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Part 9


"So, all you need to do is find a man who's rich, famous and one that you love or at least know," Nick said, seriously thinking if he knew anyone who met that description.


"Right," Alex said looking at him. Nick looked up to see Alex looking at him with a huge grin on her face.


"Oh, no, not me."


"Why not? You're rich. You're famous. I know you. Besides it would just be until my father backed off and I broke off the engagement with Javier. Please Nick?"


"But what will the guys say?"


"They'll say congratulations because they won't know that we're just faking," Alex said. "Please, Nick. You know if I go with you, Governor Whitman will call my parents. Then they'll show up, and probably have Javier with them. But if they think we're in love, then Javier will hopefully dump me and I can be free," Alex said.


"Alex, I don't know. I mean they'd want proof right?" Nick said, considering Alex's proposition.


"Our proof is we're in love. Don't tell me you can't act. I know for a fact that I can, as I proved by acting like I'd never heard of you. Please Nick," She said her voice turning whiny.


"Okay," Nick replied. He wondered if he'd be able to stay in reality. The reality where they weren't engaged. The reality where she didn't love him.


"Thank you!" Alex jumped into his arms, throwing her arms around him in a hug.


"Now, they're going to ask where the ring you gave me is, and we're going to say that you haven't gotten yet. That it has to be extra special and you're having it created in New York, okay. My father will buy it. Unless he's had a nervous breakdown, in that case we don't have to be engaged." They were interrupted by a knock at the door.


"It's open," Nick called. The door opened and Justin appeared.


"Two minutes."


"Okay. We'll be there in a moment, okay?" Alex asked.


"Sure," Justin said, shutting the door behind him.


"You ready to do this?" Alex said, walking to the door.  Nick nodded before following her.

