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The Promise That Changed Her Life

By:  Jen Drake


Part 1


"You coming Nick?"


"I'll be there in a few. You guys go ahead. I need to walk."


"You sure bro?" Nick smiled at his little brother and nodded. "Okay, see you at the hotel." Drew noticed that lately his brother had been distancing himself from the rest of the group. He was worried about his brother.


Nick Lachey walked in silence. For days now he'd been thinking about his life. He was famous and fairly rich, but terribly alone. Sure, he had his family, friends, and his fans, but he had no one to love. No one to give him love or for him to give love to.


Nick walked along the sidewalk, happy that the passersby were not recognizing him. So happy, in fact, that he almost didn't hear the screaming coming from an alley.




"NO! Please Don't! Help!" Alexandria Devereaux screamed, trying to push the man that was trying to sexual assault her away from her.  Nick was going to continue walking, thinking he'd been hearing things, but stopped when he heard a girl's scream. Nick ran in the direction of the screams.




"Please Stop!" Alexandria cried, trying to push the man off her. His long reddish blonde hair was greasy, which caused Alexandria to gag. Pushing against his chest wasn't doing any good. Her shirt was ripped open, exposing her to him.


"HELP!" Alexandria screamed again.




Nick ran past people sitting in the alley. He paused. He was at the end of the alley, the screams louder than ever.




"Help!" Alexandria screamed, tightly closing her eyes, so as not to see her assailant.




Nick looked around him. In a corner of the alley, a man had pinned a woman against the wall.


"Excuse me," Nick tapped the man on the shoulder. "Excuse me," he repeated, louder this time.


"Please help me!" the girl said tearfully.


Nick smiled at the girl, assuring her he'd help her.


"Move along!" the man said, turning back to the girl.


"I would, you see, but I believe you have to treat a lady with respect."


"That's you," the man said.


"I also believe you should have to treat a lady with respect in my presence."


"That's you," the man repeated. Nick was surprised when the man turned back around.

