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By:  Coffee


It was a long day. The LA sun was halfway into the ocean when JC pulled his Mercedes into his driveway and slowly got out. Who ever said rehearsing was fun was a damn liar, he knew that first hand. Up at six to be in the studio by seven was not something he enjoyed doing. Right now all he wanted to do was go upstairs, get in bed, call his girl, and fall asleep.


He pulled out his keys to unlock the door and blinked a few times. His eyes were sleepier than he realized because now he was standing there struggling to get the key in the door. JC rolled his eyes and let out a deeply annoyed sigh. Figures that the one time he couldn't wait to get home he couldn't get in. He raised his arm to try again and surprisingly the door opened before he had a chance.


"Hey," she smiled.


JC took a step back and allowed his eyes to focus on the woman infront of him. Then he breathed a sigh of relief that it was only Abby and not some crazed psychotic teenager who'd broken into his house. Again.


"Did they work you so hard you forgot how to put the key in the door?"


"You don't even know," he stepped into the house and dropped his bag by the door.


He turned to look at her, her flawless skin, her hypnotizing chocolate eyes, her hair that shinned almost as much as the diamond he'd put on her left hand a few weeks before. Every time he looked at her the strongest urges ran through his body. He hadn't seen her in a few days because of his early rehearsals and her late nights at the office. Right now he felt the need to toss her over his shoulder and jog up the stairs, all exhaustion forgotten.


"What?" she closed the door and gave him a look.




"You keep looking at me like you don't know who I am."


"No, Abby," he took her hand and pulled her to his chest, "I know who you are."


"You better."


He smirked and buried his face in her hair.


"You smell good," he commented, running his hand down her back and over her behind, "You feel good too."


"Oh no, don't start that."


Abby was no fool. She'd known him for years, and was well aware of his game. She started to walk farther into the house towards the kitchen, but his grip yanked her right back to where she had been. Obviously JC had other plans.


"What's wrong with staying right here?" he ran a finger down the side of her face and she bit at it playfully. Little did she know that only heightened his sexual arousal.


"Come on, I made you dinner," she stepped towards the kitchen again and again he pulled her back.


"I'm not hungry, for food anyway."


She knew that gleam in his aqua eyes and the sheer thought of it did amazing things to her body. It caused her breath to pause in her throat, goosebumps to run down her arms, and a slight throbbing to begin between her legs.


"Yes, you are," she shook it off and tried to get back on track. Sex in the entry hall wasn't exactly what she'd planned for the evening.


"No, I'm not," he gave her that boyish grin followed by the most tender, needy kiss possible.


"It's gonna get cold," Abby stepped back again.


"That's what microwaves are for," he stepped forward.


"But it's your favorite."


"I like you better."


She giggled at his antics and allowed him to kiss her again, most of her restrained slipping away. He got to her like that. He had slipped into every fiber of her being long ago and now whenever he wanted her (in any sense of the word) he got her.


JC pushed her back against the wall, their mouths never breaking for a second. He pulled her arms up above her head with one hand and ran his other down her stomach, over her hip and around to her behind squeezing softly. Abby pushed her hips into him and he groaned as she grinned in triumph. He may be able to get to her, but she still held some power over him. His grip on her wrist loosened and she pulled her hands free to slide them down his body. She stopped at the waistband of his jeans and undid the belt buckle holding his pants up.


That was when he stopped kissing her. JC pulled her hands away and gave her a cheesy grin as he slide his hands under her behind to pick her up. Abby wasn't a tiny woman, but she wasn't huge either, she was alittle shorter than him with large breast and thick thighs that locked onto him possessively. That was JC's favorite thing about her, aside from her dark skin, that she could wrap her legs around him and pull him closer. Abby giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her over to the sofa and laid her down on her back. She watched with interest as he slowly lowered himself over her, one of his hands undoing the button on her blouse as he kissed her lips, and then gently nibbled at her neck.


Once her shirt was open, he undid the little clasp in the front of her bra and pushed the material to the side, her torso now completely exposed to him. The creamy color accented her mahogany skin in a way that was pleasing to his eye, and only made him more aware of the throbbing in his groan that was only growing by the second. He kissed his way down from her neck, one of his large hands fondling her breasts. Finally his tongue smoothed over her nipple and Abby sucked in her breath with a hiss. He looked up at her, the corners of his lips curling into a smile before doing again. Abby arched her back, pressing herself against him and he allowed his lips to close around her skin creating a suction that she found absolutely delightful. His mouth moved to give her other breast attention and she reached between them to unbutton his pants and pull down the zipper.


JC sat up on his knees between her legs, away from her reach. Her hands brushing against his erection was eating away at his restraint. He already wanted her in the worst way and with the sight of her exposed body and her soft moaning he was ready to burst. There was a different between a man and a woman's body. Men can be ready to go in 30 seconds flat, a woman's body took time, attention, coaxing. JC was ready for action, it was Abby he was concerned with. He ripped his shirt over his head before undoing the button on her jeans and pulled them off, followed by the black lace boyshorts she wore underneath. He pushed her knees apart and ran his fingers over her sensitive areas as his eyes looked her over.


"Damn baby, you have no idea how sexy you look right now."


Her eyes slid closed and she nodded her head vigorously, "You know, I think you were right, this is better than eating dinner."


He smiled boyishly and leaned over to kiss her knee. His lips slid lower to her inner thigh, then to the folds between her legs. She gasped out loud when he touched her and slid her hands into his curly hair. The sensation was soft for a moment, then suddenly turned hungry and needy. Abby slightly thrusted her hips towards him as he continued his torture; nibbling, licking, flicking, and sucking on her skin. She felt something move alittle bit lower and slowly one of his fingers slid into her. Then he curled it upwards and started to move around as if he were looking for something.


"Where are you?" she heard him say softly.


Suddenly her body was overcome with the most amazing sensation. One that made her cry out in pleasure and tighten her fingers in his hair.


"There you are," he rubbed the pad if his middle finger of the dime-sized patch of flesh again and watched as she withered infront of him, running her hands over her own breasts and whispering his name. Then he continued on with his mission, adding his tongue to the sensations he was already giving her.


Finally JC stopped and pulled away from her. He licked his lips as Abby struggled to get her labored breathing back to normal, watching him through heavy lids. He pushed his pants down his legs, then his boxers, and lowered his body over hers. She moaned hungrily as he kissed her, rubbing himself against her. He got off on that, knowing she could taste herself on his lips. For some reason he got the feeling she found it erotic as well.


"JC," she groaned, her eyes staring at him, "JC I-."


He shushed her softly, sliding himself inside of her. Abby's fingers pressed into his back, her eyes sliding closed again. He wasn't massive, but he was something she had to get used to. He didn't move for a moment, letting her body adjust to him before pulling out slowly and then pushing himself back in. Abby's head fell back on the arm of the sofa, her hands running over his back. JC took that opportunity to pull her legs higher, allowing himself better access to her body. He started to push into her harder, faster. Abby pulled him closer, her cries become alittle louder, a lot more labored.


"Jayce..." she moaned to him, "Jayce, please."


He knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted to him to make a noise, to say things to her, to let her know that she felt just as good to him, as he felt to her. JC ran his tongue around one of her nipples again before leaning his forehead on hers and starting to whisper.


"You're so hot baby."


Immediately she started to shiver alittle, her arms and legs pulling him closer.


"You're so soft and you're so wet. You feel so good baby. Damn good."


"God Jayce...," subconsciously her hips started to move in time with his, pulling him deeper into her body.


"I love this, I love making love to you. I wish I could just lay here doing this to you all day. Would you like that, if I could just stay here all day fucking you like this?"


Abby nodded absentmindedly.


"Would you? Tell me Abby, tell me you would."


"I-Yes-I'd like that. I'd like that alot."


"You like when I fuck you huh? You like it cause nobody fucks you like I do, do they?"


She shook her head, her eyes closed tightly, "No, nobody Jayce. Nobody."


JC sat up, holding himself above her with his arms and started to move even faster, his body pounding into her now, rubbing against every hidden crevice inside her body, completely filling her up.


"God you're fuckin tight. Damn, I'm gonna cum," he grunted, "I'm gonna cum Abby, are you gonna cum with me?"


"Yeah," she managed, "I'm so close."


"What do you want baby? Huh? Do you want me to cum in you?" his voice was low and husky.


Abby nodded her head again, "Yeah, I wanna feel you, I wanna feel you cum. God, I'm so close baby."


JC reached down between them, his thumb manipulating her clit, running over it lightly. Abby grabbed his wrist, holding onto him. His hand circling around her clitoris and his erection being pushed into her over and over mixed with his words and the looks of pleasure running across his face were quickly pushing her to the edge.


"Come on Abby, cum for me baby. I wanna see you. Lemme watch you cum baby," he moaned words to her repeatedly.


Finally her body started to shake and she screamed out his name. Abby's orgasm washed through her long and hard. It felt like several hundred tiny little waves ran through her veins and she just laid back letting them engulf her. JC felt her body tighten around him, squeezing almost to the point that it hurt and his own orgasm rushed over him causing him to push into her wildly. The movement only fed her orgasm that continued on forcing scream after scream from her lungs.


Moments later he pushed into her one final time and then collapsed on top of her, his body unable to move anymore. Abby lay under him sweaty and panting. Her fingers ran through his hair, down his back and back up again.


"You okay?" he asked after a few minutes.


"Yeah," came her sleepy voice.


"Don't fall asleep on me yet," he kissed her lips gingerly before sitting up, "we still have to eat dinner."


Abby opened her eyes and gave him a heavy lidded look of confusion.


"What? What dinner?"


The End


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