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By:  Coffee


His hands moved up her thighs, headed straight for the virginal white panties covering her. His lips trailed down her neck as she arched her back, offering herself to him. He smirked at her clamped shut eyes, preparing to indulge himself in her body.


He was pushed to lay flat on his back, the cool sheets a sharp contrast to the rest of his body temperature. Her smooth thighs slide over his pelvis to rest on either side of him, her hands slowly gliding over his chest. She was staring down at him, wantonly, needfully. Her once perfect hair was now a wild mess, complements of their tossing and turning between the sheets. She looked every bit the crazed sex kitten she appeared to be and he preferred to think he was the only man to have ever brought this out of her.


Watch the sunrise

Say your good-byes

Off we go

Some conversation

No contemplation

Hit the road


He pulled his jeans up over his slender hips before sitting on the bed to pull his shoes on. He watched her by the dresser, fumbling to hook the snaps on her bra before shrugging her shirt on over it. He couldn't quite figure out what his fascination with her was. Yes, she was beautiful, and he was a guy. But usually when a guy saw a pretty lady, she'd become a conquest, he'd get her, then forget her.


Been there, hit that.


But no, he'd had her, spent the night inside of her, and yet he couldn't take his eyes off of her. She glanced at him through the mirror as she fastened the precious necklace she'd insisted on taking off, and flashed him a sexy pearly white smile along with a wink, causing him to smile giddily to himself.


Once they were both fully dressed, and once again presentable, he lead her back out to the parking lot, to where their cars were parked side-by-side. It was an isolated old motel, where no prying eyes or members of the press would ever think to look for him. After he'd walked her to her door, and she'd unlocked it and tossed her purse inside, she turned to him with angelic eyes and offered her first words in hours other than his name, 'oh God,' and 'yes'.




He nodded with a smirk, not really knowing what to say, and held her door for her as she got in like the gentleman he was.


Car overheats

Jump out of my seat

On the side of the highway baby

Our road is long

Your hold is strong

Please don't ever let go oh no


He was speeding down the deserted highway now. He'd watched her leave, watched her tail lights as she traveled down the same road going in the opposite direction. It was so movie picture perfect, there was even a trail of dust behind her car, and he looked every bit the broken hearted lover left behind.


He set the cruise control and leaned back into the leather seat. There was nothing but pavement for miles, and the orange setting sun created the perfect backdrop. His mind wandered back to that lady, that mesmerizing woman. He could still feel the heat created between them.


He could smell her as soon as he had entered the room. Every man in the club could, it was lingering in every corner. He knew her right away, it took a certain kind of woman to carry off a scent like that. It wasn't flowery or fruity, it was sweet, sexy, strong but not overpowering or overbearing. She had these big brown eyes, and he could feel her stare on his face. He tried to ignore it, ignore her, but it was hard to do. Her presence was strong. Everywhere he turned he saw her, rolling her body to the beat, slowly, sensuously, like some kind of neo-soul music video dancer.


Finally he just couldn't take it anymore, the pain of trying to stay away when she was so obviously calling him was too much. He grinned inwardly when she brushed off some guy who had been trying to grind against her and slowly advanced towards him, meeting him half way. Instantly he could make out the outline of two very round, very plump breasts thanks to the three buttons she'd left undone. He gave her that look, the one he knew would get inside her soul. She sized him up, and gave him the same look back. She didn't mutter a word when he slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her up against him.


I know I don't know you

But I want you so bad

Everyone has a secret

But can they keep it?

Oh no they can't


The motel was a mutual idea. She knew the location, he offered the credit card. They'd agreed the night before to meet there at noon. They didn't have to say a word as they preceded to the room side-by-side, the key dangling from his long fingers


Things started out slowly, minimal conversation, more staring than anything. The first time he kissed her it was slow and sweet and exotic. She had the softest lips he'd ever felt and she tasted like strawberries and a little amaretto. Something about an afternoon drinker was kinda sexy.


He could vividly remember standing in front of the mirror with her, her shirt a silk puddle on the floor to his right. He unfastened her necklace, setting it gently on the counter in front of him as he left soft kisses where the chain had been. Her smell filled his nostrils, he still couldn't quite figure out what it was. His hands moved forward to the white lace cups stretched across her chest. As he touched her intimately her red lips parted with a sigh, her head lolled back onto his bare shoulder.


Slowly the hooks on her bra were undone and the material was slipped from her body. He stood paralyzed by the sight of her. Apparently her skin was kissed by the sun. She was already a mocha color, but other than the lines that had been covered by her bra straps, her shoulders were bronzed to a milk chocolate color. He would later discover a faint flip-flop tan line on her delicate feet as well.


Drivin' fast now

Don't think I know how to go slow

Where you at now?

I feel around

There you are


The hours had become a blur and he could only remember flashes and quick emotions about her. The interesting differences between her and other women he'd been with and the things he liked about her body. The way her breasts felt pressed against his chest. The way her pink tongue tasted and how her skin felt, stretched over toned feminine muscles. The way she gently tugged on his bottom lip. The way she sighed softly whenever he made the right move. How their limbs looked tangled with one another, a striking difference between his paleness and her darkness. A mixture that would have been punishable by death just a few decades earlier. The lines her nails left on his back and arms. How her hair tickled his face, and her fingers in his hair. Her giggles. Her sweat. Her orgasms.


Should he remember all of this? Probably not. For a woman he just walked away from and would never see again? Definitely not.


Cool these engines

Calm these jets

I ask you how hot can it get

And as you wipe off beads of sweat

Slowly you say "I'm not there yet."


His car rolled through suburbia, where every street looked the same, every block was like the others, and every house was built by the same person. He passed the house of one of his bandmates, who was out doing God-knows-what knowing him. Finally he pulled into his own driveway, a simple homey two-story. He parked to the left and got out like he always did. He walked up the paved driveway like he had so many times before. The door opened for him as it usually did and he was greeted with a kiss from a perky, pretty, young woman with startling blue eyes. A woman who wore his wedding ring, and had for the past four years.


I know I don't know you

But I want you so bad

Everyone has a secret

But can they keep it?

Oh no they can't


"Hey baby!" She smiled, visibly bouncing with happiness before him, "How was your day?"


Secret by: Maroon 5


The End


Please tell Coffee what you thought of this story!