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Screwing Up

JC ran his hands over his face with a sigh as he walked to the door and stepped out into the hallway.

Abby smiled to him as she returned with the ice bucket and two bottles of water. Her smile vanished as she saw the single tear dripping down his face. “Baby, what’s the matter?” she asked, approaching him and wrapping her arms around his thin waist.

JC leaned his head into the crook of her neck. More tears slid from his eyes. “Braeden just told me that he loved me. He asked me if I was his daddy.”

Abby’s eyes widened in shock. “He did?”

JC nodded. “I-I didn’t know what to say to that.”

“What did you say?” she asked, curious as to how he had handled that, wondering if this would change their relationship.

He smiled slightly and wrapped his arms around her. “I told him I loved him too,” he replied.

Her heart skipped a beat at his words. “You didn’t lie to him, did you?” she asked, pulling back to look at him.

JC shook his head. “No, Abs…I didn’t lie to him. I never realized it before he told me that, how much that little guy means to me. I do love him; he’s been such a part of my life these last couple months, and I feel like I am his daddy…even if I’m not.”

Abby leaned up to kiss his lips gently. “I love you even more for saying that. He needs a father-like figure in his life, and if I had to choose one person to be that man, it would be you.”

The couple reentered the room together, and Abby smiled. “So what did you say about the whole daddy thing?”

JC grinned. “I told him that I wasn’t his dad, but that maybe one day, I could be.” He looked down at her. “That is, if his mommy would let me.”

She hugged him tightly. “You know I would.”


JC opened his eyes the next morning and smiled as he felt Abby's weight on his chest. Leaning down to kiss her quickly, he slowly pulled out from under her, seeing that Braeden too was still sleeping soundly.

He quickly took a shower and quietly got dressed. Glancing at the two again, he silently slipped out the door and into the hallway.

Making his way down to the dining room, his mind raced with thoughts. He knew that Abby deserved to know about his past with Shaina, he just didn't know how to bring it up.

He sat down at one of the tables with a plate of food, beginning to eat. She had to have some suspicions that he was keeping things from her, so he knew he had to come clean.


Abby and Braeden clapped along with the audience as the guys finished up their show the next evening.

"Thank you, Phoenix! We love you!" JC yelled as they disappeared.

Lonnie led Abby through all the security check points as Braeden sang his own version of their songs while bouncing on her hip. “Tank oo Fenis…we wuv yooo!”

She climbed onto the bus mere seconds before it took off down the road. Setting Braeden on the floor, she watched him pounce on a lounging Joey as she made her way to the back where she knew JC was.

Just after he pulled his wifebeater over his head, Abby wrapped her arms around his bare torso. "Great job, baby," she purred in his ear, nipping playfully at his earlobe.

JC smiled and turned to face her. "Well, Miss Abby, do you think we could celebrate this great performance of mine once we get to the hotel? We could get one of the guys to watch Braeden..." He trailed off as he leaned down to kiss her gently. “And I’ll give you another great performance.”

Abby smiled against his lips and pulled away long enough to agree. "I'd say you've got yourself a date."

He smiled again and looked up as Justin walked into the back. "Hey man...great job tonight."

Justin smiled and pointed to the two. "You too, but you two keep a couple inches between you two, huh? At least till we get to the hotel."

JC laughed. "Which reminds me, could you possibly watch the kid for us tonight? We haven't had much time together for a while, and we were hoping to get some tonight."

"Get SOME, huh...why am I not surprised?" Justin muttered, turning back toward the door as he grabbed his bag off the chair. "Yeah, I'll watch him."

"Thanks, Justin," Abby said with a smile.

They watched him leave, and JC leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose. "I love you."

She pulled away and looked at him. "What's wrong?"


"Something's wrong...what is it?" she prodded.

JC thought about telling her what was on his mind. "Nothing, babe. I'm just tired, and I want to get you back to the room."

She smiled and hugged him. "Good."


JC leaned down and placed a kiss on Braeden's head as the little boy held tightly to Justin's hand. "Be good for Justin, little man. We'll see you in the morning."

"Why I go wiff Jussin?" he asked, looking up at his mother and JC.

JC smiled and looked at Abby. "Your mommy and I need to spend some time together. Besides, Justin wants to hang out with you tonight."

Braeden looked up at Justin who smiled down at him with a nod. "Yeah, man, we're gonna have a great time."

The boy looked back up at JC. "Otay, Daddy. Nighty!"

JC turned and looked at Abby as the youngest member of *N Sync led the boy to his room. "Did you hear that? Please tell me that I actually heard that."

Abby smiled. "He said it." JC could see tears filling her eyes as her son's words sank in. "He called you Daddy."

JC pulled her close to his side and led her down the hall toward their room. "That's an awesome feeling...I can't believe he said that. That-…that floored me."

He unlocked the door and led her in, barely getting the door shut before she had his shirt off. "Do me a favor, Jace."

"Anything," he whispered, his lips against her skin.

"Let's both forget that I have a son...just for tonight. It's just me and you."

They spent the evening making up for lost moments together, and JC knew that Braeden was the furthest thing from either of their minds.


Abby opened her eyes and smiled as she saw her boyfriend lying in the bed beside her. It wasn't very often that she would wake up and still find him there, but he was getting better about it. She could get used to waking up beside him more often.

Reaching over, she wrapped her arms around him and lay her head on his bare chest. "Morning, stud," she whispered, kissing his chest.

JC stirred and looked down at her with a sleepy smile. "Good morning, beautiful."

She smiled and leaned up to kiss him gently. "Shhhh...listen."

He grinned and turned his head, trying to hear whatever it was she was listening to. "I don't hear anything, babe."

She smiled again and kissed him once more. " three-year old running around waking us up to get breakfast."

"You love him," JC countered, brushing her hair off her shoulder.

Abby nodded. "Yeah, I do...with all my heart. But I love you too. I have to spend some quality time with both of you, right?"

"I like the sound of that." He leaned down and kissed her, then rolled the both of them over in the bed, causing her to giggle.

She pushed him away and looked into his eyes. "As much as I would love to continue this wonderful edition of nude have someplace that you need to be in like an hour..." She trailed off and sighed. "Looks like we'll have to finish this later."

JC pouted, but pushed himself up out of the bed. "Yeah, you win. I gotta go get a shower."

He leaned down and kissed her one last time before disappearing into the bathroom.

Abby rolled over in the bed with a happy sigh...but as she stared at the clock's numbers...a sick feeling washed over her.


JC smiled to himself as he stepped into the shower. Every minute that he spent with Abby made him forget the pain of his past a little more.

Shaina...he didn't even want to think about her. She had caused him too much blissful joy that turned so quickly to maddening pain and suffering that he just couldn't see which way was up.

He needed a woman that could not only make him feel good about who he was in society, but also who he was as a a friend. He needed someone to hold him and love him and let him vent when he'd had a rough day. He needed someone that was honest with him...someone he could be honest to also.

Abby was all of those things. But you're not being honest with her, his mind insisted. Abby deserved to know why he had immediately tried to push Braeden wasn't the was the past that had forced him to do that...he didn't want her to think otherwise.

As he washed his hair, he heard the bathroom door open as she stepped in to brush her teeth. "Hey babe," he said, sticking his head out past the shower curtain.

She smiled to him. "Hey."

"Can you get me some stuff outta my bag for me? I didn't bring anything in with me," he requested with a sweet smile.

Abby nodded. "What do you need?"

He blushed slightly.

She giggled. "Baby...with our relationship, you shouldn't be embarrassed to ask me to get you some underwear."

JC nodded his head. "You're right. Grab any random pair of boxers and a wifebeater please...I'll get the rest when I get out."

"Okie dokie," she chirped, leaving the room.

He shook his head at his own embarrassment to ask his girlfriend to get those things for him. They were sleeping together...she saw more of him on a regular basis than his mom probably had in the first seven years of his life. He began to run some water through his hair to get the shampoo out, when a terrible feeling struck him.

He had ripped up the picture of Shaina from his wallet...but there was still the framed one in his suitcase...

Abby hadn't been into his suitcase before now...and he'd just led her right to the picture.

He groaned and banged his head against the shower wall as he heard breaking glass coming from within the room. "JC!"

"Shit," he muttered.

He didn't know whether to hurry through his shower and get it over with or to take his time and prolong the inevitable. He decided for the first and quickly finished rinsing his hair before stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist.

Stepping out into the room, he cautiously looked at his girlfriend as she sat on the floor beside his suitcase, her chest heaving with uncontrollable anger and confusion.

"What the hell is this?" she asked, holding the picture up, its glass broken and mostly gone.

He swallowed at the anger in her eyes and flinched slightly at the sight of the blood on her legs. The glass lay all around her, and on her, broken in her rage.

"T-that's-" he started.

"Your girlfriend?" she questioned. "The one you've sworn up and down that you don't have?" She looked at it again and read the writing on the picture. "Joshua, here's to prove all my love and continuous hopes for some bedroom fun. Your baby forever, Shaina," she read out loud. She looked up at him again and shook her head. "Care to explain this to me, Joshua?"

He sighed and sat down on the bed, looking down at her. "She-she's my ex, Abby. We're not together anymore, I swear."

"What's up with the autograph, is she trying to impress you or something?" she asked, rolling her eyes.

"She's an was her first autograph she'd given out to anyone...she wanted to give it to me..." He trailed off at the look in her eyes. "'s's been over for a year at least."

Abby narrowed her eyes. "If this relationship is so over...why are you carrying a picture of the woman around in your bag?" Her voice was calm, but he could see the anger in her eyes.

"She's been kinda hard to forget," he admitted, looking down at his hands.

Abby's eyes flared up. "Joshua Scott! I swear, if you're still in love with this woman-"

"I'M NOT IN LOVE WITH HER!" he yelled back at her, his voice raised. "Abby...I never said I was still in love with her...I just…I can't let go of her for...uh...other reasons."

"What?" she asked, pushing herself up off the floor and starting to pace the floor. "Why can't you let go...was she the best you'd ever had? Huh? Is she better than me? Is that what it is? Can't let go of the past because she was good in the sack?"

JC shook his head and reached for her. "Abby. I've been needing to talk to you about this for a while. I guess now is the time. Please sit down and hear me out."

Abby stopped her pacing when his hand came in contact with her own. She looked down at him with fire in her eyes. But she could see the despair in his. Sitting down beside him with a huff, she looked at him. "Fine. Talk to me."

JC reached for her hand and was disappointed when she pulled it away from him. "Abs...Shaina was my fiancée. We were supposed to be married something like a month ago...I think. I loved her so much," he said quietly, trying to ignore her hand pulling away from his again as he grabbed it.

"So why aren't you with her instead of wasting my time?" she asked harshly.

"Will you shut up and let me talk?" he replied, glaring at her sharply.

Abby rolled her eyes and turned her face to stare at the wall.

"I loved her," he continued. "And we were all ready to get married. All of a sudden, she tells me she's pregnant..." He paused as she tensed up at the word. "...and at first I was shocked and a little nervous as to what this was going to do to my career. But I soon got caught up in the planning for the baby, the furniture and clothes shopping, and the doctors appointments and I started to get excited about the whole thing, knowing that the little boy in her belly was created with my help."

He smiled slightly at the memory of the elation that he had felt those nine months. "We were so happy together. We were so in love. Then it all fell down around me and I didn't know which way was up."

Abby stared at him. The pain in his eyes shone through and it hurt her to see. She slowly reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. "What happened, sweetie?"

JC was slightly shocked at her sudden change in attitude, but continued on with his story.

JC smiled across the table to his fiancée, rolling his eyes as she continued to chow down on the Ben and Jerry's she had just sent him to the store after.

"What?" she asked, her mouth full as she looked at him in annoyance.

JC shook his head. "Nothing, babe...just admiring you in all of your pregnant beauty...eating all of the ice cream we have in the house."

She flung a spoonful at him and stuck her tongue out. "Shutup."

"Oh that was mature!" he commented, standing up as he laughed. He walked around the table and put his hands on her shoulders. "I love you," he whispered, leaning down and kissing her gently.

"Mmmm," Shaina mumbled against his lips before pulling away and licking her own. "I love you too."

He looked at his watch. "Well, it's official. You're overdue."

"Midnight, huh?" she asked.

He nodded with a smile. "Yep. You're not gonna make me a daddy on time, huh?"

She shook her head. "Nope. Sorry for your luck, Mr. Chasez."

JC yawned slightly and looked at her. "Baby, we better go to bed. I'm beat, and I can't imagine how you're feeling right now."


He helped her up to their room and smiled as they lay down in the bed together. Another day gone by that he had to wait to meet his son. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her goodnight."

"I love you, Sha."

She smiled slightly, and stared into the dark room. "I love you too, Josh."



The Next Morning

"Oh my God, JOSHUA! WAKE UP!"

JC opened his eyes at his fiancée’s scream, and he frantically looked for her. Finding her in the bathroom, clutching her stomach, he automatically knew what was going on.

"Oh geez..." He ran his hand through his hair and ran to put some clothes on. "Hang in there, baby...lemme get dressed and I'll get you to the hospital."

He loaded her into the car and drove like a demon to the hospital where they took her immediately into the emergency room while he filled out papers at the desk. He didn't even notice the man that rushed in and asked where Shaina Baker was, before rushing off to find her.

JC stepped toward the ER, but was halted by a nurse. "Sir, you can't go in there."

"My fiancée is in there. She's having our baby right now...I have to be in there with her, she needs me!" he rushed.

The nurse raised an eyebrow. "You're the father of that child?"

JC nodded. "YES! Please, let me in."

"I can't do that, sir. The baby's father is already in there."

JC froze and stared through the window at Shaina as she held tightly to some stranger's hand.

"What the-?"

JC stared straight ahead. "He wasn't mine. He was never mine. She had been sleeping with that man behind my back for over a year. I was just too blind to see it." He dropped his head to his hands. "I lost everything right there. I walked out of the hospital and went by only long enough to give her some baby things that were in my Jeep and request that she give me my house keys back. It was over just like that."

Abby looked at him sympathetically. "Josh...honey, I'm sorry I-"

He shook his head and stood up. "No, Abs. Don't apologize. I've been needing to get rid of this for a long time. Thanks for making me finally do it." He pulled the picture from the frame and tore it into pieces, then took it into the bathroom, flushing it down the toilet.

Re-entering the room, he smiled slightly at the woman who sat on the bed. "You know I love you, right?" he asked, walking toward her.

She nodded. "Yeah. I know. I love you too."

He grabbed some clothes and headed back into the bathroom. "Great. Lemme change and we'll go get our kid."

<CENTER~*~< center>

Abby groaned and placed her hand on her stomach again. Joey looked at her in concern. "You all right, Dear Abby?" he asked, using the nickname he'd started calling her.

She closed her eyes and shook her head. "I dunno, Joe. I don't feel so hot."

"But you are hot," he replied with a smirk.

"Joey, shutup...I don't feel like beating you off with a stick today," she whined as Braeden ran toward her.

"Mommy! Daddy sed to tell on Jussin. He won let me pay wif da baskeyball."

Abby rolled her eyes. "Tell Daddy that he needs to take care of it himself. Mommy doesn't feel good."

"Otay!" She watched her son skip back down the hall where JC and Justin were laughing.

"Seriously, Abs...what's wrong?" Joey asked curiously.

She shook her head. "I'm not sure...but I do have an idea."

"Wanna talk about it?"

Abby stared down the hall at JC for a moment before looking back to Joey. "I think I might be pregnant. I don't know,'s just a hunch. A mother’s intuition, ya know?"

Joey's jaw dropped. "Wow. You gotta tell him, Abs."

She shook her head. "No...I-I wanna be sure first. I've already made a doctor's appointment for our next stop."

"You can't keep this from him, Abby," Joey warned.

"I know...and if I am...I won't. I promise."


Abby sighed as she looked at the man lying in the bed beside her. She really did love him...but if she was pregnant...would he stick around? She remembered the way he'd reacted to her bringing Braeden into their would he react if she was pregnant with his child?

JC, sensing her stare, opened his eyes slowly and smiled as he saw her looking at him. "Good morning, beautiful."

She smiled. "Morning. How'd you sleep?" she asked quietly.

He yawned and stretched, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her closer. " about you?"

She shrugged. "I dunno...didn't feel too good."

He nodded. "Yeah. I noticed you were a little restless."

"I was, wasn't I?" she replied. Sighing, she traced his arm with her fingertips, causing him to shiver.

JC furrowed his eyebrows. "Baby, is everything okay? You've been acting weird lately...ever since you found that picture, really."

Abby's eyes darted up to his. "I'm not still jealous...I understand the whole thing. I just...I dunno...I don't feel well."

He pulled her closer into his arms and kissed the top of her head. "I'll make you feel better..." He kissed her neck and let his hands start to roam.

She was almost willing to get caught up in the moment and join him in his game, but remembered the daunting problem that was on her mind. Pushing him away, she shook her head. "Not now...seriously, that is the last thing that I need." She pushed the blankets off her legs and stood up, walking across the room as she ran her hands through her hair.

JC sat up in the bed and looked at her in confusion. "Abby, what's with you?"

She closed her eyes, willing the strength to come to her...she just needed to tell him of her suspicions. "What do you mean, what's with me?"

"You're acting weird," he replied, rolling his eyes.

Abby shook her head. "Nothing's wrong, I swear." She stared back into his eyes, daring him to continue the conversation.

JC, knowing he wasn't going to get any more information out of her, shook his head and sighed. "Whatever. What are you doing today?"

She smiled, glad that he was letting the topic go. "I thought I might go into town and do a little shopping or something. "What are you guys up to today?"

JC pulled himself out of the bed and walked across the room to dig into his bag. "Soundcheck, then some radio interviews. Pretty much a full day...wish I could slip out and go shopping with you."

He looked up at her as an idea entered his head. "Hey, if you wanna meet me somewhere, I could get out of soundcheck early...maybe..." He frowned. "Maybe not, but it's worth a shot."

Abby frowned. "What time is your soundcheck?"

"Two-thirty, but I could be out by three if I get all of my vocals checked. I could meet you someplace for lunch and we could spend the rest of the day together...I'll just skip some interviews too." He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Abby's mind raced. Her doctor's appointment was at three-thirty...there was no way she could let JC be around for that. "Josh, honey, you know you can't skip all of that. Those are things you need to be at, and I can handle a little shopping on my own."

He frowned. "Are you sure?" he asked, looking deep into her eyes.

She nodded. "Yes...don't worry about me."

He smiled. "You're right, though. Get something nice okay? Something I might see on you..." He leaned down and kissed her neck gently. "To take off of you..." He chucked in her ear as he sucked on her earlobe. "I love you, baby."

Abby closed her eyes and nodded. "I love you too." She sighed as he pulled away and walked to the bathroom. She watched him disappear behind the door and ran her hand through her hair. This was going to be a long day, and she had the feeling that she already knew what the doctor was going to tell her.


JC was totally zoned out...missing the question that the fan had fired at him about his relationship with Abby.

He jumped as he felt Justin's elbow in his side. "Huh?"

Justin laughed. "Dude, are you just totally sleeping over here? Answer the girl's question."

JC blushed. "Sorry hun, what was that again?"

The young voice came over the speakers again. "I was wondering if you were seriously dating that woman and what the truth was about the little boy."

Rolling his eyes, he leaned close to the microphone. "Yes, I am seriously dating Abby, and I love her very much. As for her son, no, he is not mine, but I am willing to step into a fatherly role for him for as long as his mother and I are together."

He sighed as the girl accepted his answer, then leaned back in his chair to drudge through the rest of the interview. He knew something was up with Abby...he just didn't know what.

Joey looked over at his friend with worry. He knew where Abby had gone that day, and he could tell that JC didn't. Shaking his head slightly, he silently prayed for the girl. If she was pregnant, she would need the strength to tell her boyfriend, and if she wasn't, more power to her.


"Miss Garner?" the nurse said, walking into the room as Abby finished buttoning her jeans. She handed the hospital gown to the woman and smiled to her slightly.

"Yeah?" she replied, her voice a mere whisper.

The nurse smiled. "The doctor will be in with your results in about ten minutes. If you'd like anything, just let me know. There are magazines here, and I could get you some juice or something if you'd like."

Abby shook her head. "No thank you, I'm fine...I'd just like to know the results."

"It'll be just a few minutes," the nurse said again, walking out the door.

Abby sighed and sat back down on the chair, leaning down to tie her shoes. She was nervous...she wanted to know...needed to know. What would JC think if she was?

She had just begun to flip through a magazine when the door flew open and the doctor strolled in. "Miss Garner, I have some good news for you."

She stood up and looked at the short man as he held tightly to his clipboard. "Yes?"

"Congratulations, Ma''re pregnant. It's a shame the father couldn't be here, but I can have the official results copied so you can share them with him when he gets off work."

Abby's face turned white and she accepted the man's handshake.'re pregnant...

She was pregnant...what would JC think?


Abby stared at her hands all through the concert that night. Braeden, somehow, knew not to mess with his mother, as the look on her face was one he hadn't seen before.

JC stepped to the front of the stage during a song, winking to Abby, but frowned as he saw the distant, faraway look in her eyes. He made a mental note to talk to her about everything that had happened that day.

Wiping the sweat from his face, he looked at her one last time before turning his attention to others in the audience.


"You enjoy the show tonight?" JC asked, stripping out of his stage clothes and throwing them on the floor of their room.

She nodded distractedly as she lay a sleeping Braeden on the bed.



"Everything okay?"



She finally looked up to him. "What?"

"What's with you tonight?"

She sat down on the bed and stared down at her hands. "Nothing. I'm fine."

JC shook his head. "You avoided me at the concert tonight. You've never done that before."

"I'm fine," she replied, enunciating her words more precisely. "I'm going to bed."

He stood there for a moment, watching her undress, confused at her elusiveness all evening. Shaking his head, he grabbed a clean pair of boxers and headed for a shower. "Night, then."

Abby lay down beside her son and clutched him close to her body. She couldn't do this alone again, but she worried about his reaction. How would she tell him this? This could ruin his career.

JC stepped out of the shower fifteen minutes later and looked at the woman again. Something was definitely going on with her, and he wanted to know what it was. He made a point to ask her in the morning...another plan that would probably be sidestepped by the elusive Abby.

Finally lying down in the bed beside her, he wrapped his arms around her and her son. This felt so right to him, but something still felt so wrong. Something she was avoiding...something he didn't know. Something he needed to know.

Pushing all thoughts from his mind, he snuggled closer to the two warm bodies and kissed the foreheads of both. "I love you guys."


Abby felt the bed shifting as the morning rays seeped through the tightly closed curtains. She heard voices and cracked one eye open to see JC handing a sleeping Braeden to a sleepy Justin. "Thanks man," JC whispered, smiling to his friend before closing the door.

She closed her eye again as he turned back toward her and she tried to fall back asleep. Feeling the bed move again, she soon felt his arms slide around her body. "Abby," he whispered, kissing the spot underneath her ear.

She moaned slightly and shifted closer into his arms. "Go away."

JC chuckled. "I'm not going anywhere. Wake up."

Abby opened her eyes with another groan. "What? It's like seven in the morning. You kick my kid out and then expect me to fool around with you? Forget it." She closed them again. "Go back to sleep."

JC traced her jawline and frowned. "What's going on with you? Something's wrong. Talk to me."

Her eyes opened again and she looked at him warily. "Josh-"

" to me."

Abby sighed and pushed herself up in the bed with a grunt. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Something is bothering you," he replied, moving to lay his head in her lap. "Abby, we've kept too much from each other already and we've fought about it every time. I don't want to fight with you over this, because I know you're hiding something from me."

She looked down at him and ran her fingers through his hair, watching him close his eyes. "Sweetie, promise me you won't overreact."

JC's eyes shot open at this. "I didn't think it was going to be anything bad. Abs, what’s wrong?”

Abby took a deep breath and continued to run her fingers through JC’s hair. “Josh…I didn’t go shopping yesterday afternoon. I-I lied to you.”

“I gathered that,” he replied, looking up at her. “Just tell me.”

She nodded. “Josh, I went to the doctor. I made an appointment on the way into town and saw him yesterday before the show.”

JC sat up in the bed and reached for her hands. “Baby, are you okay? Are you sick or something?”

“Or something,” she replied quietly. Closing her eyes for a moment, she prayed that he would be welcome to her news. Opening them again, she looked into his blue eyes that were filled with so much concern. “Honey, I know how much you love Braeden, and you’re so good with him.”

JC cocked his head and raised an eyebrow. “Abs, where are you going with this?”

Taking another deep breath, she squeezed his hands tighter. “JC…I, um…I-“

”Abby! Just tell me already!” he interrupted with a nervous laugh.

She stared back into his eyes. “I’m really going to need your help with him now. Because…because I’m pregnant and this baby is yours.”

JC’s smile fell and he looked at her in shock. His eyes began to burn from the stare he had locked on her stomach and he suddenly remembered to blink, opening and closing his eyes rapidly to ease the stinging. He closed them for a longer time and pulled his hands from hers to run them over his face.

Abby didn’t know what to think about his reaction. Was this shock good or was it bad? She really couldn’t tell because he had no emotion written on his face. “Josh?”

JC opened his eyes and stared into her own. “I don’t believe this. This isn’t happening." He started to push himself up off the bed, but Abby reached for his hand.

“Josh, please…talk to me.”

“What do you expect me to say?” he practically yelled back, with an uneasy laugh. “You weren’t supposed to get knocked up! This was just supposed to be some stupid little physical thing! Abby, you’re ruining my life!”

She didn’t want to cry, but Abby couldn’t control the tears that slipped out of her eyes and tumbled down her flushed cheeks. “STUPID LITTLE PHYSICAL THING!!! JC! You TOLD me that wasn’t all I was to you! You PROMSIED me that!” she screamed back, jumping off the bed and following him across the room.

“No, Abby! I told you that you weren’t going to be a one-night-stand, and you weren’t. But maybe now, you should have been!” he replied, storming to the door.

Her eyes grew wide and she followed him. Reaching out, she grabbed his arm and watched as he turned back around to face her. Reaching up, her hand made harsh contact with his cheek and her fiery eyes made him stop in shock. “I didn’t get into this on my own, you know.”

“How do I know it’s even mine?” he retorted, pulling the door open and disappearing into the hall.

Abby followed him into the hallway and spotted him grabbing a security guard and heading for the elevators. Sighing, she made her way down the hall to where she knew Joey was still asleep.

Stopping outside the door, she took a deep breath and reached up to knock. A few minutes later, a tired Joey opened the door with a half smile. " can I help you at this ungodly hour?"

His humor quickly fled as he saw the tears sliding down her cheeks. "Aw, sweetie, what's wrong?"

"I told him this morning," she replied, following him into the room. "And you know where that got me? He left...he yelled at me, blamed me, accused me of sleeping with someone else and getting pregnant, and then he left."

Joey sighed and reached out to hug the young woman. "Abby...I'm so sorry. I can't predict the way he reacts every time. I figured he'd be happy."

She clutched to him. "I think it's probably the whole Shaina thing and what she did to him. He's afraid that he's going to go through the whole pregnancy thinking it was his baby, and then it not be."

Justin shook his head from the bed. "Nope. Jace is over the Shaina thing," he replied where his eyes were closed and his arm was slung around a sleeping Braeden. "This is an entirely new ballgame."

Abby turned her eyes away from her little boy and looked to Joey again. "What should I do?"

Joey shrugged. "I dunno. Wait 'til he gets back, and we'll go from there, okay?"

Abby sighed and looked at the man before her and then turned her attention to the young man lying on the bed with her son. "I'm still tired; can I sleep in here?"

Joey nodded and motioned her to his bed. "Yeah. I'm up now anyway. I'm gonna go find Jace."

She nodded and lay down on his bed, pulling the blankets up over her shoulder. She could smell his scent in the pillows and blankets, but it didn't feel right, because it wasn't JC's.


Joey found his slightly older friend sitting on the edge of the roof of the hotel. Nodding quickly to the guard at the door, he made his way over to the man.

"Hey," he whispered, so as not to startle him as he was in a precarious position and could fall if frightened.

JC looked over his shoulder and nodded silently to acknowledge his presence. "Can I help you?" he muttered quietly.

Joey leaned against the ledge his friend was sitting on and looked up at the man. "I think you know why I'm here."

"She came crying to you, huh?" JC scoffed with a laugh. "I bet you knew all along, didn't you?"

"Actually yeah, I did," Joey replied. "She came to me because she was afraid of what your reaction would be. Is this about Shaina again?"

JC shook his head as he stared out over the city. "No. It's about Abby."

"Care to explain?"

The older man sighed. "It's just...I don't think it's mine."

Joey's eyes bulged. "Dude! Who else has she been with?"

"You...Wade...there's any number of guys she's been alone with for an extended period of time. How do I know any one of you hasn't just completely pulled a Caesar move on me...stabbed me in the back?" JC shook his head and looked at his friend. "It's not that I'm accusing you or anyone else. I just don't think I can trust Abby, and I'm certainly not going to take responsibility for her getting knocked-up."

"Stop treating this situation like it's some horrible thing!" Joey replied harshly, slightly raising his voice. "She didn't get 'knocked-up' as you so eloquently put it. She's pregnant. She has a baby, a little life, growing inside her. It's a miracle." His voice softened on the last few words. "She just wants you to share in this with her."

"I am not responsible," the other man replied again. "And I'm not taking responsibility for her mistakes. I would think it was enough that I was willing to accept Braeden, but she's pushing it this time."

Joey shook his head. "I can't believe you. I'm going back to bed. I hope you think more about this and not make some snap judgment and decision. And if you really want that woman in your life, you had best do something about it...soon." And with those last words, the younger *N Syncer turned and headed back to the door.

JC rolled his eyes and turned to look out over the city again, watching the sun slowly rising in the sky.


Abby woke two hours later when she heard Justin fussing with Braeden, trying to gel the boy's hair. "Ha, little man. That looks awesome."

"What are you doing to my child?" she asked, stepping into the bathroom.

Justin turned to her with a smile. "Doesn't he look cool?" He motioned to the child sitting on the sink.

Abby stifled her laughter as she saw the makeshift curls on her son's head. "He looks like you..."

"Exactly," Justin replied with a grin.

She rolled her eyes and reached her arms out for her little boy. "Let's go, baby. Let's see if Daddy's willing to talk."

She carried him to the door, stopping long enough to look at Joey where he slept on the couch. She was so grateful to him for his friendship...he had helped her through a lot. Stepping into the hallway, she fished her keycard out of her pocket and looked at her son. "I love you, Braeden."

The little boy looked at her in confusion. "Love too, Mommy." He reached out and held her face between his small hands. "Why you sad?"

She smiled. "I haven't decided if I'm sad yet or not." She pushed the door open and stopped abruptly as she saw all of she and Braeden's bags packed and sitting by the door. Her gaze then fell upon the sullen man sitting by the window.

He turned and looked at her quickly before turning to look back out the window again.

"Josh...what's going on?" she asked.

"I want you to leave," he replied. "'s over. This is too much. It's bad enough that you have a kid, but now you're pregnant, I doubt it's even mine, and you expect me to take responsibility for this and I'm not about to do it. So there's your stuff. There's a plane ticket in the pocket of your purse and money for a cab. I want you out of my life as soon as possible."

Her eyes were wide and she approached him. "Josh, please-"

He held up a hand. "No. It's not going to do you any good. I don't want this anymore, Abby. Just go."

Abby's eyes then narrowed and she shifted the quiet boy in her arms. "Okay then. I'll just get Justin or Joey to get my stuff-"

"That's fine," he replied. "Joey's apparently handled your 'stuff' before anyway. Just get out of my life."

She shook her head and fled to the hallway, moving to knock on Justin and Joey's door again when she heard another voice question her in concern.

"Legs, are you all right?" he asked, using the nickname he had given her.

She turned to look at him and his face fell at the sight. Tears streamed down her face and the child in her arm was wailing in confusion. Shaking her head, she gladly accepted the comfort of his arms wrapping around her.

"Oh, Legs...what's the matter?" he whispered, smiling slightly to Braeden.

"JC doesn't want me anymore," she replied. "I'm pregnant, Wade. And he's kicking me out. Could you...could you get my bags for me?" she asked.

He frowned in disappointment in his friend and nodded. "Yeah. Hang on a second and I'll have them out here. Are you sure you don't want to just stay with me or something?"

She shook her head. "No. He doesn't want me, so I'm going to grant him his request."

As they carried their things down to the lobby, she smiled gratefully to the young choreographer. "Thanks Wade. Tell them all I said goodbye." She leaned forward for a hug and kissed his cheek.

He smiled as they pulled apart and winked. "You take care now, and call if you need anything. Keep in touch, I mean it."

She nodded. "I will. Thanks."

She stepped out onto the curb and hailed a cab. Wade helped the driver pile the mother and son's things into the trunk and hugged her again before she climbed into the back and instructed the man to take them to the airport.

She never saw the figure watching from the balcony just above the road, or the tears that poured from blue eyes.


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