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Naughty Girl

By:  Coffee


The dirty bass pumped out of the speakers and into the club, much to the pleasure of the dozens of bodies gyrating to the rhythm. Girls were dressed to the nines in cleavage revealing tops and push-up bras, short skirts, and knee length boots. Some were carrying drinks, some were dancing, some were scooping out the guy eye candy standing by the bar, squinting to see through the smoke.


Out in the dancefloor, squeezed into the middle, was a tall man with dark hair, sharing a dance with a strawberry blonde. His head was dipped back and his fingertips on her hips as she moved against him. Her behind was against his groin and he couldn't help the groan that escaped his mouth. He looked around, knowing full well it couldn't have been heard over the music.


He'd found out hours earlier that her name was Krystal, and he was aroused by her courage to come up to him. He'd been checking her out from across the room, and knew she was looking back at him, but didn't think anything would come of it.


"What's the matter?" her voice sounded and he opened his eyes to look down at her.


She had turned, facing him now, and was staring up at him with all knowing eyes.


"Nothing. Nothing's the matter."


She took his hands and placed him back on her hips, and then moved closer so one of her legs were between his, and one of his between hers, and started to dance again.




His eyes widened slightly when he felt her body moving against his leg in an almost blatant sexual manner. As if what she had been doing before wasn't good enough, and his arousal for her wasn't apparent enough, she had to basically ride him in the middle of the dance floor.


Krystal smiled as she looked up at him, knowing exactly what every roll of her hips and arch of her back was doing to him. Even though she could toy with him just for the simple pleasure of it, there was a method to her madness. She simply didn't see why she had to be the only one with impure, animalistic fantasies going through her mind.


This was JC Chasez she was dancing with, she didn't know a woman who didn't have atleast one erotic fantasy about him. He was the kind of guy who could make you forget all your morals for the night, and do things that made your Mama wanna slap you if she found out about it. Like right now, for example, what she really wanted to do was get down in her knees and....


JC's hand slipped south of her hips and squeezed the flesh he felt there, pulling Krystal out of her daydream. A slow sexy smile played on her lips as she reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. He chose that moment to dip his head lower and steal a kiss from her. Intoxicating, sweet, yet something irresistibly naughty. Apparently he liked it because seconds later his lips were back for more, his fingertips pressing into her again through the thin fabric of her skirt.


He only pulled away to groan when her leg rubbed against him. His gaze moved from her now pink and moist lips to her eyes. Her brown stare was enticing in the most exciting way and he felt all his inhibitions slipping away. JC raised a finger to run along her bottom lip and she sucked it into her mouth, smirking at the gasp she heard from a group of woman who had begun watching them curiously.


He replied was a groan and before she knew it he had grabbed a hold of her wrist and was pulling her off the floor.


"Follow me."


JC lead her off to the side of the club and nodded his head to the left. Krystal peered around him at the bathroom door. Her eyebrow raised inquisitively and he nodded his head again.


"Wait three seconds," he told her.


JC then stepped away and pushed open the door to the men's room. When it swung closed behind him. Krystal smiled and nearly let a squeal escape. The situation held a lot of possibilities. A lot of pleasurable possibilities. She quickly ran through one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi in her head before stepping towards the door. Her eyes glanced around, trying to see if anyone was watching. Their actions were unnoticed by all of the party goers, except for the large man that had accompanied JC into the club, and the table of women that had been watching them before.


As soon as the door opened she was met with JC's stare. He pulled her away from the door and pushed it closed. Sure there was several stalls for them to enter, but he was feeling selfish and didn't feel like dealing with it. He flipped the dead bolt on the door and turned back to her.


"You were doing that on purpose, huh?"


She replied neither negative nor positive.


Krystal took a few steps back, but she was much shorter than he was and her legs were smaller, so when he took one large step forward he was once again right back infront of her. Krystal stepped back again and took on a look of surprise when her back hit the wall. She only momentarily got to see his grin widen before he used his body to push her firmly against the wall and kissed her with a hungry passion. Her intrigue heightened at his expertise, apparently this idea wasn't entirely new to him. The way he was sucking on her bottom lip made her wonder if he was going to swallow her up whole, not that she was turned off by the idea. Actually it was more of a turn on.


At the thought of turned on, his arousal pressing into her stomach became more apparent. Her hands moved to his chest when she grabbed his collar and slowly turned him around, his back to the wall now. When she pulled away she gave him that same sexy smile that she knew was getting to him in the worst way, before slowly sliding her body down his until she was on her knees. Krystals hands quickly worked over his belt, stripping it off of him and then undoing his pants and letting them drop to his ankles along with his boxers. He stood stiffly at attention before her and she took him into her mouth, sucking gently. He groaned and pushed himself in deeper before dropping his head back against the wall.


JC's half-open eyes were staring into the mirror, watching her body as she worked him over. He focused in on her knees resting on the cold floor before his eyes slide up the backs of her thighs, over the curve of her ass, to her hips, and up her back. Before he was ready her mouth released him and she stepped back against the counter. One of her hands slid down her hips to the hem of her skirt and lifted it up her thigh alittle, tempting him.


He rushed over to her, his lips planted on hers again as his hands gripped the backs of her thighs and lifted her on the counter with ease. Then she felt his hands on her shirt, and a gush of cold air as he ripped it open. Krystal pulled away from him and looked down, prepared to protest.


"It was only buttons," he said, "it can be fixed. Besides, who really gives a shit."


Krystal glared up at him saucily as he ignored her gaze and went back to work, pulling the cups of her bra down and under her breasts instead of taking it off all together. His tongue moved over her right nipple, flattening over it. She sucked her breath in as a hiss and ran a hand over his hair, shirt buttons now a distant and irrelevant memory. His homage to her skin continued, turning her nipples into taut little pebbles before his lips traveled down her stomach and onto her left thigh.


JC pushed her skirt up and yanked on her underwear, affectively ripping them into two pieces.


"You can sew that too," he offered, kissing her knee.


When he moved, his head disappearing between her thighs she sighed with anticipation. Finally she felt it, his tongue fluttering over her and she arched her back, pushing herself against him. His fluttering turned to slow steady strokes and her hands wove into his hair, aching to express the way he was making her feel. She started to shake when his lips closed around her most sensitive body part, and a suction began. Almost a mini version of what she had done to him. It was only a matter of time before she felt the familiar waves begin and she started making primitive calls outloud. Her orgasm washed over her intensely, and when it was over she was drained.


He stood up infront of her, and kissed her lips. His tongue slipping into her mouth, she could taste herself on him. When his lips left her again she leaned her head on his shoulder, her eyes wanted to close sleepily. Krystal was so out of it that she didn't notice JC as he slipped on the condom. His intentions only became obvious when he put a hand on her bottom, holding her in place as he pushed into her. Suddenly she was awake again, her teeth biting into his shoulder as he pulled out and pushed into her again, a snug fit.


Normally, with his girlfriend, he would have been a little bit gentler and a little easier. But this wasn't his girlfriend and he wasn't in that kind of mood. His hand slid under her, lifting her body off the counter and to a better angle. He slid in deeper and she groaned wholeheartedly, wrapping her legs around him. His penetration was filling her with the most amazing feeling. Her body enveloping him encouraged him to move faster, hitting her harder and forcing her cries to become louder, her nails clawed at his back.


Suddenly he set her back down on the counter and pulled away from her, his body completely leaving hers. He reached for her hips and pulled her down, spun her around and pushed her against the counter. Her eyes met his in the mirror and all she could see was lust and need displayed across his blue orbs.


JC's hand slid up her spine to her shoulders and he gently pushed her down till she was laying on the counter, her body offered up to him. Krystal sighed when she felt him between her legs again, kicking at her heels in a silent order to spread her legs. He hoped she wasn't offended by his lack of conversation, although he got the feeling that she didn't care. He was less interesting in talking and more interesting in take care of the more important task at hand. She complied with his request and felt him enter her again, his hands caressing her body. She could feel every inch of him, rubbing against her wet walls, tickling that certain section inside of her that few of her past partners had been able to hit.


JC gripped her right thigh and lifted her leg up onto the counter, stepping closer to her. Her legs now made an almost 90 degree angle and she slipped a hand between her legs, rubbing herself intimately. The other reached up, grabbing the faucet, desperate for anything to keep herself grounded. Without warning her second orgasm started to seep over her and her body tightened almost to the point JC was afraid she was going to break something off. The tightness and sensation brought on his own orgasm and he subconsciously started moving faster.


Muttered naughty words left his mouth and he took on an almost pained expression and his body shot fluids into the condom keeping them separated. His swelling and orgasmic rhythm only stretched out Krystal's orgasm and for a moment she wondered if she could even physically take anymore.


Then it was over, and she was resting against the counter again, her panting fogging up her reflection. JC stepped back, away from her, and watched at she struggled to compose herself. His breathing was ragged, sweat was covering his forehead. She was laying in the sexiest position and he could see what he had done to her, his arousal coming back at the mere thought of it. An arm slid under her torso and lifted her again, his lips gently kissing her shoulder. Krystal placed one hand on the counter, holding herself up and the other on his arm that was wrapped around her, leaning her head back against him.


She gave him a heavy lidded look and he smirked. She looked completely satisfied, but he also had a feeling she was insatiable.




She chewed it over for a moment.


"Yours or mine?"


"Doesn't matter."


"Yours," she decided.


JC stepped back and pulled his pants back over his hips, the discarded piece of latex now in the garbage can and her ripped underwear stuffed into his pocket. Krystal pulled her skirt back down over her body and adjusted her bra before fingering her shirt. No buttons.


"Here," JC slid off his button down, revealing the pink T-shirt underneath.


Krystal nodded a thank you and slipped it on before checking herself in the mirror and turning back to him.


"Black SUV, off to the left side," he supplied.


She nodded and he leaned down to give her one last lingering kiss before she undid the dead bolt on the door. As it swung closed behind her, her eyes met that those of the women at the table. They glared and gave her disapproving shakes of their heads. Krystal adjusted her skirt again, not because it needed it but more for their benefit, and then wiped her mouth in a sexually suggestive manner before heading towards the front door.


JC emerged from the bathroom a moment later and nodded at Lonnie who had taken post at the bathroom door. His hand inconspicuously reached down to pull up his zipper before he followed after Krystal. The four woman gasped to themselves before beginning a hushed conversation, Beyonce's Naughty Girl drowning them out from any eavesdroppers.


The End


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