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Part 14


Nick sat in deep thought at the bar, downing Yoo-hoo after Yoo-hoo. He didn't know how to get Alex to talk. He needed another Yoo-hoo to think.


Upstairs. . .


Alex lay curled up in the middle of the huge bed in the hotel room. She thought her parents would be thrilled that she'd found the perfect guy. Even though Nick thought she was acting, she really loved him and really wished the engagement were real. Alex still couldn't believe that her mother had dared to tell her she didn't know what love was. Like she does, Alex thought. She's been married to my father for how long?


Finally, she forced herself to get up, shower and then after pulling on her new PJ's, crawled into the bed. She glanced at the clock. It read 12:12. She wished Nick would come back. She hated being alone. She just wanted him to hold her and tell her everything would be okay. Maybe if he said it, it'd be true. He seemed to make anything seem possible.


She pulled the covers up to her chin and lay there, staring at the darkened ceiling. She was still awake, still staring at the same ceiling when Nick crept in ten minutes later. Alex lay as still as possible. Nick walked over to the bed and looked at her. He was turning around when she said quietly, "I'm not asleep." Nick cried out and jumped, having been startled.


"Did I wake you?" he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.


"No, I've been waiting for you."


"You have?"


"Since you walked out that door an hour ago."


"Well, if I'd known my company was so deeply desired, I wouldn't have left." Silence lingered between the two. The most uncomfortable silence both had ever experienced. "You okay?" Nick asked. "Never mind. Stupid question."


"No it's not. I guess I'm okay. I just expected a different reaction from my parents. I mean I've never been close to either of them, but usually my mom agreed with me. She was just trying to discourage me. To ruin my life like hers was ruined." Nick pulled Alex to him as she started to cry again.


"Don't look at me," Alex said, pulling away. "I'm all splotchy."


"You're not splotchy. You're beautiful."


"I am?" Alex asked.


"Of course you are."


"Even when I'm splotchy."


"Yes. Even though you're not splotchy."


"Are you drunk?"


"Not unless you can get drunk off Yoo-hoo."

