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Part 19


Alex knocked on the door, waiting for Tom to answer. He didn't.  However, a handsome young man dressed only in a towel did.


"Hi, is Tom here?"


"Come on in Alex!" Tom called from inside.


"This is Aidan. Aidan, meet my baby sister Alex."


"Nice to meet you," Aidan said.


"You too," Alex said sadly.


"What's wrong? Where's your boy-toy?"


"My fiancé and I are having a fight."


"Fiancé? Congratulations!"




"So what was your fight about, if I may ask?" Aidan said.


"I have no idea," Alex remarked as her cell phone rang.




"Alex, it's me. Where are you?"


"I told you. I'm visiting Tom and Aidan."


"Aidan? Who's Aidan?"


"A friend."


"What kind of friend?"


"Why are you acting this way?"


"What way? You mean why aren't I acting like a prostitute like you?" Tears stung Alex's eyes.


"You think that's what I'm acting like?"


"Well, lately you haven't been paying much attention to me, but to every other guy."


"If I was a prostitute, believe me, you couldn't afford me!" Alex cried as she disconnected.


Tom and Aidan both gave her a hug.


"You can stay here," Tom said.


"Yeah," Aidan agreed.


"Thanks, but I have to talk to him, in person. Love you, big brother."


"Love you too, little sister."


"It was nice meeting you, Aidan."




Alex stepped out of the apartment building and started walking toward the hotel where they were staying.


"Hey!" a voice said from behind her. Alex turned to find a man looming over her. He had to be seven feet tall.


"Yes?" Alex said, trying not to be scared.


"Shh!" he said as he drug her into an alley.


"NICK!" she screamed out into the night when the man lifted his hand off her mouth.

