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Part 7


"What's wrong?"




"Are you sure?" Nick asked her.


"What did I say?" Alex wondered.


"Okay, nothing," Nick agreed, not believing her. The elevator opened with a ding! Nick led the way through the hotel and out to the sidewalk. They walked in silence until a small little dachshund ran up to Alex.


"Oh, Aren't you just the cutest little dog on earth," she said picking up the tiny dog. "He doesn't have a collar. Do you think he's a stray Nick?"




"Can I keep him?" Alex asked like a child would.




"Really? I was only joking," Alex looked at Nick.


"Why not? It'll drive everyone nuts," he said with a smile. Alex carried the dog all the way to Big Apple Bagles. Nick held open the door for her.


"You go ahead," Alex said sitting on a bench.


"Huh?" Alex pointed to a sign on the door. No Shirt, no Shoes, no service. No Pets.


"What do you want? I'll bring it out for you," he said with a smile.


"Um. Chocolate chip bagel. Strawberry cream cheese please," she said, laughing as the little dog licked the palm of her hand.


"Chocolate chip. Strawberry cream cheese," Nick said making sure he'd gotten it right before going into the store


They ate their breakfast on the bench and continued on to the hospital.


"Dr. Willis," Nick said, "Appointment for Alexandria Devereaux," he told the receptionist who stared at him with recognition.


"Alex," a nurse called. Nick followed as she took her blood pressure and all that. "The doctor will be with you in a moment," she said.


"Okay," Alex said looking at Nick who grinned back.


"Alex, I'm Dr. Willis," A young man with light brown hair said walking in. "Nice to see you again, Nick."


"Same here, doc." Nick noticed the look Alex was giving him. "The last time the group was here, I pulled some muscles. He checked them out."


"Oh," Alex said.


Twenty minutes later, Alex was told she could go. She was in excellent condition.


"Thank you, Dr. Willis," Alex said.


"Anytime Alex," he said. "Take care of this one, Nick. She's a keeper," he said making Alex blush.


"Yes sir," he said seriously.


"So, how do you feel about going shopping? Clothes and stuff?"


"Okay, I guess. But what about him," she pointed at the dog that had been following them around.


"I called Drew when I was getting breakfast. He's right over there waiting," he pointed to a corner where Drew was standing, looking for them.




"Drew!" Nick called.


"Hey. How you doing Alex?"




"Here's the dog. See ya."


"You're welcome bro," Drew said.




"Have fun shopping!" Drew called as he carried the dog back to the hotel.


"We will!" Alex called as Nick grabbed her hand and pulled her away.


Alex hadn't thought that shopping with Nick would be that much fun. She was surprised that it was. And the fact that he was buying anything she said she liked. She knew he was generous, but she didn't know how generous. Until now, that is.


Hotel Lobby. . .


"We have a performance tonight."


"We do?"


"The guys and me," Nick said.




"You're coming. And sitting just off to the side of the stage."


"Oh I am, am I?" Alex asked.


"Yes, you are," Nick said. "Now go upstairs and change."


"Yes, Sir," Alex saluted.


"Go!" Nick pushed her into the elevator.

