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Part 21


Nick slowly opened the door that he'd been told Alex was in. He walked in, shutting the door behind him. He looked at Alex, lying in the hospital bed, just staring at the television. It had a news program on it.


"Alex?" he asked hesitantly, walking to the side of the bed. She didn't answer. In fact, Alex didn't even acknowledge him. "Alex, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to call you a prostitute. I didn't mean to yell at you. I didn't mean to get so jealous! If you'd told me Tom was your brother . . ."


"I shouldn't have had to tell you. You should have

trusted me the way I trusted you!" Alex said, still looking at the

news program.


"Alex. . ."


"What?!" Alex cried.


"Did he hurt you?"


"Are you blind? Look at me! I'm covered in cuts and scrapes. I know I have huge bruises all over me! What do you think?"


"I'm so sorry!" Nick said, starting to cry. He sat on the edge of her bed. "I'm sorry for everything I ever said to you and that I wasn't there to protect you!"


"Get out!" Alex cried. Nick looked up at her, confusion on his face. "If you're sorry for everything you everything you've ever said to me, get out!"


"Not everything!" Nick cried.


"Then what? Are you sorry you asked me to marry you? Are you sorry you said you loved me? Are you sorry that you told me I was beautiful? What are you sorry for? Huh?"


"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I'm sorry I said you were a prostitute. I'm sorry for every mean thing I've said to you! I thought you loved me enough to forgive me, but I guess I was wrong," he said sadly, getting up to leave.



you love me enough to forgive me?" she asked.


"What do you need to be forgiven for?" Nick asked.


"For not telling you who Tom was. For not telling you he's my brother. It was nice to have you jealous. Until you started being mean."


"I am so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"


"If you can forgive me, I think I can manage," Alex said, holding out her arms to him. Nick flew to her, pulling her into a tight embrace, but being careful not to hurt her.


"When Tom called me, I almost died, thinking you were dead."


"If I'm dead, then heaven is great," Alex said.


"I love you."




"Am I interrupting?" Tom asked.


"No," Nick said at the same time Alex said yes.


"I'll leave the two of you alone," he replied, backing out of the room.


The End


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