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Part 2


"Excuse me," Nick said again, filled with rage. The man stood up and turned ready to pummel him to death. Nick however, was prepared and hit the man square on the jaw. After only three punches, the girl's assailant fell to the ground unconscious.




Alexandria looked through her tears to see her savior. If she wasn't mistaken, and she was sure she wasn't, it was Nick Lachey from 98 Degrees, one of her favorite music groups. She knew they were in town for a concert, but was under the impression they usually took a limo or their tour bus to their hotel.




Nick looked at the girl.


"Are you okay?" he knelt down beside her. He brushed her long dark hair out of her tear-streaked face. "Did he hurt you?" Nick asked. The girl's wide, tear-filled eyes were looking at him as she shook her head.


"Just a few bumps and scratches," she said tearfully. "Thank you," she replied.


"No problem," he said with a smile. "I'm Nick." He expected her to nod knowingly, but she just nodded.


"I'm Alexandria Devereaux."


"Nice to meet you Alex, I may call you Alex, can't I?" The girl nodded. "Do you live around here or is there someone I can call?" The girl shook her head, wiping tears from her eyes. "No. All my family lives in Cincinnati."


"Mine too," Nick said softly. "Listen, I'm gonna take you back to my hotel. Have my brother look at you."




"Brother?" Alex asked, knowing it was Drew.


"Drew. He used to be an EMT."




"Can you walk?" Nick helped her up. Alex nodded. She pulled her shirt together. It still looked dreadful. Being the gentleman he was, he took off the flannel shirt he was wearing and held it out to her.


"Thank you."


The walk out of the alley was quiet. Alexandria was still crying, her tears affecting her vision. That caused her to trip. The result was a twisted ankle.


Luckily Alex had lost weight, maker her lighter than she should be. Her illness made her lighter and therefore easier for Nick to carry her. Not that it mattered much, Nick was all muscled and buff.


He carried her all the way to his hotel, despite her protests. The hotel manager regretfully informed them that they had no crutches or wheelchairs available. But, someone else could carry Alex up to Nick's room.


"No, thank you though," Nick told the concierge when he saw the scared look on Alex's face. Alexandria had her arms around his neck. Her head rested comfortably between his head and shoulder.


"You don't have to be afraid, of my brother. Or our friends. We won't hurt you," Nick said walking into the just opened elevator. "Could you push four?" Alex reached out and pressed four.

