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Part 4


Alex hopped out of the bathroom to find Nick sitting on the bed. His brother, Drew, sat in a chair across from the bed.


"Alex, this is my brother Drew. I told him what happened. He's just going to check you out. Make sure you're okay."


"Nice to meet you," Alexandria said politely.


"Don't worry, it'll be painless. Promise. I'm mainly just checking for internal injuries, cuts that need suturing," Drew assured her. The exam didn't take very long, but it still made Alexandria

uncomfortable. She usually hated doctors, or anyone like a doctor. Ever since Morgan died . . .


"Well, everything seems to be okay, but I'd go get checked out by a doctor, just in case," Drew said with a small smile.


"Okay," Alex nodded convincingly, but stopped when she saw Nick nodding too. Drew left and Nick picked up the phone and started dialing.


"Who are you calling?" Alexandria asked.


"I'm making an appointment for you."




"Drew said you need to be checked out by a doctor. You're getting checked out."


"No, I'm not."


"Yes, you are," Nick said. Alex opened her mouth to object, but closed when she realized fighting with Nick would probably end up with the result of him winning. Alex sat on the edge of the bed while Nick made her a doctor's appointment. The room was large and extravagantly decorated.


"Tomorrow morning. 9:40 AM."


"Okay. Then what?"


"Then we have a performance."




"Yeah. My brother and I along with two of friends are in a musical group. We sing."


"What's it called, maybe I've heard it," Alex said still pretending she'd never heard of them."


"98 Degrees."


"Can't say that I have," Alex lied. "What happens after the performance?" she dreaded hearing Nick's reply.


"Well we come back here, and in the morning we get on the tour bus and go to the next town."


"I don't suppose you're going to Minnesota are you?"


"Yeah. I think so. Minneapolis. Why?"


"That's where Tom lives."


"Oh," Nick replied, wondering whom `Tom' was. "Uh, I'm gonna go downstairs. Tell you what: you hop in the shower and when you get out, I'll a surprise waiting for you."


"What kind of surprise?" Alexandria asked nervously.


"Something absolutely harmless. Trust me."


"Okay," Alex agreed at last. She looked at the floor.


"Hey," Nick kneeled in front of her. He took her chin in hishand and tilted her face up to him. "It's gonna be okay. I promise," Nick replied.


"How are you so sure that everything's going to be okay? Huh? How do you know everything will be okay?" Alex asked, her voice rising.


"Trust me, Alex."




"I'll take care of you."




"I promise."




"I said I'd take care of you and I will. For ever and ever." Alex smiled. Even though she'd only just met Nick, she had a feeling he was telling the truth.


After convincing Alex to get in the shower and to not be afraid to be alone, Nick went downstairs and picked out an elegant gown for her. With matching shoes, of course. He was positive it would look great with her hair and skin tone.


He hung it on the headboard of the bed with a note:


Meet me downstairs at 7:00.


He himself had gone to his brother's room to change into the suit he planned to wear for dinner.


"Mr. Lachey," how many with your party be?" the host asked.




"Yes sir."


"Thank you," Nick said, politely dismissing the simple British man.

