutes later they walked onto the bus with Justin complaining behind them.




"Guys, I didn't get to dry my'll get all frizzy!"




"It already is!" Joey cracked "Shut the fuck up! No, really what am I gonna do?"




"Dude, just use the blowdryer in the bathroom...duh!" JC told him.




"Oh, oh ya, don't pay any attention to my dumb ass!"




The autograph signing was at 1:00p.m. so before they went, they stopped at The Hard Rock Café. Justin decided to stay on the bus and have one of the guys bring him something back. He didn't feel like being recognized, and "plus", he thought to himself, "I have other plans in mind." He said while looking at the notebook that sat on his bunk.


Chapter 4


Christina sat in her room waiting for Zach to call, and decided how to tell him it was over. Even though she was crying, she was more pissed at herself for being sad. "Damn me for loving someone!" she thought. At 12:25 her cell phone rang. She took a deep breath and answered it, not looking at the caller I.D. "Listen, before you say anything, I want you to know that you hurt me, not just by cheating on me, but never really loving me. You don't love me, and you know it. I, on the other hand, still love you, and I have to move on and get over you. There is no hope for us! It's over Zack." She stopped, waiting for him to reply.




"Zack, aren't you even gonna to answer me?" she stammered.




" this Christina?" Justin slowly asked.




"OMG! This isn't Zack! I'm so sorry! Yes this is me, who is this?"




"This is Justin, we met yesterday afternoon on the beach. You left your notebook, and I saw it and decided to call you to tell you that it's safe and in my hands."




"Justin? WOW! Thank you so much! I was completely kicking myself in the ass knowing I left it!"




"No problem, I hope you don't mind, but I read your notebook, and I think that you're truly amazing at writing." -And in other ways- Justin thought to himself.




"No, I don't mind at all," she was blushing, I guess you saw the note inside then huh?"




"Ya, I was laughing my ass off, I love your sense of humor!"




"Thanx! Well, how will I get my notebook back? Would you like to meet somewhere in like 15 minutes?"




"Well, actually, right now I'm fixin to do somethin with my guy friends. I have to do it; or else I would meet you. How about at 5 you meet me in the lobby?"




"Ok, no problem! See ya, then! Bye Justin."




"Ok, see ya, bye!"




Christina hung up the phone and smiled completely forgetting about Zack and that he was calling her, and anxious to see Justin again! Suddenly she heard a ring that scared the livin hell out of her. "Hello?"




"Hey baby, its me... I miss you..." she cut him off




"Go to hell Zack, it's over, we're over..." and with she hung up the phone... explaining nothing. She like the affect Justin was having over her, he made her stronger, and she liked it.






Justin smiled as he hung up the phone. He was going to see her at 5! He could hardly wait! But, who was Zack? -He thought. Is that why she came to Jamaica? Because he cheated on her? He couldn't believe that anyone would hurt her...but he was happy because she said that it was over and that meant he had a chance.












Chapter 5




At 4:30, Christina was in the bathroom, shaving her legs when she heard her cell phone rang sitting on the counter beside her. Thinkin it might be Justin; she picked up the phone and gave the sexiest hello she could. "Hello?" she said very low and sexy in her opinion.




"Tina, is that you?" Tina was what Arisa called her.




"Oh, ya, hey, what's up?"




"Haha, why were you talking like that? You sound like a man!"




"Shut up! I thought you were someone else. Anyways, are you and the girls comin down?"




"Ya, our plane lands at the airport there at 10:30 a.m., so don't be late, as usual. Who were you expecting to call...Zack? You're not back with him are you? He's a jerk, why do you..." Christina cut her off. 




"No! It's completely over between us, he called at like 12:30, and I told him that it was over, and I hung up on him. He hasn't called me back, so I guessing he's not too hurt."




"Well, I'm proud girl, well then who were you excepting to call, huh?" Arisa said getting nosy>




"Well..." Christina started.




"Damn it, tell me Tina!"




"Oh, ok, I met this really hot guy named Justin on the beach...yesterday and we talked for awhile, but he had to get back to his football game, so he left and then I left, but my stupid ass left the notebook sitting there, but maybe it wasn't my dumb ass, maybe it was my lucky ass, maybe...




"Get on with the damn story!" 




"Oh, whoops, sorry, anyways, he found it and called me, so I'm meeting him in the lobby at 5, which is in 20 minutes!" Christina suddenly realized.




"I gotta go!"




"Damn, girl, you move fast, call me and tell me what happened or just tell me and the girls when you pick us up in the tomorrow."




"Ok, 10:30, right?" Christina asked.








"I'll be there at 10:15 then!"




"Ya, uh-huh, sure."




"I will."




"Ok, luv ya, babe! Bye!




"Ditto, bye!"




Christina hung up the phone, and went back to getting ready. At 10 till 5, she was running around in her room throwing clothes around. 




"Where is it? Damnit, where is it? Ugh..." she said going through her bag. Finally finding what she was looking for: Smiling, she slipped on her pink ribbed tank top, soon after, she slipped on her loose Capri overalls. Next came her pink flower flip-flops and silver toe ring. Her hair was loosely pulled up in to a big silver clip, strand of her hair falling around her face. She made sure that after Justin called to paint her toe and fingernails, just so everything was perfect. After putting on her punka shell necklace, rings and watch, she lightly applied her Celestial Strawberry lip-gloss. Next, she sprayed on her Clinique Happy, and she was ready to go. She grabbed her purse, cellphone, and room key, then walked out the door.






At 4:45 Justin was in the bathroom in his room trying to fix his hair. Frowning, he finally gave up and thought it would have to do. He decided that after he gave Christina her notebook, that he would casually ask her to go do something. Suddenly, there was knock on the door to find JC and Lance.




"Hey Justin, you wanna come with is out to eat and then clubbin?" Lance asked.




"Uh, no thanx, I have other plans."




"Really with who?" JC questioned, inviting himself in, and sitting on the bed. Lance soon followed and sat in the corner of the room.




"Well, I met this girl on the beach yesterday, and she left her notebook, so I'm returning it to her."




"Oh, so you're just returning it to her?" Lance said making finger mimics on returning.




"Well,, I was gonna ask her if she wanted to do somethin, too..."




"Well, she says yes, then come go clubbin with us tonight!" JC asked




"I dunno, maybe, I'll call u and tell ya what's up."




"Ok, then we'll see ya," Lance said while getting and leaving with JC following.




"Good Luck, man." JC added.








Justin looked at his watch! 4:57. SHIT! He quickly got dressed in khaki shorts and a baby blue button shirt. After spraying on Curve for Men, he grabbed his room key wallet, and Christina's notebook, then walked out of the room, his heart beating fast, waiting to meet this beautiful girl again.


Chapter 6


Christina sat at the bar, legs crossed, in the lobby sipping her Dr. Pepper. She glanced at her watch: 5:01. She was beginning to get her hopes up, until she heard a familiar voice.




"I am so sorry I'm late! My friends came up to my room bugging me to go clubbin with them later."




"Oh, it's ok, you're forgiven again." She added.




"Well, I should because I brought you this," he said pulling her notebook from behind his back.




*~ Christina's View ~*


Damn! He looks so sexy! Those eyes, that smile! He's so sweet! I hope he asks me to go do something!


*~ End ~*




"Wow thank you, you're my hero!" She said grabbing the notebook from his hands, gently brushing their fingers together. Justin felt a chill go down his spine. He looked at her:




*~ Justin's View ~*


She looks so cute! I hope she agrees to go so somethin!


*~ End ~*






"So, umm...what are you doing later cause I was thinkin we could go do somethin." Justin stammered.




"Sure, I would love to go do something with you, I'm just by myself until I go pick up my girlfriends from the airport tomorrow."




"Ok, cool..." Justin said getting up, taking her hand, and helping her up.




"Where do ya wanna go eat?" She asked smiling.




"Oh, I have a place in mind..."












Chapter 7


As they made their way out of the hotel, Christina's cell phone started ringing.








"Hey girl, it's me, how did it go?" Risa asked. Christina looked over at Justin. "Hold on, it's my best friend Arisa she's being nosy." Justin laughed "Ok, no problem."




"Well, not yet, we're going to do something..."




"Oh I see, how does he look, sexy?"




Christina looked at Justin and then replied "HELL YEAH!"




Justin gave a confused look on his face, then smiled and shook his head. Risa continued to ask Christina tons of questions until Justin saw Christina's face scrunch up.




"NO!" She yelled. After saying no a couple of times she pulled the phone away from her ear. She handed the phone to Justin.




"She want's to talk to you." A little confused, Justin put the phone to his ear to the phone.




"Uh, hello?" he asked 




"Well, hello there sexy boy!" Justin laughed.




"What's she sayin?" Christina asked.




"Don't tell her I said this, but my friend likes a certain someone...I think you know who it, you take her out, have a good time, but remember: if you upset her; you'll have to deal with my ass tomorrow!" Risa nicely told him. "Huh? What's she sayin?" Christina asked.




"Oh, I see...well tell your friend that the feelings are mutual." He laughed. "Justin! What?" Christina asked again.




"Good boy, maybe I'll get to meet you! Oh, do you have any friends with you cause you need to hook me up..." Risa replied.




"I think I can come up with someone..." "Someone who?! Ugh...I'm getting pissed!" Christina replied.




"Ok, good, now put back on the phone with Tina."




"Ok, bye." Justin handed the phone to Christina. She jerked it out of his hands and put the phone to her ear.




"What did you say to him?" she asked




"Nothin we were just talkin..."








"What? Nothin, I swear, but I gotta go, I hafta pack."




"Ugh...Ok, bye."




"Bye, oh and he told me that he likes you. Good Luck!"




"Wha...." Risa hung up the phone. Damn her!"




Christina thought, "he likes me, Justin likes me..." Justin interrupted her thoughts.




"So, are you ready to go?"




"Ya, sure...sorry about Risa, she's a handful..."




"No, it's ok I like her, she's nice. Risa? Why do you called her Risa?"




"Risa is short for Arisa, it's just what I call her...she calls me Tina cause well, ya know, it's short for my name."




"Oh, I see, that's cute."




Christina smiled and thought 'No, you're cute!'


After about 10 minutes, Justin finally got a cab. They jumped in, and Justin whispered something to the cab driver.




"What did you tell him?"




"Oh, nothing, just the place were goin, it's a surprise!"




"You're so cute!" She said punching him in the shoulder.




"You really think I'm cute?"




"No! Ok, ya, you're adorable, and you know it!"




"That's what I thought"




They pulled up to an extremely nice restaurant over-looking the beach.




"Justin, I can't afford this...




"You're not paying, I am."








"No butts! I am payin for you!"




Christina bit her bottom lip as they were seated, 'Why does he have to be so wonderful?' Justin looked over at her biting her bottom lip. 'She is so beautiful' he thought to himself. He wanted to know the most he possibly could about this creature sitting in front of him. He hoped he would get to know her better...


Chapter 8


Christina sat there, staring at her Chicken Caesar Salad thinking of what to say to Justin. She didn't even really know him, but here she sat, eating dinner with a complete stranger! This stranger has been the nicest guy she'd ever met, which made her feel uncomfortable because she had just me him 24 hours ago. Finally, she had the courage to say something.






Justin sat, picking at his Fettuccini Alfredo trying to think of something to say. Did she even know who he was? Would his identity scare her away, or make her act differently towards him? Suddenly, he thought of something to say.








"Wha... They both spat out at the same time...




"You can go first, Justin"




"Are you sure?"




"Ya, go ahead."




"Ok, so you're from the States right?"








"Where are you from?"




"Well, I was born in Texas and I lived there up until 5 months ago, when I moved to Orlando and started living with Risa." She could see the excitement in his eyes when she said Orlando.




"Hmm...well, I was born in Tennessee, and me and my family later moved to Orlando too, so that's where I live, but I travel a lot..." Justin said casually, not trying to sound too excited.




"I know."




"You know what?"




"I know you live in Orlando."




"How did you know that? Did I tell you before or somethin?"




"No, let's just say, I know why you travel a lot..."




"You go?" Justin said almost choking on his food.




"Well, I do have a TV and radio, ya know, and I do read magazines...and I live in Orlando, so that helps a little."




"How come you didn't say anything before? You're acting so casual about this..."




"Well, ya, you're just a guy, and I figured you didn't want I pretended I didn't recognize you until you asked. I must say that you are a lot different than I thought you'd be Mr. Timberlake..."




"Really, how?"




"I figured you were a conceited prick, sorry, no offense, but you're not, you're just a normal guy, and in a way, above average for a normal guy."








"Well, most guys aren't like you; and that's a good compliment."




"Well, thanx, you're not like most girls...using me for my fame, as a're different, and that's what makes you unique in my eyes." He stated slowly grabbing both of her hands. Holding her hands, he smiled: "Since you probably know all about me, tell me more about you..."




45 minutes later, they were walking out of the restaurant talking and joking.




"Hey, do ya wanna go for a walk on the beach?" Justin questioned, grabbing her hand.




"Sure." Christina said, smiling and looking into his crystal blue eyes.




"Oh, hold on." Christina said once they had reached the beach. She bent down, taking her flip-flops off so she could walk better, afterwards grabbing Justin's hand again. They walked hand in hand on the beach for a couple of minutes, when Christina let out a loud scream.




"Oh, shit, what?" Justin asked alarmed.




"Something stung the shit outta my toe!"




"It was probably a jellyfish." He told her while leading her far from the water. He helped her down on the sand, and stretched her legs out so he was looking at both of her feet.




"Which foot is it?"




"This one," she said pointing to her right foot. Immediately, he saw where she was stung. Mot knowing what else to do, he started blowing on her foot.




"Does this feel better?"




"Ya, kinda," she lied, it didn't feel any better, or worse, she just wanted to feel Justin. He looked up, and saw her face. Stopping his blowing, he gently pulled a strand of hair out of her face. Then, he caressed her cheek with his fingertips.




"I can't stand to see you hurt," he finally said looking into her eyes. They were so close now, just gazing into each other's eyes...




"Christina leaned forward and softly kissed him. Gently pulling away, she laughed and said, "I've been waiting to do that all night."




"Me., too." He said quietly and grabbed her face, once more kissing her...




They sat there the entire night kissing, cuddling, and talking until the sun rose. On the way back to their hotel, Christina laid her head on Justin's shoulder and let herself drift off, Justin sat there watching her sleep until they got to the hotel. He slowly leaned down, and kissed her nose. Feeling this, she woke up and smiled. Justin walked her to her room and gently kissed her and whispered in her ear, "Sweet dreams, I'll call you in the morning..."













Chapter 9


Christina woke up the next morning to the sound of her alarm clock. It was 9:00. She had exactly an hour to get ready before she had to leave and pick the girls up. After taking a shower, and putting on some make-up, the phone in her hotel room rang.




"Hello?" she answered.




"Hey Sweetheart! How are you this morning? How does your toe feel?" it was Justin.




"Hey cutie, it feels alright, I guess, it still hurts a lil, but I'll be ok."




"Well, if it doesn't, let me come over and kiss it to make it feel better..."




"That would definitely make it feel better, but I have to give you a raincheck till later..."




"Awww...why?" he said pouting.




"Cause I have to go to the airport to pick up my girls. They're flight lands at 10:30."




"That's fine, can we do something later?"




"Definitely! I could meet your friends, you could meet mine, then maybe, they'll get to talkin and let us have sometime to ourselves."




"Ya, that's cool, I would like that. Me and the guys have to do a promotional thing for the new album at 10:30, and that will last till about 11:30, so we can all go do something then?"




"That sounds good, to me...why don't we meet ya'll at the pool at 12?"




"That's fine, sweetie, I'll be looking forward to it."




"Me too, I'll see ya then!"








"Bye." She began to hang up the phone when she heard Justin say "wait!"




"Huh?" she asked putting the phone to her ear.




"I'll miss you." He quietly whispered into the phone.




"I'll miss you too...bye Justin." She said smiling. Hanging up the phone, she looked at her watch...10:10, damn! She quickly got dressed, grabbed her cell phone and purse, and walked out of the door






It was 10:40, and there stood Arisa, Brandi, Jessi, and Sara waiting, with luggage by their sides, for Christina.




"Where is she, dammit?" Arisa asked.




"She's probably caught in traffic or something, don't be mad at her!" Brandi said, being sweet, as usual! It seemed as if she could never get mad.




"Ya, like she really stuck in traffic, lemme tell ya." Jessi remarked, giving one of her smart-ass attitudes. Suddenly, Christina came running through the doors.




"Shut up you guys, here she comes." Sara said running towards Christina and giving her a huge hug.




"Sorry I'm late guys, Justin called me, and I sort of lost track of time, she said while giving each of them a hug. Arisa just stood there, hands on her hips, giving her a nasty look.




"Uh-huh! Sure you were just "talking to him" she finally said.




"I was!"




"I'm just playin! Give me a Hug!" she said laughing.




"They all went over to the Rent-A-Car place and rented a Silver Ford Expedition, so they all of them could fit. Making there way back to the hotel, Christina told them what happened with Justin the night before.




"So, what are we doing when we get back?" Brandi asked.




"Well, actually, we are going to meet Justin and his friends down at the pool." Christina replied not wanting them to know who they were fixin to meet...




Chapter 10


Justin sat in the metal chair across from the reporter. He glanced at his watch...11:20...'Good only 10 more minutes till this is over!' He thought to himself.




"Ok Justin, just a couple more questions and you're all done.








"Alright, is it true that you are currently engaged to Popstar Briteny Spears?" Justin was so sick and tired of being asked this question.




"No, we're not. We aren't even dating..."




"Are you dating someone?"




"No, well ugh, yes."




"Can you tell me who she is?"




"I wouldn't really want her name everywhere, and I'm sure she wouldn't want it said either."




"I see, that's alright..."




15 minutes later, he was done with his interview, and heading out to the bus to meet the rest of the guys.




"Hey man, you finally done?" Lance asked. Each one of them had their own interview, but Justin's was the longest.




"Ya, they asked me the 'Britney' question" again.




"That sucks." JC said getting up to get a drink.




"J, you have to g clubbin with us tonight, since you ditched us last night!" Joey told him.




"I dunno...I might do somethin with Christina, I'll ask if she wants to go, though."




"You really like her, huh?" Chris asked.




"Ya, I do. Oh! That reminds me! We are all goin swimming when we get back to the hotel..."


JC cut him off:




"Man, I don't wanna go swimmin, I wanna go to sleep..."




"Ok, well I guess I'll just have to tell her hot friends who flew in this morning that you're sleepin..."




"Hot Girls?" Joey said lifting his head up.




"Yup, we are gonna meet them all here..."




"Count me in!" Joey said.




"Me too," Chris added.




"Me three," Lance replied.




"JC?" Justin asked.




"They better be really, really hot dude!" JC said.




"Ok, cool" Justin said, excited to see Christina again.




At 11:55, the girls started making their way down to the pool. Christina was in a blue Hawaiian print Tank-ini, that came right above her belly button, Arisa was in a solid black string bikini, Brandi was in a red tube top bikini w/ shorts as the bottom, Jessi was in a yellow halter top bikini, and Sara was in a white bikini with a belt on the bottoms (The white one Heather Graham was wearing in Austin Powers 2.) Christina stopped them right before they got to the pool. "Guys, I have something to tell y'all..."




"Huh?" Risa asked.




"The guys we're meeting aren't just normal guys..." she started.




"Ya, ok, so what?" Jessi asked.








"Spit it out!" Sara exclaimed.




"Justin is actually Justin from..."




"*NSYNC! OMG!! *NSYNC is over at the pool!" Brandi said starting to fix her hair.




"Huh-uh!" Risa yelled.




Hearing this the guys began to run, thinking that they were fans. "No, wait, Justin!" Christina yelled. Justin stopped. 'He knew that voice!' He turned around and saw Christina running after him. "Damn! You scared the shit outta me!" he said walking back to her.




"I guess we're even then, huh?" She said smiling, and then leaning up and kissing him. Finally, Chris broke their kiss.




"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt and all, but you're friends are standing over there in shock." She looked over at them. They all had their mouths wide open, in shock. Christina grabbed Justin's hand and led him toward the girls.




"Hey, you guys, this is Justin..." "And over there are JC, Lance, Joey, and Chris." Justin added. "It's great to meet you." He said smiling.




"WOW! I had no idea!" Risa said coming back to realization. All of the girls told Justin hi, and made their way to introduce themselves to the rest of the guys. Christina smiled to herself. "This I gonna be one hell of a day!" she told herself... 












Chapter 11


Arisa stood by the pool after successfully pushing Joey into the water.


"Hell ya! Girls rock," she yelled out to him, flexing her muscles.


"It's on now, baby..." he said getting out, and running after her.


"No!" she yelled hiding behind JC who was quietly talking to Brandi.


"Help me JC! He's trying to push me in for no reason!"


"Ok," JC said as he turned around and picked her tiny body up.


"What are you doing?" she shrieked.


"Paybacks a bitch," he told her while he handed her to Joey.


"Thanx, man," Joey said as he took her and threw her in the water.


"No prob," JC replied back as he sat down beside Brandi and began talking to her again.


"Ugh! I didn't wanna get my hair wet, now I have to wash it!" Risa yelled out to Joey.


"I would hope you would wash your it anyways," Jessi laughed and told her. Beside her was Lance and he began laughing too.


"Good one," he said in between breaths. Arisa just glared at them and started climbing out of the pool, her dark hair wet, and plastered around her face. Feeling bad, Joey held his hand out to help her, but she pushed it away. She then sulkingly sat down in a chair and crossed her arms.


"Hmph!" she loudly voiced. Joey slowly walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her.


"I'm sorry baby..." he slowly said. She looked up at him and smiled. How could she be mad at those big brown eyes? Knowing he was forgiven, Joey pulled up a chair beside her, and they began talking.


*~ Arisa's View ~*


I love those puppy dog eyes! Who knew he could be so sexy? 


*~ End ~* 




*~ Joey's View ~*


She's so cute! Maybe Jamica could be more fun than I thought! 


*~ End ~*




Arisa looked around the pool: Christina and Justin were playing volleyball in the pool, but now, they stood there, faces inches from each other, talking, and kissing. She looked over to Sara who was in the pool wrapped in Chris' arms while he was yelling at Justin to "get a room!" Brandi and JC were laying down on lounge chairs, facing each other and talking, while Jessi and Lance were sitting on the edge of the pool, feet dangling while they laughed and talked quietly.


'Wow' she thought, 'things are really falling into place.' 




*~ Meanwhile, Across the pool ~* 




JC and Brandi were talking about their families, and basically things about one another. Brandi was surprised how much they had in common! It was so weird! While he was talking, she began drifting off to her own thoughts: 




*~ Brandi's View ~*


OMG!! I could just kiss him right now!! His chiseled features, those jaws!! Damn!! 


*~ End ~* 




JC stopped talking when he noticed she was thinking about something else. She was so hot!! He had never been so attracted to a black chick before!! He was glad that he decided against going up to his room to go to sleep. 




*~ JC's View ~* 


Damn!! Those beautiful green eyes and that silky bronze skin!! She is gorgeous! 


*~ End ~*




Brandi interrupted his thoughts... 




"Hey, do you wanna go for a walk or somethin?" 




"Sure," he said smiling. After telling everyone where they were going, they walked down to the beach. Jessi sat on the edge of the pool staring blankly at her reflection in the crystal clear water. She hated the way she looked: short blonde hair, plain brown eyes...she was a plain Jane in her eyes, but not to everyone else. What could she say to this complete stranger who sat beside her? She was nervous. She noticed that she was only nervous and shy around guys. Why was that? She knew that Lance was shy too, so she decided to break the silence. 




"So, umm...what do you like to do for fun?" This got Lance's attention, and soon they were talking and laughing. Once she broke the ice, he was so easy to talk to!


*~ Jessi's View ~*


He's so quiet and laid back! That is a major turn on! He's a lot different than I expected...


*~ End ~* 




Lance glanced up and caught her eyes looking at him. He loved those plain, yet exceptional eyes. She was so easy to talk to!


*~ Lance's View ~*


I'm glad I met someone I can relate to...she is so cute, and shy...perfect. 


*~ End ~*


Chapter 12


Sara sat on Chris' lap on the stairs, in the pool talking to him while his arms wrapped around her waist and his chin nuzzled in her neck. She had only known him for about an hour, but that was Sara: all over someone she barely knew. She thought it was fun. Hell! Why waste her 20's acting like old people? 'Live crazy' was her motto and she followed it very well. While they talked, Chris played with her shoulder length, blonde hair. They had been talking about all the crazy shit they'd done, and for once, she had found someone who was just as crazy as she was!




*~ Sara's view ~*


Damn, this boy is crazy! I thought I'd done some crazy shit! We could definitely have some fun together!


*~ End ~*




Chris sat there running his fingers through her soft hair. He was so surprised at how much they were alike! When he first saw her, he thought she was the 'sweet and innocent' type, but she was far, far from it. Shit, she was just as extreme as he was! He loved it.




*~ Chris' view ~*


This is so cool! We would have an awesome time doing stuff, and I bet she would never complain...Hell ya!!


*~ End ~*




Chris knew his week was bound to be interesting...




*~ Across the pool ~*




Christina and Justin were playing a game of volleyball, but soon couldn't help themselves...they were nestled in the corner; Christina's back to the wall and Justin facing her. He slowly placed kisses all over her face, her forehead, her eyelids, her nose, her right cheek, her left cheek, then, very softly her lips. She let the kiss intensify by wrapping her arms around his muscular neck, pushing them closer together. She loved the feel of his soft lips on hers. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist while his hands rubbed her wet back. He slowly began lowering both of them underwater. She broke the kiss and gave him a confused look.




"What are you doing?" she asked.




"You'll see," he said smiling, and began to kiss her again. He pulled them both underwater as they kissed. After a few seconds, he pulled her up out of the water and smiled.




"I've always wanted to do that," 




"You are just so cute," she said laughing.




"You are just so beautiful." She blushed and looked into his gorgeous crystal blue eyes. They were about to kiss again when Chris yelled out to them.




"Oh, come on guys! Enough of the mushy shit!" Justin turned around and gave Chris a 'go to hell' look.




"Hey, how about we go do something else?" Christina suggested trying to calm him down.




"Ok, sounds good to me," he replied as he leaned down and kissed her. They got out of the pool and dried off. Arisa and Joey got up and walked over to them.




"Where are yall goin?" 




"Umm...we dunno, where do you wanna go, baby?" Christina asked turning to Justin.




"Well, I am kinda hungry..."




"Ok, we can go out to eat. Do yall wanna come with?" Risa looked up at Joey who nodded and put his arms around her.




"Ya, sure, then afterwards, we can go clubbin or somethin."




"Ok, lemme ask everyone else if they wanna go too..." Christina asked everyone and they all decided to go except Sara and Chris. The girls went up to their rooms to change, while the guys went to their rooms to change. When Justin arrived in his room, he saw that he had a message on his cell:




"J, this is Johnny. I have something really important I need to tell u and the guys. Call me ASAP!" 15 minutes later, Justin hung up his cell phone. Johnny had just told him that they were leaving in 2 days to go back to Orlando, then, were going to the *N SYNC Compound for 2 weeks to prepare for their tour. Then, after that, their tour would start. He didn't know what to tell Christina. He had just met her, and already, he was gonna be on tour again. How would she react? He decided to tell her when they were alone again...












Chapter 13




Everyone was at the Hard Rock Café sitting at a private table in the back, trying to decide what to eat. Justin and Christina were sitting across from Arisa and Joey who were beside Lance and Jessi, and across from them were JC and Brandi. Justin was glad Chris decided on not going because he was tired of him making fun of him and Christina. He wanted to do whatever he wanted without being bothered about it. As he sat there, looking at his menu, he couldn't get the conversation with Johnny out of his head. Christina looked up from her menu and glanced to Justin. 'Something is wrong' she thought as she noticed him frowning. She gently placed her hand on his knee.




"What's wrong?" she whispered in his ear.




"I'll tell you later, when we're alone," he told her as he gave her a slight smile. She wondered what was wrong. He sensed this and grabbed her hand.




"I'll be ok," he said trying to soothe her. It did, and she felt somewhat better.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




After eating, Christina and Justin decided to be by themselves, so Justin could tell her what was bothering him. After asking everyone if they minded, they decided to all meet back together, ready to go clubbin at 9:00.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *




Christina and Justin had found a park near their hotel and decided to go there to talk. They walked hand in hand in silence around the park for a while, looking at their beautiful surroundings. Getting tired of walking, Christina made her way over to a bench overlooking a pond. She sat, tucked her knees up to her chest, and looked out to the pond. Standing where she had left him was Justin staring confusingly at her. She turned her attention from the pond, to him and smiled.




"I was tired." He smiled back and made his way over to the bench and sat down beside her. He took a deep breath and began talking.




"I talked to Johnny, our manager, earlier today, and our vacation has been cut short. A day after tomorrow, we will be going back to Orlando to the compound to rehearse for 2 weeks for our new tour overseas. The tour will last for 4 months. I just thought you had a right to know...I really like you Christina, and I don't want this thing that we have to just be a thing...if possible, I would like it to be a relationship. I know we haven't known each other long, but I feel a connection between us. I know I'm going to be leaving you for 4 months, but..." Christina cut him off by placing her index finger over his lips.




"Shh..." she said as she leaned in and kissed him. It was the most powerful kiss he'd ever felt. As they separated, she spoke:




"You are so amazing. What did I do to deserve you?" He smiled.




"So, you're ok with all of this?"




"Not getting to be with you for 4 months will be hard, but at least I would have you." He smiled at this and hugged her tightly. He could not believe she was so understanding! As they watched the sunset together, he was glad to finally have someone like her in his life...


Chapter 14


After their talk, Christina and Justin made their way back to the hotel and to their rooms to get ready to go out. Walking into her room, Christina saw that Arisa was in the bathroom drying her hair, Brandi was curling her hair, and Jessi was putting on makeup. Sara was nowhere to be found.




"Where's Sara?" she shouted over the hairdryer.




"Umm...Prob. still out doin somethin with Chris, she left a note on the bed," Jessi told her while applying her blush. Christina made her way over to the bed and found Sara's note under a pile of clothes. It read:




Hey guys!! Me and Chris went to go do somethin, I'll be back in time to go clubbin!!










'Hmm...' Christina thought, 'I wonder what they're doing...'




An hour and a half later, Christina and the girls were ready to go. Arisa glanced at the clock: 7:30.




"Where in the hell is Sara?" she yelled. 30 seconds later, Sara walked in the door.




"Hey there, sexy ladies, I'm back." She said seeing them.




"Gurl, where were you?" Brandi asked her.




"Oh, me and Chris were just hangin out..." she said trailing off and giving them an obvious 'Just Got Laid' face.




"Nuh uh, it's all over your face, you got laid!!" Jessi said laughing.




"Nuh uh!!" she said giving a shocked and innocent school girl face.




"Sara! You just met him!" Christina yelled at her.












"Ya, so! I came here to have fun, and so far it's turing out pretty good."




"Pretty good? Was he only pretty good?" Risa asked, being nosy, as usual.




"He was only the best I've had." She shrugged her shoulders.




"There's a lot to compare to for Sara, so he must be that good." Jessi stated smiling. Sara gave her the finger.




"Ok, we'll talk about the details later, Sara still has to get ready and we're supposed to meet them in 15 min." Christina told them.




Sara was done getting ready 20 min. later, so the girls started walking down to the lobby. Christina was wearing a tight black skort (a skirt w/shorts attached underneath) and a dark blue tube top that stopped her belly button and had straps that tied around her neck. Risa was wearing tight white shorts with a sparkly dark blue open back shirt w/suns and moons on it. Brandi was wearing tight black pants with a red halter top. Jessi was wearing tight black shorts with a yellow sleeveless shirt that said Rockstar on it, and Sara was wearing black Capri pants and a pink see through shirt that showed her pink leopard bra underneath.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *




The guys were waiting down in the lobby for the girls.




"Women, always late," Joey said sighing. Just then, the girls walked into the lobby. The guys' jaws dropped at how good they all looked.




"Wow, you look sexy," Justin told Christina while giving her a hug.




"You don't look too bad yourself," she told him smiling. Everyone else said their hellos and they all made their way to the club, wondering how the night would turn out...












Chapter 15




Pulling up to the club, they all could hear the music from inside, getting their adrenaline pumped. As they all stood in line waiting to enter, Christina heard 2 female voices behind her and Justin whispering something. Justin didn't notice because he was talking to JC.




"It looks like him, it has to be him..."




"Well, I dunno, if it was him, he wouldn't be with someone like can't be my Justin." Hearing this, Christina spun around quickly and looked at the girl who had made the comment, immediately recognizing her.




"Excuse me, what were you saying?"




"We were just saying how much the guy you're with looks like someone I know, but we dropped that assumption cause he would never be with someone like you." Recognizing the voice he heard behind him, Justin turned around.




"Someone like me? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Christina screamed at her, anger evident in her voice.




"Ju...Justin?" the girl asked, now fully seeing his face up close.




"Ya, Britney, it's me. Why the hell are you being such a bitch to my girlfriend?" Christina smiled and looked up at him. He called her his girlfriend!!




"Girlfriend? How long has she been your girlfriend, huh? I thought we were..." Justin cut her off...




"Friends, we were friends, I could never be with someone like you: you're shallow, you're a bitch, and a whore. I thought maybe we could be friends, if I could overlook all these things and focus on the good things about you, but there's nothing...I don't even wanna know you." Britney was so taken aback by his words that she didn't see Arisa step in front of her.




"This is for Tina, bitch!" she yelled and punched Britney hard in her face, knocking her to the floor. Brandi ran and stood over the beaten down pop-princess and said:




"You got knocked the fuck out!!" Everyone laughed at this and Christina mouthed 'thanx' to Arisa as they entered the club, leaving Britney and her friend outside.




"No prob. babe, anytime."




After they all sat down in a private booth, everyone got up to dance, leaving Christina and Justin sitting there in silence.




"Baby, I'm so sorry that happened, you're not mad at me, are you?" he finally said.




"No, it's ok, I'm fine, I overreacted, sorry for blowing up like I did."




"She needed to be set straight by me, and by my woman," he told her smiling.




"You're woman?"








"You're so adorable," she said playfully squeezing his cheeks. He leaned in and softly kissed her.


"Let's go dance, I wanna see you shake dat ass!" he said yanking her up from the table. She laughed and followed him.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Arisa and Joey were grinding into eachother on the dance floor as 'Hey Papi' by Jay-Z played on the loud stereo system. They had been dancing together for about 30 minutes when Joey felt two small hands go on his hips. He glanced behind him and saw Christina slowly grinding into him from behind. Behind her was Justin. JC and Brandi soon joined in, and Chris, Sara, Lance, and Jessi followed, so it was Chris, Sara, Justin, Christina, Joey, Arisa, JC, Brandi, Lance, and Jessi all grinding, making a train. They danced like that for 2 more songs, until they all decided to get drinks. Sitting at the bar, Christina ordered a strawberry daiquiri and began drinking it. She suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw an ok looking guy smiling at her.




"Would you like to dance?"




"No, she wouldn't," Justin told the guy, giving him a glare.




"Oh, sorry man, I didn't realize..." Christina laughed out loud.




"What?" Justin asked annoyed.




"Nothin," she said smiling, "let's go dance some more." They got up and headed to the dance floor. 'He's jealous' she thought, smiling...




Chapter 16




Christina and Justin were facing each other, while they grinded together on the dance floor. 'Wobble, Wobble' by the 504 Boys started playing, and Christina got an idea. She wanted to drive him crazy!!




"Stand back and watch me..." she whispered in his ear. Justin stepped back and licked his lips slowly as he watched her begin to dance for him. When the chorus of the song played, she began to do what it said:




Lemme see ya wobble, wobble...


Lemme see ya shake it, shake it...


Drop it, drop it, oh, take it take it...




She smiled seductively at him and motioned him over to a large platform where many people were dancing, and told him to sit. He did, and she began to grind on his lap slowly. This was really turning him on, and she knew it. As she moved on his lap, her back to him, he began kissing and nibbling at her neck. She leaned her head back and rested it on his muscular shoulder as he kept kissing and nibbling. She let her hand fall back and play with his blonde curls. He had found her weakness: her neck. Now, he was driving her crazy. She knew that if he kept doing this, she would hump him right there. Suddenly, she stood up.




"What's wrong?" he asked, getting up after her and wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.




"Nothin...we were getting a lil outta hand."




"Oh, ok." He sounded hurt.




"It's not that I don't wanna continue this, just not here, k?" he smiled and nodded his head.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




At 3 a.m., everyone was ready to leave, but no one could find Sara or Chris.




"Where could they be?" JC asked.




"Havin sex somewhere in this club." Risa informed them.




"You really think so?" Lance asked, looking around with his arm draped over Jessi's shoulder.




"Sara told us they did earlier, and both of them are gone, so it's the only reasonable explanation." Brandi stated while sitting down at the booth and resting her head on JC's shoulder.




"Ok, hmm...where would I be if I was having sex in a club?" Joey asked, thinking about it.




"The bathroom," Chris stated from behind him. "You should try it, Joe, it's awesome." Sara then walked up to the group.




"Hey guys, ready to go?" she asked, playing innocent. They all laughed and walked out of the club.




The way back to the hotel was quiet except for a few whispers every once in a while. Everyone was worn out. When they got to the hotel, Sara informed the girls she was staying the night in Chris' room, and of course, no objections were made to this. Christina told the girls she was 'walking' Justin back to him room, but they all knew that she wouldn't be back until morning. Arisa and Joey said they weren't tired yet, and decided to hang at the bar, down in the lobby. Jessi and Brandi invited Lance and JC over to their room to watch a movie, and the guys accepted.




The girls made their way back to their rooms, Sara to get some things, Arisa, to change, and Brandi and Jessi to clean their room up a little before Lance and JC showed up. Christina said that since she was just walking Justin to his room, she didn't need anything.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin and Christina got off the elevator to the 6th floor, just as JC and Lance were getting on to go down to the 4th floor.




"Hey guys," Justin told them quickly before walking out.




"Hey J, see ya later," JC yelled out to him laughing.




They walked in silence until he stopped in front of his room.




"Well, this is it," He fake yawned, "I am getting a little tired."




"Me too," Christina stated. They both lied, they weren't tired, they were very awake. Justin leaned forward and kissed her softly.




"Goodnight," he said and walked into his room, closing the door behind him. Christina stood there debating whether or not to knock on his door. She wasn't tired and she wanted to have some fun. Finally, she decided against it, and started walking back to the elevator. She heard a door loudly open, so she turned around to find Justin's curly head poking out.




" you wanna have a sleepover?" he asked in a childlike voice. She smiled and made her way back and into his room. He closed the door behind her, smiling...












Chapter 17




Arisa and Joey sat at the bar in their hotel, drinking and flirting heavily. They had had too much to drink, so they didn't even realize half the stuff they said to each other...Finally, Arisa realized that if she didn't stop flirting, she would end up waking up beside him, which was something she did not want. She wasn't easy, and she couldn't let him think she was. She liked him, but she had just met him 12 hours before!! While Joey talked, she kept telling herself reasons why to end the night.




"Arisa? Did you hear me?" she heard Joey ask her.




"Huh? Oh!! Sorry, what did you say?"




"I asked if you wanted to come up to my room, and watch a movie, or we could do something else," he said, winking at her. His words were slurred, and she could tell he was completely wasted. They drank at the club; they drank here...damn!! They drank a lot!! Realizing this gave her motivation to end their night.




"Look, Joey, it's been a long day...I'm tired. I think I'm gonna go back up to my room and to sleep. Thanks for the offer, though," she told him while getting up.




"Oh...ok...I'll walk you back to your room, I guess." She could hear the disappointment in his voice. 




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




They excited the elevator, and Arisa stopped in front of her room.




"Well, tonight was really fun, I had a great time." She said while looking him in the eye. He looked a little hurt from being rejected, so she decided not to leave him too disappointed.




"Me to..." he started to say, but was cut off when she grabbed his neck, pulled him down, and kissed him fiercely. He was shocked by her actions, but he kissed her back.




*~ Arisa's View ~*




Wow!! He's a great kisser!! He must be really experienced from being on the road so much. He must get laid in every city!! You have to stop this before you get too carried can't be another easy lay for him!!




*~ End ~*




The kiss was getting very intense, but Arisa pushed him off.




"What's wrong?" he asked, breathing heavily.




"I know you probably wanna do more, but I'm drunk Joey, and so are you. Plus, it's not like me to fuck someone I just met. It's just not me."




"I understand..."




"You do..."




"And I really respect you for your decision...not every girl has a mindset like you. It's kind of a turn on, I guess."




"Really? Thanks..." she was so shocked by this statement!! He respected her for this?




"Well, ya, most girls I meet just wanna jump in the sack as soon as I meet're different. It kinda makes me like you even more."




"Well...good!!" she told him smiling while she leaned up and kissed him again. She pulled away and opened her door.




"Goodnight, Joey," she told him as she closed the door behind her.




'Yes it is' he told himself while stepping into the elevator, heading to his room.


Chapter 18




JC and Brandi laid on one of the beds in the hotel room while watching Scream 3. Brandi had her arms wrapped tightly around his left arm, and every once in a while, when something scary happened, she would bury her head in his shoulder. He just smiled and continued to watch the movie. He loved it when women made him feel powerful. Plus, he got to be so close to her. He smelled her perfume: 'vanilla', he decided. He wanted to lean over and kiss her so badly, but he didn't want to ruin the friendship they had started. On the other bed beside the one they were on was Lance and Jessi, also watching the movie. Lance couldn't seem to keep his attention to the movie; he couldn't quit looking at her. She was so plain, yet so beautiful, which totally made her attractive to him. After a couple minutes, Jessi noticed him staring at her, which made her really uncomfortable. She quickly turned her head to him. He shot his head forward and acted like he was watching the movie, but she knew he wasn't because he was looking at her in the corner of his eye.




"What?" she asked, looking at him like he was crazy.




"Huh?" he asked, trying to act oblivious.




"Quit staring at me!"




"I wasn't staring..."




"Uh huh, ya sure." She said nudging him in his chest. She soon turned her attention back to the movie. About 2 minutes later, she noticed him staring at her again.




*~ Jessi's View ~*


What is his deal? Why is he staring at me? Ugh...what is he thinking? This is really getting on my nerves.


*~ End ~*




Suddenly, she shot her head over, catching him before he could turn his attention back to the movie. He blushed, he knew she was really annoyed.




"Sorry...I was staring, ok?"




"Duh!! I know that...I wanna know why?"




"Well, I was thinking how beautiful your are actually," he told her blushing once again. His green eyes sparkled at his embarrassment. She rolled her eyes at him and looked at the TV.




"Ya, right..." she was blushing too, but turned away so he couldn't see.




"No, really...there's something about you."




"Well, thanks, I guess..." she didn't know what else to say. What would you say to someone that you'd just met?




"I love your eyes." Was all she could get out. She immediately felt her stupidity, so she put her head down, and stared blankly at the blanket beneath her,




*~ Jessi's View ~*


I love your eyes? OMG!! How stupid! Why did I have to say that of all things I could have?


*~ End ~*




"Thanks," he said while looking at her. He slowly reached his hand out and lifted her head, looking her directly in the eyes.




"You are beautiful, I don't care what you think cause you're wrong." Slowly, he leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips. It seemed as if they kissed for an eternity when she pulled away, smiling.




"There's that cute little smile of yours," he said rubbing his fingers over her lips. She smiled bigger and scooted over, nuzzling into his chest as they began to kiss again...




On the next bed over, still laid JC and Brandi snuggling and watching the movie. Brandi turned to ask Jessi a question, but found that she was making out with Lance.




*~ Brandi's View ~*


Damn! Jessi's getting some!! You go girl! Now, if only I could get some, we'd all be happy. Eh, well...


*~ End ~*




JC turned his attention from the TV to Brandi to find her laughing and looking over at Lance and Jessi. Lance was getting some action! Go Lance! He began laughing too, which caused Brandi to turn her attention from the two lovebirds to him.




"Do you wanna get outta here?" he asked in between laughs.




"Ya, I would tell them we're leaving, but they're a little tongue tied!!" They started laughing again, and walked out of the room: Lance and Jessi not even noticing. They sat out in the hallways, leaning against the door in complete silence. It was so awkward!




*~ Brandi's View ~*


Damn!! I wanna kiss him so bad right now!! Does he even like me like that? Should I kiss him? What the hell, go for it.


*~ End ~*




Brandi finally got sick of the silence and awkwardness. She leaned over to kiss him, when suddenly; he turned his head to say something, and was greeted by a kiss from her. His eyes widened, so she pulled away quickly.




"I'm so sor..." she started to say, but was cut off when he leaned over and kissed her. The kiss intensified, and they began kissing passionately, with arms around one another when they felt the door open from behind them, sending the falling straight on their backs, in each other's arms. Brandi and JC glanced up to find Jessi and Lance laughing hysterically.




"Jayce man, I think it's time for us to go..." Lance told him laughing and helping him up from the ground.












Chapter 19




Christina awoke the next morning to streams of sunlight cascading throughout the room. She began to get out of bed when she felt something holding her down. She directed her attention beside her to find Justin sleeping there peacefully with his arms wrapped tightly around her. Panic swept throughout her entire body. 




*~ Christina's View ~*


Oh, shit, what did I do? Did I fuck him? Damnit, did I fuck him? Ow!! This damn headache...maybe I did have too much to drink last nite...please tell me I didn't do what I think I did!


*~ End ~*




She closed her eyes and let the tears fall. She wasn't like have sex with someone she'd just met. She felt nasty and really disappointed in herself. Maybe they didn't...slowly, she lifted the sheet up. She was in one of Justin's big T-shirts and a pair of his loose boxers: not a good sign. What was he wearing? She slowly peeked under the covers and over to his side: boxers and a wife beater. What happened? Suddenly, the past nights events came pouring back into her memory...




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin closed the door and locked it, staring at her the whole time. He was so sexy!! He slowly walked to her in a way that made her want to fuck his brains out even more. She was dizzy and light headed, but shook it off, thinking it was nothing. When reaching her, he leaned down and began kissing her neck and shoulders while leading her to his bed. When they reached it, he laid her down, with him on top, and began kissing her again, letting his hands roam where ever they pleased. Suddenly, her senses kicked in and she realized what she was doing. He slowly began to untie the straps to her tube top, but then she stopped him. Gently, she pushed away from him and looked into his crystal blue eyes.








"What is it baby?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.




"I'm not going to have sex with you." She told him so quietly, he could barely hear.




"I can't hear you, you're not going to what?" he asked, placing soft kisses on her shoulders. She spoke much louder this time.




"I said I'm not going to have sex with you. Not tonight, anyways. I have barely known you, and as much as I would like to right now, I can't. I've only been with one person, and that was Zack...he was my first love. Do you see what I'm saying?"




"As much as I would like to be with you tonight, I completely understand. We shouldn't do that tonight anyways; we've both had too much to drink. I want you to be completely ready when we have sex." She smiled up at him and leaned up to softly kiss him. After their kiss, Justin looked down at her and smiled.




"Ya know, there are other things we could do know," he told her smiling widely. She laughed and kissed him.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




*~ Christina's View ~*


We didn't have sex!! I remember now!! After we talked, we had some 'playtime' and then he gave me some clothes to change into. He changed too, and then we fell asleep.


*~ End ~*




She was so proud of herself, and so happy with the way Justin reacted. She glanced back down at him sleeping, and laid down, nuzzling back into his arms, falling asleep once again.




She slept for about 30 more minutes when she heard something so angelic:




"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." He was singing to her!! She felt him brush stands of hair off her face, so she slowly opened her eyes to find his clear blue eyes staring right back at her.




"Good mornin sunshine," he told her smiling, and stroking her jawbone.




"Morning, cutie pie," she said, while leaning up and kissing him. 




They lay in bed, snuggling, until they heard a knock on the door.




"Room service?" she asked him getting up and stretching.




"I didn't order any." He said making his way to the door. He opened it and found Lance.




"Hey J."




"Hey man, what brings you over here?"




"Well, we all are goin out to eat for breakfast and we wanted to know if you and Christina wanted to join us." Christina heard her name and walked to the door.




"Oh, hey Lance, good morning."




"Hi, you too."




"Babe, do you wanna go out to breakfast with everyone else?" Justin asked, putting his arm around her waist.




"Sure, I'll go back to my room and get ready. Come get my in about 30 min., k?" she said while grabbing her clothes and walking out of the door, making sure to give him a quick kiss goodbye.




"Ok, bye baby."




After she walked away, Lance directed his glance to Justin and smiled, his eyebrows arching up.




"Don't ask Lance, just don't ask..."






Chapter 20




They all sat at the breakfast table making small talk while they ate. Christina sat, eating her strawberries, and talking to Justin quietly. She glanced up and saw Arisa staring at her.




'What?' she mouthed.




'We need to talk.' Risa mouthed back.




'Where?' Arisa then pointed to the bathroom, go up, and left, telling Joey where she was going.




"I'll be right back," Christina told Justin.




"Ok, babe." She got up and made her way to the bathroom.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Christina entered the bathroom to find Arisa leaning against the sink, arms crossed, and tapping her foot loudly.




"Well?" she asked.




"Well what?"




"Damnit Tina!! You're gone all night, you come home, immediately get in the shower, then get ready and leave with Justin. We didn't even get to talk about anything that happened to me or you last nite."




"Oh, I'm sorry babe, I just thought there wasn't really much to tell..."




"So, fucking someone and not telling you're best friend isn't a big deal?"




"I did NOT fuck him, I swear. I wanted to, but I couldn't. You know took me forever to give t up to Zack."




"Oh...whoops. What did yall do all night then?"




"Well, we were gettin a little intense, but I stopped him and told him I wasn't gonna have sex with him. He completely understood, which was so unexpected.




"Really? Wow. So, then yall went to sleep?"




"Well, no. We kinda fooled around for a while and then went to sleep."




"Oh, I see," Risa said smiling, "is he...'blessed'?"(LOL, remember Risa?)




"Very." Christina told her laughing.




"Well, I guess we both got some play, huh?"




"What? You too? What happened?"




"Me and Joey just kissed. We were both too drunk to pursue anything."




"Really? That's cool..."




"OMG!! We've been in here for like 20 min.!! They are gonna start gettin curious."




"Ya. We can talk about last nights events with the rest of the girls when we get back."




They went back to the table and finished eating. When they all got back to the hotel, they decided to go sailing and then afterwards, separate and spend one last nite with their new romances. The girls talked about the past night's events. Christina was so surprised at how things were turning out!! She knew Chris and Sara weren't serious, but she saw other relationships beginning to form, and she was happy because when the guys went on tour, she would have 3 other friends to be depressed with. They would go through the same feelings she would, and that made her feel a lot better about things.
















Chapter 21


The guys all met in Justin's room to talk about the past night's events. Everyone knew Chris got laid...he wouldn't quit making comments such as: "J, you look frustrated, you need to get laid," or "JC, quit thinking about business and focus on pleasure." They all tried to ignore him as much as they possibly could. After talking about what happened the night before, only one story was incomplete.




"So, know what happened to all of us last night...what did you and Christina do?" Joey asked. Justin sighed loudly and decided to tell them even though he knew he would get some kind of shit from Chris.




"Well, we didn't have sex...she's not like that: to fuck someone she hasn't known that long. I told her I wanted her to be completely sure whenever she wanted to...I don't wanna rush her. I'll wait however long it takes until she's ready."




"That's cool, J, it's good of you to respect her decision." Lance told him while patting him on the back. Justin smiled and nodded his head.




"So, you were left empty handed? Bummer." Chris stated.




"Not everything is about sex Chris. I don't wanna be like this guy I know who's afraid of relationships..." Justin said glaring at him, "Anyways, we did do some stuff, we just didn't have sex."




"Well, at least you got some action unlike these 'gentlemen' over here." JC finally got sick of all Chris' bullshit and let all his anger out.




"Fuck you, Chris, no wonder you don't have a serious girlfriend. No one wants a relationship with you cause you're a male whore." This finally shut Chris up. JC felt bad, so apologized.




"I'm sorry, you just pissed me off."




"It's ok, I was being an asshole. It's cool that you all are trying to establish relationships, I'm just not into that..."


"You will be eventually..." Joey told him matter-a-factly. He used to be the same as Chris did...but not anymore. He was ready for a relationship, and so were Lance and JC, even if they wouldn't admit it.




*~ The Next Morning ~*




Christina awoke to another morning in Justin's arms. She loved waking up in his arms; it gave her a sense of comfort. 'Yesterday was so perfect!!' She thought to herself. They had all gone sailing, enjoying the beautiful day. The weather had been the best since they arrived: about 85 degrees with a slight breeze. After a picnic on the boat, they jumped out and took a quick swim, letting the water cool them off. Everyone seemed genuinely happy to be there. She could tell relationships were building, and she was glad because her friend's had found happiness. Things were so beautiful there...the water was aquamarine, you could she the yellow and orange fish underneath.


The guys enjoyed this day to relax before they had to head right back into rehearsals. They stayed on the boat until late afternoon, watching the waves crash around them. Then, they all separated and went to spend one last night with their new love interests. Chris and Sara had decided to go on their first real date to a restaurant on the pier. Arisa and Joey had decided on going clubbin for their last nite in Jamaica, while JC and Brandi had decided to go out to eat and catch a late movie. Lance and Jessi had decided on having dinner on the beach, while Justin and her had decided on going to a carnival down on the boardwalk.


She wondered how things went with everyone last night. She made a quick mental note to remember to ask. She slowly sat up, not wanting to wake him. As she stood up, she glanced over to an object sitting on a brown leather chair in the corner of the room. She jumped slightly; thinking it was someone, but realized it was the giant teddy bear he had won her last nite. She smiled as she got an idea.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin awoke to a weird fuzzy feeling on his arms. He slowly opened his eyes to find his arms wrapped around the teddy bear he had won for Christina the night before. He sat up slowly and called her.




"Christina..." No reply. He glanced down at the bear and noticed a note taped to its nose. He took the note and began to read it.




Morning baby!! I see that you've been cuddling with my bear. Why don't you come cuddle with me...where am I you ask? I guess you'll have to come find me, huh?










Justin smiled and got up quickly. Where could she be?




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Christina heard Justin call her, but she stayed quiet. He had to find the note and then come find her. A couple minutes passed, and then she heard him get up and begin his search.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin had looked almost everywhere. There was only one place left to look: the bathroom. He quietly opened the door and walked in.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




She ducked when she heard him open the door. She peeked around her hiding spot and watched him look for her. He walked right past the shower, where she was, not even looking inside. She slowly stood up and pulled back the curtain. His back was towards her, so she jumped out and quickly ran towards him.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin stood there wondering where she could be... 'Maybe she's in the hallway' he thought. Then, he heard little footsteps, and felt her jump on his back and kiss his neck.




"Hey baby..." she said quietly in his ear.




"Hey, wasn't I supposed to come find you?"




"Ya, but I got tired of waiting, you take too long."




"Oh, so where were you?"




"In the shower."




"Nuh uh, I looked in there, show me." She walked over to the shower, got in and crouched in the corner, under the faucet.




"Like this..." she started to say until Justin quickly leaned over and turned on the faucet, completely drenching her.




"Ahh!! Justin!!" she screamed as she grabbed his arm before he could get away, making his loose his balance, and fall into the shower, getting completely drenched himself. They both looked at each other and began laughing. Justin stood up, and put a foot over the side to get out when he felt her tug on his arm. 








" long as were in here, we should take a shower." Justin smiled at this.




"Ya, we can save water..."


Chapter 22


Arisa and Joey sat on the plane watching the movie that was on. She was biting her nails, not knowing how to ask him something that had been going on in her mind. Finally, she decided to ask.








"Hmm...?" he asked, still watching the movie.




"What are we?"




"Huh?" he asked now, looking at her, giving his full attention.




"Was thins just a fling or what? What are we? Dating...together? I just really need to know before I let my feelings get the best of me.




"Wow...I was so not expecting that...I don't know what we are, what do you want?"




"I like you Joey, a lot...enough to peruse a relationship. How do you feel?"




"I'm fixing to go on tour...I figured that would make you not interested cause I wouldn't be here for you."




"Well, you assumed wrong because I do want a relationship with you. I think I could handle you, I can turn you from a playa to a one-woman man..." she said smiling.




"Then I guess I'm willing to try this relationship thing."




"You guess?"




"I know." He told her, then leaning up to kiss her.




"Gwooddd..." she said when their lips met.




* ~ One Isle Behind ~*




JC and Brandi were sleeping...something they both loved to do. When Brandi was tired, she let you know it, and that was the same with JC. Brandi woke up, feeling cold and decided to get a blanket from her bag in the overhead compartment. She stood up, and slowly started to climb over JC. She stood, one leg draped over both of his when the plane hit turbulence and jolted, sending her falling back and onto him. JC woke immediately, startled and confused about what was happening. She immediately turned to him.




"Damn, sorry...turbulence..." she explained.




"It's ok, it just scared the hell outta me, that's all. Where were you goin?"




"To get my blanket outta my bag, it's fuckin freezin in here!!" He immediately took his hands and began rubbing the sides of her arms.




"You are cold...grad the blanket and we can share we can keep each other warm," he whispered in her ear. She got off his lap, and grabbed her blanket. She draped it over the both of them and snuggled close to him, resting her head on his shoulder.




"This is better..." she said.




"No, this is better," he said leaning over and kissing her.




"I think I have to agree with you on that one!!" Shortly after, they fell asleep in each other's arms.




* ~ An Isle Across ~*




Jessi sat on the plane, flipping through a magazine, wit her headphones on full blast. "What's your fantasy" by Ladacris was playing, and she was unconsciously singing along. Beside her was Lance, who was attempting to read a book, but kept getting distracted with mental pictures of the song she was singing:




"I wanna li li li lick you from your head to your toes...


I wanna move from the bed down to tha down to tha to tha floor...


And I wanna ah ah you make it so good I don't wanna leave


But I gotta kn kn kn know wha what's your fan ta ta sy..."




He shook the pictures out of his head and tried to read again. Then she distracted him again:




"Back seat, windows up, that's the way you like to uh..."




Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. He leaned over and pulled off her headphones. She stopped singing and looked at him like he was crazy.




"What did you do that for?"




"Sorry, you were just being really loud..."




"Oh, I didn't even realize I was singing along."




"It's alright, it was cute."




"Ya, uh-huh, you're just tryin to get into my pants."




"Is it workin?" he asked leaning over to kiss her.




"No..." she started to say, but was cut off from his kiss, "Ok, now it's working..." They started kissing again, not caring where they were, or who was watching...




* ~ One Isle Ahead ~ *




Christina sat in her seat, looking out of the window to the clouds. For once, she felt happy and content with everything in her life. She had the greatest friends, the most wonderful boyfriend...she sighed and slowly smiled. She leaned down and grabbed her notebook out of her bag. She hadn't written in it since the day she'd met Justin...she glanced over at him, he was sleeping so peacefully, like a baby. She smiled to herself and began to write. After writing for a long time about the past day's events, she decided to write him something, sort of a poem to take with him while he was away. She wanted him to have something, a part of her with him there.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin let his eyes flutter open. He yawned and looked beside him. Light was reflecting off her face while she sat writing something. She looked like an angel, so beautiful and peaceful. He didn't want her to know he was awake, so he stayed still and watched her. Suddenly, a thought came through his mind... 'I love her'. He realized at that very moment that he was completely in love with her. He smiled and thought of spending the rest of his life with this creature in front of him. He watched her write, fingers moving slowly, making those beautiful words she wrote. She noticed him moving slightly, and closed her notebook, looking at him.




"How was your nap baby?"




"It was ok, but I didn't have you in my arms," he said yawning and stretching his arms out for her. She gladly accepted them and laid against his chest.




"You've gotten used to be sleeping with you, huh?"
















"What are we gonna do when we get back to Orlando?"




"Well, I was thinkin we could go to visit my mom, so you could meet her, she would love you..."




"That's not what I meant. Will you get to see me at all in the next 2 weeks?"




"I won't be aloud to come visit you while I'm at the compound, but you can come see me...I'll call you everyday."




"You promise?"




"Uh-huh, even if we get done with rehearsal at 2 in the morning..."




"And I'll come see you everyday."








"Now, your plan for tonight sounds good, I would love to meet your mom."




"Cool, I know she's dying to meet you...I've told her so much about you."




"Really? Now I'm nervous!!"




"Don't be, she'll love you..."




"I hope so..."




"Oh, and guess what?"








"Afterwards, you can come see my house...and maybe stay the night with me since I'm used to you and all..." he asked pleadingly.




"We'll see lover boy, we'll see..." Soon, the plane was in Orlando. As they began to land, she still couldn't shake off the feeling of nervousness she had in her stomach. Something bad was about to happen, not necessarily with Justin's mom...she didn't know what it was, but something was definitely going to go wrong...












Chapter 23


Christina opened the door and stepped into her apartment, Arisa following behind. She set her bags down and sighed.




"Ahh...home sweet home..." Risa sang as she made her way to the answering machine.




"Let's see if anyone loves us..." she said pressing the 'play' button.




"You have 10 new messages," the voice of the machine told them.




"Wow, I guess we are loved," Christina said plopping down on the couch. The first message and she heard a familiar voice:




"Hey sissy!! Just wanted to see how things were goin!! I have to tell you somethin, but not on this damn machine. Call me ASAP, k? Luv ya!!" Christina smiled as she listened to her sister, Natalie's message. Natalie was 21, about 1 yr. And 10 months older then she was. They were close and talked on the phone about once or twice a week.




"I wonder what she wants to tell you," Arisa replied.




"Probably some hot guy she met or somethin like that...let's go ahead and listen to the others." They listened to each message: one from Risa's dad, one from Christina's parents, and other random messages. Finally, the last message began to play:




"Hey Christina, we nee..." Christina jumped from the couch and ran to the answering machine, turning it off before she could hear the rest. She knew who it was, just by his voice...Zack always tried to call and persuade her whenever they got into a fight.




"Forget that loser, you have Justin now." Arisa said trying to comfort her.




"You're right, let's start unpacking..." They soon started unpacking, and lost track of time talking about how much fun they had in Jamaica.




"I would have never thought that I would be with someone like Joey, but he's actually really sweet." Risa was explaining to her when the phone rang. She reached over and grabbed it off the receiver.








"Hey chica, what are yall doin?" Jessi asked.




"Nothin much, just unpacking, what are yall doin?"




"Just chillin here at home...what are you and Arisa doin tonight?"




"Well, me and Justin are gonna go have dinner at his mom's and Risa and Joey are goin out..."




"That's cool, Lance and me are gonna hang out, and I'm not sure about Brandi and JC, he's talking to Johnny, so I dunno..."




"That's cool...hey, I need to ask you somethin."




"Ok, I'm outside on the balcony now, so come on out."




"K, be there in a sec, being neighbors is a plus in situations like this..." she hung up the phone and walked onto the balcony overlooking the condos where they lived. 




"Hey, what's up?" Jessi asked from the balcony across from theirs.




"Zack called me..."




"He did? What did he say?"




"I dunno, I stopped the machine before it could finish...should I listen to what he has to say? I'm not gonna take him back, but maybe I should be somewhat nice and hear what he has to say, don't ya think?"




"You should listen, you can't hold grudges forever," Brandi said stepping out on the balcony while eating a bowl of double chocolate ice cream.




"You should do whatever your heart tells you to do," Arisa said from behind her. Christina jumped, not realizing Arisa was there. "I know I tell you how much I don't like him, and to not even talk to him, but that's my what you feel is right."




"I agree with Risa," Jessi chimed in.




"Thanks you guys..."




"Anytime, anytime." Brandi said smiling. They talked for a while longer when Risa glanced at her watch.




"Joey's picking me up in an hour, I gotta go get ready. Tina, when is Justin coming to get you?" Christina glanced at her watch.




"Shit!! In half an hour, I have to get ready!! Bye guys!!" she said running back into the condo and into her room. 20 minutes later, she walked out of the bathroom, and sat down at her vanity to put on her make up. Soon, she heard the doorbell.




"Why does he have to be on time, damn..." she mumbled to herself while walking to the door and opening it, completely forgetting she was in just her towel. Justin's eyes widened and a smile crept across his face.




"Is this how you greet everyone that comes to your door? I could really get used to this." He said looking her up and down. She glanced down at herself, realizing she was in just her towel. She blushed and punched him playfully in the arm.




"Come on in."




"I've seen you more naked than that, no need to be embarrassed," he teased her. She glared at him and pulled him in the house.




"Missed you." He said leaning down and giving her a kiss.




"You too, I'm not ready yet, so..."




"I can see that. I would hope you wouldn't wear that to meet my mother. She wouldn't appreciate that very much like I would..." he said smiling.




"ANYWAYS, like I was saying, I'm running late, so you sit here, and watch something on TV," She said sitting him on the couch and handing him the remote," and I'll finish getting ready. It'll be 15 minutes, tops." She said disappearing into her bedroom.




20 minutes later Christina walked out of her room to find Justin sitting on the couch eating her Apple Jacks and watching cartoons. She laughed, and he looked up, confused.




"What?" he asked, mouth full of food, "I was hungry."




"Nothin, let's go." She said flipping off the TV.




*~ In the Car ~*




"You look amazing," he said looking at her.




"Really? Thanks..." she had on khaki capris, and a dark blue tank top that said 'Abercrombie and Fitch'. She started biting her nails, and Justin could tell she was nervous. He pulled her hand away from her mouth and kissed the top of it.




"Christina, she'll love you." She smiled and held his hand for the rest of the way there.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin started getting out of his car when she open her door to hop out.




"No!!" he said.




"What?" she asked, shocked.




"Hold on..." confused, she shut the door back and crossed her arms over her chest. He got out, and walked up to her door, opening it. She smiled widely and grabbed his hand helping her out.




"You're too sweet, you know that?"




"Yup," he said grabbing her hand and and walking into the house.




"Mom, Paul..." he shouted. She squeezed his hand tightly.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Christina sat in the car, smiling as he drove to his house, and talked about what had just happened.




"She totally loved you baby...wanting to know every detail, everything..."




"You really think so?"




"I know so."




"I feel so much better...I love your mom, too. I gave her my number, so maybe we could go do stuff while you're gone."




"What kinda stuff?"




"Like look at naked baby...bathtub ones."




"She told you about those?"








"I'll just have to burn 'em before I leave then..."








*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




About 15 minutes later, they pulled into Justin's driveway. Christina glanced up and saw a mansion.




" live here?" she stammered.




"I gotta have some place to sleep, ya know..." she glared at him and he smiled. "Come on, I'll give you the tour." He said unlocking the door and opening it, letting her walk in first.




"Justin, this is gorgeous," she said glancing around.




10 minutes later he was showing her the final rooms upstairs.




"And my room," he said opening the door. It was a huge room with a dark wood king sized sleigh bed in the middle. She glanced to her right and noticed glass doors that led to a balcony overlooking his backyard. She walked onto the balcony and looked up to the stars. He watched her and smiled, watching the love of his life. 




'Should I tell her?' he asked himself silently. He walked to her and slipped his arms around her waist.




"I have something to tell you..."




"Hum?" she asked turning around and wrapping her arms around his neck.








"What is it?"




"I want you to know that...when I'm on tour you and everyone else are welcome to stay here." He chickened out. 




'Damnit Justin' he scolded himself. 'It's good that you don't tell her anyways, she just got out of a serious relationship...' he told himself.




"You're so good to me..." she said leaning up and kissing him. He hugged her and smiled.




"I could stay like this forever..." she whispered into his ear. 'I could stay with you for the rest of my life' he thought. Slowly, he began to rock them back and forth, and began to sing in her ear.




"I will take you in my arms, and hold you right where you belong...Till the day my life is through, This I promise you...This I promise you..."


Chapter 24


Brandi and Jessi were watching a movie on satellite and eating pizza. Because they were tired from the past day's events, they decided not to go out, and to just relax for a change. JC had told Brandi he had to do something for Johnny, and after he was done he would call her. Lance was in a meeting with a country artist, Meredith Edwards, whom he was managing. Jessi was expecting a call from him when he was done. Brandi caught herself glancing at the clock every couple of minutes during the movie. Finally, her frustration was too big and she let out a scream.








"What's wrong with you?" Jessi asked, still watching the movie.




"Nothin, just being impatient...I wish he would call already."




"Brandi, do you not understand that when he goes on tour he will barely ever get to talk to you? He's a busy man...he has a hectic schedule."




"I know, I know...I just haven't seen him all day."




"I miss Lance, too, but you have to understand...when they go on tour we won't even get to see them everyday."




"I do, I do..." Suddenly, the phone rang. Brandi and Jessi both jumped up and ran for it. Jessi reached it first and pushed 'talk'.








"Not impatient my ass," Brandi yelled to her.




"Shut up!" Jessi whispered.




" that you?"




"Hey, whatcha doin?"




"Who is it?" Brandi asked.








"Oh," she said frowning and making her way back to the couch.








"Oh! Sorry, Brandi is pouting cause JC hasn't called her yet."




"Tell her I said hi."




"Brandi, Lance says hi..."




"Hi..." she mumbled.




"Anyways, are you done with your business stuff?"




"Uh-huh, so I wanted to know if you anted to come over to my house and we could hang out and do whatever..."




"Sounds good, but I don't wanna leave her alone, so I'll have to wait until JC calls, k?"




"That's fine, lemme give you directions to my house."




"Hold on a sec, someone's on the other line." She clicked the 'flash button.








"Hey Jessi, can I talk to Brandi?" It was JC and he sounded exhausted.




"Umm...ok, hold on a sec." She clicked back over.




"Lance, it's JC," Brandi jumped up at the mention of his name. "Can you come over and get me?"




"No prob. I just need directions to your house." After she gave Lance directions, she handed Brandi the phone.




"Hello?" she asked politely.




"Hey baby girl...I missed you."




"I missed you sound tired."




"I am..."




"We don't have to do anything tonight if you're that tired, I'll understand."




"No, I wanna see you."




"Are you sure?"




"Positive, it'll make me feel better."




"Ok, you wanna come over? We can chill here and watch a movie or talk or somethin." 




"Definitely..." 5 minutes later she hung up the phone with a smile on her face.




The girls went in their rooms to get ready, anticipating the events to come...






*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Sara sat on her couch watching TV. She wondered what the girls were up to, so she picked up the phone and dialed Arisa and Christina's number.




"Hello?" Risa asked.




"Hey babe...what's up?"




"Oh nothin, just getting ready to go out."




"With who?"




"Joey. What are you doing?"




"Umm...actually I dunno. Noah called me and wanted to 'hang out' is the way he put it, but I'm not in the mood to have sex tonight."




"Surprise, I sense some feelings beginning for Chris?"




"No!! I've just been getting laid for the past week and I needed to take a break."




"Oh, ok. Listen, Joey just got here. Cal me tomorrow and we'll do somethin before you have to go to work."




"Ok, talk to ya later." Sara hung up the phone and sighed. She was beginning to get tired of her lifestyle...she wanted what Christina and Arisa had. Suddenly, the phone rang, knocking her out of her daze.








"Hey, it's Chris."




"'d you get my number?"




"Oh, umm...Arisa gave it to me. I hope you don't mind."




"No, I just didn't expect you to call."




"Well, I have to admit, I kinda missed you." 




"You mean you missed the sex..."




"No, I missed YOU."




"I missed you too, Chris." She said smiling.




"So, what are you up to tonight?"




"Nothin much, just hangin out at home watchin TV, you?"




"Pretty much the same, but I'm playin with my puppy too, he missed me."




"Aww...what kind of dog do you have?"




"He's a pug, and his name is Busta."




"How cute, I love dogs."




"Ya, me too..."




*~ 5 hours later ~*




"Damn, I can't believe we've talked for so long!!" Chris said yawning.




"I know, me either. I'm really exhausted...I think I need to go to sleep."




"Ya, me too. I have to get up early in the morning to head over to the compound and start rehearsals."




"Oh, ya...well, call me tomorrow, ok?"




"Ok, talk to you later, Sara."




"Bye, Chris." She hung up the phone and smiled. Over the past few hours, she had seen the kind of person he was: sweet, funny, caring...she was beginning to like the effect he had on her. Maybe he could be the one to finally change her lifestyle...




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Arisa and Joey were at a quaint Italian restaurant enjoying each other's company. As they waited for their food to arrive, they talked about Joey's upcoming tour.




"It's gonna be so awesome show."




"I bet...yall really are dedicated to your fans, huh?"




"Well, they made us who we are today, really."




"I think it's really good you feel that way...I don't know if I could handle everything that yall have to."




"We're used to it, but hey, let's talk about something else."




"Like what?" she asked, smiling.




" beautiful your are...and how much I wanna kiss you right now." He said, leaning closer to her.




"Who's stopping you?" she asked before their lips met in a powerful kiss. After they pulled away, he smiled and pushed a strand of hair away from her face.




"I'm glad I'm spending tonight with you...I'll have something to think about for the next two weeks while I'm at the compound."




"I'm glad you're here, too..."








Chapter 25






Christina awoke in a room full of darkness except for the moonlight that poured in from the glass doors leading onto the balcony. Justin was sleeping beside her, making small noises every once in a while. She glanced beside her to the alarm clock on the nightstand. It read 2:34 a.m. Unable to sleep, she crawled out of his embrace and grabbed her purse. Then, she made her way out onto the balcony. She dug through her purse until she finally found her cell phone. She knew why she couldn't was bugging her that she didn't hear Zack's message. She dialed the number to her and Arisa's voicemail and began to listen to his message:




"Hey Christina, we need to talk...I'm probably the last person you wanna hear from right now. Listen, I realized what you said the other say was right...I only care about myself. I know we can never be together again, but I didn't see anything wrong with a friendship. That's what we started, as isn't it? Just think about it and let me know, ok? If I can't have you as my girlfriend at least let me be your me."


She silently debated whether or not to call him. He sounded so sincere...she knew that she had to give friendship a chance. She slowly dialed the familiar number.




"Hello?" It was obvious he had been asleep. 




"Hey, it's me..."




"Christina, where have you been? Are you everything ok?"




"Everything is fine...I just needed some time to myself. I got your message. Did you really mean what you said?"




"Yes I did...listen, do you think we could meet somewhere and talk about this?" he asked a little too anxiously.




"Right now? It's two in the morning..."




"I know, but it would really mean a lot to me if I could talk to you in person about this. You know how much I hate phones..."




"Ok, but I'm at someone's house right now...let me give you directions, ok?"




"Whose house?" His possessiveness started to seep out.




"I'll tell you about it when you get here, alright?" She gave him directions and hung up the phone. She made sure to write Justin a short note telling him she had an emergency and that she would explain it all when she got back.




15 minutes later, she was waiting outside when Zack's red Camaro pulled up. She hopped in, and they drove away.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin awoke to the sound of a car pulling up to his house. He patted the bed around him, feeling for Christina, and when he felt nothing, he looked up and around his room. The headlights from the car outside beamed into his room. He stood up and walked towards the window, glancing down at his driveway where he saw a red car, and her getting into the car. Confused and worried, he looked once more around his room and spotted a note on his nightstand. He read it and his heart began to beat regularly as he calmed down. He still had a small feeling that something was wrong...




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Christina and Zack sat in silence until he pulled up to the marina and turned off his car. Slowly, she turned to him and frowned.




"Why are we here?"




"Whose house were you at, huh?"




"Zack, cut the possessive shit, you don't own me. What did you wanna tell me?"




"Who's fucking house was that, Christina?"




"Well, it's none of your damn business, but it's my boyfriend's house. I really don't see why that's irrelevant because you brought me here to talk about us maybe having a friendship, and you're drawing a pretty fine line at that."




"Boyfriend? Since when have you had a boyfriend?" he asked, his temper building up. She remembered his temper and decided to back off, fearing that he would harm her like he did whenever they got into a fight.








"Were you fucking him before we broke up?"




"No, you're the one who fucked someone while we were still together, so don't put any of that shit on me, Zack. We just met, so calm your ass down."




"Calm down?" he asked, grabbing her wrist tightly, "how can I fucking calm down?"




"Zack, let go, you're hurting me..."




"As soon as we break up, you're already banging someone else, and you want me to calm down?"




"Ow, let go...we're not having sex."




"Ya, sure, whatever..." he said, letting go.




"Take me home, take me home now."




"I'll take you home when I'm damn well good and ready to. I was hoping we could patch things up...I know you still have feelings for me."




"You're wrong, how could I feel anything for you? You're an egotistical prick..." 




"I'll show you an egotistical prick, bitch..." forcefully, he grabbed her face and pressed their lips together. She tried pushing him off, with no such luck, he was too strong. He finally released and she slapped him hard across the face. This pissed him off even more and he returned it with a hard blow to her right cheek.




"What the hell are you doing?" she asked, hand where he had just hit her. She had never seen him this mad. Suddenly, she was terrified.




"Making sure you know who you belong to..." he said, forcing his lips on hers once again.




"Zack...STOP!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. He continued, pinning her arms behind her. Soon, his hands were roaming her body.




"STOP!!" she screamed, half crying. He began taking her shirt off when she felt his grip loosen. She was finally able to break one hand free, so she used it to reach down into her purse on the floorboard of the car. She felt around for the item she was looking for while he ravaged her body with his hands. Finally she felt it, and pulled out her mase.




"Tell me you love me..." he mumbled in her ear.




"Ok, but first look into my eyes." She replied back. He stopped the movement of his hands, and lifted his body up, looking into her eyes.




"I..." she began.




"Yes?" he whispered.




"Hope this hurts you son of a bitch!!" she screamed, shooting her mase right into his eyes. He screamed from the pain and immediately jumped back. This was her chance to get away. She grabbed her purse, opened the door, and jumped out, sprinting as fast as she could, still hearing him scream her name as she got farther and farther away. Soon, she found herself on the boat docks, so she jumped onto an empty boat and slouched down and underneath the steering wheel, beginning to cry. Grabbing her cell phone from her purse, she dialed his number and began crying harder when she heard his voice.




"Christina, that you?" he asked hearing her sobs.








"Baby what's wrong? What's going on?" he question, concern in his voice.




"Co...Come and ge...get me pl...please?"




"Ok, where are you?"




"At th...the marina, on the docks."




"I'll be right there, ok?"












"Pl...please hurry."




"I will, I promise..." 








She heard him call her, so she stood up and glanced to where he was standing, looking for her. When he finally saw her, a look of horror crept across his face.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin shouted her name and got no answer. Suddenly, he heard movement, so he turned his attention to where the sound was coming from. That's when he saw her: standing up, facing him, trembling. Her shirt and shorts were ripped and barely covered her body. He quickly ran to her, pulling her into his strong embrace.




"Ju...Justin..." she mumbled, barley audible. 




"Shh...I'm here now, you're safe." He whispered, hugging her close and stroking her hair. She rested her head on his shoulder and began to cry.




"I...I told him no!!" she said in between sobs, "I knew he has a bad temper, but I just kept making it's all my fault."




"Look at could any of this be your fault? You did nothing to deserve this...who did this to you?"




"Zack did..." she said crying harder. He knew it was upsetting her even more to talk about it, so he decided to drop the subject.




" can tell me later if you feel like it, but not now, ok?"




" need an deserve an explanation."




"I need YOU, that's all, just you...and I'd be content for a thousand lifetimes." She sighed and gave in.




"Ok Justin, ok..." She was still shaking, so he took his T-shirt off, only leaving himself in a wifebeater, and slipped it over her head and onto her half-naked body. He stood holding her until her cries became smaller. Soon, the sun began to rise. She slowly lifted her head up and met his gaze. His eyes, full of worry and love, looked right into her soul. He slowly parted his lips to say something, but she already knew what he was going to say. Before he could get any words out, she leaned and kissed him softly. She pulled away and smiled slightly.




"I love you too, Justin...I love you too." Fireworks exploded in his heart as he gave an enormous smile. Quickly, he leaned in and gave her a powerful kiss.




"How can two people fall in love so fast?" she asked rubbing his fingers over her lips.




"Anything is possible if you believe..."




* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin opened the door to his room, and took her over to his bed, laying her down and covering her with the blankets. He leaned down and kissed her forehead tenderly.




"Try to get some sleep, ok?" He stood up and walked towards the door.




"Justin?" He turned around.




"Come here..." He walked over to the bed and sat down beside her.




"I'm ready to tell you what happened."




"You don't have to..."




"I want to, I need to..." Slowly, she explained everything to him.




15 minutes later she was finally done.




"It was just so unexpected," she said starting to cry again, "I don't know what I would have down if I didn't have you, Justin." He slowly looked down to her shaking hands, and grabbed them, kissing her palms before he spoke.




"I love you so much, and it hurts me so bad to see what he's done to you..." he told her softly.








"I'll always be here for you, whenever you need me, and baby...he will get what he deserves, believe me, he will..."




"I hope so, I hope so..." The next hour he spent watching her fall asleep. When she was finally asleep, he left and went downstairs into the kitchen. He picked up the cordless phone and dialed Johnny's number.








"Hey Johnny, this is J...would it be alright if I come to rehearsal later this afternoon?"




"I guess it would be ok, just as long as you make up all the work you'll be missing..."




"I will, I promise, thanks. I'll explain everything to you and the guys when I get there."




"Ok, bye J."




"Bye..." Justin hung up the phone and made his way to the fridge, deciding to start cooking breakfast.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Christina slept peacefully until she heard her cell phone ringing. She stepped out of bed and reached for her phone. She clicked it on slowly while yawning.








"Ok, babe, I'm really worried, what in the hell has been going on?" It was Arisa.




"Risa? What are you talking about?"




"Oh, nothin, just that I'm sleeping peacefully, wrapped in Joey's arms...very comfortable when I hear the doorbell ring. I got up and answered the door to find a cop. I was scared shitless...I didn't know if I did something wrong...maybe they found out about Mardi Gras last year or somethin, you know there's a $500 fine for indecent exposure..."




"Risa!! Shut up!! We didn't go to Mardi Gras!!"




"Just plain, damn. Anyways, he tells me he pulled over some guy for speeding and reckless driving and he searched his car and found your wallet. He also said the guy looked as he has been sprayed with mace so he did the backlight test to see if he could trace it on the guy and he found some. I remembered you have mace...he told me that he took the guy in and he is waiting for bail. Please tell me you didn't spray Justin with mace..."




"Why would I do that to Justin? It was Zack, ok?"




"Zack? What were you doing with Zack? I am majorly confused now..." Christina sighed slowly and began to explain everything.




30 minutes later, after explaining what happened she was finally done. 




"Are you sure you're ok, babe?"




"I'm still a little shaken up, but I'm dealing..."




"How is Justin handling all of this?"




"He's been so great about this Risa, so great...I'm just surprised that it didn't push him away, you know?"




"That's really great of him to be so've found a keeper..."




"Ya, I think anyways, enough about me, what's been going on with you and Joey?"




"I can't really explain now cause he's here ya know? Lemme let you go so I can make Joey breakfast, ok?"




"Don't think you're getting out of telling me what you did last night, Arisa Kaiser..."




"Ya, ok,'re coming home later, aren't you?"




"Should be...I'll call your cell if I'm not, k?"




"Ok, talk to you lata..."




"Bye...oh, Risa?"












"For what?"




"Just being there, ya know?




"Ya, I know, no problem...bye."




"Bye..." She hung up the phone and decided to jump in the shower.




After she was done, she slipped on one of Justin's shirts and went downstairs to find him. When she found him, he was sitting on the couch watching a basketball game, yelling at the TV.




"Oh, come on damnit!! Bad call ref, bad call. Shit!!" She started laughing at his aggressiveness until he heard her. 


Quickly, she tried to make the straightest face she could, with no such luck.




"What are you laughing at?" he asked, face crinkled.




"Nothin, I just didn't realize how into basketball you were..."




"It's MY sport, I have to be aggressive." he said pulling her into his embrace.




"YOUR sport, huh? I see..." she replied smiling.




"Ya, ya...ANYWAYS, how was your nap?" he asked, pulling her on the couch with him.




"Umm...alright, I guess. Arisa called me and woke me up, so..."




"Oh, really? What'd she say? How are her and Joey?" he questioned while directing his attention back to the game on TV.




"We didn't really talk about Joey much...a cop came to our house because he found my wallet in Zack's car after he pulled him over. The mase I sprayed on him is detectable under a black light, and the cop tested it. He found traces of it, and so they took him in. He's waiting for bail right now..." Justin frowned remembering what her ex had done to her. Then smiled a little.




"Wow...I'm glad they got him."




"I'm gonna go tomorrow to press charges and to get a restraining order."








"So...what have you been doing all morning?" she asked, trying to change the subject.




"I made you breakfast," he said giving a million dollar smile.




"Oh, I'm impressed..."




"You should be, I screwed up the pancake stuff twice before I got it right." he told her while leading her to the table where he had placed their meal. She looked up from his gaze and was surprised at what she saw.




"This looks great, thank you." she said leaning up and kissing him. They let it linger for a little longer, and then he pulled her chair out, letting her sit down.




"Let's eat!!" he sang, then began eating his pancakes. She smiled and began to eat the meal he prepared. He slowly looked up at her and realized what his mother had told him yesterday. She said "This one's a keeper" and he knew she was right. They fit perfectly together...she loved him and he loved her. 'Everything is as it should be.' he thought to himself before getting back to his meal.













Chapter 27






Joey awoke to the smell of sausage and pancakes filling the house. He smiled and made his way into the kitchen where he saw Arisa mixing something in a bowl while the stereo boomed throughout the house. Just as he was about to wrap his arms around her, the radio announcer came on.




"That was the newest from Christina Aguilera...the next one is an oldie but a goodie requested by Amy from Orlando. Here's *NSYNC with Bye, Bye, Bye!!" Joey rolled his eyes and groaned quietly, still keeping his eyes on her now dancing body. She moved her hips while she stirred, and Joey was amazed at how good she could dance. Softly, she began singing along with the radio.




"I'm doin this tonight, you're probably gonna start a fight, I know this can't be right, hey baby come on...I loved you endlessly when you weren't there for me, so now it's time to leave and make it alone..." he watched silently as she shook her ass and sang. Suddenly, he smiled as he got an idea.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Arisa was dancing and singing to "Bye, Bye, Bye" while she made her and Joey breakfast. She looked at the clock: 7:30, soon he would be leaving, and she would barely get to see him. She slowly stopped dancing, now depressed. Shortly after she stopped, she heard singing that was not coming from the radio. She spun around quickly to see Joey singing and dancing the moves to the song. His smile was enormous, like he was really doing a concert. She began laughing and laughed harder when he grabbed his crotch a couple times and aimed it at her.


'Oh, no,' she thought to herself 'what have I gotten myself into?'




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Brandi slept peacefully while JC watched her. She was so beautiful to him; so many great things put into one person. He slowly slipped out from under the white silk sheets covering his naked body. After slipping on a pair of boxers, he walked downstairs and into the kitchen, looking for something to eat.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Brandi awoke to an empty bed. Wondering where he had gone, she got up and wrapped the sheet around her naked body, then, making her way downstairs to find him. She slowly walked down into the kitchen. She was about to call his name when she felt his strong embrace around her tiny waist.




"Sleep well, beautiful?" he asked as he slowly placed kisses in her bare neck and shoulders.




"Umm...hmm..." she murmured as his lips were making her entire body tingle.




"Last night was...maybe too soon in your eyes, but it was wonderful, you couldn't have fulfilled me more..." he said while turning her around to face him.




"JC, I'm responsible for my own actions...I knew exactly what I was doing. Let's just say you're very irresistible Mr. Chasez."




"The feelings are mutual...VERY mutual..." He smiled after that and then kissed her forcefully, taking her breath away.




"Oh, really? Let's just see how irresistible I am, shall we?" she said in-between kisses.




"Temptation is hard to turn, HELL YES!!" she started laughing at this while he backed her up to the table. 




"It'll have to be a quickie cause I have to hit the road soon, ok sweets?"




"No problem..."




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Lance began shaking violently as a bad dream overcame him.




"No, No...leave me alone!!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, waking Jessi up, who was sleeping peacefully beside him.




"What the hell?" she mumbled, turning her head to look over at him.




"STOP, please...STOP!!" he screamed once again. Not knowing what else to do, she reached over and placed her hand on his cheek.




"Lance, Lance...come on, wake up..." Slowly, he stopped his movements and let his eyes open.




"Oh, damn, it was just a dream, just a bad dream...thank god." He whispered, rubbing his temples.




"Are you gonna be ok? Do you wanna talk about it or somethin?" He could hear the concern her voice, and so he decided not to worry her about his problems.




"I'll be ok, I was just one of those awful dreams that seems so real, that it's really happening, ya know?"




"I know, I've had those a hell of a lot of times before..."








"Yep...they suck."




"You're tellin me!!" he replied, sitting up, "shit, what time is it?"




"Umm...9:15," she said glancing over her shoulder and onto the nightstand behind her.




"Damn, I gotta get ready or I'm gonna be late. I still have to take you home."




"Nah, I can get Brandi to come and get me, so you'll have more time."




"You sure?"




"Uh-huh, positive."




"You're great," he said leaning over and kissing her softly. "Oh, and by the way, I had a lot of fun last nite..."




"Me too...I never thought I'd listed to 'What's you're Fantasy' on repeat for hours."




"Me either, but it takes a long time to do all of the things mentioned in that song."




"True, true..." she told him smiling while he leaned down and kissed her again, more forcefully this time. After a couple minutes, she pushed him away.




"Go!! Go get ready or you'll never end up leaving...I'm warning you!!" she yelled while laughing. He started laughing too, and walked into the bathroom.




"Ok, only because you told me too."




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




*Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep*




Sara awoke to the sound of her alarm. Groaning, she reached over and flipped it off. *I'll just rest my eyes for a couple more minutes, then I'll wake up and get ready for work* she told herself.




30 minutes later, the phone rang from beside her, waking her from slumber. She reached over lazily and picked it up.








"Good morning..." Chris said enthusiastically.




"Uh-huh, ya, too..." she said throwing a pillow over her head.




"I wanted to catch you before you had to go to work..."




"Work? Oh, shit, what time is it?" she asked, removing the pillow from her face, and glancing over to the alarm clock.




"Umm...8:33 to be exact."




"Damnit, I overslept!! Chris, I really have to go, I'm sorry."




"It's ok, just call my cell later, ok?"




"Ok, bye..." she quickly hung up the phone, then rushed to get ready...




At 9:10, she ran into the restaurant at which she worked as a waitress.




"Sorry I'm late Matt...I overslept." She stated to her boss.




"Don't let it happen again, Sara...I was nice enough to let you have a week off to go on that trip...then you show up late...not good."




"Ok, I swear, I won't do it again."




"Good, now take table two's order..."




"Ok, no problem." She said walking away, "Asshole..." Soon, she began to start what she was dreading: a long, busy day...


Chapter 28


Over the next two weeks, the guys worked extremely hard preparing for the upcoming tour. Each of them were always exhausted, but knew that all the sweat and blood would pay off in the end.




The girls went back to doing things they normally did: Christina, Arisa, Jessi, Brandi, and Sara started going back to college, and on days off, they would usually go visit the guys.




Christina and Justin were still going strong, and they talked on the phone everyday, even if they saw each other; sometimes until 3 or 4 in the morning. Arisa, Jessi, and Brandi were still with their guys, and things with them were going pretty well. Sara and Chris were really good friends and talked often. Sara was currently dating a senior in college named David, and it seemed that their relationship was growing pretty strong.




In 2 days, the guys would be off on the 1st leg of their tour in Canada. Then, after that, they were headed to Europe, then back to tour in the states.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Christina sat studying for her Calculus exam on her bed while listening to some music.




*ring, ring*








"Hey baby...whatcha doin?"




"Hey...nothin much just studyin for my Cal test tomorrow...which I might remind you that I'm comin to see you after I'm done."




"I know, I can't wait...but I needed to talk to you about tomorrow. We were asked a couple months ago to perform at the MTV Music Awards that are the day after tomorrow...but we had to tell em no cause of rehearsals and stuff, but Wade told us today that we know our material well enough, so we could go."




" fun!! I guess I won't be comin to see you after my test then, huh?" he could hear the disappointment in her voice even though she was trying her hardest to cover it up.




"Hold on, hold on...I'm inviting you to go with us."




"Really? I don't know what to say!!"




"How about yes?"




"Hell yes!!"




"That's better...we're leaving tomorrow afternoon, so be ready, ok?"




"Ok, I can't wait!!"




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Arisa pulled out of her parking space and headed home. The radio was blaring to Limp Bizcut's "Rollin" remix with DMX, so when her cell rang, she barley noticed the melody that it played. Thinking it was the song, she continued singing.




*ring, ring, ring, ring*




She loudly belted the words of the chorus out when the CD switched songs, and she still heard the little ring in the background.




*What the hell?* she thought then finally, realizing her cell was ringing.




"Oh, shit!!" she exclaimed as she turned down the radio and reached for her phone. As soon as she grabbed it, the ringing stopped.




"Figures, damn my luck..." she stated as she clicked it on and dialed the number to her voice mail:




"Damnit baby, where are you? I have some real important shit to ask you, so when you get this hit me back, ok? Miss you, bye." She groaned, realizing she had missed Joey's call. Quickly, she dialed his cell and smiled when he answered.




"Supaman here..."




"You wish..." she stated laughing.




"That's not what you said last nite baby..."




"Anyways...I don't know what you've been smokin cause last nite I was at home cramming for a test." She said matter-a-factly.




"You know I'm just joking w/you..."




"I know, I, what do you want?"




"A blowjob..."




"Excuse me? I know you're not talking to me like that. If anyone's goin down on anyone, it's you, first off...ok, ok...really what'd you wanna ask me?"




"Maybe I shouldn't now cause you're being mean..."




"Damnit Joey, tell me!!"




"Ok,ok...shit, I wanted to know if you'd be my date for something on Thursday."




"What is something?" she asked curiously.




" awards."




"Nuh-uh!! You're shittin me!! Really, seriously?"




"Yep, so what do you say?"




"Hell ya!!"




"Good...we leave tomorrow afternoon at 5, so be here at about 3 or somethin, ok?"




"No problem...hey listen, I'm just now pullin into my driveway, so I gotta go ok babe?"




"K, me too...I can't wait to see you tomorrow."




"Ditto, bye."








Arisa couldn't believe that in 2 days she would be in a room, filled with tons of hot celebrities. As she entered the house, Christina was at the door, awaiting to tell her what Justin had asked, but they both knew they were both going to say, just be the looks on their faces. Then came the loud even the neighbors could hear.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Brandi sat in her room watching TV. She was bored and was trying to stay awake because she was expecting a call from JC. Arisa and Christina had called hours ago telling her about the VMA's. Soon after, they realized JC hadn't told her. Feeling bad and trying to comfort her, they said that he was probably really busy and would call her later. That didn't help one bit. She wondered why he hadn't called her...soon, all of her many thoughts made her drowsy and she drifted off to sleep...




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




JC opened the door to her bedroom and quietly walked towards her bed, taking off most his clothes on the way. Softly, he sat down on her bed, just in his boxer-briefs. She slowly stirred and then woke up as he kissed her bare shoulder. She sat up and looked at him, confused why he was there.




" I dreaming? What are you doing here?"




"No, you're not dreaming...I missed you, and I needed to ask you something..." he said gently rubbing her cheek.




"Johnny just let you leave?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.




"No, I snuck out, I just wanted to see you. I'll be back in time before they all wake up."




"You little sneak...I missed you too." She told him smiling and giving him a kiss.




"What did ya wanna ask me?"




"Well, you've probably heard from the rest of the girls about us leaving for the VMA's tomorrow, so it's no surprise to you. You probably already figured that I wanted to ask you to go with me, so that's no surprise either..." he stated trailing off.




"Well, I wanted you to ask me, still..."




"Well then, will you go with me?"




"Absolutely..."she said smiling. He slowly looked her up and down and groaned inwardly at her appearance. She had on blue tank top and tiny blue shorts as her PJ's. She noticed him looking at her and smiled as she pulled his body down to hers, knowing what he wanted.




"Come on, we have some time..."




"We have plenty of time..." he corrected her. She laughed and kissed him as he slowly began removing her shirt...








It had been about 4 hours since Brandi had told Jessi that the guys were going to the VMA's. Jessi comforted her too, and told her she knew JC would ask...she didn't need to worry about Lance...he was now on her personal leash, and so she knew he would call. Sure enough, Lance had called about an hour after she found out, and they had been talking on the phone ever since. He was now explaining to her about the upcoming tour and how excited he was. While he was talking, she soon started thinking about the VMA's and the details that went with it: outfits, make up, hair, etc. She just couldn't keep her mind on anything but that.




"And we're also gonna have naked girls on the stage giving us lap dances..." Lance told her, knowing she wasn't listening.




"Uh-huh..." she replied.




"Jessi, are you listening to me?" he asked, laughing.




"What? Sorry Lance...I'm just so excited about going with you tomorrow. I'm really happy you asked me."




"Me too, me too...ok, listen...I'm gonna go cause I gotta wake up early to pack and stuff, alright?"




"K, that's fine...see you tomorrow."




"Ok, bye." She slowly hung up the phone and smiled. As she lay in bed falling asleep and thinking about the upcoming events, she heard moans coming from Brandi's room.




*Probably left her TV on again...* she thought as she slowly drifted off to sleep...














Chapter 29




Christina, Arisa, Brandi, Jessi, and Sara walked into Versace and stared, amazed at all that surrounded them, and surprised at how expensive everything was. The guys had told them to go there and get an outfit while they rehearsed. At first, they all objected, but then looked at the outfits they had planned to wear and decided the guys could do it, just this one time. Sara, who had been asked earlier that morning by Chris to go as friends agreed after she explained everything to David. Their plane had landed in New York about 2 hours ago and after they dropped the guys off at rehearsal, and ate lunch, they finally began to shop. Arisa soon found a simple, but very sexy black dress. Her smile soon turned to a frown as she looked at the price tag.


"Damnit, this shit is expensive!!" she whispered to Christina who was beside her, looking at dresses.


"That's because it's Versace!" she whispered back.


"Do the guys really know how much this stuff costs?"


"They must, Lance told me that they buy outfits from here for every awards show..." Jessi stated from behind them.


"Ok...if they insist..." Arisa said smiling and making her way to the dressing room.


*~2 hours later~*


The girls all stepped out of the limo, bags in hand as they walked into the hotel. Many girls were lined up.*most likely waiting for the guys* Christina thought silently. Brandi, Jessi, and Arisa decided to lie out by the pool while Christina stayed in her and Justin's room to take a nap, and Sara went to her and Chris' room to call David.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Justin opened the door to his hotel room and set his rehearsal bag by the door. He smiled as he saw her sleeping peacefully. Quietly, he grabbed some Abercrombie wind pants and a wife beater, and went into the bathroom. He was sweaty from rehearsal, and figured she would greatly appreciate him taking a shower.


15 minutes later, he walked into the room and opened the closet, looking for sneakers. There, he found a garment bag hanging up that read 'Versace'. He realized it was her dress and began to lift the bag up to have a peek.


"Don't even think about it stud..."she said, pulling his hand down. He jumped, startled that she was behind him.


"Shit, you scared'd you know I was back?"


"You're too even sing in the shower, I can't believe it!!"


"Ya, well...why can't I see the dress I bought you?"


"Because I want it to be a surprise when you see it, ok? Can't you wait a day?"


"I guess..." he whispered leaning down and kissing her, "I guess I can live with seeing you naked..." She laughed and grabbed his ass playfully, then turned and headed towards the bathroom, taking off articles of clothing as he followed her.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Joey was watching a basketball game on TV when Arisa walked into the room.


"Hey ba...oh shit! What in the hell happened to you?" he asked, eyes huge.


"Shut up! I fell asleep...down by the pool..."she said waddling over and falling on the bed.


"It doesn't look that bad..."


"Ya, whatever...I look like a fucking tomato!!" she said placing her head under a pillow.


"No you don' isn't that bad. Trust me." He told her, reaching over and rubbing her back to soothe her.




"Sorry, sorry...fuck I'm so sorry baby...I didn't realize."


"Don't baby me!! Now everything is ruined!! I got fucking burned and the fucking awards are tomorrow nite. Now the fucking dress or the really cute shoes I got won't even matter."


"I'm sure everything will be ok, baby...oh, I mean Arisa. We can get our make-up lady to fix everything, ok? And I'm sure you'll still look sexy as hell tomorrow nite."


"I dunno...what if..."she started.


"What if what? Everything will be ok, I promise."


"Ok...thanks Joey..." she said giving him a slow kiss.


"So...does this mean we can't get frisky tonight?" he asked smiling. She laughed at his honesty and punched him in the arm, knocking him off the bed.


"Yep...the only one on one you'll be watching is on TV."


"Oh, come on...maybe just a little?" he begged, still on the floor. She shook her head no and threw a pillow on his face, then grabbed the remote and changed the channel as she heard him complaining on the floor.


"Keep complaining and you won't get any for a month." Silence followed after that...


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Brandi sat in the chair by the pool putting more sunscreen on. As she leaned over, putting it on her calves, she felt hands wrap around her waist.


"Mmm...hey baby...I missed you," JC said slowly kissing her shoulders, "Eh, what is this?" he asked licking his lips, tasting the sunscreen.


" black folks don't need to be blacker, so we put on sunscreen." She said matter-a-factly.


"Oh, really?" he asked, starting to kiss her shoulders again.


"Someone's a little frisky today, huh?" she asked standing up, and turning around to face him. He groaned quietly at her appearance and nodded slowly. Just then, they heard laughs as Jessi and Lance walked up the steps to the pool area, hand in hand. Jessi glanced at Brandi and smiled saying hi, and then turned to JC to greet him as well.


"Whoa!! JC, put your little friend away...tell him he can play later!!" she exclaimed. JC looked down and blushed, realizing what she was meaning.


"Umm...we're gonna go now..." Lance said, grabbing Jessi's hand and walking the opposite direction.


"Aww...Mr. Chasez, I do believe you are blushing..."Brandi stated while laughing.


"Leave me alone, you did it..." he said crossing his arms and turning the other direction. She knew he was embarrassed and she was only making it worse, so she decided to make him feel better.


"Ok, ok...poor baby. Why don't we go upstairs and I'll make it better?" He smiled and nodded slowly, letting her lead him into the hotel.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


"I can't believe you said that to him!!" Lance exclaimed as he and Jessi walked into their room.


"What? It was true!! Plus, I needed to get him back for keeping me awake last nite!!" she said yawning, "Anyways, it's a normal body function...would you be embarrassed?"


"'s like...ok, it's like when girls get cold and well, know, nipples get hard and stuff. You try to cover it up, don't you?" he asked, blushing.


"I guess you have a point...I'll say sorry next time I see him." She replied plopping on to the bed and stretching out.


"The look on his face was pretty funny, though..." Lance said chuckling.


"Ya, it was priceless..." she said yawning again.


"Tired? Cause I sure am..." he asked lying beside her.


"Kinda...let's take a nap, ok?"


"Fine by me..." he said giving her a soft kiss and wrapping his arms around her waist, snuggling into her neck, getting comfortable.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Chris opened the door to him and Sara's room and heard her voice, and knew she was talking to someone.


"I know, I miss you too...uh-huh...we have separate beds...yep,'s at 7 tomorrow nite on MTV. Uh-huh, no...7...yep. to you you too, bye." She hung up the phone, stood up, and turned around, unaware that Chris was standing behind her.


"Oh, shit!!" she shrieked.


"Sorry...I just got here. We're finally done with rehearsal."


"I can see that..." she said referring to his damp shirt and mangled hair. "I was fixing to take a shower, but you need it more than I do. Go ahead."


"Ok, thanks." He replied, walking into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him. She plopped on the bed and flipped on the TV. She turned it to MTV and smiled as she watched a commercial for the awards. *Oh hell ya...* she thought silently as she watched the commercial finish. She smiled, knowing how much fun the next day would bring...


Chapter 30


The door opened and the guys stepped out followed by the girls. Christina stepped out of the limo, grabbing Justin’s hand. After being blinded with the flashes of the cameras and deafened with all the screaming girls, she slowly glanced around and looked at the other girls. Arisa looked gorgeous: A simple black long flowing dress hugged her curves in all the right places. Her hair was pulled up while small tendrils accented her face. She was smiling and laughing with Joey, no doubt enjoying all of the attention. Brandi wore a two piece strapless forest green dress and her hair was pulled up also, showing off her neck and shoulders. She was flashing her smile, talking through her teeth to JC who had his arm resting comfortably around her waist while his hand hung down and cupped her ass. Christina laughed quietly and then glanced over to Jessi. She wore a midnight blue sleeveless dress that cris-crossed in the back and had rhinestones scattered over the entire dress. Her hair was down and styled into tight ringlet-like curls. She looked agitated and annoyed with all of the chaos going on. Christina heard Lance talking to her, speaking through his teeth.


"Smile, it’s almost over…just one interview and then you can go inside and give ‘go to hell’ looks as much as you want, ok?" After his comment, she gave the fakest smile and Christina couldn’t help but laugh. She then glanced over to Sara. She was, of course, wearing the most revealing outfit of them all. It was light pink and showed about 99% of her body. Enough said. Now there was her. She smiled remembering the look on Justin’s face and the words he said when he first saw her: ‘I’ve never wanted someone in my entire life more than I want you right now.’ She was wearing a tight silk red dress that had a "U" cut out in the back, which hung to the lowest point of her lower back. Rhinestones accented the collar and bottom of the dress. She just smiled, listening to Justin coaching her while they walked down the red carpet.


"JUSTIN!!" she heard girls scream. He glanced up and smiled, waving at them before putting his arm back around her waist. As they walked towards the entrance, she saw a woman with a clipboard and a walkie-talkie in her hand approaching them.


"*NSYNC, you’re needed for the MTV interview. This way please…" she said as she led them over to where Christina saw Carson Daily talking with Fred Durst and his date. She only saw the back of his date’s head and wondered who the lucky girl could be.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


As they waited for their interview with Carson, Arisa talked to Joey quietly and glanced at Fred Durst every once in a while. She always thought he was incredibly hot, but knew they were complete opposites. As her and Joey talked, she heard Carson’s conversation with Fred and his date.


"So Fred, who’s this beautiful woman you brought with you?"


"Oh, I can speak for myself Carson…I’m…" Arisa knew that accent!! She quickly turned around and was surprised at who she saw.


"IOLA!!" she screamed. The blonde woman with Fred turned around and gasped when she saw Arisa.


"Arisa…Oh my god!! It’s been forever!!" Iola shrieked, running over to her and giving her a tight hug.


"You’ll have to excuse my date…" Fred apologized laughing, "I guess we have a little reunion on our hands."


"We sure do!!" Carson replied laughing while the cameras were pointed at Arisa and Iola laughing and hugging.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Christina glanced up from where she stood waiting and noticed Arisa hugging someone. As the two girls parted, she immediately recognized who it was.


"Oh my god, Iola?" she screamed. Iola spun around hearing her name.


"Tina? Is that you?" Christina nodded and laughed as they met and hugged tightly.


"It’s been a long time, you look good girl…"


"Thanks, you too."


"I haven’t seen you since when? New Years a couple years ago?"


"Ya, I think so…oh ya!! We all go so wasted and you finally got some ass from that guy you had been crushin on for a while!!"


"That’s right!! Haha…damn, it’s been so long…" The three of them began talking until Justin interrupted them.


"I’m sorry to interrupt you guys…oh, hi…I’m Justin," he said looking at Iola, "but we have to go do the interview…" The girls groaned and promised Iola they would catch up with her later.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


After their interview was done, they all finally made their way inside. Christina glanced around and noticed Jennifer Lopez and Puffy talking and laughing together. She smiled, noticing how in love they still were after all the legal stuff he had been through, and survived in the past 2 years. As they sat in their seats, she glanced to her left to see Christina Aguilera and Eminem kissing heavily. Her jaw dropped, shocked at what she saw, and she turned to Justin. He knew what she saw and began laughing.


"Nothing is ever as it seems on TV baby…they’ve been together for 3 years, I think…" She laughed quietly and kissed him quickly before the lights dimmed and Chris Rock came on stage.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


The awards were over and everyone had gone to the after party *NSYNC was throwing. The guys had and exciting night, winning 4 awards overall: Best album of the year, best pop album, best single, and internet favorite. Their performance was, by far, the best one of the night: they even received a standing ovation. In the morning the girls would leave to go back to Orlando, and the guys would leave for the 1st leg of their tour to Canada.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Arisa laughed while she talked to Iola. For the past hour, they had been catching up on all the things they had been missing while they were apart. After Arisa moved to NC the end of her sophomore year, she had met Iola at the high school they attended. After high school, Iola moved back to Georgia, where she lived before NC, and started college. She explained how she won tickets and backstage passes to a Limp Bizcut concert and met Fred backstage. They instantly were attacked to each other and had been together ever since. As they were talking, Arisa got an idea.


"Hey, why don’t you come to Orlando for a week or so and stay with me and Tina during your Spring Break? We could show you some fun shit down there…"


"HELL YES!! Count me in…" Iola exclaimed as Fred came from behind her, kissing her neck before speaking.


"Hey…come dance with me." He told her. She gave Arisa a look, then seeing her wink, Iola then walked away as he wrapped his arms around her waist, leading her to the dance floor. Arisa then went on a hunt to find Joey: she wanted some ass, and she was pretty sure he wanted some too.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Justin sighed as he made his way outside, away from the party. After rubbing his eyes, he glanced at his watch: 3:26. He had been dancing and drinking since 11, and now it had taken a toll on him. He was completely drained of all energy.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Christina shivered as she walked outside, looking for Justin. She heard a noise and looked in the direction it came from. There she saw him, leaning against a pole, eyes closed. Smiling, she made her way over and stood in front of him. He noticed the sudden shadow and opened his eyes.


"Come on Jus…let’s go back to the hotel." She said taking his hand and walking around to the front where the limos, fans, and photographers were. Justin groaned, knowing they were getting some pretty bad pictures of him. He didn’t care: that was the last thing on his mind. Basically, he was in an altogether pissy mood. Thinking of heading off on tour, leaving Christina…wasn’t making him happy at all. He sighed as they got into the limo and knew it was the alcohol talking. She soon noticed his frustration and scooted closer, so close she was almost sitting on his lap. She put her hand on his face, tilting it up, making him look into her eyes.


"Justin, what’s wrong? Are you ok? Is it me?"


"No, it’s nothing about you. I’m just…pissed, I guess."


"About what?" she asked, placing slow, soft kisses on his neck and face.


"I don’t wanna leave you…"he stated plain and simple, right to the point.


"Baby, I don’t want you to leave me either, but it’s for your fans. I’m sure seeing their faces light up when you perform is the best feeling in the world." She said kissing him on the lips.


"You’re right, but…"


"No butts…you’re gonna go on tour, and you’re gonna make millions of girls happy shakin dat ass of yours, and you’re gonna come back home and I’ll still be here, waiting for you."


"Damn, I love you so much, I never thought what I feel is physically possible…" he said taking her face into his hands.


"Ditto…" she replies before meeting his lips for a powerful kiss. After they parted, he kissed her forehead and she smiled.


"What?" he asked, half laughing.


"I just love your tongue, that’s all…something about it…it’s just so damn cute."


"Ok…thanx, I guess…" he said wiggling his eyebrows, then pulling her in for a hug as the limo stopped moving. As they stepped out in front of the hotel, her phone began to sound its familiar melody.


"Hello?" she asked shakily as Justin slowly kissed her neck.


"Where are you?" Arisa asked. Christina could hear loud music in the background.


"Me and Justin got tired, so we are back at the hotel." She replied as she walked with Justin into the elevator while he still made his attacks on her neck.


"Oh, ok…well me and Joey are fixing to leave. Sara and Chris wanna stay a little longer. JC and Brandi went back to the hotel about two hours ago, I think, and Jessi and Lance are fixin to leave too."


"Ok, well…we’re on the elevator now, so I’ll just see you in the morning, ok?" she said, eyes shut tight and breathing heavily.


"K, goodnight babe…"


"You too…bye!!" she clicked of the phone and immediately grabbed Justin’s face, giving him a strong kiss.


"You drive me crazy, you know that, right?" she said after pulling away a couple seconds later.


"I think you got it backwards…" he told her breathing heavily, backing her up to the wall of the elevator, pushing the ‘emergency stop’ button. His hands grabbed her ass tightly as they continued kissing forcefully. She could feel his excitement on her thigh and groaned, wanting him more than anything. He began slipping off the straps of her dress when his phone rang, interrupting him. Ignoring it, he led them to the ground and began sliding down the straps, kissing the skin he exposed, sucking on her collarbone. She reached her hands up to his belt and began unbuckling it when he pulled away breathing heavily.


"We…ugh, we have to stop this before we do something we’ll regret…I KNOW you don’t want our first time like this…you want it to be special."


"Ugh…I want you SO MUCH right now!! But, you’re right…ugh, why do you have to be so damn irresistible?" she said, laughing and sitting up.


"I dunno…it’s a gift, I guess…" he said standing and helping her up, then adjusting his clothes. His face scrunched up as he adjusted his pants and she laughed, pushing the ‘emergency stop’ button, letting the doors open, and grabbing his hand.


"Come on…let’s go fix that…" He smiled and put his arms around her as they walked to the room.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Christina yawned as they all sat in the limo on the way to the airport. She laid her head on Justin’s sleeping form and looked at everyone. They were all exhausted, barely getting any sleep the entire night. She glanced up at Justin’s sleeping face and knew it was the last time for a long time she would see him sleeping. Sighing, she looked back up and noticed Arisa was awake and staring at her. Slowly, both girls sat up and embraced each other in a hug, Arisa letting her cry silently on her shoulder.


"This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done…" Christina whispered. Arisa only stayed strong and let no tears fall. She had said good-bye to many people in her lifetime because she moved around so much when she was younger. She knew what was meant to be would unfold throughout the next couple of months. Arisa was about to reply when the limo stopped abruptly, waking everyone up. Christina quickly wiped away her tears, not wanting Justin to see. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and gently kissed her neck.


"Let’s go." He whispered into her ear. She obliged and they stepped out of the limo.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


"Last boarding call for flight 180 to Orlando…" the announcer called. Joey looked at Arisa and smiled slowly. Kissing her softly, he smiled again.


"Miss you…" she smiled.


"Miss you too, and call me as soon as you get settled, ok?" he told her. They kissed once more and parted as she walked onto the plane, both not letting each other see the tears in their eyes.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


"Don’t you fuck anyone where you’re gone…" Brandi stated giving JC a kiss.


"Only you…"


"Good…" she said hugging him before walking away.


"Brandi, wait!!" JC yelled running to her.


"What?" she asked, laughing.


"I think I’m falling in love with you…" she smiled, kissing him, then winked and walked onto the plane.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Lance leaned his forehead against Jessi’s, looking into her eyes.


"Well, this is it…you know I love you, right?" he asked.


"I love you too, Lance." She said smiling and giving him a kiss.


"See you later…" she replied before walking onto the plane.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Chris kissed Sara’s forehead slowly.


"Tell David he better treat you good or I’ll kick his ass…" she laughed and gave him a hug.


"Ok…bye babe…"


"Bye…" he said as she walked away.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Christina stood in front of Justin, head down, staring at the floor.


"Hey…look at me." He said softly.


"I can’t…"she replied, her voice cracking.


"Baby…"he said lifting her chin up to see her tear streaked face. He could have died right there. Immediately tears filled his eyes and he grabbed her, hugging her tightly.


"I promised myself I wouldn’t cry, damnit…"she said crying more, cursing herself. After pulling away, she looked at him. His eyes were filled with tears, which made her cry more.


"This is the hardest thing I think I’ve ever done…" he said quietly, holding her sobbing form.


"Me too…Jus, I love you SO much…remember that always, k?"


"I’ll never forget…I love you too…" he said, then seeing the stewardess motioning that she needed to get on the plane.


"Baby…you have to go now…they’re saying you have to." With this she hugged him tighter and quietly said ‘ok.’


"Oh, wait, I have to tell you something…remember to check your bag. I left something in it for you."


"You didn’t have to get me anything…"he said kissing her softly, "I love you…"


"I love you too…" she said walking away, their hands finally separating when they got too far away. At the end of the hallway she turned around and smiled, then walking away from the love of her life…


Look into my eyes- you will see


What you mean to me


Search your heart- search your soul


And when you find me there, you’ll search no more


Don’t tell me it’s not worth tryin’ for


You can’t tell me it’s not worth dyin’ for


You know it’s true


Everything I do- I do it for you


Look into my eyes- you will find


There’s nothin’ there to hide


Take me as I am- take my life


I would give it all I would sacrifice


Don’t tell me it’s not worth fightin’ for


I can’t help it there’s nothin’ I want more


Ya know it’s true


Everything I do- I do it for you


There’s no love- like your love


And no other- could give more love


There’s nowhere- unless you’re there


All the time- al the way


Don’t tell me it’s not worth tryin’ for 


I can’t help it there’s nothin’ I want more


I would fight for you- I’d lie for you


Walk the wire for you- I’d die for you


Ya know it’s true


Everything I do- I do it for you 












Chapter 31




Justin entered his hotel room, setting his backpack on the floor, and plopped onto the bed. Immediately tears formed in his eyes so he shut them to keep the tears from falling. There was nothing to be done: they soon poured down his cheeks, some stopping at the corners of his mouth, others reaching his chin, then falling to the ground. He had managed to hold back his tears from the guys and Johnny, but now he just couldn't take it anymore. He wasn't the type of guy to cry, but he felt as if his soul was empty. Without her, nothing seemed right, everything was out of place, completely meaningless. Everything but the music. He could never forget music; it was who he was. It had only been 3 days since he'd seen or talked to her, but it seemed like an eternity to him. Every time he tried to get in touch with her, she was never home, and it was the same when she tried to contact him. The only comfort he could have was to hear her voice and that would get him through a thousand days. A memory flashed in his mind of them together before she boarded her plane. Suddenly he remembered what she had told him…"I left something in your bag." Shakily, he made his way over to his bag and unzipped it. There, he noticed her notebook sitting on the top along with some sort of stuffed animal. He opened the notebook and was surprised when a small piece of paper fell out…








Hey baby!! Just thought I'd leave you with some things of mine so you can remember me while you're gone. The mangled stuffed thing is Snuggles, the teddy bear I've had since I was able to walk. It's my most prized childhood possession: take good care of her!! The next thing is my most important possession right now. (Besides you of course!!) *hehe* my notebook…you've already seen it, I know…but it has a very special place inside my heart. It is my heart, so it's yours because my heart belongs to you. You might notice I added another poem I wrote it for you, if you don't notice that too. You're all that inspires me anymore, so I won't need my notebook while you're gone because I won't have my inspiration. I love you more than I thought possible…you are my soul: remember that forever, k?




I love you always,






Justin smiled, feeling better, somewhat. He hugged her bear to his chest and could smell her perfume. Slowly, he opened her notebook to the last poem and began reading what she had written…




Only Love Matters: dedicated to the love of my life, Justin




A soul can live forever feeling empty. For a long time, I believed mine would. That's until he came along, pouring so much love and compassion into my soul to last me a lifetime. I never knew my feelings could grow so strong, or just one man's presence could relax me completely: that I could trust someone so much with my life, my heart. It's too late to turn back now, I'm completely gone and he as well. To a world like none other: where all the pain is emptied out until there is nothing left but love. Nothing can interrupt this utopia now. Nothing else matters because in the end, only love matters.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




He smiled and let small tears trickle down his already damp face. These were no longer tears of loneliness; these were tears of love…complete and honest love. Suddenly, he heard the familiar ring of his cell. The last thing he wanted to do was talk to anyone, but it could have been important, so he answered it anyways.




"Hello?" he asked, sounding annoyed. As soon as she heard his voice, she immediately broke down.




"I…I miss you so much…" she managed to get out.




"Oh my god, finally, baby…I miss you too. Damn, this is so hard, harder than I thought."




"No shit!! I thought I was doing fine until I opened my bag and saw what you put in there!! You didn't tell you got me something too."




"Well, my mom thought it was a really great picture of us and so did everyone else, so…I decided to give it to you." It was a picture Brandi had taken of them in the pool the day when the guys had met the rest of the girls. Justin and Christina were leaning their foreheads against each other, centimeters away from kissing. Love was evident in both of their eyes.




"I never realized she even took the picture…I guess I was a little preoccupied with you…"




"Ya well…she gave it to my mom and my mom had it framed and gave it to me to give to you…there's something in the frame too ya know."




"I know, I heard something jingling, so I opened it up and was very surprised when a key fell out. I've already been to your house twice cause I fed your fish and stole some of your clothes." She said staring intently at the picture of them together.




"Hey!! What did you take?" he asked laughing.




"Just some of your pajama pants, which I'm wearing now, 2 T-shirts, and one of your wife beaters just cause it smelled like you."




"What else are you wearing…"




"Uh-uh, I am not about to play phone sex…don't think so."




"You're so cute…you know I love you right?"




"Yes I do, but I still like to hear you say it…"




"Good, cause you'll hear it for the rest of your life…" She smiled to herself and lay down on the bed, resting her head against the headboard. After stretching out and yawning, Justin could hear her.




"Tired baby?"




"Probably not as tired as you, but yes. I had a test today in Calculus and I stayed up all last night cramming. I aced it, but still, I haven't slept for 3 days, so it's starting to take a toll on me…"




"Why 3 days? I thought you just didn't sleep last night…"




"I keep having weird dreams…bad dreams, I guess. I'm scared to fall asleep afterwards, so I just stay up."




"Baby…god I wish I was there…"




"I wish you were here too, why is it that when someone you love leaves, everything seems to go wrong?"




"Like something is outta place? I feel the same way you do…I've just been bummin around, spending a lot of time by myself. All the guys are spending time alone, except for Chris. He's getting pissed cause we don't wanna go clubbin or do anything…when we do, we just sit there…but what do you expect? Our hearts are gone."




"Aww…you're so sweet…so I uh heard you sort of…uh fell on your ass last night onstage…" she said, starting to giggle.




"Haha, who told you? No, don't tell me cause you'll be savin them a major ass whoopin…yes I did fall, laugh it up. I felt so stupid…JC was like' hey, stop the music!! Justin just fell on his bootie!!' my face must have turned 50 shades of red."




"Aww…my poor baby…I would kiss it and make it better, but…ya know…the whole 20,000 mile separation kinda limits that."




"True, but you know what? There's always the internet…digital digital getdown, just what we need, we may be 20,000 miles away but I can see ya, and baby baby you can see me…"








"Bouncin me from satellite to satellite, I love the things you do for me so late at night, you turn me on babe…it's like I'm right there next to you…can we get butt naked?"




"Ok, that is SO not how the song goes…" she said laughing




"I know, but I like it that way better…" She laughed, shaking her head at his comment. 




*~ ~ 2 hours later ~ ~*




After the rest of the night talking and laughing, they said their good-byes and set an "Internet date" as Justin called it, for the next night. He said he wanted to show her what "Digital Getdown" really meant, but she already had an idea of what it could mean…you know, common sense. Maybe he wanted to show her the "hidden meaning" or something…all she knew was talking to him made her feel better. As she drifted off to sleep, she thought of him and finally had her first full night of complete sleep…




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin felt better too, and now he was totally relaxed and comforted. He knew from then on, the days wouldn't be so bad or his time away wouldn't seem so long…




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Brandi sighed as she sat in her room looking through an *NSYNC scrapbook. It was more of a JC scrapbook, but it did have some pics of the other guys-when they were with JC. She hadn't realized how much he had meant to her until he'd left and this scrapbook her little sister Adrienne made didn't help. Closing it shut, she grabbed the remote to the TV off of her nightstand and flipped the TV on. After flipping through the channels for a couple minutes, she finally found something to watch: The Real World. After about 5 minutes of watching TV, she got bored and decided to check her email. Signing on to AOL, she was completely ecstatic to see that JC was on too. Before she got the chance to IM him, he IMed her…




MuzicMan77: Hey baby girl!! I was just emailing you…I miss you so much!!




IndependentWoman78: I miss you too…Ugh!! I'm goin crazy! It's like everywhere I go, I see u! Most likely because ur a superstar, but still…




MuzicMan77: really? I don't know how I'm gonna survive these next 3 months w/out u.




IndependentWoman78: I guess u'll just have to use ur hand, huh?




MuzicMan77: Hey! u know what I mean…




IndependentWoman78: I know, I just like fucking w/ya....


MuzicMan77: And I like fucking u!!


IndependentWoman78: WHAT? I can't believe u just said that!!


MuzicMan77: What?


He waited for about a minute with no reply.


MuzicMan77: Ok, I'm sorry, I was j/k…Brandi?


*no reply*


MuzicMan77: Baby…I love u!! Talk to me!!


IndependentWoman78: I love u too…


MuzicMan77: Good…


IndependentWoman78: Hey, u better watch it…


MuzicMan77: J


*~ ~ 1 & 1/2 hours later ~ ~*


IndependentWoman78: JC, baby…it's 3…I gotta go. I have an early class in the morning.


MuzicMan77: ya, I should go too…I have to get up in…2 & 1/2 hours.


IndependentWoman78: Ok, love u…call me tomorrow, k?


MuzicMan77: K…love u too, bye.


IndependentWoman78: Bye, Bye, Bye! J


MuzicMan77: SHUT UP!!


IndependentWoman78: BYE JC!!


MuzicMan77: Bye…


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


As Arisa sat on her bed, she wrote in her diary: something she did every night before she went to sleep.


~ August 21st~


Today was an ok day, I guess…better than most. I didn't miss him as much as I usually do. Maybe because he didn't call me, I dunno. Sometimes it's just so damn hard. I guess this will only make out relationship stronger, but SHIT!! Knowing that millions of girls are throwing themselves at him? That's a little hard to deal with. *Ugh* My life and all its problems. I guess he was really busy today…it's understandable. His ass better call me tomorrow though, that's for damn sure. It's 2am now. Maybe I should go to sleep…


She closed her diary, turned off the light on her nightstand, and snuggled into the blankets, falling asleep. 10 minutes later, Joey called her cell phone, but got no answer. Figuring she was asleep, he left a message and hoped she would call him the next day…


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~* 




Lance smiled as he looked at a picture in a magazine taken of him and Jessi at the VMA's. It was about 1:30am and he hadn't been able to go to sleep, something was bothering him, but he couldn't figure out what it was. Suddenly, he jumped, feeling the vibrations of his cell phone.


"Hello?" he asked, gently rubbing his forehead, massaging the skin that lie there.


"What are yoooou dooooing? I'm just returning your phone call…"


"Hey, I'm glad you called…I can't sleep. Something's bothering me, I just don't know what it is."


"Ok…what did you do today? How was tonight's show?"


"It was good…we always make little mistakes, but an altogether good show. Earlier we just did small stuff: a TV interview, 3 radio interviews, meet & greet, and rehearsal."


"Little things, huh? Haha…that sounds like a hell of a lot to me!!"


"Well, we're all used to it, so it's nothing really."


"Oh, I see…I guess I would be too."


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


2 hours later they said their good-byes and promised to talk the next day. Lance was finally able to go to sleep. He figured she was the reason he couldn't in the 1st place.


*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*


Sara sighed as she lay in David's arms. As he hummed in her ear, stroking her arms, she couldn't hide the smile she had plastered on her face as she looked at the diamond ring on her finger.


"I couldn't be more happier than at this moment right now…"she spoke softly.


"Me either, I can't wait for you to be Mrs. David Riley…"


"Sara Riley…that does have a nice ring to it." She replies as she leaned up, then kissing him…


Chapter 32




Christina sat, tapping her pencil loudly on the desk, staring at her watch every once in a while. Today, her creative writing class seemed longer than usual. Every minute that went by seemed like an hour. Finally, after what seemed like 5 hours, but in reality was really just an hour and a half, the loud bell sounded, signaling the class was over.




"Wait…I want you all to write a short story about an important event in your life…bad or good…rough draft is due tomorrow." Her professor yelled as they all filed out. ‘Hmm…an important event?’ she thought silently to herself as she walked through the courtyard, stuffing her books in her bag. ‘Good or bad…’








‘I could write about my relationship with Justin and how it’s changed me into a stronger and better person…no…he doesn’t want to hear about my relationship. I dunno…maybe if I talk about my struggle to finally find the right person and how it’s affected me.’








‘I’m sure he’s probably seen my picture all over the National Enquirer…every one has, so he probably knows who Justin is…’ she thought remembering when she stood in the checkout line, buying groceries, then shocked, noticing her face printed on the famous gossip magazine along with Justin. Under her photo were the words "Ex porno star dates Justin Timberlake of *NSYNC." Quickly, she had grabbed the magazine and threw it on the checkout counter. That night after reading the article, she could only laugh, not believing they could mistake her for a porn star. Sure, the girl they thought she was looked somewhat like her, but not MUCH. She remembered when the phone rang, she was still laughing.




"Is there something you needed to tell me?" Justin had asked.




"Umm…ya, I’ve been hiding it so long." She replied laughing. He laughed too and sighed.




"Christina?" the figure called once more, this time tapping her shoulder, knocking her out of her thoughts. Turning quickly, she barely recognized his face.




"It is you…I could never forget that beautiful face of yours!" He cheered.




"Aaron? Oh wow!!" she said, giving him a huge hug, "What are you doing here?"




"I was transferred here about 2 weeks ago. College in Texas was really getting on my nerves. I needed to get away, you know?" he replied as they walked.




"I know exactly what you mean…"




Aaron was her best guy friend back in Texas. They were once boyfriend and girlfriend, but soon after realized they were much better together as friends. They hadn’t talked for a couple months because of school and stuff, but whenever they did talk, they talked for hours, even about nothing in particular. She could always tell him anything. He had known Zack and her were completely wrong for each other, even from the very beginning.




"You wanna go grab a bite to eat or somethin and talk?" he asked.




"Sure…that’d be great…oh wait, shit. I can’t. I promised Risa and the rest of the girls a ‘movie night’ tonight. It’s kind of a tradition."




"Well, I wouldn’t wanna break tradition…that’s fine. Here: I’ll give you my number and you can call me tomorrow. We’ll figure out something then, ok?"




"K…thanx Aaron. Bye!!" she said giving him a quick hug good-bye.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Christina opened the door to Justin’s house, soon hearing laughter throughout. She had told the girls to meet her there, so she knew it had to be them. Slowly walking into the living room, she saw Arisa and Iola laughing hysterically at something on TV.




"Hey…whatcha watchin?" she asked, throwing her keys onto the kitchen counter and plopping onto the white leather sofa.




"Fresh Prince…it’s the episode where he teaches Ashley how to fight." Arisa stated.




"Ah!! I love this one…where’s Brandi, Jessi, and Sara?"




"Brandi and Jessi are out getting the movies, and Sara’s on her way." Iola said, standing up and walking into the kitchen to get something to drink, "Anyone want anything before I leave the kitchen?"




"Umm…a strawberry daiquiri wine cooler for me." Christina replied.




"Me too…"Arisa echoed.




"Me three…" Sara said, walking into the living room.




"Hey!! You bring the junk food? Justin only has stuff you have to cook." Christina asked.




"Sure did: Reeses for Risa, skittles for you, Chex Mix for Brandi, Pringles, Doritos, beef jerky, frozen mozzarella sticks, little pizza pockets, and some Mike’s hard lemonade and Smirnoff Ice. Oh, and Zimas for me…but you know yall can have some if you want.




"Oh ya!! That’s what I’m talking about!!" Iola said walking back into the living room, handing out the wine coolers.




"Oh Tina, speaking of Justin, before I forget: he called twice while you were in class, guess he thought you’d be back. He said he knew you had ‘movie night’ tonight and for you to call him after, no matter what time."




"Ok…thanx. He probably just misses me. I would’ve been home earlier, but I ran into someone from Texas."




"Who?" Sara asked, taking a sip from her drink.








"Aaron?!? From Texas? Where’d you see him at?" Risa asked, surprised.




"He goes to the college now. He said he transferred. It was great to see him again. I’m gonna call him tomorrow and were gonna go do somethin."




"Cool…" Risa replied as Brandi and Jessi walked in.




"Hey!! Party over here!!" Brandi yelled as she set down the movies and plopped on the couch next to Christina.




"What movies did you get? I hope they’re some good ones…" Arisa said picking up the movies off of the table.




"Oh!! I love this episode of Fresh Prince!! It’s the one where she’s like ‘mind ya business, just mind ya business.’" Brandi said laughing.




"Hey…what’s this one? It’s not from blockbuster…" Arisa questioned.




"Oh, we know…Brandi’s sister recorded it and we brought it over so we could all see it together." Jessi said matter-a-factly.




"Well, what is it?" Iola questioned.




"It’s the recording of an *NSYNC concert…I know it seems kinda lame, but we miss them, and it wouldn’t hurt to see my baby in action…" Brandi said, opening the bag of Chex Mix.




"Oh, god…"Sara moaned, rolling her eyes.




"I kinda wanna see it too…" Arisa said softly, barely audible.




"Ya, me too…Arisa was telling me how good Joey shakes his ass!!" Iola chimed in.




"I have no problem seeing it either…" Christina said smiling.




"And I’m with them…" Jessi added, giving Brandi a high five.




"That’s 5 to 1, sorry babe…look on the bright side: you get to see Chris movin his thang!!" Risa said laughing.




"Been there, done that." Sara yelled back.




"Ahh!! Innocent ears-innocent ears!!" Brandi yelled.




"Ya, sure…remember: I’m the one who hears you moanin in your room when you’re with JC…but you’re ‘so innocent.’ Quit acting like Britney Spears…we can only stand one hypocrite right now, not two." Jessi told her laughing.




"Ohh…good one!!" Christina yelled.




"Ugh!! I can’t BELIEVE you just said that!! Don’t you dare compare me to that trick hoe!!" The girls all laughed, then opened the junk food and got some drinks. They decided to watch the other 2 movies they got first: Love & Basketball, and Remember the Titans so it wouldn’t be so bad for Sara.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




After watching Love & Basketball, everyone was majorly missing their men, so they were all glad they could watch Remember the Titans to cheer them up. As soon as they heard the music from the movie, they knew it would.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




After the movie was over, Christina turned the lights on and began stretching. Looking down, she realized all of the girls were sleeping…except her. Squinting her eyes and glancing at the clock on the wall, she realized it was 2:30am. ‘Guess the concert will have to wait’ she thought as she slowly walked up the grand staircase, going to Justin’s room. It was late, but she decided to call him anyways…




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin shot up in bed after having a bad dream. Beads of sweat outlined his body and tears streamed down his face. He sat shaking and rocking back and forth. This was the same dream he had the past four nights. ‘What is going on with me?’ he thought silently to himself. He needed to talk to someone more that ever…suddenly, his phone rang…like someone was reading his mind.




"Hello?" he answered, his voice shaking slightly.




"Hey baby…did I wake you…it’s not too late, is it?" He sighed, glad to hear her voice, knowing it would make him feel much better… 






Chapter 33



“Thanks for coming J, I really appreciate it. None of yall usually want to go clubbin anymore, so I never go…there’s no point going by myself.” Chris said patting Justin on the shoulder.


“No problem Chris…I just wanted something to keep my mind occupied and I’m hoping loud music and some alcohol will help.” Justin replied, staring out of the window in the limo.


“Still having those dreams? Have you told Christina about them yet?”


“No…I just…don’t want to worry her, you know?”


“Well…they are about her…she should probably know…”


“Lay off, Chris…alright? I just don’t know how to explain it to her…I don’t want her to interpret these dreams the wrong way.”


“They’re not really that bad…”


“Ya…how would you deal with your girlfriend telling you she’s having dreams about you having sex with someone else? You’ll think she doesn’t trust you, right?”


“I guess you have a point…”


“Exactly…I don’t want Christina to think I don’t trust her…I do…It’s just the last time I started having these dreams is when I was with Denise, and you know what happened with her.”


“She cheated on you…”


“Right…and it’s scaring me because last time my dreams were right…”


“J…just relax. I don’t think she would do that…you’re probably just under a lot of stress from being away…”


“I know that she wouldn’t cheat on me…I’m just afraid to tell her.” Justin said rubbing his forehead.


“She doesn’t seem like the type of person to be mad at you for something like that, which you have absolutely no control over.”


“You’re right…she wouldn’t. Thanks, Chris…I’ll call her in the morning and explain everything…”




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Christina turned the corner, running as fast as she could towards Justin’s house. Turning around and running backwards, she yelled out to Aaron.


“Come on…you can do better than that! Don’t let a girl beat you!”


“Shu…ut…UP…you have an excuse…you run almost everyday!” he replied, panting.


“No sympathy here…” she said, making her way into the house.


Finally, when he entered, he found her sitting on the white leather sofa, flipping through channels on the TV.


“Took you long enough…” she exclaimed, letting a small smile form onto her lips.


“Shut up!” he screamed, jumping on her and tickling her sides.


“AHHH…QUIT!!” she yelped.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin slowly stuck his key in the door, turning it and then opening it, not wanting to make any noise. Setting his keys on the counter, he quietly made his way to the bedroom where he knew she’d be asleep. Before he reached the bedroom door, he heard soft mumbling. Slowly, creaking the door open, his eyes darted to the moving figures on the bed. Her back was to him, so all he could see was her long, dark hair bouncing around her bare back as she straddled another man. Completely shocked, he lost his grip, and let the bouquet of purple roses fall to the floor. Small tears escaped the corners of his eyes and poured down his cheeks. She sensed someone watching her, besides the man she was with. Turning around, Christina finally saw him…




Justin shot up in bed, completely drenched from head to toe in sweat. Still shocked and shaking from another nightmare, he stood up and began to pace around the room. He had to talk to her. As he picked up the phone and dialed her number, he tried to compose himself the best he could…




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Still laughing uncontrollably from Aaron tickling her, the phone rang catching both of them off guard.


“Could you get that? I’m tired now and I wanna get comfy…friends is about to start.” She asked, picking up the remote and flipping to the right channel.


“Ya, ya…sure” he said, still breathing heavily, making his way over to the phone and picking it off of the receiver.


“Uhh…hello?” he huffed.


Justin was shocked when he heard a man, out of breath answer the phone to his house…then he heard Christina giggling in the background. ‘What the hell is going on?’ he thought.


“Hello…??” Aaron asked again.


“Who the hell is this?” Justin asked…he sure as hell didn’t recognize the voice on the other end.


“Uhh…I do believe you are calling me, so who the hell is this?”


“Who is it?” Christina asked walking towards the phone.


“Some prick…wanting to know who the hell I am…” Quickly, she took the phone from Aaron.


“Listen, asshole…how dare you call my house and start asking who you’re talking to. You called me…you should know who you call. Hello…? Do you want my boyfriend to kick come over there and kick you’re ass? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, would ya?” she asked, looking over to Aaron and winking at him.


“Hell no!!” Aaron yelled, almost laughing. Justin couldn’t believe it: his worst nightmares were coming true…


“I can’t believe you…” Justin replied, his voice shaking.


“Justin?!? Hey…what’s going on…baby what’s wrong?”


“I can’t believe you would do this to me…”


“What? Do what? Justin what are you talking about? What did I do?” she asked, trying to find out what was happening. She got no response.


“Justin…baby, please tell me!! You’re scaring me…I love you, now what’s wrong…? Talk to me!!”


“You’re no better than all of the others!” he yelled.




“All of the other whores who cheated on me!!” he screamed, slamming down the phone.


“What? Justin…Justin?!?” she cried, the tears now cascading down her cheeks like waterfalls. She didn’t understand…all she heard was a dial tone. Losing her grip on the phone, she dropped it, letting it hit the floor, breaking as she slowly slid down the wall, falling onto the floor herself.


“What did I do?” she quietly repeated over and over.


“Christina? What happened?” Aaron asked as he watched her crying frantically on the floor, her head buried in her knees while she rocked herself back and forth.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Arisa sat on her oversized sofa watching ‘Final Destination’ on HBO. She hated watching scary movies by herself, but it was the only thing on. As she clutched a pillow in front of her, she closed her eyes when something scary happened.


* ring, ring*




The phone rang, making her jump and scream at the same time.


“Shit!” she yelled as she muted the TV and answered the phone.




“Arisa? It’s me…Aaron.”


“Hey…is something wrong?” she asked, noticing the concern in his voice.


“It’s Christina. A little after we got back from our run, Justin called. She talked to him and then she just started crying. Now, she won’t talk to me and she won’t quit crying…”


“I’m leaving now…tell her I’m coming, ok?” Arisa said, then clicked off the phone. Grabbing her keys, she ran out of the door.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin quietly knocked on Joey’s door…he figured Joey would probably be the only one awake. When he answered, Joey immediately noticed Justin’s bloodshot eyes from crying and knew something was wrong. He opened the door so Justin could go in, and shut it behind him…



*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




‘What did I do?’ Christina mentally thought to herself as she sat on the cold kitchen floor, crying silently. Aaron was still trying to talk to her, but she had already completely blocked him out…now when he talked to her, she only saw his mouth moving. ‘I’m so confused…does Justin think I cheated on him? Why would he think that? I love him…he knows that Zack cheated on me, so why would I do the same thing to him? He didn’t even ask…he just assumed…’




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




5 minutes later, Arisa entered Justin’s house and saw Christina crying on the floor. She told Aaron to give them some time alone, so he went and sat out by the pool.


Slowly but surely, she started to get Christina out of her trance so she could talk to her, but knew it would take a while…




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




“But that doesn’t sound like Christina…J. Why would she cheat on you? Didn’t you say her last boyfriend cheated on her? Why would she do that to you? Maybe you’re being paranoid.” Joey said after listening to Justin explain everything.


“What? I know what I heard!! I can’t believe you don’t believe me!!” Justin yelled, getting angry.


“I do believe you Justin…I just don’t know…” Justin cut him off.


“You don’t know shit Joey!” Justin screamed, storming out and slamming the door behind him…




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




After Arisa listened for a good 30 minutes to what had happened, she was just as confused, if not more, as Christina was. She didn’t understand what would make Justin think Tina cheated on him. Soon, she finally decided to call Joey since Justin wasn’t answering his cell and see if he’d heard anything…




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin sat at the bar in the lobby of his hotel drinking his third rum and coke. He was starting to get a buzz, which he liked, because it was starting to make the pain in his heart temporarily go away. As he fumbled with his napkin and picked at the complimentary nuts, he felt a hand rub is back. He glanced up to notice an attractive woman, probably in her early 20’s smile and sit next to him.


“So…what’s a stud like you doing all alone at the bar on a Saturday night…or should I say Sunday morning?” she asked, crossing her legs, making her already short skirt rise up her thighs. Justin just shrugged and took another gulp of his drink.


“My names Adrianna, what’s yours?”


“Justin…” he mumbled.


“Well, I must say that’s a sexy name you have there…Justin.” She said leaning over and showing her cleavage.


“Thanks…I guess. Look…I’m not in the mood to talk…”


“Me either…how about we get outta here and go have some ‘quiet time’ in my room?” she said resting her hand on his thigh. He really didn’t feel like being alone tonight, and he was feeling too much of a buzz to not notice what was bound to happen.






Chapter 34



Joey slammed down the phone after trying to call Justin again, probably about the 20th time. Arisa had called him last night to see if he knew what was going on, and he found out everything had been a big misunderstanding. After calling JC, Chris, and Lance to explain to them what had happened, Chris had told him Justin had been having dreams about Christina with another man for a couple weeks. ‘That’s probably why he assumed she was cheating’ Joey thought. Still, he couldn’t imagine how hurt she must have felt. Justin was sill hurting now, simply because he didn’t know. ‘If anyone could just get a hold of him, things could start getting back to normal. Why does he have to been so damn stubborn sometimes?’ Finally, Joey decided to take a nap and try to relax: he hadn’t slept all night because he was trying to get in touch with Justin ‘He has my number, he’ll call me when he’s ready.’ Lying on the bed and closing his eyes, he slowly drifted off to sleep…




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Christina glanced at the clock beside her bed: ‘5:27’. She had been lying in bed for the past 3 hours staring at the ceiling and trying to deal with what Arisa had told her. Justin had misunderstood everything…still; she couldn’t shake the feeling of pain in her heart. Justin didn’t trust her…that hurt the most, it stung. Worse than any feeling she had ever experienced in her life so far, even worse than Zack breaking her heart. ‘Why was this happening? Were they not meant to be together? Were they moving too fast? They had only known each other for two and a half months. One and a half of those months they hadn’t even seen each other. One thing she knew for sure was that she needed to talk to him…she wanted to make sure he knew the truth and how hurt he had made her feel. Reaching over Arisa’s sleeping body, she picked up the phone and dialed his cell phone number, hoping he would finally answer.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Adrianna smiled as she walked on the balcony and overlooked the city. The sun bounced off the top of every building, sending streams of light every which way. Putting the coffee cup to her lips, she smiled its sweet aroma.




*ring, ring*




A ringing from inside the room broke her tranquility. She had heard it ringing all morning, and she was finally sick of hearing it. Noticing it was coming from Justin’s jacket and not wanting to wake him, surprised it hadn’t already, she hurriedly ran to it and pushed ‘talk’.


“Hello?” she asked, walking into the bathroom, closing the door so she wouldn’t wake him.


“Uhh…hi. I think I have the wrong number.” Christina said, walking onto the balcony of her condo.


“Who are you trying to reach?”




“Oh, this would be it. He’s still asleep…he’s pretty worn out from last night…we didn’t fall asleep until pretty late. Can I give him a message for you?”


“Who is this?”


“Adrianna…me and Justin met at the bar last night and…hello? Hello?” Adrianna heard a dial tone.


“Guess she didn’t wanna leave a message…” she stated, walking out of the bathroom and slipped Justin’s phone back into his jacket. Walking away, she noticed him stirring in the corner of her eye. After opening his eyes and adjusting to his surroundings, he knew where he was.


“Hey…good morning. You slept long. Did you sleep ok?” she asked as she walked towards the couch where he was sleeping.


“Not really…kept having bad dreams…my head is killing me.”


“I figured it would be so I had some tylenol brought up.” She said handing him two tablets and a glass of water.




“No, thank you Justin.” She said sitting down beside him.


“Why? What did I do?”


“For not trying anything with me last night…I was pretty drunk when I came onto you at the bar…so were you. I must have looked and acted like a total prostitute. If you wouldn’t have kept talking about your girlfriend and much you love her, I would’ve probably tried to jump ya. When you were talking about her, it made me realize how stupid the fight me and my boyfriend had was…so thank you.”


“I really talked about her a lot, huh?”


“Yep…just blabbing away until you passed out eventually…”




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Christina sat in complete shock as she looked at the phone. ‘It couldn’t be…Justin wouldn’t get revenge on me that way…he just wouldn’t sleep with someone else.’ Tucking her knees to her chest, and resting her head on them, she gazed out at the sunrise. She was so scared that maybe something did happen, but she wasn’t going to completely believe it until she heard it from his lips.


“A penny for your thoughts?” Christina glanced up and saw Brandi on the opposite balcony.


“Hey…” she replied quietly.


“I heard what happened…you all right?”


“Physically I’m fine…emotionally I’m hurt and confused.” She sighed.


“Is there something else?” Brandi asked, tilting her head, waiting for an answer.


“How do you always know there’s more to what I say?”


“I just read people well…I am in college to be a counselor, you know…so spill. Tell me what else is bothering you.” Christina couldn’t hold it any longer…she didn’t want to hold it any longer…if she did, she felt like she might burst.


“I tried to call Justin about an hour and a half ago…”


“And…??” Christina let it all out…tears began falling fast as she tried to explain.


“And some woman answered and said he was still asleep cause he was worn out cause they stayed up pretty late…”




“And I asked her who she was and she said she met him at a bar last night…and I couldn’t listen anymore, so I hung up. Please tell me Brandi that it’s not as bad as I’m making it out to be…” she said looking at Brandi for re-assurance.


“I just don’t want to be like him and automatically think it happened with out hearing his side first…everything just points to it, you know?”


“Honey…I’m sorry, but I think you have a right to suspect what you do…”


“That’s what I’m afraid of…” she stated, shaking her head.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin opened the door to his hotel room and sighed when he saw the red light flashing from the phone on the nightstand, meaning he had messages. Walking to his bed, he nearly had a heart attack when he noticed a tall figure rise from the chair in the corner of the room.


“JC…damn, you scared the shit outta me.”


“You scared the shit outta all of us…”


“Well, I’m sorry, but I had to do some thinking on my own.” Justin replied, plopping onto the bed.


“Oh. Does that require fucking some girl you met at a bar?”


“What? What the hell are you talking about?”


“You know damn well what I’m talking about, J…Brandi told me. She said Christina called your cell phone and talked to your ‘woman friend’ who you got worn out with last night, whom you met at a bar…”


“Christina? What do I care? She can think what she wants…” Justin stated, standing up and walking towards the bathroom.


“Oh J? You’re wrong…she didn’t cheat on you…” Justin quickly turned around, outraged.


“Why does everyone keep saying that…Joey, now you…I KNOW what I heard!!”


“Justin…just think about it…” JC said, putting his hands on Justin’s shoulders, looking him in the face, “you were so paranoid from those dreams you were having. You called Christina when she and her guy friend Aaron from Texas had just got back from running…they were both out of breath…she was laughing because she was watching Friends…” Justin’s heart shot through his throat…he was too choked up to say anything. Everything made sense…she had mentioned bumping into Aaron the other day.


“And now because this big misunderstanding, you just possibly lost the woman you love. What do you have to say? Justin…? Justin!” JC screamed, knocking him out of his daze.


“Oh shit Jayce, you’re right…she didn’t cheat…oh god, what did I do? She must be so upset…”


“Oh, you not trusting her definitely hurt her, but when she found out about your ‘lady friend’…that was the icing on the damn cake.”


“I didn’t sleep with that chick I swear, JC! I went up to her room and was thinking about it, to be honest, but I couldn’t. I spent the whole night talking about Christina while she listened until I fell asleep.”


“You wouldn’t lie to me about this, would you J?”


“I’m serious…you want me to fucking go get the girl and hear it from her yourself?” he said, getting mad.


“Ok, ok…I believe you. But…what makes you so sure Christina will?”


“I don’t know man, I don’t know…”




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Arisa was washing dishes after eating breakfast when the phone rang. After wiping her hands with a towel, she answered it.




“Hey Arisa…is Christina there? I really need to talk to her.” Justin asked, hoping that Christina would talk to him. When Arisa had woken up, Tina had explained her phone call to Justin earlier and what had happened. Arisa swore up and down she was going to kill him, but Tina had told her not to believe anything until Justin told her face to face so she could look into his eyes and know if he was being straight with her. Otherwise, she didn’t want to hear anything he had to say.


“Oh hey Justin…” Arisa said sarcastically glancing over at Christina on the couch who shook her head ‘no’, “She’s in the shower…”


“Well, when she gets out can you have her call me back? It’s important.”


“Well, she might be in there for a couple days, weeks, months…catch my drift?” she said coldly.


“I guess I deserve that, but Risa…I didn’t do it, I didn’t cheat on her…tell her ok?” She sighed.


“Alright Justin…”


“And I love her…”




“Thanks, bye…” he said hanging up and sighing. ‘What am I going to do?’ he thought.




Arisa sighed as she set down the phone.


“He said he didn’t do it Tina…and he says he loves you…”


“I’m not believing anything Risa…not until I look into his eyes and see the truth myself.”




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Over the next couple of days, Christina did her normal schedule…going to classes, hanging out with the girls, etc. Still, she wasn’t her normal self: she hardly spoke anymore, she was always so quiet. She had all the symptoms of a broken heart. Well, semi-broken heart. Justin had tried calling about 3 times a day and each time; she wouldn’t talk to him. The girls all wished they would get back together soon because without him, she was so different.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Justin was sick of calling and not getting to talk to her. The guys all complained that he moped around too much. They didn’t like the person he had become…hell, he didn’t like the person he’d become. They hoped, for Justin’s sake and the group’s sake, things would be resolved soon between the two. After their concert tonight Johnny had informed them they had a break in their schedule: about four days. Before, these days were scheduled for press days, but Johnny changed them, hoping Justin would be better after some time away from touring. Justin decided the only thing he could do was fly to Orlando and try to talk to her face to face. He just hoped it would work…




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




JC and Lance smiled at each other as Lance knocked on the door. When Brandi answered, her eyes grew large when she saw JC.


“JC!” she shrieked throwing her arms around his neck, placing kisses all over his face.


“Oh baby…I see you missed me…”


“What are you doing here?!? Oh, I don’t care…just hurry up and come in!”


“Ohh…” he groaned as he grabbed her ass, picking her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist.


“Umm…hey you guys?” Lance said, blushing slightly…not wanting to ruin their moment. They both turned their attention to him and stopped their actions.


“Oh, hey…sorry man. I kinda forgot you were here…I was kinda occupied…”


“It’s ok…Brandi is my girlfriend here? I kinda wanna see her.” He asked, looking into the condo.


“No actually…she’s at your crib…said something about wanting to sleep in your bed tonight.” His eyes perked up with those last words.


“Well…she’ll be in my bed tonight, but I can guarantee we won’t be sleeping…” Lance said laughing and making his way out the door. When he left, JC raised his eyebrows and picked her up by her ass again and planted a kiss on her lips.


“The only thing I want to do while I’m here is stay in bed with you everyday…all day long…” he huffed, in between kisses while carrying her into her bedroom. She just laughed.


“Your wish is my command…”




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Arisa slammed down the phone after trying to call Joey for what seemed like the 100th time.


“Damn it, where is he!” she screamed, stomping her foot on the floor.


“Having problems, hun?” Christina asked, looking at her funny.


“Oh, shut up…” she snickered. As she picked up the phone to call him again, it rang.


“Hello?” she asked.


“Hey baby…guess where I am?” Joey asked.




“Walk out onto your balcony…”




“Just do it!” Arisa slowly walked onto the balcony and almost jumped off when she saw Joey.


“Joey! What are you doing here?” she screamed.


“We got some days off, so…go get your stuff packed…we’re going outta town!!” he said excitedly.




“It’s a surprise, now go! I’m going to get some stuff from my house and I'll be back in 15 minutes, so you better hurry!”


“Ok, ok!” she said running into the condo.


“What’s going on?” Christina asked, walking Arisa’s room.


“Joey is taking me away for a couple days cause they got time off.” She replied while running around her room, tossing items into her bag.


“Oh…ok. Have fun. Tell him I said hi.” She said, a little disappointed.


“I won’t go if you don’t want me to…” she said, stopping her actions.


“No…I want you to go. Have fun and give me all the details, k?”


“You sure?”


“Positive…I’ll find somethin to do…maybe hang out with Aaron.”


“Ok…” Arisa said, starting to pack again.




*ring, ring* 




“If that’s Joey, tell him I’m on my way down…” Christina checked the caller ID and saw Joey’s cell phone number.


“Hey Joey…Arisas on her way down…”


“We need to talk.” Justin stated calmly.


“Justin…I can’t talk to you now…” she said quietly. The doorbell rang.


“We need to talk.” He stated again.


“I’m sorry, I can’t.” she said, hanging up and walking to the door, answering it. A loud gasp escaped from her lips. There stood Justin…dark circles outlined his eyes, and it looked like he hadn’t slept for days.







Chapter 35




Lance slowly unlocked the front door and quietly placed his keys on the kitchen counter. Walking up the stairs, he figured she was probably in his room watching TV or doing something else since she didn’t seem to be anywhere else in the house. Her yellow mustang was in the driveway, so he knew she was there. Cracking his door open, he noticed his room dimly lit with candles. The aroma he smelled consisted was a mix of vanilla and strawberry. Walking around the room the only thing he noticed was a crack in the bathroom door and a soft humming of music. Opening the door, he noticed candles lit around the bathtub, which was full of steaming water; however, no body was present. The soft tune of Sisqo’s ‘2 nite’ played on the CD player that sat on the counter. It was pitch black except for the candles that illuminated the water and the marble countertops. As he walked towards the bathtub, he was startled when 2 hands snaked around his waist.


“I have a confession to make…my good friend Brandi called and spoiled your surprise. Hope you’re not mad…guess she wanted to make sure I looked sexy for you.” Jessi stated, placing kisses on the back of his neck.


“Well, I think it’s working…I think you’re gonna get me in the sack.” He replied smiling and turning to face her, “remind me to thank her later.”


“Oh, really?” she asked, dropping her robe. Now completely naked before him, Lance’s eyes quickly widened.


“Damn girl, I guess you missed me, huh?” he asked while she began removing his clothes.


“More than you’ll ever know…trust me. I started to watch some of Brandi’s little sister’s videos of you and the guys…it was pathetic.” She said, dropping his pants and boxers, placing kisses on his jaw line and chin.


“Ahh…do you know what you do to me woman?” he groaned, running his fingers through her hair. She glanced down.


“I have an idea.” She giggled.


“Alright, shut up. Let’s get into that inticing-looking water…so I can ravage you.” He said walking towards the bathtub, in front of her. She stared at his cute naked behind and sighed to herself.


“Damn…” she mumbled under her breath.


“Did you say somethin?” he asked, arms extended out, now in the tub,


waiting for her to get in.


“Nope,” She replied, climbing into his awaiting arms and planting a kiss on his lips, “Nothing at all…”




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*





First time I looked into your eyes


I saw heaven


Oh, heaven in your eyes




Everything I did before you


Wasn’t worth my while


It should have been you


You all the time




I’ll do anything and everything


To please you


You know how much I need you


You’re always, always on my mind




You’re more than wonderful


More than amazing


The irreplaceable


Love of my life






Seems like a reality




Don’t seem so far away


All I wanna do


All I wanna feel


All I wanna be


Is close to you


Everyday is my lucky day




All I wanna do


Is love you


I place no one above you


I’ll tell you why




You’re more than wonderful


More than amazing


The irreplaceable love


Love of my life




You’re so incredible


Here in these arms of mine


The irreplaceable


Love of my life




Baby you know you’re my one and only


All I wanna do is be together


Sugar you know


I’ll never leave you lonely


In your eyes


In your eyes see forever




You’re more than wonderful


More than amazing


The irreplaceable


Love of my life




You’re so incredible


Here in my arms tonight


The irreplaceable


Love of my life




~ Love Of My Life ~


~ Brian McKnight ~




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Christina stood speechless as Justin stood before her.


“Who’s at the door? Is it Joey? He’s so impatient…I told him I was coming!” Arisa said stepping in front of Christina to see who was at the door. Seeing Justin, she immediately looked at Christina who kept her head down.


“Ok, well that’s my cue…I’m gonna leave now, k Tina? Take care of yourself and I’ll call and check up tomorrow, k? I love you…bye!” she said, giving Christina a quick hug.


“Ok…I’ll be fine.” Christina replied, trying to reassure her.


“Ok…bye Justin.” Arisa said patting his shoulder.


“Oh wait, here’s Joey’s cell phone…he let me borrow it. Well him I said thanks. Have fun, ok?” he said handing her the phone.


“Will do…thanks Justin.” After Arisa left, Justin turned his attention back to Christina, a look of concern on his face.


“How are you doing?”


“I’ve had better days, but I’m managing,” she told him, still looking down, “You?” she asked, now glancing up and looking into his eyes, feeling her stomach tighten.


“Not so good.” He stated, right to the point, “Look…you have to know…”


“Come inside Justin and sit down. We can talk in here.” She said, opening the door so he could come in. After sitting down on the couch, he noticed her sit on the complete opposite end. He felt a tug at his heart. It killed him that she wouldn’t even sit near him.


“Can I get you anything? Something to eat? Drink?”


“No…I’m fine, I just need to talk.”


“Ok…” she replied, looking him in the eyes.


“Christina, I didn’t sleep with that girl, I swear. I was really upset and went to the bar and…” she couldn’t let him finish.


“I believe you, Justin.” His eyes looked so sincere…she knew he was being honest.


“You do?”


“I never thought you did. I wasn’t going to make a decision about it and just accuse you of it before I heard your side first, I didn’t want to hear you tell me over the phone because I couldn’t look into your eyes and see if you were being genuine. Now I know you are.”


“I’m glad you believe me…” he said softly, moving closer to her. As he moved, she backed away. Noticing this, he stopped and had a confused look on his face.


“It still doesn’t change the fact that you hurt me Justin. You accused me of cheating and didn’t even hear me out. You don’t know how confused and lost I was. After what Zack did to me, I figured you would be the last person to ever think I would do that to you.” She said, letting a few tears fall down her cheeks, “but I was wrong. How can I be with someone who doesn’t trust me?” she said standing up and running into her room, with him following, shutting the door in his face and locking it. She let her back face the door as she slid down it, now crying harder.


“I do trust you…shit, I’m sorry. Remember when I told you that my last girlfriend cheated on me? What I didn’t tell you is that I had dreams about her cheating on me before I found out. So…when I had dreams about you cheating, it scared me. That night…that night I called you, I had just had a dream and I was so lost and lonely…all I wanted to do was hear your voice, and instead Aaron answered the phone…it freaked me out. I’m so sorry…you just have to know that I do trust you.” He said, trying to explain the best he could, “I know that’s not you, but I was paranoid and scared. I know that’s no excuse, but I still want you to know I trust you and I love you…more than anything…” he said, beginning to cry. She heard his muffled cries and was startled because she had never heard him cry. She slowly opened the door and saw his tear streaked face, his eyes staring right into hers. Slowly, he made his way closer to her. He tried hugging her, but she pushed him away.


“Don’t…” she said. Then, he tried again and failed.


“Justin, don’t.” she told him once more. He decided to try once more. Instead of pushing him away this time, she pulled him tightly to her.


“Don’t ever hurt me again…” she said mumbling into the crook of his neck as she held onto him tightly. He didn’t realize how much she had needed this.


“Never…” he replied before swooping down and capturing her lips for a kiss. She smiled against his lips and sighed when it was over and rested her forehead against his.


“I love you too, Justin…”






Chapter 36




Justin smiled as he watched her enter the room, holding the little boy’s hand while she helped guide him down the aisle. He watched as she paused and leaned down, whispering in the boy’s ear. A look of remembrance came across the child’s face, in which he quickly jerked the pillow from his hands up in front of his chest. As the two continued to walk slowly, he couldn’t help but let his mind drift, thinking of what life would be like if they were the ones getting married and the little boy was their own. The way she smiled when she looked at the child and the way her eyes lit up when he spoke gave Justin a feeling of want. Want for a child. Want for a lifetime with this…this angel dressed in baby blue in front of him. He knew what had to be done. What would be done.






*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Christina grinned as she watched Sara and David dance their first time as a married couple. They looked so peaceful, only engulfed in their own world. A world where time stood still. A world in which only they were a part of. She longed for that, more than she had ever realized before. She longed for the closeness they had. Two people who were in love who also made love were always so in touch with each other…they possessed this very personal and intimate relationship not shared with anyone else. True, her and Justin were close, but now she wanted to be closer. Connected. Why hadn’t she and Justin already been intimate? Why had she waited so long? Never in her life had she been so deep in love with someone. In the back of her mind she knew why: Fear. Fear of being hurt again. Slowly, she turned her head and let her eyes fall onto Justin. His eyes shifted and met hers. Yes. This was the man she was to spend the rest of her life with. Yes. He loved her and she loved him. All of her questions were answered. There was nothing else to know. It was time.






*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*






Justin had quietly left the reception for a second to get it from Lonnie. It was the one she had saw in a magazine one day, and pointed out to David while helping him look for rings. She had said it was the one she would have picked out for herself. David had told her no because he knew it wasn’t Sara’s style. Sara wanted big and he knew it. This one was small and simple…but beautiful in itself. Justin had wanted to get her a big one, but knew that wasn’t what she wanted. She always enjoyed the simple things in life. He knew this one was perfect. After thanking Lonnie for the emergency purchase, he made his way back inside. There, he found her with both feet propped up on the chair in front of her, a look of exhaustion on her face. She glanced up and gave him a look that let him know she was ready to leave.




Of course she wasn’t exhausted, but she had wanted to fool him and she had succeeded.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




On the way back to the hotel, they stayed quiet. She had nuzzled her head into his shoulder and pretended to fall asleep, and he just sat there solemnly, stoking her hair, thinking to himself. The nervousness he had was getting to him. As they got closer and closer to the hotel, he knew the time was drawing near.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Unlocking the door and helping her inside and onto the bed, he realized that this wasn’t a good time. She was in no shape to be making any life altering decisions. He would just have to wait. Slowly he started to undress and put on some comfortable clothes. Then he heard her rise and walk to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. He walked to it and quietly knocked.




“Baby…you all right?” he questioned softly.


“I’m fine…just washing my face.” She replied quickly.


“Oh…ok.” He responded, walking away from the door. After sitting on the edge of the bed, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the black velvet box. Open. Close. Open. Close. Open. This time the box stayed open. He stared at it, smiling to himself. Then, he heard her turning the handle to the door. Clamping it shut, he hurriedly attempted to put it back into his pocket before she walked out. As it neared his pocket, his eyes darted upward, and his body froze. The box dropped to the floor and plopped under the bed. Even so, he did not move. There she stood in front of him, wearing a short red silk nightie that hugged every curve of her body. He looked into her eyes and knew what he saw. Desire. Lust. Passion. Love. He knew what she wanted. He now wanted it too.




“Christina, wha…what are you doing?” he stammered, looking her up and down. She said nothing, only walked slowly to him, touching his face, giving a forceful kiss to his lips. Afterwards, she pulled away and gave a half smile. His tongue escaped from his mouth and grazed his lips, as if tasting what was left of her there. Climbing onto his lap and straddling him, she sighed.


“I’m ready, Justin. I’m ready for you to make love to me,” She stated, kissing the crevices of his neck.


“Are you sure? Don’t you want to wait? I wanted it to be more perfect for you…roses, candles….” He started. She put her finger to his lips.


“I don’t need all that, Justin,” she replied, pausing her attacks on his neck and staring into his eyes, “you know that. All I need is you.” By looking into her eyes and seeing the emotions that were there, he knew her mind was set. She wanted this.




*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*




Her eyes fluttered open, getting used to the sunlight now pouring in. As she stared at the ceiling, she remembered all of the previous night’s events. An enormous smile slowly formed on her lips. Now that she had experienced what she did with Justin last night, she wanted some more. Before she could turn over and feel for him, she felt a huge bounce, the bed shaking. Turned completely over and looking over him as he lie there, completely naked with that infamous crooked grin, she could only smile as well.




“Mornin,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows. She groaned, knowing they were both on the same page…they both wanted some. Skipping all the talk, she rolled on top of him and giggled when he groaned.


“Someone is in an awfully good mood this morning,” he stated.


“Well, you know what?”




“You’re my new addiction,” she told him, kissing his lips softly.


“And why is that?” he questioned, biting her lower lip.


“I simply can’t get enough of you…” she replied, rolling her tongue across his top lip.


“Oh really?” he asked, rolling her over so he rest comfortably on top. She nodded. “The feeling is very…. very mutual,” he said, nuzzling into her neck, “But before I rock ya world I wanna give you something…just close your eyes”


She laughed, “Ok…”


“No peeking…” he whispered as he placed something cold and hard in her belly button.


“I’m not…can I open them now?”


He took in a deep breath. “Ok, now.” She opened them and looked down.


“Justin…you have to move your hands so I can see it…”


“I know. Just let me say somethin first, k? Ok…I know how you’ve been wanting to get your belly button pierced, so I went ahead and bought you a ring…it might be a little to big, so you might not get to wear it in your belly button…but I just wanted to see what it would look like,” he explained.


“Oh…how sweet J…lemme see,” she pleaded. His hands began to shake as he removed them. There, inside her belly button was the engagement ring she had seen in the magazine a few months before. Quickly, she looked at him and then back down at the ring.


“Is this…is this a…” she started, tears beginning to form in her eyes.


“I was right. Just beautiful. I knew it would be right for you,”


“Justin, what’s going on?” her voice was quiet, almost a whisper.


“I know this might seem fast, but I don’t agree. I love you. That’s all there is to it. I’ve thought about it over and over, and I can’t think of any reason why we should ever not be together. I want to be a father to the children you and I create. I know that god put us here on this earth to be together. It’s our destiny to be together…we fit together. I love you. I love you,” he said, beginning to cry laying his head on her stomach. She stroked his hair. “Whenever you’re not around, I feel as if something’s missing. You…”


“Justin…stop…just stop,” she said, pulling his face up, in front of hers, “all you ever had to say was I love you and well, you already did that.” She smiled.


“What are you saying?”


“I’m saying yes, Justin…yes. I will marry you, I will be the mother of our children. I will spend the rest of my life with you,” she stated, kissing him powerfully on the lips.


“Yes?!? Ahh!! I LOVE YOU!” he screamed, hugging her and rolling both of them off of the bed. Both laughed hysterically.


“And I you…”she breathed.


“Hey, you know what?” he asked, looking around, patting the carpet.




“We haven’t done it here before…” he blushed.


“It?” she giggled. He nodded. “All right, I guess we better get started then, huh?” she sighed, placing a soft kiss on his lips. A few seconds passed and she pulled away.






“I know what we can name our first baby girl…”




“Destiny,” she whispered.


“I couldn’t have picked a better name myself.”


The End

Tell Christina what you thought of this story!