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Part 11


Alex walked along the corridors of the mansion she'd spent so much time in as a child. She hadn't been there for a while, but still the way around. She ducked into the library when she saw the governor start her way, not seeing her.


"Alex!" Marcia cried from behind her. Alex was surprised at how happy she sounded.


"Marcia!" she acted happy to see her old friend. She hugged her and stepped back to look at her. "You've changed since I saw you last."


"I grew up, Alex. You didn't expect me to, did you? No, of course not," she answered her own question. "I was always the `child' wasn't I? Always too young where you were just old enough. Always immature when you weren't. And of course when it came to men, I was the `adolescent', while you were the `woman'. Surprised Alex?"


"I'm not surprised you grew up Marcia, I am surprised at what a snob you've become though."


"Yes, well when your best friend steals your boyfriend, you learn to not be nice. You learn to be the snobbiest little bitch possible. I've succeeded. That I know. I'm told everyday be people. Unless it's a guy who wants to screw me, that is."


"Marcia, I came here to say I was sorry. Oh, and by the way, Cameron wasn't yours. I met him first and I dated him first."


"And you slept with him first," Marcia said venomously.


"Cameron wasn't who you thought he was. He wasn't the perfect guy like we imagined. In fact, he was quite the opposite."


"Was he?"


"Yes, Marcia, he was. I slept with him because I was sure he loved me. I was sure he cared about me. I thought he was going to propose."


"Yeah, now you say that. Before all you could say was `oh, sorry, I slept with him. I didn't know you liked him too'."


"Marcia, Cameron wasn't who we thought he was."


"Wasn't he?" she countered.


"Do you remember when I went away to college, and we broke up?"




"Do you know why?"


"No, but I'm sure you'll tell me anyway, won't you."


"When Cameron found out I was pregnant, he dumped me. After he found I wanted to keep the baby, thought."


"Where's the kid now? Did you put it up for adoption? Abortion? What?"


"It was premature. Morgan never had a chance. Three months before I was due, she decided to pop out. Cameron didn't know. By the time he found out about it, he'd screwed dozens of other girls." Marcia was silent, shocked by what Alex told her.


"I don't believe you," Marcia said at last. "Cameron was nice and sweet. He wasn't the monster you described."


"My proof," she pushed the elastic band of her skirt down an inch or two to show Marcia the scar that the c-section left.


"Alex, I'm sorry," Marcia started to say but her father walked in.


"Alex! What a pleasant surprise! I didn't know you were here!" Alex hugged the governor. Your parents have been worried about you. They said you haven't contacted them in weeks."


"I've been busy."


"Well girls, come along. I have a surprise for the both of you."


"As do I," Alex murmured.


Alex and Marcia followed the governor to the room Alex had left minutes ago.


"Alex, Marcia, I'd like you to meet Nick, Jeff, Justin, and Drew," the governor said before leaving the room. Marcia screamed, and jumped up and down. While Marcia was doing that, Alex walked over to Nick.


"Hey baby," she said.


"What took you so long?" Nick asked, drawing her close.


"I had some things that Marcia had to understand. Did you miss me?"


"What do you think?" he asked, kissing her lightly on the mouth.


"Alex, what are you doing?!" Marcia cried.


"This is Nick," Alex said. The governor returned with Alex's parents. "My fiancé."


"Alex!" her father bellowed. Marcia fainted. Her mother looked at her father nervously.


"Nick why didn't you tell us?" Drew asked.


"I was waiting for the right time," Nick said smoothly as if it were the right time.

