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By:  Coffee


Baby can't you see

I'm callin

A guy like you

Should wear a warning

It's dangerous

I'm fallin


"Come on baby. Hook me up with the digits."

"Didn't I say no? I could have sworn I said no," Kayte looked from the man, to her friend Sarah, and back again.

"I know that's what you said girl, but you know you want too."

Kayte rolled her eyes and turned towards the bar, her back to him now.

"Come on girl-."

"Man, why don't you just leave her alone," a new voice entered the picture.

Kayte didn't bother to turn around, but listened intently on their conversation.


"I said step off playa."

All was silent for a moment, except for the pounding music coming from the club's speakers. Then a man moved to stand next to her, leaning his forearm's on the counter.

"I'm sorry about that. Some brother's don't know when to back off know what I'm saying?"

"Oh I know what your saying."

"So what's up Ma, you gonna let me buy you a drink?"

"That's alright, I got it. Ladies drink free tonight."

"Well you wanna hit the floor?" he did a little dance and she struggled to keep from laughing in his face.

"That's alright. I think I'll stick it out with my friend here," she nodded her head to Sarah, who was busy trying to get rid of her own guy.

"Come on, I got rid of that other guy for you. I think you owe me something," he touched her hand and licked his lips.

"Well I'll tell you what, why don't you go on down to Jack in the Box, tell 'em Kayte sent you, and get yourself two tacos for 99 cents. I think that'll cover my debt," she turned her back once again.

She heard him tssk, call her a bitch, and stomp off to somewhere else in the club. When the coast seemed clear enough, she turned to look out at the dancefloor, her martini in hand. All she wanted was to go out with her bestfriend and have a good time. Why did every guy in the place feel like he had to come talk to her?

"Don't look now," Sarah nudged her arm with her's, "But someone's got their eye on you. 3 o'clock."

Kayte's eyes wandered to her right and sure enough, there was a man staring back at her. He was tall and thin, but that was all she could make out about him. He was standing in a corner, the shadows masking his features.

"Can we get outta here?" she asked.

"No, I'm having fun," Sarah shook her head, "Besides, I wanna get a good look at this guy."

Before Kayte could ask what guy she felt a presense behind her. She turned, and immediately scoffed. It was the guy from the corner.

"Look, I'm not going to give you my number, I'm not going to dance with you, and I'm not going back to your house with you so you might as well leave me alone," she stated before he could say a thing.

"Jeez, slow down Mami," he spoke, his voice smooth and alittle amused.

Kayte sighed with irritation and gave him a look.

"Look, I'm not going to ask you for your number, I suck at dancing, and I have no interest in taking you home."

She gave him a glare and Sarah stiffled a giggle.

"That came out wrong," he laughed, "Listen I just wanted to talk to you. Is that alright?"

Kayte chewed on her bottom lip, thinking it over. Sarah gently elbowed her in the back and gave her an eager smile. She turned back to the guy and nodded her head alittle.

"Yeah, I guess it's alright."

"Cool," he flashed her his pearly whites, "I'm Justin," he offered his hand.

She offered him a small smirk.

"I'm Kayte."


There's no excape

I can't wait

I need a hit

Baby give me it

Your dangerous

I'm lovin it


"Hey," Kayte climbed into the car and leaned over to give him a kiss.

"How was your day?" he asked pulling back out onto the street.

"Boring. I had class and then I had class and then I had class. How about you? What'd you do?"

"You know me. A picture here, a thing there," he smiled at her, his blue eyes twinkling, and she grinned back.

They'd been together for a few months now. Justin had lied when he said that he didn't want her number, but the fact that he didn't come up to her expecting the world was impressive to Kayte. He took his time, got to know her, and became her friend before he hinted that he wanted something else to happen.

Now, almost eight months later she was happy as ever. She had finally found someone who was more than a man, he was friend, a companion. Someone she could call when she needed someone, and she someone she knew would call her when they were in need. Kayte had fallen in love. She'd fallen completely head over heels in love with him. She wanted to grow old with him, build a home with him, have a child with him. A little boy with his bright eyes and unruly hair.


To high

Can't come down

Loosin my head

Spinning round and round

Do you feel me now?


"Justin, what do you mean they didn't like the song?"

"I mean they hated it. They thought it was shit."

Kayte watched him walk past her and into the kitchen.

"But you loved that song. You worked so hard on it."

"Doesn't matter," he stomped over to the fridge and pulled out a beer.

"Well you have to go back. You have to go back over there and explain it to them, make them see what you see..."

"They don't care what I see Kayte."

"...You know you have a hit on your hands Justin. Your instincts are amazing. You just have to explain it to them."

She jumped when he slammed the door closed and turned to her eyes, his eyes dark and dancing with anger.

"They don't give a shit Kaytie! They couldn't care less about what I think or what I see," he stood in  her, pointing his finger accusingly, "I hate to break it to you but things are just a little more complicated in the real world than they are at UCLA. You can't just go complain to someone and have them make it all better for you. You have no idea what your talkin about so shut up and fucking drop it alright."

She stood frozen until he walked away. Then she leaned back against the wall, her mind blank. Why was he mad at her? Why was he screaming at her? She'd never seen him so angry, so vengeful before. And all of it was directed at her. It was scary. She couldn't help it when a tear came rolling down her cheek. She couldn't stop it when it was followed by another, and then another, and another. All she could do was wipe them away painfully and try to keep herself from making too much noise.

Justin was just outside the doorway when he heard her sniff. He stopped walking and listened for the noise again. Finally he heard it, a little softer this time. He turned back to look at her and his heart broke. She was leaning against the wall by the door, her hands covering her face, her shoulders slumped.  He rushed to her side, pulling her into his arms.

"Shh baby don't cry. Please don't cry. I'm sorry I yelled at you, I shouldn't of done that. It's not you I'm pissed off at, it's them. I'm sorry," he gently pulled her hands away and wiped the tears from under her eyes, "I'm sorry."

Kayte looked away, having said nothing and his hand moved to rub her cheek.

"I'm sorry," he bent his knees a little, trying to look in her eyes, "Do you forgive me?"

She glanced at him, then focused on one of the buttons on his shirt.

"Baby talk to me," his lips met her forehead and she closed her eyes at the feeling.

Then she felt his lips on her temple, her cheek, her jaw. His thumb smoothed over her lip before he kissed her.

"Forgive me?" he questioned again, "Please."

He kissed her nose, then blew a raspberry on her forehead. She chuckled, allowing the smallest smile to seep through.

"Are you smiling? Smile for me?" he tapped her chin and she gave in, "You know I love you. I didn't mean to hurt you," he slipped his arms around her again.

"I'm sorry. It'll never happen again, I promise."

Kayte held onto him tight. He was sorry. He didn't mean it. He loved her, he said so. He promised it would never happen again. Besides, it wasn't that big of a deal right? He just got a little upset and instead of giving him his space she kept talking. It was more her fault than it was his. He would learn to keep his cool, and she would learn when to keep quiet.

He pulled back a little, kissing her again and all of her previous anger and fear slipped away.


With the taste of your lips I'm on a ride

Your toxic I'm slipping under

With the taste of your poison paradise

I'm addicted to you

Don't you know that you're toxic?

And I love whatcha do

Don't you know that you're toxic?


"What the hell did you think you were doing?"

"I wasn't doing anything," Kayte rolled her eyes as Justin slammed the door shut behind her and stormed past her into the house.

"Oh please, you were all over him."

"No I wasn't. Rodney's been my friend for years, he's like a brother to me. Besides, we were only dancing."

"How could you do this to me?!" he flung his jacket onto the sofa and turned towards her.

"I didn't do anything to you! I went out with my friend."

"You were out there, practically having sex with him in the middle of the dance floor, in front of everyone. You embarrassed me in front of my friends."

"Fuck your friends."

He moved to stand in front of her.

"Don't you talk to me like that."

"I'll talk to you however I want to talk to you. It's not my fault your acting like some psychotic boyfriend. How dare you drag me outta there the way you did. Your lucky I didn't-."

Her voice stilled when the back of his hand came in contact with her face. Her head whipped to the side and she raised a hand to her cheek as she slowly turned to look at him. Her face was in complete shock. Kayte stood there, staring at him, her eyes boring into his skin.

"What the hell are you looking at?" he asked.

She straightened her back, standing tall in front of him.

"I used to think it was a man. Now I'm not so sure."

That earned her another slap across the face. This time knocking her to the ground. She looked up at him with startled eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but he interrupted her.

"What?" he scratched the back of his head, "You gonna leave me now?"

She stood up, staring at him briefly before turning to the door. Yeah, she was going to leave him now.


It's getting late

To give you up

I took a sip

From my devil's cup

Slowly it's taking over me


She barely took two steps before his arms shot out to wrap around her, pulling her to her knees and holding her whether she wanted to be held or not. She struggled against him, but his hold was unrelenting.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Baby you know I didn't mean it. I love you, I'd never do anything to hurt you. You know me Kayte, I get upset and I lose my temper and... and... I don't know what happens to me. But I didn't mean it, I didn't mean to hit you. I just walked in there and saw you with that guy and something came over me. You know how jealous I get sometimes, and he was all over you. I just lost it, but it won't happen again. Don't leave me please."

Her body stopped moving and she hung her head, trying not to let his words get to her. But they had, the urgency in his voice, the way he held her almost too tight, his soft kisses on her neck. God, she was such a sucker for him.

"Just," she said his name softly.

Her fingers moved to rest on his forearms and her head lolled back. His hold changed, he moved from restraining her to holding her.

"I'm sorry," he whispered over and over, "I'm sorry."


To high

Can't come down

It's in the air

And it's all around

Do you feel me now?


"Open the door! Open the damn door!"

Kayte pulled her knees to her chest. Justin was pounding on the door so hard she was worried it might fall off the hindges. Her phone was ringing over and over again. She knew it was him on his cellphone. He was everywhere all at once and it was driving her crazy. She closed her eyes, hoping it would go away. It didn't.

"Kayte baby please. Just open the door. Open the door!"

He kicked it and she jumped. Why? Why was he doing this? Couldn't he take a hint?

She'd left him a week before. He hit her again and she just couldn't take it. She couldn't allow herself to be that kind of woman. The kind of woman her mother was for her father. She was finally sobering up about their relationship and his problem. She thought that she could change him. She thought he had changed. But he hadn't, he was just full of lies and broken promises.

So she left. She called him, told him it was over and that she never wanted to see him again. Breaking away from him however, wasn't as easy as she thought it would be.

She missed him so much. She'd been in love with him and suddenly being without him didn't seem right. Then there were the phone calls, the presents he'd leave on the doorstep, the surprise visits to her school, and now tonight. He'd been out there for at least an hour now, banging on all the doors and windows, screaming her name.

"Kayte open the door! You can't leave me, you can't just break up with me. I need you! I love you! You know I love you. I know you love me Kaytie! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! Kayte!"

She'd broken down a long time again, now she was just a pile of sobs and sniffles. Why did he have to make is so hard? Didn't he realize that this hurt just as much as every time he screamed at her? Everytime he hit her. She needed him so much. She could run and run all she wanted, as fast as she wanted, but that fact would always remain true. She loved him, she still wanted him, despite everything.

His screaming had lowered considerably, now only random shouts of apology and calls for her. His pounding was now half-hearted slaps at the door. The phone had stopped ringing.

She stood slowly, wiping the tears from her eyes so she could see. Kayte stood on her toes to look out the peephole. He was nowhere in sight. Slowly she pulled open the door, and there he was, on his knees, cellphone in his limp hand. His head was hung low, but he was crying, she could tell. She'd never seen a man cry before. It pulled at her heart.

"Kayte," he said her name softly, not looking up to meet her eyes.

She didn't say a word, but stepped out on to the porch. She was hesitant a moment, watching his body shake with sobs. Then her hand reached out, running over his head. His arms wrapped around her hips as he buried his face in her tummy.

"Kaytie," he cried into her shirt.

"It's okay," she said, her hand continuing to run through his hair, her eyes looking up at the star filled sky, "It's okay."


With the taste of your lips im on a ride

Your toxic I'm slipping under

With the taste of your poison paradise

I'm addicted to you

Don't you know that you're toxic?

And I love whatcha do

Don't you know that you're toxic?

Don't you know that you're toxic?



Toxic  By: Britney Spears


The End


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