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It Was the Jazz

By:  Coffee


JC got out of the car and pulled his bag and jacket from the back-seat as the garage door slide closed. He'd been over at Alex's for several hours playing around with the new gadgets he had added to his studio. Then he decided to leave when Alex's girlfriend Carmen called him upstairs and he never came back. The two were sex-crazed to the point that it drove JC insane. A kiss here, a make-out session there was one thing. Their idea of PDA was a whole nother category. Then again, he and his girlfriend Lauren weren't that undercover about their relationship either. They got their fair share of 'get a rooms' from the guys too.


JC unlocked the door leading into the house and hopped over the 3 small stairs, stepping into the kitchen. He closed the door and immediately realized something was different. He looked around, the room was illuminated by candles and the dimmed chandelier from the dining room, jazz music played loudly from the stereo in the livingroom. Clearly someone had gotten into his CD collection. He dropped his keys and picked up the nearly empty bottle of Merlot sitting on the counter. JC smiled to himself. Someone was at home getting tipsy without him.


"Babe?" he called out, "Lauren?"


"Where have you been?"


He turned to see her standing in the dining room, wearing a black pinstripe skirt and a silk white blouse, a wine glass in her hand.


"I was hanging out at Alex's."


"Well, I wish you would have let me know. You know how I worry about you."


She started a slow, purposeful stride towards him and he licked his lips with anticipation. He knew Lauren well. He knew the effect wine had on her, one glass and she was a hot steamy romance novel waiting to happen. She hadn't been worried about him at all, she'd been worried about herself; her satisfaction to be exact. She stood infront of him now, her eyes roaming over him seductively.


"Mind explaining this?" he asked lifting the bottle still in his hand.


"Oh that?" she took it from him and took a sip before putting it on the counter next to her, "Mr. Merlot was just keeping me company."


"It's almost gone."


She downed what was left in her glass and shrugged as she set it next to the bottle.


"I was really lonely."


He chuckled.


"So, how was your day?" she asked.


"Fine," he watched as she leaned in close to undo the buttons on his shirt and run her tongue over his earlobe, "boring really."


"I'm sorry," her lips grazed the now exposed skin on his collarbone.


"What are you doing?" he smiled.


"Josh, if you don't know, I can't help you," she didn't even pull away, just mumbled into his skin as her hands slide lower, running over his abdomen before resting on his belt buckle.


Her lips moved up to meet his, firry and hungry. They tasted of the Merlot she'd been sipping for hours and were a bit darkened by the deep red color. If he stood there long enough he could get drunk off of it, off of her. When he felt the softness of her skin sliding under the waistband and the sound of a zipper coming undo he pulled away and took a step back.


"What?" she looked at her with confusion.


"Maybe we should move this upstairs."


"Why?" her eyes danced with excitement and her pouty lips curled into a grin, "What can we do up there that we can't do down here?"


He opened his mouth, then closed it. He didn't have an answer for her words.


"Well--I um...."


"Good," she put a finger over his lips and pushed him back against the island.


"Just, let me do what I need to do," she whispered.


JC didn't get a chance to respond, her lips covered his and began working them in a skillful way. Her teeth were biting gently at his lower lip, her tongue was tangling with his, and all the other little things that got him aroused beyond belief. Lauren knew what he liked, she did it on purpose. Her hands slid between them and grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled the two sides apart. Buttons could be heard bouncing off walls and falling to the wood floors. JC's hands slide down her back and over her behind, pulling her against him, allowing her to feel the quickly hardening parts of his body. Lauren had never taken control like this, pushed herself upon him. He kinda liked it. No, kinda wasn't the word. He really liked it.


Reluctantly Lauren pulled away, her lips occupying themselves by nibbling at the sensitive spot behind his ear and then lowering to his neck, then his chest as she slowly slid down his body.


"See," she muttered, "see what happens when you let me have my way?"


JC grunted a response, his head tilted back.


"You should just let me be."


He grunted a response again and looked down as she pulled the belt off with her teeth and then tugged his pants and boxers down his hips, the whole time her light brown eyes staring back into his aqua orbs. She toyed with him gently, her fingers running over his organ as she pressed butterfly kisses on his pelvic bone. Finally she wrapped her lips around him and he dropped his head back again.




His hands slid into her hair as she tilted her head to the side, pleasuring him expertly. His eyes rolled to somewhere in the back of his head as her nails started to run up and down his thighs, leaving deep red lines in his skin.


Deep throated groaned started to seep from his lips and she moved faster, moaning to send vibrations through his body. JC whispered something naughty and her suction grew harder and her hands tugging and massaging him. He pushed his hips against her feeling his release beginning to boiling in the pit of his stomach. Sensing this, Lauren pulled away and smirked when he groaned in protest and opened his mouth to question her. She licked a trail from his bellybutton, over his left nipple, to his Adam's apple and silenced him with a kiss before pushing him back against the island.


"Get up here," she commanded tossing all the items on top to the floor.


He did as instructed, laying on his back on top of the cold tile and giving her a heavy lidded gaze. Lauren climbed on top of him, tossing one leg on either side of him and settled on his stomach, just above his erection. She rocked against him slowly and JC groaned. He could feel exactly how aroused she was and he pushed her skirt farther up her body and out of the way. She rubbed his manhood against herself, leaving a coat of thick vaginal fluid over him.


"Shit..." his eyes slid closed and his fingers pressed into her thighs.


"Do you want me to stop?" her voice was low.


JC shook his head immediately, "No. Do what you do baby."


Lauren looked at him, her eyes darkened with lust and desire. She moved, slowly lowering herself over him, his sex disappearing inside of her in the most tantalizing way. Her breath came out as a hiss as he stretched her open. She was warm and subtle, he was hot and stiff, an amazing mixture. JC put his hands on her hips, rocking her back and forth, finding pleasure in the fact that she was melting against him. Finally she put her hands on his forearms, gaining some control over her body. She moved slowly, completely taking him in and then almost completely letting him go.


JC watched as she struggled to keep moving. He could tell by the way she moved, the way she breathed that she was completely overcome with pleasure and her mind was cloudy. She wanted to move faster than she was, but for some reason she was holding back. He started to move her hips again, setting a different pace, one that went along with the beat of the sexy song flowing into the room. She was resistant for a moment but finally she allowed him, crying out when the sensations over took her.


"Yeah... ow yeah right there," she put her hands on his chest and leaned forward alittle concentrating on the task at hand.


JC slid his hands over her shirt, pulling it open the same manner she had done with his and pulled her breast from the black lace cups they'd been held in. She moaned his name when he ran his fingers over her skin, tweaking and toying with her nipples. Lauren cupped her left breast stretched her body over his, raising it to his lips and allowing him to take the aching bud into his mouth, covering it with full wet kisses. Her body grinded against him harder, her noises changing from high in her head to deep in her throat.


"I... oh God... Jayce.... Awe fuck me...."


Lauren leaned back, clearly close to the edge. She looked mind-blowing, her back arched, her skin glossy with perspiration, her perky breast moving as she rode him. He revealed in the feelings she was giving him, his body ached to feel her taking him again and again. JC pushed up into her, his hands sliding down her stomach and between her legs. His fingers rubbed against her clit urgently and powerfully.


He could feel his orgasm building up, but he was determined to get her there first, to feel her squeeze him mercilessly before he was overcome with so much emotion that he couldn't see straight. She started to make primitive noises, ones that egged him on, pushing into her harder, his fingers moving faster. Finally she called out his name, her pace turning hard and rapid as the walls in her center contracted rapidly. The distinctive sweet smell of sex started to raise from between them.


"Yeah.... Yeah.... Josh, I-I'm cumming," her fingernails pressed into his arms painfully, the words spilling out of her repeatedly without reservation.


Her body jerked and rocked randomly as contraction after contraction caused JC to dump frustration after frustration into her.


"Fuck..." he muttered, his hands digging into her hips as he finished emptying his seed into her belly, "Holy shit...."


He peered up at her through his haze, watching as she came down from her high, visions of ecstasy visible on her face as their juices mixed in her body.


With a sigh she collapsed on top of him and his arms encircling her, rubbing her back soothingly, as they both smiled at the last ripples of pleasure running over them. Now covered with sweat, gasping for air, and their bodies still connected they laid still against the cold tile. Wow, was all JC could think. If only he had known....


"I should leave you at home with Mr. Merlot more often," he said.


"It wasn't the Merlot," Lauren sighed, "it was the jazz."


The End


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