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Daddy’s Girl

By:  Erin


Flat Tire

He rubbed his tired eyes and blinked repeatedly. The black highway was endless before him, and the vast darkness surrounding him was free of any light, be it electric, moon, or stars.

He jumped slightly as his cell phone rang, and reached over to the passenger seat to grab it. Pulling the antenna out with his teeth, he hit the talk button and put the phone to his ear. “Hello?”

“Jace? Where are ya, man?”

His blue eyes scanned the roadway for signs, but found none. “Um, I don’t know for sure, man. East of Tampa, heading northeast...that’s all I know for sure.”

“How is she?”

JC sighed. “Very pregnant. I can’t believe it, Lance. She’s just a kid, and she’s pregnant.”

Lance chuckled. “She’s 21 years old, Jace. You’ll have to fess up to this eventually; it’s not going to go away.”

JC rubbed his eyes again with another loud sigh. “I know. It just...seems so wrong, you know?”

“You’re going to have to let the girl grow up eventually,” his friend advised.

The older man flipped his brights off as he spotted a doe standing on the side of the road with its fawn. "She's just, always gonna be my baby cousin, Lance. I grew up with her following me around with Heather in tow. It seems like she just...grew up too fast. Faster than me, really. Kinda makes me feel old and like I haven’t accomplished anything in this life. And my being alone while she’s there married with a baby on the way makes me feel like I’m missing out on a lot.”

“We all are, C. It’s part of the sacrifice we’ve all had to make for this...what we have.”

“Yeah, I know. Kinda sucks sometimes, don’t it?”

JC yawned loudly, and reached out to turn on the air conditioner.

“Look, man. I’ll let you go. Get a hotel somewhere and sleep. We don’t need you falling asleep behind the wheel and killing yourself.”

JC nodded. “I promise you, Lanceten. The next hotel I come to, I will stop and get a room.”

“Do you swear?” the blonde urged.

“Scout’s honor, man.”

Lance laughed. “Dude, how can you say that? You weren’t ever a Boy Scout!”

“I was a Tiger Cub, pal! Rarrr!” JC laughed and said goodnight to his friend, then tossed the phone back across the Jeep.

Turning the radio up as he yawned again, he searched the road signs for news of a hotel of any kind.


“Abby! Great show tonight, baby!”

“Miss Abby! Will you sign your bra for me? Of course…ya gotta take it off again first.”

“Baby! Marry me, please! And do that for me every night!”

Abby rolled her eyes as she made her way through the crowd toward the bar. Sitting down with a sigh, she held her hand out to the bartender.

“Want a drink, Diva?” the man asked with a smile.

She shook her head. “Nope. I want the paycheck, Ronnie. I need to go home to Braeden.”

He laughed and reached under the counter, then handed her a white envelope. “Abby, is it okay for me to be jealous?” he asked with a grin.

“No, Ronnie…it’s not. Look, I’m outta here. I’ll see you next weekend,” she said with a laugh.

“How were your tips tonight?”

Abby flashed him a smile. “Great. As usual. Goodnight, Ronnie.”

“Night, babe!” he yelled after her as she waved and headed out the door.


“Damn it!” JC kicked the wheel in frustration. He dug his fingers into his hair and growled. “I don’t believe this. It’s five in the freaking morning, I don’t need this now.”

He opened the door and reached for his cell phone. The flashing red light made him groan. “Of was on all day and I didn’t turn the damn thing off!” He threw the dead phone back into the Jeep and stared down at the blown tire. “Story of my life: dead cell phone, flat tire, no spare. How about some rain?”

As if on cue, fat, cold drops of rain began to fall from the sky. He stared straight up into the sky. “Are You mocking me?” he yelled.

Climbing into the driver’s seat, he flipped his flashers on and leaned back in his seat with a sigh. “Just peachy.”


Abby sighed and leaned her head on her fist. It had been a long night, and all she could think about was getting home and going to bed. Her eyelids had begun to droop when she spotted flashing lights ahead of her on the side of the road.

“I shouldn’t do this, buddy,” she mumbled. “But I’m feeling awfully generous this morning.”

She pulled her small car over in front of the large black Jeep. Climbing out into the slight drizzle, she approached the vehicle and knocked on the glass.

Abby watched the young man sit up with a start and look around the Jeep in confusion. His eyes fell upon her, standing in the rain beside the Jeep.

JC opened the door as she stepped aside, and climbed out to stand in front of her. “Thank you, so much for stopping. Really, you have no idea how grateful I am.”

She smiled. “What’s wrong? Do you need me to give you a ride somewhere?”

“Could you? I’ve been here for three hours, and unless somebody came by while I was asleep, you’re only the second car to come by here.” He smiled and reached out for her hand to shake. “I’m J-um...Josh.”

Abby smiled and stared back into the most intoxicating blue eyes she had ever seen. After staring for a few seconds, she coughed lightly and smiled again. “Abby.”

JC’s smile met his eyes (figuratively speaking), and he reached back into the Jeep to grab his bag from the back seat. He yawned as he set it down in the wet gravel. “I-I was half asleep, I think, when I hit...something, and it totally blew my tire. And then, stupid me, I have no spare, I used it three months ago when I had a flat before and never got it put back in.” He sighed and smiled down at her. “Thanks so much...again.”

She nodded and led him to her car, opening the back door so he could toss his suitcase into the back seat. “It’s really no problem. It’s not like I cruise the streets at night looking for stranded men.”

JC paused on his way around the car and looked at her. “Um...I’ll be right back. I need to...get something.” He hurried back to his Jeep and pulled the door open.

Abby watched him reach across the seat to dig into the glove compartment. Reaching for her cell phone, she dialed the seven familiar digits. “Laur? Hey, it’s Abby. Could-could you take him to your house tonight? I’m almost home, so just go ahead and leave. I’ll pick him up tomorrow.” She looked out the window to see the man locking his doors with the remote key. “No, Laur. I can’t explain why, just...please take him to your place?”

She sighed and smiled as JC climbed into the passenger seat, brushing his fingers through his wet hair. “Thank you, Laura. I owe you...bye.”

Abby smiled at him as she started the car. “So, where do you want me to take you? A hotel or AAA?”

The blue-eyed man laughed lightly. “Wherever isn’t out of your way. I mean, I really don’t want to be any more of a burden than I already am.”

She pulled out onto the road and looked over at him from the corner of her eye. “Wherever you want to go is fine with me.”

“What’s easier for you?” he insisted.

“My place,” she replied with a slightly laugh. “But seriously-“

“Then, how about that?” he suggested, slowly reached his hand out for one of hers. He brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of it gently.

“Josh, I thought you didn’t want to be a burden,” she whispered, trying to keep her eyes on the road.

JC shrugged his shoulders and leaned over in his seat to kiss her cheek. Abby shivered as his breath tickled her ear when he whispered, “Abby, I don’t think either of us would consider my staying with you tonight, a burden.”

She pushed him away and concentrated on the road. “So, what do you do?”

He smiled. “Anything you want.”

Abby rolled her eyes. “Not what I meant, but most certainly interesting. What do you do, as in a job?”

JC laughed. “I know what you meant, Abby. I’m a a band. We’re pretty popular, if I do say so myself.” He smiled and looked at her. “What about you? What do you do?”

“I’m entertainer of sorts, myself,” she replied quietly.

“Like what?” he prompted, fingering the picture in his hands.

“Um...” Abby tightened her hold on the steering wheel.

JC laughed. “It’s not a hard question, Abby. What kind of entertainment?”

She took a deep breath and sighed. “I’m a a nightclub.” She sighed again and slumped down in her seat slightly. Turning her head, she saw his shocked expression.

Finding his voice, JC coughed. “What? Like a stripper?”

Abby nodded. “Well, yeah. I guess that’s a part of it.”


She rubbed her eyes and groaned. “I know, I know. You think I’m some kind of slut now, right? Don’t feel bad about thinking that, because I get that all the time.”

The ride was quiet for the next fifteen minutes until JC nudged her gently with his elbow. “You know, Abby. I really don’t think you’re a slut. I just-I...that’s cool.”

“What?” Abby’s head shot toward him as she pulled up to her house.

JC smiled. “I said it’s cool. I’d like to see your show sometime.”

She could feel her face flush, slipping the car into park, and turning to him. “Josh, what are you saying?”

The man’s smile grew as he unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over toward her. “I’m a man, Abby. I like a good strip tease.” His eyes danced with amusement as he scanned her face. "And you're a beautiful woman." He leaned over farther and softly pressed his lips to hers. "Hows about you give me a tour of your house?"

Abby smiled against his lips and bunched her fingers around the back of his shirt as she pulled him closer. "Where would you like to start?"

JC pulled away and smiled at her. "Hmmm…how about the bedroom?"

Abby opened her door and climbed out into the rain. She watched him climb out on the other side of the car, and sent him a sly smile. "That sounds like the perfect spot."

JC began to reach into the backseat for his bag, when she walked around the car and put her hand on his back. "Josh, do you plan on taking your clothes off tonight?"

He turned around and looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes. "Well, I was counting on that being the game plan." He slowly reached out and put his hands on her hips.

Abby closed the car door. "Were you planning on putting any back on?" She leaned her body into his and stuck her hands into the back pockets of his jeans. "Because I wasn't planning on letting you."

He smiled and reached up to brush a wet strand of hair from her face. "Prove that to me."

"Okay." She took his hand and pulled him up the walk to her small house. The two were barely inside the door before Abby had his shirt off and in a heap on the floor.

JC was unbuttoning her top and kissed down her neck as they stumbled down the hall toward her bedroom. Abby's nimble fingers quickly undid his jeans, which were soon also tossed to the floor along with his shoes and socks.

He braced himself as she pulled him down on top of her, and smiled down at her. "Abby, I don't-"

She placed a finger to his lips. "Shhh."

JC shook his head. "No, listen. I-I don't do one night stands. I don't know why I'm doing what I am, but for some reason, I need this tonight."

"Then stop talking, and let me finish my tour of the bed," she replied with a giggle.


"I don't do this," he repeated for the tenth time that night as they lay listening to the rain pounding on the roof.

Abby giggled and rolled over, wrapping her arms around his bare torso. "Josh, please…you've been saying that practically all night. I think I get the point."

Running his hand down her bare back, he sighed. "I know, Abby…and I'm sorry. I just-I'm not like the type to jump into bed after I just met someone. And if word got out…it could kill my image."

She sat up slightly in the bed and leaned her head on her fist, lying on her side. Scanning his face quickly, she smiled at him. "You said you were popular, but you can't be that big."

JC chuckled. "You'd be surprised."

Abby reached out and touched his chest, still amazed at this beautiful man. "What, are you like, I don't know, the Beatles or something?"

"Some might say bigger, actually…but I wouldn't," he replied with a small smile. "But we're very popular."

"Okay, so tell me…what's the name of your ‘very popular' group?"

JC couldn't take his eyes off her as she flipped her auburn hair off her shoulder. "Um…ever heard of the Backstreet Boys?"

Abby's chin dropped. "Oh, no way! My sister loves you guys! You mean to tell me that I just had a one night stand with-"

JC's hand covering her mouth quieted her. "Hush, baby. First off, no, not the Backstreet Boys. I was merely using them as a reference. Secondly, Abby, I told you that I don't do one night stands. If you have been able to single-handedly make me go against my morals after knowing you not even an hour, you've better be planning on expecting many visits from me." He chuckled. "As I was saying…you've obviously heard of the Backstreet Boys. Well, my group is what we like to call, the better version of that mistake. I'm in *N Sync."

"Wow," she breathed. "But, I don't remember there being a Josh in there."

He smiled. "I go by JC."

She shook her head and inched closer to him, then allowed him to pull her close to his side. She settled in against his chest and sighed. "So, you got to sleep with an exotic dancer, and I got to sleep with a pop star. Wow." Kissing his chest, she looked up into his eyes. "I guess we both hit it big tonight."

JC held her closer and rubbed her back. "Goodnight, Abby."

She closed her eyes, and he could feel her breathing deepen as it tickled his chest. "See you in the morning, Josh."

He could tell that she was asleep, and brushed his fingers through her wavy locks. "I can't guarantee that I'll be here in the morning, but I swear to you that I don't do one night stands." He kissed the top of her head and settled into the pillows, pulling the blankets up over their bodies.

~*~ Abby awoke the next morning, bathed in the morning's rays. She groaned slightly and rolled over, reaching her arm out and expecting it to wrap around the man with whom she'd spent the night. She opened her eyes in shock as her arm met the cool bed sheets beside her with no trace of body heat. "Josh?" she groaned. Sitting up in the bed, she glanced around the bedroom.

She climbed out of the bed and wandered into the hallway, calling out his name. She was met instead with the sound of feet running down toward her.


Abby couldn't help but smile as she saw her son running down the hall. She laughed as she lifted him up into her arms and kissed his nose. "Oh, my baby!"

She spotted her sister heading toward her. "Hey, Laur. Was he good for you?"

Her sister nodded and smiled slightly. "An angel, but I need to ask you the same question…was your friend last night good for you?"

Abby blushed and set Braeden down on the floor, watching him scamper away. "He was so amazing, Laura. And I don't just mean the actions of the evening either. When I looked into his eyes, I saw something…"

"Lust?" Laura suggested, pulling her short blonde hair up into a ponytail.

Abby smacked the older girl and rolled her eyes. "No, Laura. Substance…a soul…a heart. He kept promising me that this wouldn't be a one night stand. After we…well, you know," she whispered, spying the boy from the corner of her eye, "…we talked for hours. He's got such a wonderful personality."

Her sister nodded her head. "What's his name?"

She smiled. "Josh. He's the Josh in *N Sync…as in JC. His Jeep had a flat, and I picked him up."

Laura's chin dropped. "Oh, no way!"

The younger woman rolled her eyes. "You're such a teeny, Laur!"

"I am not!"

Abby bent down to pick up one of Braeden's toys. "Justin Timberlake."

Laura sighed deeply. "The baby Adonis!"

"You're twenty-nine years old, Laura. Grow up!"

The blonde followed her sister into the kitchen. "You had a baby when you were eighteen years old, Abs. You've done enough growing up for the both of us. Let me finish out your swooning teenage years that you've missed, for you." She sighed. "So. JC Chasez. Was he good in bed?"

"Didn't I already say he was amazing?"

"Yeah, but I thought you meant-"

"I meant that he was amazing in every sense of the word. I just don't think that I'll ever see him again."

Laura sat down at the kitchen table. "I don't know how you do it, Abs. Eighteen, you have Braeden. You've raised him without Ben's help for two years. You still manage to keep a job and pay for this house and your car. You're like, Wonderwoman or something."

Abby smiled. "Josh doesn't know about Braeden. He's already so worried about his image…I don't know if I should have told him or not. But it's not like I'll ever see him again."


"Thanks for all of your help," JC said, shaking the man's hand. "I appreciate it. Especially for picking me up so early this morning." He handed him a fifty and waved. "Thanks again."

The tow truck pulled away, and JC sighed as he watched it rumble down the road. Climbing into the Jeep, he started the engine and slowly pulled onto the road, the events of the previous night weighing on his mind.

Two and a half hours later, he was pulling into the driveway of the house he shared with his brother. Climbing out, he stared up at the house with a sigh before taking notice of the five other cars lining the road by the driveway. "Great, the guys are here…just what I need right now."

He smiled as he spotted his brother coming out of the front door with his arm around a girl. "Hey Ty! Who's your girl?"

Tyler looked up and smiled at his brother. "Jace! I've entertained them long enough. It's your turn!" He grinned as a loud yell came from the door. "And this is Mandy."

JC shook the girl's hand and winced as another yell came from within the house. "Nice to meet you. I hope they didn't attack you too bad. Ty, don't be gone long...I wanna watch some movies and maybe get some pizza or something tonight."

Tyler nodded. "You owe me for this." And he and the blonde climbed into his car.

JC shook his head and tentatively pushed the front door open, then walked into the living room in time to witness the four-way Playstation game. "Geez guys, why don't you make yourselves at home?"

They all turned and smiled as they saw their friend was home. "JACE!" they yelled, then turned back to their game.

Joey turned and narrowed his eyes as he looked at his friend. "Wait a minute. Something's up with you. Let's see…" He stood up and walked around the older man. He smiled in triumph after a few minutes and looked at the other three. "JC got laid."

"WHAT?" JC yelled. "How can you tell that, just by looking at me?"

Joey smiled. "Dude, you're happy! You haven't even been halfway happy since you broke up with-"

JC covered his friend's mouth. "Please, do not say her name. Joey, I am determined to never hear that name again."

Justin turned around. "Why, man? You carry her picture around in your glove compartment!"

JC rolled his eyes. "Please, guys. I had a great night last night. Please don't bring that bitch up now."

Joey's eyes lit up. "So, are you saying that something did happen last night?"

The singer shrugged his shoulders. "I met someone. She was amazing every way."

His friends' eyes grew wide. Justin dropped his controller in shock. "Dude! You had a one-night stand? You? Buddy, you're not Joey!"

"HEY!" both parties yelled simultaneously.

JC shook his head. "Justin, this isn't a one-night stand. I plan on seeing her again. She was...beautiful. I can't wait to talk to her."

Lance shook his head. "I didn't really know if I'd ever see the day where you'd stop obsessing over Shaina."

"I-I don't obsess over her, I just...I thought I loved her, you guys. I thought she was the one I was going to be with for the rest of my l ife. I put a freakin' ring on her left hand, for goodness sakes. Just...stop with all this talk about her." He glared at his friends, his cheery mood from the previous night...long gone.

Chris stood up and walked slowly over to his friend. "Jace. We're sorry, man. We all know that she really killed something in you, and it's a really good thing to see you moving on. But seriously, man. Just off and jumping into the sack with some chick you've just met isn't the way to do it."

JC nodded his head. "I know that, Chris. And you know that I would never ordinarily do something like that. But Abby is...different. When I looked at her, I knew I could trust her."

Justin smiled. "That's something big for you, C. You haven't even looked at another girl since-"

"Don't say it, J."

Justin nodded his head. "Sorry. But seriously. You haven't. And now, you're already sleeping with one."

"Don't make it sound so cheap, J," JC insisted. "Look guys, I'm not kicking you out or anything, but I'm exhausted, and need some sleep." He began to head to the stairs to retreat to his room.

"You certainly didn't get any last night," Joey mumbled with a snicker, causing the others to laugh.

"Funny, Joe...very funny."

