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Abby Chasez…

She smiled as they stepped off the boarding ramp. Standing up, she approached the couple and hugged them each in turn. “Welcome to Orlando, guys,” she said with a grin. “I’m so glad that you’re here.”

“You know we wouldn’t miss this for the world, pumpkin,” William replied, hugging his daughter close before reaching back down to grab their bags. He watched as his wife put her arm around their daughter as they made their way to the baggage claim.

She watched them pull their suitcases from the carousel and smiled when they had all their things. “Are we really?” she asked, sliding her coat over her shoulder, because even though they were in Orlando, it was December and they were experiencing chilly weather.

“We’ve been ready,” her father replied with an easy smile, pulling his suitcase behind him as they walked toward the door.

“Where are you parked, sweetie?” Rhonda asked as they stepped through the door.

Abby reached into her pocket for the keys to JC’s Jeep. “I’m in the parking garage…WAY up there. You guys wait here and I’ll go get it.”

The older couple watched their youngest daughter walk away, smiles imprinted on their faces. “She looks beautiful, doesn’t she?” he asked, setting his bags down and putting his arm around his wife. “So happy.”

Rhonda nodded and leaned her head against his shoulder. “She’s about to get married to a wonderful man, she has two beautiful children at home, and you’ve finally forgiven her. Of course she’s happy. And she’s always been beautiful.”

William smiled and leaned down to kiss his wife’s cheek. “Yes, she has.”


JC stood on the porch, smiling as he watched his Jeep roll back through the wrought iron gates and up the drive to his house. Running a hand through his hair, he stepped down off the porch as Abby parked the Jeep under the basketball goal.

“Joshua! Darling, you look great!” Rhonda exclaimed, climbing out of the backseat of the Jeep. She leaned forward and hugged him before he began to pull their bags from the trunk.

He smiled and placed all the bags on the pavement as he closed the trunk. “Thank you, Rhonda. You look lovely today as well. It’s great to see you guys again.”

William walked up as JC leaned down to grab the bags again. Holding out his hand, he shook JC’s with a grin. “Welcome to our home,” JC said, smiling back to the man.

“It’s very nice,” William offered, leaning down and taking some of the bags before JC had a chance. “Big enough for a big family, huh?”

JC shook his head as he grabbed the remaining bags and followed the man and two women into the house.


“JC, really…your house is beautiful,” Rhonda said, sitting down on the couch with a sigh, having finished the tour of the house. “Ever think of filling it with kids?”

JC laughed and put his arm around Abby. “We don’t want a lot of kids,” he replied for them, as Abby nodded her head. “Maybe one or two more…but that’s it. I was actually thinking about getting a smaller place anyway.”

Abby leaned her head on JC’s shoulder. “I really don’t like chasing Braeden up and down all these stairs. I can only imagine how bad it’s going to get once Chance gets old enough to start running from me too.”

William leaned forward in his chair, his hand clasped tightly around the mug of coffee in his hand. “Why did you two move the wedding up so soon?” he asked, blowing on the steaming liquid.

Abby looked up at JC as she saw the blush creep over his cheeks. “We just couldn’t wait,” she replied. “We want to get on with our lives without worrying about people judging us for having a child and not being married.”

”We love each other,” JC added with a shrug. “I couldn’t wait to be her husband.”

Rhonda and William exchanged knowing glances as Braeden made his way into the room, having just gotten up from his afternoon nap. Rubbing his eyes sleepily, he took notice of the two older adults in the room and made his way over to them. Tugging on William’s pant leg, he was soon crawling onto the man’s lap. “Hewoo, Gampa and Gamma.”

Abby’s father hugged the boy close before her mother took her own turn. “You are getting so big!” Rhonda exclaimed, holding her grandson close. Looking up at her daughter, she smiled. “When is your sister getting in?”

”Sometime tomorrow afternoon,” Abby replied with a smile. “I can’t wait. I haven’t seen Laura in months.”

“Do you guys need any help with anything?” her father asked, looking at JC. “You do realize that we are reimbursing you for any cost to this wedding? It is the bride’s family’s job.”

JC shook his head. “Really, I can afford it. I told Abby that money was not an issue when it came to her wedding.” He chuckled. “And she certainly took advantage of that too.”

Abby elbowed him and stuck out her tongue. JC leaned down close to her with an evil grin. “Don’t make me bite that. I will if you don’t keep it in your mouth.”

Abby blushed and looked up at her parents. “You can pay him back if you want, but good luck convincing him.”

William leaned forward in his seat. “How much do you make a year, son?” he asked, leaning his head on his fist as he scrutinized JC with his eyes.

JC shrugged “I dunno. I have an accountant that takes care of all of that.”

“Ballpark figure here…humor me.”

”Ballpark?” JC asked with a raised eyebrow. Abby’s father nodded. JC bit his lip and ran a hand through his hair. “Well…it really depends on if it's a good year for us or not...millions?”

William’s eyes bugged at that. “Millions, huh? Guess that explains why you’re driving a Jeep, right?” he replied with a laugh.

JC chuckled slightly at this as well. “I see no reason in flaunting it.”

”That explains the house,” Rhonda murmured.

“Mom,” Abby whined.

JC laughed this time. “The house was the exception. My parents talked me into buying myself something great. I’ve looked into a new car, just haven’t made any decisions yet. What do you drive, Mr. Garner?”

“William,” the man offered. “You’re a member of the family soon…call me William.” He smiled. “I drive a Mercedes, son. You should look into one. They’re very nice cars.”

JC nodded. “I know. Justin has one…or two is it now?” He shrugged. “I dunno, but the kid’s got like every fancy car there is.”


JC smiled. “He’s twenty.”

“Twenty years old and has two Mercedes?” William laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Abby sighed. “Dad, don’t go into this.”

Her father shushed her and leaned further even more. “So…this Justin kid? What do his parents do for a living to be able to spend so much money on their son?”

JC really laughed this time. “Justin spends his own money on his crap. He’s in the group too.”

The older man nodded. "Ah, that’s right. You’re in that singing group.”

JC nodded with an amused smile as Abby’s face flushed in embarrassment. “That’s right.”

“Ever think of being a doctor? Much more respectable.”


William held up his hands. “I’m done, I’m done.”

JC covered his smile with his hand. “I’m just fine where I am, but thank you for the suggestion, William.”

Abby giggled against JC's shoulder and eyed her parents. Leaning close to JC's ear, she lowered her voice and whispered. "I like how you conveniently forgot to mention the Viper in the garage."

He laughed. "We'll get to that." He looked up as he heard a wail from upstairs. Looking over at Abby, he stood up. “I got him.” Turning with a smile to his future in-laws, he made his way up the stairs with Braeden on his heels.

Rhonda took her husband’s hand within her own and smiled to their daughter. “Darling, he’s amazing. Simply amazing. I’m so happy you two found each other. Just thinking about having that boy as my son-in-law makes me giddy with excitement.”

William rolled his eyes. “Your mother thinks he’s cute.”

Rhonda gasped as Abby laughed to herself. “I do not!”

”Yes you do, Mom. You’re turning red.” Abby leaned forward in her chair and put her hand on her mom’s knee in an affectionate pat. “Don’t worry, Mom. It’s okay. Everyone on the face of the earth between the ages of seven and forty thinks he’s cute.”

Her father shook off his laugh and let his eyes zero in on his daughter. “We are so happy for you, sweetie. And so proud.”

Abby smiled at the words of affection she’d been missing from him for years. “Thanks, Daddy. I’m just glad you guys are here.”


Abby giggled as JC dipped her low while they spun around on the dance floor. Couples danced everywhere, the lights shining down on them mercilessly. But tonight was their night. They were finally married and things were finally looking up in Abby’s life. She smiled up toward her husband’s face and let the thought bounce around in her head for a moment.

This man…this man standing before her with his arms wrapped so tightly around her waist was her husband…the father of her second child. The man of her dreams. He loved her and for once, she had found a man that was right for her. He wasn’t some man that would just leave when things got tough. Oh sure, he’d tried, but she knew he was it, so she refused to let him leave her life…and so she held on with both hands.

JC let his head drop to her neck, trailing kisses up to her jaw line. “Another hour and we are out of here,” he whispered close to her ear before sucking on her earlobe playfully.

Abby dug her fingernails into his back in warning. “Watch it, Mr. Chasez, or I’ll be forced to throw you down right here, right now.” She giggled as his tongue touched her ear again, moving her hoop earring around inside his mouth. She closed her eyes at his closeness and thanked God for bringing him into her life.

“I think it’s time for the bouquet and stuff,” he whispered as the music died down. They both turned and watched as Joey jumped up on the stage.

“Okay all you wedding goers. It is time to throw the bouquet and garter. Now if we can get a chair out here in the middle of the dance floor, we’ll get that garter off Mrs. Chasez’s sexy little leg.” He looked up as he heard a laugh. “No, not you, Karen! Didn’t you get enough of that with ole Roy there?” He laughed at JC’s mother’s flushed face.

JC led Abby to the chair and smiled to her as she sat down. “Let’s give ‘em a show, eh?” he asked with an evil grin, getting down on his knee before her. He looked up at Joey, watching the man nod in encouragement. Looking back up into his wife’s eyes, he licked his lips. “Ready, babe?”

She nodded slowly, her hands tightening on the arms of the chair as he lifted the skirt of her dress over her legs. Finding the lacy white garter on her thigh, he leaned down and captured the item between his teeth, slowly pulling it down her leg. Whoops and hollers echoed through the huge reception hall and JC laughed to himself, his breath causing goose bumps to rise on Abby’s skin. Finally pulling it down to her ankle, he removed her shoe with one hand and gently pulled it over her foot. Looking up at her with the garter still between his teeth, he winked and let it drop to his hand. Raising his eyebrows, he smiled and replaced her shoe on her foot. He then leaned forward over her lap and kissed her gently. Standing up, he pulled her out of the chair and turned to face the crowd with his hands out. “Was that good enough for ya?” he asked with a laugh.

Joey finally stopped cracking up long enough to lean into the microphone again. “Wow…that was hot. Y’all did realize that there were other people in the room, didn’t you?” He laughed again as JC pulled Abby back into his arms long enough to place a long, lingering kiss on her lips. “Okay then…you all know the drill. Single guys, get out there…this might be your lucky night.”

Abby stood off to the side near where the men were gathering and smiled as Justin joined them. “J, I thought you were a taken man?”

Justin shook his head. “ the moment, I am but I think that's gonna change very soon…maybe I’ll get me some gal tonight, huh? Maybe one of your stripper friends?” he asked, looking around the room as Lance and Chris joined him and the other men there.

Abby shook her head. “I didn’t have any friends there. Sorry, kid.” She squealed as arms slid around her waist and she looked to her shoulder to see Wade’s chin resting there.

“Hey Legs, that was a nice performance you two just gave there. Think we could put that on a stage?”

She kissed his cheek and patted his arm. “I don’t think so, Dancerboy. Get your butt over there. We wouldn’t want you to miss out on the action, now would we?” He laughed and moved toward the slowly gathering group as Ronnie joined the men also.

JC looked over his shoulder as he twirled the garter around his finger. “You guys ready?” he asked with a laugh. They all nodded and he turned to face the other direction. “Okay. One…two…THREE!” He tossed the object into the air and smiled to himself at the scrambling sounds behind him. He turned as he heard the entire room erupt into laughter. “What?” he asked, trying to see who had caught it.

Justin leaned on Wade’s back as the choreographer doubled over in laughter and pointed to the ceiling. JC’s eyes traveled up and he expelled a laugh as he saw that the lace of the garter had somehow managed to cling itself to the spiky paint job on the ceiling. “Oh that’s classic,” he said with a chuckle as Abby shook her head.

Taking her bouquet from Laura, she approached her husband. “Let me show you how it’s done.” Shoving him out of the way with her hip, she claimed the position he had held.

Joey once again had to recover from giggles as he took the microphone off the stand and held it up to his mouth. “Okay…this night just gets more and more interesting. Ladies, it’s your turn. Not that anyone’s gonna be putting the garter on you as we seem to have lost it to the stucco.” He motioned to the floor with another laugh. “Have at it.”

Abby watched as the women gathered and the men scowled at the ceiling. Withholding a giggle, she turned around and looked over her shoulder. “Ready? One…two…THREE!” Tossing the flowers over her head, she heard the scramble of high heels and turned in time to see Heather Chasez catch it in her hands. Waving it in the air, the woman smiled to her sister-in-law with a wink. Abby shook her head and shrugged, knowing the woman wasn’t going to get any excitement with the garter.

She jumped as she felt arms around her waist. His lips attacked her earring again and she smiled as her hands joined his at her front. “Wanna dance?” he whispered in a low voice.

“I know what I want to be doing, but we can’t until later,” she whispered back, turning in his arms. Wrapping her own arms around him, she grinned as he pulled her close. “What’s the countdown now?” she asked as they began to sway to the music as the lights went down again.

He glanced down at his watch and grinned. “Half an hour.” Reaching out as a waiter passed, he took a flute of champagne with a strawberry in it. Taking a drink, he put his hand on her waist again, still holding the glass. “The alcohol’s good tonight,” he said with a breathy sigh.

“Is it now?” she asked, moving her hands down his back.

He nodded. “Oh yeah. Wanna taste?” he asked, bringing the glass to his lips again. She nodded and he smiled before leaning down to claim her lips, letting her taste the flavor still in his mouth.

She leaned back and grinned at him. “I like it. That’s got to be the best way of consuming liquid that I’ve ever tried,” she added with a coy grin. He laughed and held the flute up to her lips, tilting it back so she could drink.

He smiled as her eyes closed at the taste and tilted the glass back into his own mouth, swallowing the rest of the drink. Taking the strawberry between his teeth, he cleared his throat. “Wanna share the strawberry?” he asked. She smiled and opened her mouth as he leaned forward, placing the berry into it. They both closed their lips around it and bit it into two pieces.

”Why don’t you two just get out of here? It’s obvious that you’re dying to.” They turned to see Justin standing there with his own glass of champagne.

“Who’s letting you drink?” JC asked with a grin, depositing their empty glass on a passing tray.

“Your mom,” Justin replied with a laugh. “You two…out now. Leave. We can handle this party. Everyone’s surprised you two stayed this long. Seriously, get out of here.”

JC smiled down at Abby as she nodded. “Okay then. We’ll go. Where’s the boys?” Justin pointed across the room and patted his friend on the shoulder.

“Get out of here. Congrats, you guys. And don’t worry, we’ll take good care of them.” He smiled and moved back into the crowd.

JC took Abby’s hand into his own and pulled her across the room to where Braeden was curled up on a plush chair and Chance was in his car seat. Both boys were sleeping soundly despite the music. Abby sighed as she leaned down to kiss her boys’ foreheads. “Perfect little ring bearer,” she whispered, wiping the lipstick off Braeden’s forehead.

“Honey, they’ll be fine,” JC assured, taking his turn to kiss them goodbye. He looked up and saw her wrap her arms around her torso in worry as she gazed down at her children.

“I’ve never had to leave them before for this long,” she whispered back with worry on her face. JC stood up and pulled her into his arms, kissing her gently.

“It’ll be fine,” he whispered back. He took her hand and nodded to Joey who made his way back up onto the stage.

“Okay, if I could interrupt one more time here. The new couple is getting ready to make their grand exit as they move on to their mystery honeymoon destination. So wish them all good luck so we can get back to partying without them.”

The couple smiled as the room erupted in cheers and began to make their way to the door, waving to their friends and family. Abby stole one more glance at her sons before the door closed behind them. They were greeted with a long, sleek white limousine with the standard ‘Just Married’ signs on the bumper and windows. JC nodded to the driver as he held the door open for them. Helping Abby down into the car, he smiled to the man before climbing in after her.

He wasted no time in pulling her onto his lap as the man closed the door and hurried around to the driver’s seat. JC looked up long enough to turn on the privacy screen before leaning down and attacking his wife’s lips.

Abby pulled away and smiled up at him, something in her eyes that he had never seen before. “Where are we going?” she asked, her finger tracing patterns on his chest.

JC shook his head and shrugged off his tuxedo jacket before looping his arms around her again. “I told you that it was all going to be a surprise. And I promise you that you’ll love it.”

She smiled and kissed him again. “Are we stupid for leaving our kids with your friends?” she asked as his hands moved over her arms.

“Probably. But they’re safe, so don’t worry about it. The only real danger they face for the next two and a half weeks is that of eating ice cream and pizza for every meal. Chance is on baby food only, so at least he’s safe from that.” He chuckled and leaned down to trace her collarbone with his tongue. Looking up into her eyes, he stared long and hard. “I love you so much,” he whispered.

She smiled and ran her hands down his back, reaching up for a moment to tame an unruly curl on his head. “I love you too.”


Wade swayed with the young woman on the dancefloor, wondering if the new couple had made it to the airport in time for the plane to leave for Aruba. Smiling to his dance partner, he twirled her around but stopped entirely as he felt something. Reaching up to pluck the object from his head, his eyes widened as he held it in his hand. He then scanned the reception hall and locked his gaze on Heather Chasez. He excused himself from his date and made his way across the room.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, he tapped the young woman on the shoulder. Smiling as she faced him in confusion, he held the garter up in his hand. “I think this belongs on your leg.”


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