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By:  Jen


The rain was coming down in torrents, beating against the hood of the dark jade neon that sat in the parking lot of the airport. In the driver's seat, a young woman sat, her eyes not on the entrance to the building, but in the sky, searching for the plane that carried the man she waited for.


A bolt of lightning lit up the sky, and for a minute, the young woman wondered if the plane would be able to land with the storm. Grabbing an umbrella, she got her purse and keys and took a deep breath before opening the door, getting out of the car, and running toward the entrance.


"May I help you?" asked a lone worker in the front half of the airport.


"Yes, is flight 573 going to be able to land soon?" she asked. The young man glanced at the screen in front of him.


"Let me check," he smiled, picking up a phone and talking into it softly for a few minutes. "Flight 573 from London should be landing in about ten minutes. Unless this storm picks up and lighting becomes and issue," the man smiled. "Have a seat, I'll inform you of any changes."


"Thanks," she glanced at his nametag. "Thanks, Trae," she smiled. She picked a seat and sat down, crossing her legs and looking around the airport. She sat her umbrella down at her feet and put her purse on the empty chair next to her. She brushed her shoulder-length

coffee hair over her shoulder, smoothing it out and detangling a bit of it before putting her hands in her lap.


The simple white gold solitaire diamond engagement ring on her finger glinted in the light. She smiled, wishing the plane would land already. Her fiancée had been gone for three long, lonely months.


That's what you get for being with an international pop star, she told herself, frowning slightly. Then she pictured her fiancée, his long, silky chestnut hair, prominent emerald eyes and perfectly sculpted build. She was grinning to herself, lost in a daze, when the young man behind the desk interrupted her thoughts.




"Hmm? What happened?" she asked.


"Nothing happened," her smiled at her. "The plane will be landing in ten minutes," he smiled and went back behind his desk.


"Thank you," she remarked, smiling at the man. She glanced at the clock. Ten minutes. It was already well after 1 AM. Ten more minutes would put it at 2 AM.




Ten minutes passed and the girl was still in a daze, thinking about her fiancée and the things she was going to do to him when his flight landed.


"Allison?" she snapped out of her daze. Standing in front of her, was her fiancée.


"Kevin!" she screeched, jumping up and throwing her arms around him, pressing her lips against his, her tongue snaking into his mouth. Her tongue dueled with his fleetingly, one of her hands moving from his shoulder, up his neck to the nape, where she lightly stroked the hair there, her hand running through his long hair. He moaned lightly into her mouth.


"I missed you so much!" she whispered, pressing her forehead against his. Her legs had gone around his waist and he was now completely supporting her.


"I missed you, too," he kissed her softly, one hand going down to cup her ass.


Allison giggled as he gently thrust his growing erection against her.


"I see you did," she smiled slyly. "How `bout we get outta here."


"Sounds like a plan," Kevin kissed her once more before releasing her.




Allison was driving. She was speeding a little, eager to get home and enjoy herself. She needed Kevin desperately. Three months without him had been torture on her. She was coming to a stop sign, when a hand landed on her knee. She glanced down and saw Kevin's hand slowly moving up her leg, up her short hunter green skirt, stopping just where her panties met her hip.


"Kev, what are you doing?" she asked playfully, spreading her legs slightly, allowing him more access.


"Nothing," he remarked, his hand dancing across her, making her squirm in anticipation.


"Oh, really?" she asked, taking a deep breath when his hand pushed her panties aside and he traced around her lips.


"Yeah," he said, gently pushing the tip of one finger into her slit, making her gasp noisily and clamp down around the tip. His movements stilled for a moment. A horn blared from behind them and Allison looked in the rear-view mirror to see a car behind them.


She turned the corner and squirmed again when he thrust his finger up into her fully, curling his finger, stroking her inner walls, making her groan vociferously. He moved his finger in a `come hither' motion. Allison clamped down on his hand as she exploded around his finger.


"Wow," she gasped, taking in deep breaths. "That was…"


"Good?" he turned her head for a second, kissing her frivolously. "It's been so long," he whispered.


"I know," Allison replied. She focused her attention back on the road, wishing they were almost home so she could repay the favor.


"Mmm," Kevin made a small noise. Allison glanced at him, and her jaw dropped when she saw his jeans unbuttoned, the zipper down all the way, and Kevin's manhood standing at attention. His hand moved leisurely up and down his shaft, his eyes closed as he concentrated on the sensations.


Feeling bold, Allison reached over and placed her hand over his, lightly patting it away. Kevin's eyes snapped open and looked at her, pausing a moment before nodding. Allison's hand wrapped around Kevin's steely length, squeezing faintly as she moved her hand up and down slowly, varying her pressure and speed.


After a few minutes, Kevin explodes, thrusting up into her hand, his body shaking with his powerful orgasm.




The ride home was quiet after the excitement. Allison pulled the car into the driveway and saw Kevin was asleep.


"Kev, we're home," she smiled, pushing his shoulder lightly. His eyes opened bit by bit, a lazy grin making its way across his face.


Kevin followed Allison up the stairs and into the foyer. Dropping her purse and keys on the table inside the door, Allison kicks her shoes off and starts up the long, curving staircase, intent on going to bed after a little studying.




Allison was sitting at her desk in her room, an open book in front of her. She glanced at the clock. 3 AM. She had class in eight hours. That left another for studying and six for sleeping. One to get ready and leave in the morning. She'd planned on skipping the studying and spending time with Kevin, but they'd had fun in the car andhe'd been sleeping when they'd gotten home.


She was almost down with the last page of her chapter when a knock at the door knocked her out of her studying groove.


"Come in," she called, going back to her book.




Kevin walked into the room and stopped in his tracks. Allison wasn't waiting for him like he thought she would've been. Instead, she was her desk, reading a textbook.


"Hey baby," he remarked, walking in to the room.


"Hey," Allison glanced at him, her eyes looking him up and down and then back at her book.


"You okay?" Kevin noticed she didn't seem to care that he was naked.


"Yeah, I'm just busy."


"We could get busy," Kevin walked across the room, placing his hands on her shoulders and massaging her.


"Not now," she shrugged him off. "Kevin I promise once my finals are done I'm all yours," she flashed him a smile.


"When are finals?"


"In a week."


"A week?!" he cried. "I'm supposed to wait a week?"




"Yeah," she shrugged, smiling to herself. Allison threw her hair over her shoulder, revealing her neck. She knew that from Kevin's location behind her chair, he could see right down her skimpy negligee.


"What if I can't wait a week?" his mouth was by her ear, his tongue snaking out to lick her neck.


"You know where the bathroom is," she shrugged, teasing him. "Do I bother you when you're writing your songs?" she grinned at him.


"Well, no…but…"


"But what?" she raised an eyebrow at him. He shook his head.


"But this isn't a bother," his hand went down and cupped her breast, making her moan lightly. "See, if it were, you wouldn't be enjoying it," he spun her chair around, kneeling in front of her.


"Kev, I have to study," she objected, moaning when his went to the bottom of the short negligee, lifting it over her head.


"That's what I'm doing," his eyes roamed over her now naked torso. He leaned forward, pressing his lips just above her belly button. The tips of his hair brushed against her bare thighs, making her gasp.


"Like this?" he kissed up her stomach, licking the underside of each breast, and around the top, avoiding the nipple.


"Kev," she moaned, her hands going to his head, bringing him closer to her. She leaned back I the chair, arching toward him, guiding his mouth to her nipple. He surprised her by biting it, swirling his tongue around it then sucking it in his mouth roughly. His hands went to her hips, lifting her as he stood and carried her to the bed. Laying her out on her back, he stood above her a moment, just staring at her.


"You are so beautiful," he remarked, taking in her athletic body, tanned from being in the sun.


He lowered himself to the bed, one hand going to her breast as his mouth took the other one, his free hand going to delve between her legs. When his thumb brushed against her clit, she bucked her hips up, a myriad of emotions flowing through her.


"Kevin," she moaned as he inserted first one, then two fingers into her, thrusting steadily. He separated his fingers inside her, making a `V' with his fingers. Allison moaned stridently, her hazel eyes squeezed firmly shut.


Then his hand was gone and he was between her legs. His mouth descended upon one nipple, nipping at it as he gently entered her. He moved slowly and smoothly, savoring the feeling of her tightness around his shaft.


When Kevin sensed he was getting close he pressed his thumb against her clit as he thrust in and out of her, making her moan at full volume as she clenched and unclenched around him, her orgasm shaking her whole body.


"I love you," he whispered, pressing his lips lightly to hers before speeding up his thrusts and emptying himself inside of her."I love you, too."


"Now, wasn't that more fun that studying?" he asked, rolling off her, pulling her into his arms.


"Yeah," Allison agreed.




One week later….


"So…how'd it go?" Kevin asked as Allison got into the car.


"Okay," she shrugged. "I'm not the greatest chemistry person."


"I'm sure you did fine," he remarked, pulling out of the parking lot and going in the opposite direction than their house.


"Where are we going?" she asked.


"You'll see," Kevin grinned.




Kevin pulled the car to a stop at the beach.


"What're we doing here?" Allison got out of the car. Then she saw a petite picnic set up near the shore. Kevin took her hand in his and led her to the blanket.


"To you," he handed her a glass of champagne.




"For finishing finals, and interrupting your studies for me," he grinned at her. A small radio was playing romantic music.


"Wanna dance?" he asked her, noticing that she was eyeing the radio. Allison smiled.






"Thank you," Allison remarked. They'd eaten and danced and were now just sitting on the deserted beach. "How'd you find this place?"


"I just stumbled along it," he answered.


"Well, thanks," Allison leaned over and pressed her mouth to his. After a few minutes, their kissing became more impassioned, Kevin pushing her onto her back.


"You wanna have sex on the beach?" he sang the last few words.


"Well, I don't know," she grinned. "I might have to study."


"Well, you can study me, then," he kissed her passionately. And she did.


The End


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