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The Chasez family looked up as the once arguing couple made their way into the living room, hair wet, holding hands, and smiles on their faces.

Karen looked up hesitantly as they sat down in the loveseat. "Joshua, everything okay?" she asked quietly, rocking Chance in her arms.

JC looked over at Abby and smiled. "We're fine," he replied. He spotted his brother and sister and stood up to hug them both. "Hey, you guys."

Karen handed the sleeping baby to his aunt as she sat back down beside her and started to stand. Tyler reached out for her arm. "Mom, what do you need?" He stood up and looked down at his mother.

Karen sighed and smiled up at her son. "I was going to get Braeden some juice and see if anyone else would want something to drink."

"I'll get it, Mom," Tyler insisted. He looked over at Braeden where he was playing on the floor with some Legos. "You want some juice, Batman?"

Braeden looked up at his uncle with a giggle. "Tyler! That's not my name!"

Tyler made a face and looked at his brother. "I tried to call him Superman last month, but-"

"Joey is Superman," Braeden supplied from the floor.

The man laughed. "That's right. So he told me to call him Batman. Now it's not Batman anymore?" He looked down at his nephew again in confusion. "Who are you now?"

Braeden smiled a toothy grin. "Eggless!"

Tyler's eyebrow arched. "E-excuse me?" He looked at his brother and sister-in-law in confusion.

JC laughed as Abby dug her face into his side, giggling. "Chris brought Lord of the Rings over the other day. Brady liked that Elf guy...uh..." He looked over at his wife. "Umm...Legolas. He wants me to buy him a bow and arrows now."

Tyler's eyes widened. "No way, little dude." He looked around. "Okay, juice for Eggless." He laughed as Braeden yelled at him for mispronouncing his name. "Anyone else want anything?"

"There's lemonade in the fridge," Karen said, taking Chance into her arms again as he started to fuss.

Tyler nodded and motioned for his brother to follow him into the kitchen. JC shrugged to Abby, kissed her quickly, then followed Tyler out of the room.

Letting the door swing shut behind him, he looked at his younger brother. "Need help, man?"

Tyler nodded as he pulled glasses out of the cupboard. "It would be nice...and I wanted to talk to you."

JC grabbed the lemonade and fruit juice from the refrigerator, setting them on the island counter. "What about?" He grabbed one of Karen's fresh-baked cookies and bit into it.

The younger man placed the last of the glasses on the counter and screwed off the top of Braeden's plastic cup. "You and guy's all right?"

JC smiled at the endearing nickname his brother used for Abby. He had fashioned quite a few in the last year of the marriage, his favorites being B and Beebee. "We're fine, man. Do we look fine?"

Tyler nodded and started to pour lemonade into the glasses, handing JC Braeden's cup. "You look fine now...but you guys didn't sound fine when me and Heather got here."

JC blushed slightly. "You heard that, huh?"

His brother nodded again.

The older man began to panic. "Did Braeden notice anything? I don't want him to think we're really upsets him."

Tyler shook his head. "No, I don't think so. Mom was trying to keep him preoccupied." He cocked his head and looked at his brother carefully. "Is everything okay, though? I sounded pretty bad up there."

"I pissed her off," JC said with a shrug.

"How so? Forgive me for being nosey, but I thought she was killing you up there or something."

JC smiled slightly. "She had every right to." He looked at his brother and sat down on a barstool with a sigh. "Ben wants custody of Braeden," he said in a whisper.

Tyler's eyes widened and he took a seat across from his brother. "Is that his dad?" JC nodded silently. "Why?"

"He wants money, the power he would have over Abby in having her child...I don't know. But it's a mess. I have been so upset about it, and she's keeping it all bottled up inside and I blew at her. It was just like an explosion and I started saying things I didn't believe and they really hurt her."

"What did you say?" the younger man asked, moving to put the lemonade pitcher back in the refrigerator.

JC raked a hand through his hair and sighed. "I told her she was a bad mother. I accused her of not was stupid and completely false, but I said it."

"And then she yelled back, apparently," Tyler offered.

JC nodded. "Yeah. We yelled back and forth a couple times, she said she wasn't going to come on tour with us anymore so she could stay home and be a good mother, and then she left."


"She went into the shower, but when I went in there, she was on the floor crying. So I went to her, held her, cried with her, and apologized." He grinned. "And then we took a shower."

Tyler almost dropped the glass he was putting on the serving tray. "You guys had..." He dropped his voice to a whisper. "You guys had sex in Mom and Dad's bathroom?"

JC blushed. "First of all, it's not Mom and Dad's bathroom...that was always my bathroom, thank you very much. And secondly, we didn't do anything. We just showered and...and...made out some. No biggie."

Tyler shook his head. "No way man. You actually had that woman naked in a shower with you and you didn't take advantage of that?"

JC shook his head too. "No. I can take advantage of that whenever I want. I'm married to her, Ty. Geez." He grabbed Braeden's cup, filled it with juice and placed the jug back in the refrigerator.

"I would have," Tyler muttered.

JC shot his brother a look and followed him back into the living room. Handing the juice to his son, he kissed the boy's forehead before grabbing two glasses off the tray, handing one to Abby and keeping the other for himself. "Yeah, and then I would have killed you," he replied.

Abby looked over at him, patting his stomach lightly, giggling as he squirmed. "What are you going to kill him for?"

JC leaned over to kiss her long on the lips before smirking to his brother. "Nothing at all, babe."


After dinner that evening, Heather and Abby washed the dishes as the rest of the family chatted in the living room. Abby noticed the quick glances her sister-in-law was sending her way and wondered what was going on.

" there something bothering you about me? Do I have something in my teeth?" Abby giggle as she put some dry bowls back into the cabinet.

Heather shook her head and blushed as she realized her attempt at being inconspicuous had failed. "Umm...everything okay with you and Josh? You guys sounded like you were at each other's throats up there earlier."

Abby frowned as she remembered the words he had spoken to her and nodded after a few silent moments. "We're There was a lot of unloading of truths and assumptions upstairs, but it's all worked out now."

"Wanna talk about it?" Heather asked, grabbing the woman's arm and leading her to the table. "I'm your sister now as much as I'm Josh's and if you want to talk about anything...anything at all, you just have to come to me, okay?"

Abby nodded and brushed some hair out of her face as she sighed. "JC told me I was a bad mother," she whispered.

Heather's eyes widened at the words and she looked at the woman in pity. "Wh...why would he say something like that? He adores you!"

"I know, I know. It was just a lot of stuff is building on his shoulders right now and he couldn't handle the stress anymore. It's been getting to him and he just kinda blew up at me."

Heather's hand found the other woman's and she squeezed reassuringly. "What's going on to cause him so much stress? The group is taking a break; I would think that things would be pretty calm for him right now."

Abby shrugged. "Well, you know he's working on that solo album, and that's stressful enough as it is. He's worried about ruining what the guys and he have worked so hard for."

JC's sister's head shook. "He shouldn't worry about that. I know that whatever he comes up with is going to be amazing."

"That's what I keep trying to tell him, but he won't listen until it's all done and he proves to himself that it will be the best thing he could have produced." She looked down at her fingernails and bit her lip.

"There's more. Whatever else there's obviously bothering you too. What is it, Abs?"

Abby looked up into the woman's eyes and sighed, her shoulders slumped. "Ben wants custody of Braeden."

Heather's eyes were wide again. "Ben? That's his real dad, right?"

Abby nodded. "Yeah. We wanted him to relinquish his rights as his father so Josh could adopt him, but he responded with a court order and there's going to be a custody hearing. It's hit Josh really too. I guess I've just been dealing with it better than he has and he just kinda assumed that I didn't care."

"Of course you care!" Heather argued. "How could my brother possibly think that? Braeden has been all you've had for so long."

"I know."

Heather bit her lip as she tried to think of comforting words to offer the worried mother. "I wish there was something I could do or say to make it easier on you, but there isn't."

Abby's head shook. "We'll make it through. As long as we stick together and don't let these fights happen too often, we'll be fine."

"Are you guys okay now?" the younger woman asked.

Abby nodded. "Yeah, I made some threats, he freaked out and followed me into the bathroom. I went in to take a shower and try and cool off some, but he came in right after I just let it all get to me. His words and Ben's threats...they just all hit me at once and I just broke down in tears. But he apologized and we took a shower, and now we're good."

Heather had been getting up to head back to the sink when she heard the way the couple had made up. "You WHAT? You had sex with my brother in our parent's shower?"

Abby blushed and buried her head in her arms as she giggled. "I asked Josh if you all would be suspicious. He assured me that it had always been his shower and we didn't have sex anyway. Geez, Heath."

Heather narrowed her eyes and leaned against the counter. "You don't have to lie to me, Abs. If you guys were getting it on in the shower, I'm not too young to know it. I cringe at the thought of it, but I've seen the way my brother dances if that's any indication."

"It is a very big indication, and I'm really not too comfortable discussing Josh’s and my sex life with his LITTLE SISTER!" Abby stood up again and grabbed some more plates to be put away.

"So you didn't?" Heather asked after eyeing the slightly older woman closely.

"I swear, we didn't."

Heather turned back to the dishes and nodded doubtfully. "Suuure ya didn't."


"Santa's coming tonight, right Daddy?"

JC smiled as he tucked Braeden into the bed, pulling the blankets up to his chin. "Yep...he sure is. And if you've been good this year, I betcha he'll bring you lots and lots of cool stuff."

Braeden smiled and bit his bottom lip. "Think he bring me my bow and arrows like Eggless?"

The man shook his head. "I dunno about that, pal...but I bet he's gonna bring you something really awesome. Now go to bed or he won't bring it to you." He leaned over the boy and kissed his forehead before standing up and making his way to the door. Flipping off the light, he looked down again with a grin. "Night buddy...I love you."

Braeden yawned a big yawn and rolled over, clutching the large floppy puppy that Justin had given him before they'd left for the airport. He laid his weight on the stuffed animal and looked up at his father through sleepy eyes. "Love you too, Daddy. Bed bugs!" he added with a tired giggle.

JC shook his head with a soft smile. "No bed bugs."

He closed the door and stepped out into the hallway, nearly stepping on the baby that was crawling down the hallway. "Hey, hey, hey," he said, leaning down and grabbing the boy under his arms. JC lifted him into the air before settling him into his arms and he shook his head. "Who's supposed to be watching you, huh?" He kissed Chance's cheek and made his way down the hall.

His eyes narrowed on Tyler as the man never looked up from the movie he was watching. "Ty."

Tyler waved a reply and kept his attention on the television.

JC cleared his throat. "Tyler."

The younger man looked up and smiled to his brother. "What, man?"

"Were you supposed to be watching Chance?"

"Uh huh," the man replied, his attention back on the movie. "We're having a good ole time."

JC raised an eyebrow and looked at his son in his arms as he squirmed to be let down. "Well, since I found him down the hall outside of Braeden's room, I will be relieving you of your duties and putting him to bed."

Tyler nodded. "Cool, man. See ya."

JC shook his head and carried him down the hall to the room they had set up a crib in. Changing Chance into his pajamas, he placed him gently in the crib and kissed his forehead. "Night, little man. I love you."

He left that room too and shot another glare in the direction of his brother. "I'm going to bed!" he called, laughing as he received merely a nod. He made his way up the stairs and stepped into his bedroom. He smiled as he saw Abby lying on the bed with Heather, looking through a magazine.

"Heath, I don't want to kick you out or anything, sweetie, but I'm tired and you're on my bed with my wife."

Heather looked up, rolled her eyes and closed the magazine as she climbed off the bed. "Whatever, Josh. You're always what's new?"

She shoved him playfully and left the room.

JC looked down at Abby before falling down onto the bed beside her, his arm snaking over her back and pulling her closer to him. She giggled as he buried his face into her skin and tried to push him away. "Get off me."

His playfulness continued for a few more moments before he looked up at her with serious eyes. "We're okay, right?" he asked quietly, reaching up to brush some hair from her eyes. "I don't think I could apologize enough for the evil words I said to you today."

A soft smile crossed Abby's features and she nodded. "I've forgiven you for all of them. We're past it."

JC looked deep in thought for several moments before sliding off the bed and onto the floor. Abby looked at him in confusion as he crawled close to the edge of the bed, grabbing her ankle and pulling her toward him. She moved into a sitting position and reached out to cup his cheeks within her hands. "What is it?"

He looked up at her seriously and took her hands within his own. "This is my big apology for everything, so just let me get it all out." He thought for a moment before kissing the back of each of her hands.

"I'm sorry for our first night together. I wish it could have been more romantic than it was and I wish you could have trusted me enough to tell me about Braeden then. I'm sorry that I wasn't there when you woke up the next morning to assure you how much that evening meant to me. I'm sorry that you had to spend all that time waiting for me to make contact with you again. I'm sorry for all that time that you thought I had lied to you about what I said...I'm sorry you actually thought you were a one-night stand to me."

He moved his lips down to kiss her knee as she folded it under her. Looking up into her eyes again, he took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm sorry I was so worried about telling the guys about you once we were back together again...I'm sorry you were exposed to my life right away like you were. I'm sorry about the fight we had at my house when you woke up again and I wasn't beside you. I'm sorry about exploding when you told me about Braeden and I'm sorry that I left you to think that it was over just because of him."

He sighed and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry about getting you pregnant again before you were married. I'm sorry that I left you alone those nine months. I'm sorry that you had to endure all that hardship and pain alone when I should have been there with you. I'm sorry that I wasn't there with you. I'm sorry that after all this time, I was still attracted to Shaina. I’m sorry that I kissed Shaina." He ignored the way her eyes moved across his face in sadness at those words.

"I'm sorry that you actually believed for a while that I wasn't coming back. I'm sorry for sending you all that money, making you feel less self-worth. I'm sorry for making you feel like you were nothing but a charity case to me. I'm sorry that I made you think that I was trying to make up for Chance by sending you money. I'm sorry for getting to the hospital late. I'm sorry for being jealous of Ronnie when he was there holding you hand. I'm sorry for proposing to you in the hospital when I knew you weren't going to say yes. I'm sorry for crying like a big baby when you said no."

He tried to sniff back his tears as he paused, but they fell anyway. His voice broke throughout his apology. "I'm sorry that you had to endure the pain of your father's harsh words. I'm sorry that it took so long for him to see how wonderful you are. I'm sorry that I didn't try to help sooner on that matter." He took a deep breath and leaned into her caress as she tried to wipe the tears away as they streamed down his face.

"I'm sorry that I didn't get down on one knee when I proposed the second time. I'm sorry that I had to propose a second time. I'm sorry our wedding wasn't every little detail that you wanted it to be. I'm sorry that I refused to wear the tux with the tails. I'm sorry that our honeymoon wasn't longer. I'm sorry that our house isn't a palace like you deserve. I'm sorry that I can't always be around to treat you like a goddess. I'm sorry that I made you doubt your mothering abilities today. I'm sorry that you feel that I'm a bad father. I'm sorry that I am a bad father. I'm sorry that my job is what it is. I'm sorry that we have to live in the public spotlight. I'm sorry that Ben is trying to take your son away from you. I'm sorry that I have a problem dealing with that. I'm sorry that you have to deal with me."

He looked down and leaned his head against her warm leg, kissing her skin before looking up at her again, tears still rolling down his cheeks. "I'm sorry I'm not capable of loving you as much as you deserve to be loved...I'm sorry it's not humanly possible for that kind of emotion. And I'm sorry for taking you for granted."

Abby was crying now too and she moved his face to where he was staring up into her eyes. "Are you finished?"

He shook his head. "I'm sorry for everything I ever do to hurt you or cause you pain in the future. I'm sorry for everything. I'm on my knees here, Abby...begging for you to forgive me. I should be groveling at your feet and kissing the ground you walk on. You are so special to special."

Abby slid off the bed and into his arms. Holding him close, she kissed him over and over as they cried together. "I forgive you for everything. Everything."

She kissed him again before pulling back to look into his eyes. "My turn now, okay? I'm sorry for sleeping with Ben in the first place. I'm sorry that Braeden is not really your son. I'm sorry that I placed that burden on your already hectic life. I'm sorry for not believing your words and for thinking you were a one-night stand. I'm sorry for getting pregnant. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I'm sorry I can't be the perfect wife that you deserve. I'm sorry that I am me. I'm sorry that you had the past you did with relationships. I'm sorry that you've had a bad past where children are involved. I'm sorry that your life isn't more private. I'm sorry that Ben is trying to take Braeden away from you. I'm sorry that I still have that tie with him to where he can try that. I'm sorry for allowing him into my house that night...and my bed."

JC looked up at those words and she tried to ignore the pain in his eyes. Turning away for a moment, she brushed her hair out of her face and continued. "I'm sorry that you are going through the pain that you are right now with the fear of losing Braeden. I'm sorry that our marriage is labeled controversial. I'm sorry that we fought this afternoon. And I'm sorry for taking you for granted."

She smiled slightly through her tears and caressed his face lovingly. "I'm sorry for everything I ever do to hurt you or cause you pain in the future. I'm sorry for everything." She leaned forward and kissed him gently. "But I'm not sorry that I love you more than anything in this entire world," she whispered against his lips.

JC pulled back and looked at her, reaching up to wipe the tears from each of their cheeks. "God baby, I love you too. I also forgive you for everything. Everything"


They had fully intended on sleeping in Christmas morning after the purely emotionally draining evening before.

But Braeden had another thought in mind.

He peeked through the crack in the door and spied his parents where they still slept in the large fluffy bed. Pushing it open with a creak, he tiptoed across the carpet and dove headfirst into the covers at the end of the bed. He crawled on his elbows up between the two sleeping adults and sat down on his father's stomach as he pushed on his mother's arm.

"Mommy...Mommy, wake up! Santa came and there's stuff everywhere down there!" he tried to whisper, but instead it came out in a hushed yell.

Abby groaned and reached out a hand, covering JC's mouth with it before her breathing slowed again. JC stirred under Braeden's weight and he rolled over, wrapping his arm around his son and wife in the process.

Braeden squeezed out from between them and sighed in frustration. Moving up onto his knees, he looked back and forth between the two before moving to sit on JC again. Jumping up and down slightly, he looked as JC stirred again.

"Abs, baby, not now..." he mumbled, moving again under his son.

Braeden moved his hands down to JC's chest and pushed. "Daddy, wake up. Christmas is here."

JC cracked an eye open and smirked at the boy sitting on his bare stomach. "What are you doing?" he asked in a sleepy voice, still smiling up at him.

"Christmas is here," the boy repeated. "Gramma says you have to be there before I can get my bow and arrows."

JC shook his head and looked over as Abby continued to sleep quietly beside them. "Okay...okay. I forgot what it was like to be six and in love with Christmas." He motioned for the boy to climb off the bed before pushing the blankets off his legs. "Go on down; Mommy and I will be down in a few minutes, okay?"

Braeden nodded and ran out of the room. JC chuckled slightly and rubbed his eyes before turning to look at Abby where she slept. Observing her for a moment, he crawled back across the bed and brushed some hair from her face. Leaning close, he kissed her forehead gently. "Wake up, beautiful."

She slept on for several moments before stirring at the feel of his lips in contact with her own. Her eyes opened and she looked back into his. "Hey," he whispered quietly.

A smile crossed Abby's features and she reached up to rub her eyes. "Is it morning already?" she asked with a yawn.

"Unfortunately yes, and your son has a love of Christmas that I haven't seen since I was his age. It's not a good thing for us as parents. Because in his house, no presents are opened until everyone is in attendance. So we have to go or we are going to have a fit on our hands. I'm sure he's already dragged Heather and Tyler out so we're it, babe."

"Can I wake up first?" she asked, reaching an arm around his neck, pulling him down for a quick kiss.

JC obliged and pulled away before it got out of hand. "You could, but I don't think anyone wants to wait until noon. So get that hot bod outta my bed and get something decent on."

Abby pushed the blankets off her legs and she looked at her husband curiously. "This isn't good enough for you?" she asked, standing up and smiling at the way his eyes trailed down her legs as she stood in nothing more than an Orlando Magic basketball jersey.

"It's good enough for me, but I wouldn't advise wearing that down to greet the family."

The couple joined the rest of the family a couple minutes later and they had to laugh at the scowling faces that greeted them.

"What's the matter, Ty?" JC asked, sitting down beside his brother. "Don't think Santa brought you anything under there?"

"Your kid got me up an hour ago and you two got to sleep in," Tyler replied with a glare. "Heather was up and hour before that. Mom, Dad, you and B got to sleep, but nooooo...not Uncle Tyler and Aunt Heather."

Heather leaned her head on Abby's shoulder as the woman sat between she and JC. "Who taught that boy to love Christmas so much? Why couldn't he love New Years when I'm actually awake for the events?"

Abby giggled and reached for JC's hand. "I'm sorry. He's never had a wonderful Christmas before JC came into our lives and now he's taking complete advantage of it. Blame your brother."

"Believe me...I will," Tyler grumbled before JC bopped him on the head. The older of the brothers leaned forward and looked across the living room to his parents. Karen held Chance as he sucked greedily on his bottle and Roy just watched the siblings argue with a grin on his face.

"Dad, you gonna start this thing off?"

Roy nodded and stood up slowly. "Are you four done fighting?" He stepped around Braeden where he had taken a seat on the floor and knelt down in front of the shining Christmas tree. "Okay, the first one is from Tyler to Heather..."

Presents were exchanged and laughter was shared. Braeden came out on top with the most presents, the highlight of them being his Nerf bow with foam arrows from his grandparents.

All the presents were exchanged and the family was preparing to go into the kitchen for breakfast when Tyler noticed that Abby and JC had not exchanged gifts with the other. "Hey...didn't you two get anything for each other?" he asked before his parents could leave the room.

JC smiled to Abby and nodded. "" He reached down under the couch and pulled out a small box. "There ya go."

Abby took it with a smile and pulled the ribbon off quickly. Taking the lid off the box, she looked up at him in confusion as she held up two keys. "Honey?"

JC stood up and took her hand, pulling her after him as he walked her toward the garage. Turning with a grin, he looked her in the eyes and winked. "We've all been trying to keep you out of the garage, and I don't know if you've noticed."

"I did, but I didn't think anything of it," she replied.

He grabbed the doorknob and slowly pushed the door open. "Merry Christmas, baby."

Abby stepped into the dark garage and when he flipped on the lights, gasped in shock. "Joshua-"

"Don't...don't say anything yet. We kinda put your car to rest when we got married and I kinda miss driving my Jeep since the Viper attracts a little too much attention. I wanted you to have something that was yours and considered getting you a little sports car of some sort. But I figured that would be a little impractical what with having the boys with you all the time. So I figured this would be perfect."

Abby ran her hand down the sleek red paint of the brand new Chevrolet Blazer and smiled to him. "I'm glad you thought practical because I don't want a bling bling kinda vehicle like you and the guys are so fond of."

He chuckled and opened his arms to her, hugging her close after she walked into them. "Thank you, Josh. It's beautiful."

Tyler stood in the doorway and winked at Abby as she stared at her new wheels again. "Think you can top that, Abby?"

She grinned to her brother-in-law and grabbed JC's hand before walking back into the house. "I can sure try."

They sat down on the couch again and Abby leaned over Heather to pull a medium-sized box out of the drawer of the end table. Handing it to her husband, she moved her hand to his leg with a smile. "Merry Christmas, honey."

JC smiled to her slightly before pulling the black glittering ribbon off the silver box. His hand then removed the box top, depositing it on the floor and he pushed the tissue paper aside to see two pacifiers sitting under it. Looking up at his wife in complete confusion, he raised an eyebrow. "Babe?"

Abby smiled, her heart pounding in her chest. "Dig a little deeper and maybe you'll understand."

He placed the pacifiers on the couch beside him and pulled out more tissue paper and practically stopped breathing when he saw what else lay inside.

JC stared down into the box in his hands in what could only be described as shock.

Abby panicked when she saw the same look in his eyes as that she'd seen after telling him she was pregnant with Chance. That look: like a deer in headlights, ready to bolt at the first opportunity. There was that same look of utter fear and dread, and Abby had to look away to keep her tears from falling. "Joshua, I-"

She was stopped short when he fell down onto his knees before her. "Twins?" he asked in a choked voice.

Abby nodded slowly and stared back into his eyes. "Y-yeah. You're not...mad, are you?" she asked, reaching for his hands.

His eyes softened and she saw another emotion take over within them. Now, looking at him, she saw such joy cross his features and a deep love filled his eyes. "Mad? Baby, that emotion is nowhere near me right now."

He leaned forward, sliding his arms around her, hugging her close. "I'm ecstatic, thrilled, delirious, elated, overjoyed..." He trailed off and squeezed his eyes shut tightly. "I'm so happy." He pulled away long enough to look her in the eyes before drawing her close again and kissing her sweetly on the lips. He then rose to his feet, picked up the box, and handed the blurry black pictures to his brother and sister. "My babies," he said excitedly.

Tyler turned the sonogram one way, then the other, his eyebrow raised in wonder. "I just see a couple blobs, myself." He handed the pictures to his mother and smiled to his brother. "Congrats,'re having marshmallow kids."

"Tyler!" Karen warned, examining the photos with her husband. She then smiled to her eldest child. "They look perfect, honey. Congratulations, kids."

JC grinned and took the sonogram back, moving back to sit on the couch beside his wife. Moving his arm around Abby, he pulled her close to his side, a huge smile on his face.

The other family members at one point or another left the room, leaving the couple alone together. JC was still in shock over the 'gift' Abby had just presented him with, and Abby was just relieved that he had taken it well.

"I was afraid you were going to react the same way as you did before," she whispered after several comfortable silent minutes. "I saw it in your eyes," she added, turning to look at him.

JC smiled softly and leaned forward to kiss her gently. "The same thoughts crossed my mind, but I think it's just been engrained into my mind and that's my first reaction. But I'm so happy; I want you to know that."

She smiled. "I do. I can't believe we're having more babies."

"This is our quota...remember, I told your parents one or two more at most," he said with a laugh.

"Shutup," she replied, bopping him on the head.

" you know what they are?" he asked after they stopped laughing.

"I'm not far enough along yet," she replied, tracing his arm with her fingernail. "It's too soon to tell, and I don't want to know anyway. I want it to be a surprise."

He smiled. " too."

Abby raised an eyebrow. "If that's what you think...why did you ask?"

He shrugged with a grin. "I'm fine with it."


JC pulled her closer and kissed the back of her neck. "I've never been so happy in my life," he whispered against her skin, running his fingers down her arm.

Abby rolled over in his arms and placed a hand against his bare chest, feeling his heartbeat beneath her fingers. "I wanted to ask you something."

He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Anything, baby."

She pulled away from his kisses and stared into his eyes. " said you kissed Shaina, and the way you said it made me think that it was a recent event." She bit her lip. "When did you see Shaina, Josh?"

JC's eyes closed for a moment and he suddenly remembered that in his soul-bearing, he had completely blown that one secret he had succeeded in keeping from his wife. Drawing her close again into his arms, he held her for a few silent moments before pulling away to stare into her eyes again.

"She came to my house shortly after I left you and Chance. She was trying to convince me that Quentin was my son and I just...she kissed me, okay? And I can't honestly tell you that I pushed her away. I actually pulled her closer and it's killing me to have to admit that to you." He cupped her face within his large hands and stared into her eyes. "I know I said this enough the other night, but...I'm sorry."

She nodded. "And you don't know the whole story about when Ben was at the house. He came the night before and w-we kissed too. I slept with him that night."

JC's eyes bugged out and he pulled away slightly. "You WHAT?"

Abby shook her head. "No, no, no, no, no, baby. I didn't SLEEP with him...I just let him sleep in my bed with me. I thought he was back in my life and that I could trust him. Let me add that to my list of sorry’s as well."

JC leaned forward and kissed her again, moving his hand down to caress her stomach under her shirt. Smiling against her lips, he whispered against them. "So does this explain why you didn't want to in the shower?"

She giggled and pulled his hand away. "It does, and don't get fresh with me, Mr. Chasez. I'm in deep enough as it is without more help from you. You do realize that I'm going to be delivering TWO babies at once."

He winced and laughed. "Ouch. Um, babe...please don't put that mental image in my head."

Abby pulled away and smacked his chest. "Joshua, this is YOUR fault...again."

He grinned and pulled her to his chest again. "But you know what? When I do something...I do it right."


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