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Part 3


"I'm not afraid," Alex said as Nick leaned against the wall for support.


"Are you sure about that?" When Alex didn't answer he knew he'd been right. "It's okay you know. To be afraid, I mean. You have a really good reason. All I'm saying is you don't have to be afraid of us." Alex nodded in response but remained silent. Resting comfortably against Nick, she was startled when the doors to the elevator opened with a ping! Nick exited the elevator and carried Alex down the hall, stopping in front of room 4784.


"Reach into the left pocket of your shirt," Nick instructed her. "Get the key." Without being told, she put the key in the card slot and when the light blinked green, Nick pushed open the door.


"We'll get you some of my clothes for now. Then I'll get Drew, okay?" Alex nodded, sitting on the huge bed that took up a great deal of the huge hotel suite. Since they'd already been there, and Nick's assistant had put all of his clothes in the dresser and the closet. Nick found a pair of pajama bottoms and a t-shirt that was only three times too big for Alex and threw them at her.


"Bathroom's over there," he pointed. As soon as he said it, he realized she still couldn't walk. He went to picker her up, but Alex stood and hopped into the bathroom. Picking up the phone, Nick called his brother's room.


"Hello?" Drew said into the receiver.


"Drew, it's me. In a few minutes come over. I have a patient for you."




"Just trust me when I saw I have a patient for you.


Alexandria couldn't believe it. One of the worst days in her life had turned into one of the best. Her favorite singer from one of her favorite music groups had just saved her from being raped, carried her to his hotel room and given her some of his clothes.


The only thing she regretted was Nick being right about her being scared. She was scared something like the incident if the alley would happen again. Scared she'd be scared of men for the rest of her life. But oddly enough, she was more scared of falling in love with him and having it end. Or worse, not having it turn out like she wanted.


Slowly she changed out of her now dirty and ripped clothes. The checked flannel pajamas sat on the counter. A blue-green color, they reminded her of Morgan's eyes. Alexandria soon found out they were only three inches too long. They had a drawstring waist, which was very good so they wouldn't fall off. The oversized t-shirt was white with a band logo on it. His clothes, though recently washed, still had a hint of his cologne on them. Time to hop out before he thinks I've drowned, Alex thought.

