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Part 20


Nick wished he hadn't called Alex a prostitute. He loved her. He'd been angry she'd run off to spend time with `Tom' and `Aidan'. She had been paying less attention to him, but she hadn't been throwing herself at other men like he'd said. It was getting late, and she wasn't at the hotel yet.


Aidan left Tom's not long after Alex had. He walked in the same direction as she had. He heard screams coming from an alley. It sounded like Tom's sister, Alex. He reached into his coat pocket, retrieving his pepper spray, before continuing down the alley.


Alex was crying. She'd given up fighting the man long ago. He was stronger than the last man who'd attacked her. Bigger and meaner, she had no chance. No chance because Nick didn't know where she was. Nick couldn't come save her like he had the last time. Nick hated her and thought she was acting like a whore. Even worse, a whore who got paid.


Aidan crept along the alley, stopping when he saw Alex being attacked by a big, beefy guy.


"Hey!" he called.


For an instant, Alex hoped it was Nick. Her hope for

Nick disappeared with relief that Aidan was going to save her.


The man released Alex and turned toward Aidan. Aidan wavered for a moment before spraying the man in the face with pepper spray until he fell. Aidan went to Alex. She was hurt badly and needed a doctor. He picked her up, and carried her to the hospital, three blocks away. He called Tom, telling him what happened and where he was taking Alex. Aidan rushed into the emergency room, crying for help. Explaining what happened, a doctor began to examine her. Aidan waited for Tom to arrive.  When he did, he was a nervous wreck.


"How is she? How's my baby sister?" he asked.


"I don't know. She was hurt pretty badly when I found her. She has bruises, some cuts, and scrapes. I don't know about anything else."


"I should call Nick. He'd probably want to be here."


"Here's her cell phone. I used it to call you," Aidan said, handing him the small Nokia phone.


He pushed her redial, knowing it would be him.




"Alex is in the hospital. Get here," he said and hung up.


Nick couldn't believe it. What could have happened to Alex? He wasn't there to protect her! She must hate him. He grabbed a jacket and ran from his hotel room, down the stairs, out the door and down the sidewalk to the hospital three block down.  When he arrived, a man, a few inches shorter than him walked up to him.


"Alex is fine."


"You must be Tom."


"Yeah. That's Aidan."


"Where's Alex?"


"In a room. I'm not so sure she'll want to see you," Tom said.


"Excuse me, I need a relative to sign some forms for Miss Devereaux," a nurse said.


"I will," Nick and Tom said in unison.


"She's my fiancé."


"And my sister."


"She's your sister?!" Nick exclaimed.




"What about him?"


"He's with me," Tom said, looking at Nick pointedly.


"Oh. God, what have I done?" he looked at the ceiling. "What room is she in?"


"She won't want to see you."


"What room?" Nick asked through clenched teeth.


"103. But if she kicks you out, I told you so."


"She won't," Nick said, starting off toward Alex's room.

