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Part 17


Nick returned from the bathroom to find a rather sad looking Alex sitting in the middle of the bed, the hone in her laugh.


"Who was it?"


"Javier. And then my parents."


"You okay?" Nick asked, sitting down.


"Actually, yeah I am. I have to tell you something before you hear from someone else."


"Okay. Shoot."


"My family, Marcia's family and Cameron's family were all friends. We were the richest, most powerful families in the state. Marcia and I were raised with Martha and Richard's three children.

The eldest, Bill, lives in London, where he and his family found a penthouse for my parents. Bill was smart and tall and kind of geeky, but very nice. The middle child, Brett, lives in Texas, a rich oil driller. He was also tall, but more rebellious, and just nice. And then there's Cameron, the baby of the family. Cameron was tall, dark and handsome. The would-be actor was my favorite. Not particularly smart or nice, I loved him. So much in fact that I had my daughter, Morgan, with him." Nick looked at her, shocked and angry.


"When Cam found out I was pregnant, he said have an abortion or I leave. I chose to keep my baby."


"Where is she?"


"A small coffin at St. Michaels. She was born premature. She never had a chance. He never knew. The tabloids will find out soon. I know they will. My father will tell Bill, who will tell someone who will tell the tabloids. I just wanted you to know first."


"Thanks. I never would've guessed you a mom. You'd make a great one, I bet."


"Thanks. I said when Morgan died that I wouldn't have any more kids until I was happily married. And if that meant not having sex, then so be it."


"That's harsh."


"I don't want any more children to end up like Morgan," Alex said as a tear fell from her eye.


"Come here," Nick whispered, pulling her to him. "I love you."


"Ditto." There was a knock at the door.


"Come in!" Nick called. His assistant walked in.


"I'm here to pack."


"Go ahead. We'll get dressed and then you can pack our things and then we'll be ready."


"Our?" his assistant asked.


"Yes. My things and those things I've purchased for my fiancé," he held out a black velvet box.


"Really?!" she cried.


"IF you'll have me."


"Of course I will!" Alex cried, throwing her arms around him. "I love you."



