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Part 12


And this is the right time?" Jeff asked, curious. When Nick nodded, Marcia flipped.


"This is a setup! You're just paying them to act like they know you! To make Nick act like he loves you!" Marcia cried.


"I'm not paying them anything!"


"You're sleeping with them!" Marcia accused.


"Not `them'," Alex said. "And besides, Nick and I are engaged!"


"What about Javier dear?" Alex's mother asked.


"Screw Javier! I'm marrying Nick!" Alex cried.


"Oh no you're not!" Alex's dad cried.


"Why not dad? He's rich and famous. He could give me anything I could ever want. And oh, I almost forgot. . . I love him!" Alex screamed at her father, tears starting to fall.


"You slut!" Marcia cried at the same time as Alex's dad.


"Marcia, dear, come along this is a private matter," the governor said.


"We'll go back to the hotel, Nick," Justin said.


"Yeah. You two need some alone time," Jeff said.


"Congrats, bro," Drew said.




"Alex, honey, you don't know what love is," her mother tried to tell her.


"And you do? You've been married to a lying, cheating, backstabbing man for over 20 years! Don't pretend like you don't what I'm talking about!" Alex's mother had nothing to say, she simply left the room.


"Father. . ."


"I'm not your father. Don't ever call me `father' again!" and with that her father stormed out of the mansion, her mother right behind him. Alex collapsed to the ground crying.


"Alex," Nick said gathering her in his arms. "It's okay. It's okay. I'll take care of you," he murmured.


"Nick, they hate me. All because-"


"They don't hate you. They're just mad."


"Trust me, my father never acts like that. He hates me. I've been disowned."


"No you haven't."


"Yes, I have.

