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Part 18


"Why are we going to the airport if we're all taking your tour bus?" Alex asked.


"New talent," Drew said.


"Supposedly new talent," Jeff corrected Drew.


"Plus," Justin remarked, "Our road manager hates the bus. So we see him to the airport."


"Oh I was wondering." The limo pulled up in front of the airport.


"Were you afraid I was just gonna send you off somewhere?" Nick asked.


"Yeah, kinda," Alex admitted, moving to get out after everyone else. Nick grabbed her arm and pulled her back.


"I wouldn't just ship you off to some unknown destination so other guys could have you," Nick whispered, pressing a kiss against her neck.


"You wouldn't?" Alex whispered back.






"Never ever," Nick said kissing her lightly then more passionately as the kiss deepened. They parted when Jeff hit the top of the limo.


"Okay lovebirds! Not in the limo!" Nick smiled and Alex blushed at Jeff's comment. Alex climbed out of the limo and blushed when she saw the smiles Drew, Justin, and Jeff were giving her.


"What?" Nick asked. "We're engaged!" he said, taking her hand and extending it so they could all see the ring he'd bought the night before. Just before going up to the room, he'd left, went to a

jeweler who was closing shop and begged him to let him by a ring.


"So? That doesn't mean we have to listen to it or watch it!" Justin said good-naturedly.


"No one was making you, you know!" Nick pointed out as they walked into the airport. Alex eased her hand into Nicks, their fingers entwining. She smiled at him and looked around. A man was walking toward them, followed by a young woman with long blonde hair.


"Guys, this is Jessica Simpson. Jessica, this is Jeff, Justin, and Drew. That's Nick and his fiancé, Alex."


"Nice to meet you," she said looking only at Nick.


"Jessica, you're going to be touring with the guys, right?" Alex asked. Jessica looked at Alex as if noticing her for the first time.




"Well, I'm going to be with them for a while. Until Nick and I get married."


"Which will be very soon," Nick said, pulling Alex closer to kiss her, not even paying attention to Jessica as she started talking.


"We'll have to get to know each other," Alex said.


"Yeah. Maybe."


Later that night, Nick had managed to snag the `private bus'. Their manager had rewarded them with a bigger, better tour bus. He said one person could use it at a time, as a reward as long as they took turns.


They sat in the middle of the king size bed. They were snuggled up watching Armageddon, when the phone rang.


"Hello?" Nick answered his cell phone.


"Man, we thought you'd be going at it!" Jeff exclaimed from the other end.


"Not yet."


"Good luck man!" Jeff said as he hung up.


"Not yet what?"


"Nothing. Just watch Ben."


"Are you okay?"


"I'm fine. I was just thinking, when do you want to get married?"


"When do you want to get married?" Alex asked him.


"Soon," he kissed her.




The tour was long and Alex was getting tired of living out of a bus. They were 5 minutes from Minneapolis.


"Nick, when we get to Minneapolis, I'm gonna go see Tom. `Kay?"


"Tom? Sure, go ahead."


"Don't be mad."


"I'm not mad!" Nick said angrily.


"Yes you are!"


"Go see your Tom!" he said. The bus stopped and Alex jumped out and started walking. She didn't stop until she got to Tom's apartment.

