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Afternoon Desire

By:  Jessica


Lance pulled into his garage. He noticed his wife’s black BMW X5 parked in its spot. He thought to himself how it was strange that she was home so early. He reached over to feel the hood and it was lukewarm to the touch. He opened the door connecting the utility room to the garage and could hear the soft sound of music. He followed the sound and as it got louder, he got closer to his pool. He looked through the glass doors and saw his wife sitting in the hot tub with a drink in her hand. He opened the doors and walked over to the stereo, turning the volume down from 20 to 8. Lance’s wife looked over at him and smiled.


“Hey D! What are you doing home so early?” Lance asked as he walked over to sit on the edge of the hot tub.


Dana let out a sigh. “Mr. Jameson decided he wanted to play interior decorator last night and painted all the antique furniture we bought last week because Bob Villa said that white wash was in.”




“Yeah.” Dana nodded. “Of course once he painted it, he realized it looked horrible. So instead of asking me to go find new furniture he yelled at me and my crew for leaving him unattended with the antiques and told us to come back next week when I had the fabric swatches for the window treatments.”


Lance leaned down and kissed the top of his wife’s head. “I’m sorry. I know he’s been your toughest client yet.”


“The only good thing was his wife gave me something that she found the other day when clearing out her daughter’s room.”


“What was that?”


Dana smiled up at Lance. “Well, it was a video tape of NSync moments from last year. Most of them I’ve either seen before or was there for. But there was this one I found interesting.” Lance blushed while he tried to think of everything he had done without Dana that could have been caught on tape. “Apparently you took Jackson on The Pet Psychic.” Lance smiled and nodded. “That was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Did she really think Jackson was upset that all your roommates moved out when we got married?”


Lance laughed. “I don’t know. Some of the stuff she said was right on and some was just crazy. Of course, you have to admit he wasn’t thrilled when you took his spot in bed.”


Dana rolled her eyes. “Well, when he shows me a valid marriage license that’s older than ours, then I’ll gladly give him his spot back.” Dana took one last sip of her drink before setting the glass on the side of the hot tub. “So, how was the meeting with the guys? Did you make a decision about the European leg or not?”


Lance grabbed Dana’s glass and stood up. “Making the album after such a long break was a breeze, but all this tour ‘talk’ is going to kill us.” Lance rolled his eyes. “I’m going to go change and then I’ll tell you all about it.” Dana nodded and watched Lance walk out of the poolroom.


Dana closed her eyes. With the music barely audible all she could hear was the waterfall. She opened her eyes and began running through the list of things she wanted to do to jazz up the already beautiful waterfall. She loved that Lance had come up with the coy idea, but since the day she had met Lance and began decorating his house, she had wanted to put a bit more of a personal flare into the fall. She wanted to extend the fall bar so it stretched across the whole arch and add to smaller bars on the edges. She also wanted to put the design of the lily pads on the four block barriers to pull the waterfall design further into the pool area. Dana was so wrapped up in her thoughts of importing matching tiles and determining labor costs, that she didn’t notice Lance walk back into the pool area.


“Either you’re figuring out a way to triple charge Mr. Jameson or you’re contemplating the validity of a pet psychic. Which is it?” Lance asked as he lowered himself into the warm water.


“Neither. Just wondering how much it would cost to extend your tile work.”


Lance laughed and put his arm around his wife. “You will never be satisfied, will you?”


Dana laughed and looked up into Lance’s eyes. “Not when it comes to this house. This is my masterpiece in progress.”


Lance leaned down and whispered in Dana’s ear. “I think it’s perfect. Just like you.” He then kissed the soft skin at the top of her jaw line, just below her earlobe. She let out a soft sigh and placed her hand on his upper thigh, pushing his swim trunks up slightly.


Dana took a few shallow breaths before she began to speak. “So…how was the meeting?”


“I don’t want to talk about it right now.” Lance lowered the arm that was around Dana’s shoulders to her waist.


Dana turned to look into her husband’s eyes that had turned emerald with desire. “What do you want then?”




“In here?”


“Yes.” Lance put his other hand under water and grabbed Dana’s waist, placing her on his lap, straddling his already hardened manhood.


Dana smiled at Lance as he wiped away some water that has splashed on her face before tilting her chin so he could kiss her. She wrapped one arm around his neck as she ran a fingernail up Lance’s ribs. He let out a soft chuckle then placed both hands on the small of her back pulling their bodies flush. Dana wrapped another arm around Lance’s neck as he untied her bikini top. She leaned back long enough for him to remove the wet material from the water before pressing her skin back up against his.


Dana’s breathing quickened as Lance snaked a hand from her thigh up to her right breast. He ran his thumb over her erect nipple and could feel her arch into his touch. He leaned down to assault her neck as one hand massaged her breast and the other began to untie her bikini bottoms. He expertly switched hands without Dana noticing as she fell into the pleasure of the moment.


When her brain began to register more than the simple feeling of pleasure, she sat up on her knees and let Lance completely remove her last piece of material. He began to place the tip of his middle finger in her warm center when Dana pushed his hand away and removed herself from his lap. He looked up at her confused, but all he received was an intense gaze. Lance was about to open his mouth to speak when a moan caught in his throat as Dana’s hand firmly grasped his erection. She gave him one good squeeze before running her fingertips under the waistband of his swim trunks. Lance lifted his hips and she slowly removed the trunks, being careful to not touch his penis. Once the trunks were on the floor, she ran her nails up his inner thigh, avoiding the thrust of his hips, then down the other thigh.


Lance’s eyes rolled back as he began to breath deeper. “Please D.”


“Please what?” She whispered before licking his earlobe.


“Don’t…don’t tease.”


She quickly ran her palm over the tip of his penis, causing it to jerk. “I don’t tease, Lance. You know that.”


“Oh yes you do.” Lance grabbed her waist and placed Dana back in his lap.


They both took sharp breaths in as their entire bodies pressed against each other in the warm water. Dana rose up as Lance helped guide himself inside her. Once he was fully inside, they sat still for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being one. Dana began to rock back and forth, up and down, and once she got her pattern down, Lance placed his hands on her hips and contrasted his motion to hers to increase the friction. They watched each other, caressing when needed. Lance noticed Dana’s eyes close and knew she was close. He began to match her quickening pace and within a few moments, they were both enraptured in waves of pleasure.


When Lance began to shake, Dana held him close as she gently removed him from her. Lance rested his head on her shoulder and tried to match her even breathing. Dana felt him take a deep breath then turn to kiss her neck.




“You haven’t been like that in a while.” Dana leaned back to look at Lance.


“It hasn’t been that intense in a while.” Lance chuckled. “I feel like Leo in Titanic.”


Dana winked. “But you’re much hotter.”


Lance quickly kissed his wife then took a quick look around the pool. “I think we finally christened every room in this house.”


Dana shook her head. “Took us long enough.”


Lance laughed then pulled Dana into him again, just wanting to hold her until the tingling in his body stopped.


The End


Tell Jessica what you thought of her story!