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"He's Heartbroken"

~Three Days Later~

Abby walked toward her dressing room amid the throngs of customers and waiters. "EXCUSE ME!" she yelled as some of the newer girls were crowded around the door to her room.

They looked up and moved away quickly as they saw her face. Abby Garner was not in a good mood.

Slamming the door behind her, she threw her bag on the floor and sat down in a chair with a sigh. "No, Abby, this won't be a one night stand...I promise. Where were you that morning, JC Chasez? Where were you that afternoon, pop star? Where have you been for the last three days, asshole? Did you never learn how to use the telephone? God, why did I have to like him so much?"

She groaned as the phone on the counter rang. Reaching out for it, she put it to her ear. "What do you want, Ronnie?"

"Abby, are you okay, sweetheart? All my girls are running out of the dressing room like they’re being attacked by a poltergeist. Please don’t scare them all away again." He trailed off and sighed. “Babe, you seem really distant lately…is everything ok?”

"Distant? If you only knew...look, I'm fine. I just...can I take a few days off or something?" She looked at her reflection in the mirror and sighed again. "Ronnie. You know I love you...I know you love value want me to be the best dancer up there as I've always been. But honestly, right now, I can't."

"Take the rest of the week off, Doll," he replied. "I was going to suggest that to you anyway."

Abby smiled. "Thanks, Ronnie."

Hanging up the phone, she stood up again and grabbed her bag, preparing to head back out the door and leave for home. That's when her cell phone rang.

", no...Ronnie, you're not going to ask me to dance tonight after just basically telling me to go home." She pulled her phone out of her bag and turned it on. "This is Abby."

"As in, Abby Garner?" a rough voice replied on the other end of the line.

She furrowed her brow. "Yes, I'm Abby Garner. Can I help you?"

"Ma'am. I am at your house at the present moment. I really need you to be here too."

Abby's breath caught in her throat. 'Braeden...Laura…' "Is my baby okay?"

"Ma'am, could you please come back to your house as soon as possible? I am not authorized to answer any questions at the moment."

The man hung up the phone and Abby stared at hers for only a moment before grabbing her bag and sprinting out the door. 'Oh God, please let my baby be okay. Laura...don't either one of you be hurt...'

She made it home in record time, only to find a limousine parked in front of her house. Running to the door, she burst into the house to find her sister and a large black man sitting on her couch with Braeden on the man's lap.

Laura stood up as she saw her sister hurry into the room. "Abby! This guy says that he has special orders to take you somewhere. He said that he can't leave unless you leave with him."

Abby looked at the man and smiled as she saw Braeden run toward her. Pulling the little boy up into her arms, she glared at the man again. "What is the point in this, telling me that you're at my house, and that I need to be there? You scared me to death...I thought something happened...I thought-"

"Ma'am. Please. I didn't intend for my message to scare you, but it is imperative that you come with me. My boss insists."

"Your BOSS? Excuse me, sir, but pardon me for assuming that you're in the mafia or something." Abby's mind raced with possibilities. A drug ring? A boss that had seen her show and wanted a sex slave?

The large man chuckled. "No, Ma'am. But I do ask for your cooperation...I promise you that no harm will come to you or your family."

"Is that a threat?" she spouted off, her face growing red with anger as she gripped Braeden closer to her until the boy started to whine.

"No, Miss Garner. But please cooperate. May I help you to my car?"

Abby looked back at her sister who just slowly nodded her head. "Abs, go. You don't know what he might do." She held her arms out for her nephew and took him from her sister. She watched the woman walk after the man, fighting the smile that itched to show on her face.

"Have a good time, Abby."


"I can't believe I'm getting into a limo with a big man that I don't know, going to someplace that I don't know...where are we going anyway?" she asked, as the car sped down the road.

"Ma'am. I am not authorized to say."

"Is that all you are authorized to say?" she asked as he drove. "How about your name? Are you authorized to say that?"


"Okay...making some progress here. Can I ask questions?"

"I can't guarantee that I'll be answering them," he replied with a smile, leaning forward to turn on the radio.

Abby glared at him through the open window that separated the back from the front. "Who is your boss?"

"Can't say."

"What does he do?"

"Can't say."

"How old is he?"

"Old enough to know better than to get himself into situations like this."

She thought about his answer for a moment then continued. "Why is he doing this?"

"He's heartbroken."

"Then what does he want with me?" she asked.

"You'll find out, Miss."


Three hours later, the limo pulled up to a huge arena and stopped beyond the main gates. The door opened and she saw another large black man holding his hand out to her. "And who are you?" she asked.

"Mike," he replied. "Come with me, Miss Garner."

Abby shook her head and accepted the hand. "Now where?"

"Just come with me, Ma'am."

She followed the man down the halls and into an empty room. He instructed her to sit down and wait...and that the man that called her there would be there in a matter of minutes.

The large man left the room and left her alone.

Five minutes later, she heard the doorknob turning and smiled as she saw the face that was on the other side...but that smile didn't last very long.

She flew across the room and smacked him hard on the face. "You bastard! You didn't even call me, and now you're kidnapping me!"

JC recovered from the 'attention' his cheek received quickly, smiled slightly and held her arms firmly. "Abby...I just wanted to see you...and I didn't think you would come willingly after I haven't had a chance to call you."

Abby melted in his arms as she felt them encircle her body. "You're still a bastard."

JC smiled to himself as he held the woman close. "I'm sorry, for obviously being a...a bastard."

Abby laughed slightly and hugged him tighter. "Why am I here?" she asked, feeling his hands begin to brush through her hair.

JC sighed slightly. "I dunno, Abby." He looked down at her and grinned. "I missed you?"

She rolled her eyes and pulled away from him. "Why didn't you call me? I know you had my number, because you wrote it on your hand that bed."

He smiled and reached for her, but she backed away. "I know I did. But I just wanted to surprise you."

"You scared me, is what you did," she replied, moving around the dressing room, looking at the stuff strewn about.

JC followed her and pulled her close again. "Like I said, Abby...I'm sorry." He pouted his lips slightly and looked at her. "Forgive me?"

Abby put her hands on his shoulders and leaned forward to capture his lips with her own. The kiss deepened slightly before she pulled away. "I'd say that I might be able to let it go. Only as long as you..." She trailed off and turned slightly to look at the couch that was covered in clothes.

Taking her hand in his, he led her over to the couch, threw the clothes on the floor, then pushed her down onto the soft cushions. "Then, I am at your mercy." His lips descended onto her neck as their hands hurried to removed the others clothing.

"Wait a minute," JC said, pulling away and reaching to the table. Pulling the phone off the hook, he smiled to her. "So we don't get interrupted."

She laughed slightly and grabbed the fronts of his unbuttoned shirt, pulling him back down on top of her.


JC kissed her one more time. "Go with Lonnie...he'll take you to your seat." His eyes scanned over her face and he smiled slightly. "I'm so glad that you came."

Abby kissed his lips softly. "Me too. But you're still a bastard."

"I know," he replied. "Um, after the show, Lonnie will come back and get you, then take you to my place. I'll meet you there later on."

"Then what?" she asked, reaching up to unbutton the top two buttons on his shirt. She began to slowly kiss his neck, collarbone, and upper chest.

JC closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall with a groan. "God, stop it, Abby...or else I'm not gonna be able to open that door and let you leave with him."

She smiled and continued her torture. "I know. I'd rather keep you here than let you go out onstage where all those little teenagers can lust over you."

He laughed and pushed her away, using all of his willpower. He then reluctantly buttoned his shirt back up. "They'd lust over me anyway. Either way, I still have a job to do tonight." He leaned down and placed a kiss on her soft lips. "Enjoy the show. I'll sing to you, I promise."

Abby grinned and walked out the door as he held it open. "See that you do, buddy."

Leaning against the door, he smiled as she started to walk down the hall with Lonnie. "Bye, Abby."

Shaking his head as she disappeared, he returned to the dressing room, only for the second door to fly open and the other four guys to hurry in.

"So Jace," Justin began, twirling a basketball on the tip of his finger. "Why exactly did you bail on us for a game today?"

JC shrugged and began to pick up the clothes that had been tossed on the floor. "I had other plans, man. Is that okay with you guys?"

Justin grunted and sat down.

Joey began to laugh softly as the others looked at him curiously.

"What's your problem?" Chris asked, glaring at his friend.

Joey pointed to JC and continued laughing. "I know what his other plans were. JC got laid again."

"JOEY!" Lance, Justin, and Chris yelled in unison.

JC just shook his head. "Why do you think that this time, Joe?"

Joey pointed to him again. "Well, your fly is down, your shoes are untied, your hair is a mess...well, that's nothing unusual, and you have lipstick all over your dog, you."

JC blushed slightly and zipped his fly back up, then ran his fingers through his hair. "So what if I did?"

"Is she here?" Lance asked.

"Maybe," his friend replied.


Abby stared, wide eyed at the stage as the guys finished the fast number. “Wow,” she breathed to herself. Her eyes had fallen upon him the second the group had stepped onstage. She’d never even glanced at the other four men, JC completely captivated her attention.

The song ended, and JC winked in her general direction as slow music started up. Pointing to her as his eyes fell upon her, he pouted his lips and turned to see Justin start the song.

“When the visions around you…”

Abby smiled as JC looked directly at her as his parts came, the words to the song forming effortlessly on those perfect lips.

“This I promise you.”

JC’s eyes opened and he looked down at Abby with a smile. Winking once again, he turned his head away just as the lights went down.

Abby stared into the darkness amid the screaming fans, still in shock at what she had just witnessed. ‘You mean something to him, Abby,’her mind screamed. ‘But what?’


After giving herself a tour of JC’s house, she sat down on his couch and looked around his living room. Spotting a thick photo album on the table beside her, she pulled it into her lap and began to look through the pictures.

She smiled at the pictures of he and his siblings from when they were babies and growing up, as memories of herself and Laura flashed through her mind.

She was amazed at the pictures of him performing for Disney, as well as early pictures of he and his group. Album covers filled pages, and pictures of he and the guys holding various awards followed after each one.

She smiled at a couple pictures from a New Years party, imagining herself at those parties with him, hoping they’d make it that far.

"Snooping already, are ya?” he joked, walking into the living room.

Abby smiled and looked back down at the photo album. “I sure am. I’m trying to learn a little more about you.”

JC sat down on the couch next to her, peering over her shoulder. “Don’t look at some of those…major embarrassment, let me tell you.”

She looked away from the pictures to feast her eyes on something more enticing: JC Chasez. “I had so much fun tonight,” she whispered, closing the book slowly as she turned to face him.

A slow smile crossed the man's face as he scooted closer to her. “Oh really? That Justin really gets your heart race going, doesn't he?”

Abby shook her head slightly. “Justin who? I couldn't take my eyes off of you.”

JC shrugged. “That's cool too.” He smiled again. “So, I am your host. Is there anything I can offer you?”

She leaned up against him and put her hands on his shoulders. “I'll take an appetizer of you..." She kissed his cheek. “A main course of you..." His nose... “A side order of you..." She moved his shirt so she could gently kiss his neck. “And for dessert, how about you?” His lips were her next destination, and he welcomed her offering with a low growl deep within his throat.

JC pushed her away gently and shook his head. “Baby, stop.” He tried to catch his breath.

Abby's eyes widened. “What? What did I do?”

“This is the wrong way to go about this.” His smile grew as he pushed her down onto the couch. Leaning down over her, he attacked her neck with his lips as he moved to unbutton his shirt. “This is the right way.”


Abby woke up the next morning in a king-sized bed, covered in deep blue cotton sheets. Her head was pounding wildly as she looked around the room.

Remembering the night before, she looked to the bed beside her, expecting to find him there. He wasn’t.

“Big surprise,” she whispered to herself, climbing out of the bed and walking to the door. She wondered if she would ever get to wake up and find him there beside her. Making her way down the hall toward the stairs, she quietly padded down them. She stepped into the kitchen, expecting to find it too, empty.

But Abby was stopped in her tracks by JC who brushed a kiss to her lips as he passed her. “Mornin’, babe,” he said with a smile as he carried a plate of pancakes to the table.

“What on earth are you doing?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

JC turned and smiled at her, loving the way she looked in his boxer shorts and T-shirt. “Makin’ breakfast, baby. Like pancakes?”

She shrugged. “Like you would know whether or not I even eat breakfast.”

He stopped on his trek to the refrigerator and turned to look at her. “Abby, are you trying to tell me something, or am I supposed to ignore that?”

Another shrug. “You decide. I really wondered if you’d even be here this morning.”

JC furrowed his brow. “You sound angry. I understand that, really I do. I had to leave that morning because I had to get back to work. You understand that, right?”

“Yeah, whatever. Just let me get something to eat, and I’ll be out of your hair in a few hours. You’ll never have to worry about me getting the wrong ideas about our relationship, or lack thereof, anymore.” She walked across the floor to the table and sat down with a sigh.

He stared after her in shock and moved toward her, taking a seat at the table. Leaning against it, he looked at her carefully. “Do you mean that? Do you not want to be with me?”

She turned her green eyes up to him. “I didn’t know I was 'with you,’ per-say.” Shaking her head, she leaned forward to look at him. “What am I to you, anyway?”

JC opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off as Abby stood up and headed to the door. “Forget it, JC. It doesn’t matter, and I really don’t want to hear you say that all I am is a plaything until you, in your immense popularity, find some other girl. Let me get out of here now before I get more attached to you and can’t leave.”

JC ran across the floor to grab her hand. “Look, I know it isn’t going to be easy having me as your boyfriend. But I really like you, and I think we definitely have something between us...I can feel it there.” He leaned down to kiss her forehead, then turned his crystal blue eyes to her again. “Please don’t leave me.”

Abby looked into his eyes and smiled slightly. “Josh, that’s all I needed to know. I only needed you to tell me that this isn’t going to be one of those things where you drop me after a week or two, and nine months later, I end up having your kid and can’t prove it to anyone...especially you.”

He shook his head. “No, it won’t be like that. So are we cool?”

“We’re cool.”

JC smiled and leaned down to kiss her softly. “Great. That’s what I wanted to hear.”



~Three Days Later~

Abby nodded her head and wiped a tear from her cheek. “Yeah, okay, Laur. I’ll get home as soon as I can. Take care of him for me, please.” She nodded her head again and looked up as JC walked into the kitchen. “Okay, Laura. I’ll be home tomorrow. Bye.” She hung up the phone and ran her hands over her face with a sigh.

JC looked at her in concern. “Everything okay, Abs?”

She nodded and smiled at him slightly. “I need to leave tomorrow morning, Josh.”

“Why?” he asked in surprise. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No,” Abby replied, shaking her head and taking JC’s hand into her own. “Laura’s sick and she needs some help with her kids while her husband’s out of town on business.”

JC’s face fell. He was just getting used to her being there when he woke up in the mornings. He knew, however, that she was bound to want to get back to her life eventually. He stroked the back of her hand. “Oh...okay. Yeah, you know…if you need to go home...I’ll take you.”

She shook her head again. “Josh, your tour is starting in a few days, which might I add that I don’t understand why you just had a show and not be on tour, and you have so much to do already.”

He smiled and grasped her other hand. “The show you saw wasn’t part of the tour; it was some charity thing. And you’re right...I really don’t have time to get you there and get back and still get my stuff together.” He leaned down and kissed her lips briefly before she pulled him back down to deepen the kiss.

JC groaned slightly against her lips and pulled away again. “ better go pack your stuff. I’ll call Mike and have him take you home tomorrow morning.”

Abby smiled. “Thank you, JC. I really appreciate it...and you letting me stay here this whole time.”

He pulled her close again for a hug. “It’s no big thing if I’ve been getting something out of it throughout your visit.” He smiled and winked down at her, kissing her quickly before letting her leave.


Abby thanked Mike and carried her bag up the walk to her house. Quickly unlocking the door, she dropped her things in the living room and rushed up the stairs to her son’s room. She flung the door open and looked at her little boy sleeping.

She walked to the side of his bed and gently sat down, reaching out to brush her fingers through his hair. “Baby?”

Braeden’s eyes opened slowly and he looked up at her. “Hi, Mommy.”

Abby smiled slightly at his scratchy voice. “Aww, baby. Aunt Laura said you don’t feel good.”

He shook his head. “I have a code in my nose,” he replied softly, licking his dry lips. “An’ my froat is skatchy.”

“I know, sweetheart,” she answered, pulling the blankets further up to his neck. “I’m home now, and I’m not going to go anywhere until you’re all better, okay?” She smiled again as he nodded his head, watching his eyes droop shut. “Get some sleep, honey,” she whispered, kissing his hot forehead gently. “I’m going to go find Aunt Laura.” She stood up and walked across the hallway to the extra room her sister claimed for the nights she should have to stay over and watch Braeden. Finding her in there, Abby stepped into the room with a knock to the door.

The older woman looked up with a smile and stood up to hug her sister. “Hey sweetie, Braeden’s in his-”

Abby nodded. “I know...I was just in there.” She frowned at her sister and sat down on the bed. “Laura, I’m so sorry for making you keep him when you have Jared and the kids to take care of.”

Laura shook her head. “Don’t worry about it, Abs. The girls love having him there, and Jared liked having another male in the house.” She smiled. “But then, when he got sick, he said he wanted to come home, so I’ve been here with him since yesterday.”

Abby smiled. “Thank you, Laura.”

Her sister shook her head. “Don’t mention it. I love that little boy. And besides, you need to get away from all of this from time to time and have a little bit of fun with hot pop stars anyway.”

Abby nodded as a blush crept over her face. “Yeah.”

“How was the visit?”

“Awesome...I’m really starting to like him a lot.”

Laura stood up again and walked to the door to peek across the hall at the sleeping boy. “Did you sleep with him again?”

Abby smiled shyly. “At least five times.” She sighed. “He’s so amazing, and you wouldn’t think I’d be so willing to be in this type of relationship after all I’ve been through already. But I trust him...I really do.”

“I’m glad you do, babe,” her sister replied, grabbing her bag from the floor. “It’s time you and Braeden got a good man in your lives again. I know Ronnie helps out a lot, but he’s not daddy material.”

Abby nodded in agreement. “Braeden wouldn’t know what to think of another girl being around every night, because I know he wouldn’t commit just to me...and I’m not about to marry Ronnie just to give my son a father.”

“JC could be good daddy material,” her sister suggested with a grin.

Abby froze. “Oh God, Laur. He doesn’t know about Braeden. I-I didn’t know how to bring it up. I was afraid that he’d freak on me or something.”

Laura dropped her bag on the bed after putting some clothes in it, and sat down beside her sister. “Abby, if you expect anything more to come of this relationship, you’re going to have to be honest with him about everything. Everything includes your three-year-old son.”

The younger woman sighed. “I know...but what if he doesn’t want to be with me anymore?”

Her sister put her arm around her shoulders. “Abby, if JC’s the man you say he is...he won’t.”


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