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Because Of A Girl

By:  Jessica


“Guys, why don’t we take a break.” Johnny said into the recording booth. It was NSync’s first day recording and the guys weren’t ready to be pushed hard yet.


They all stepped outside to breath in some fresh air. IT was May and the air still had a bit of a chill to it in Boston. Joey nudged Lance. “Dude, we should all get together and party tonight.”


“I’m not in the mood to party, but we should all chill together or something.” Lance kicked a rock off the sidewalk.


“Yeah,” JC walked over to Lance. “Let’s all crash at my place. Beer, pizza…guy time.”


“What are you girls talking about?” Chris pushed Lance over to make room for him and Justin in the circle.


JC gave Chris a paternal glare. “We’re all coming over to my place tonight. Just hanging out. You two in?”


Justin nodded his head. “Are we all going to give each other makeovers and play truth or dare?” Chris said as he batted his eyes and made all the guys laugh.


“Only if you want to, Christy.” Justin elbowed Chris in the ribs. The guys chilled outside for a few more minutes, then went back in to finish for the day.


That evening the guys all went to JC’s. After a few hours of Playstation they were all sitting around talking. “Hey Justin…what was up today? You seemed a little off.” Joey asked.


Justin shook his head. “Yeah, sorry about that. Its just…Alyssa and I broke up the other day and I haven’t been able to shake it yet.”


“I feel you man.” Joey smiled at Justin.


“Whatever! You and your perfect girlfriend. You don’t’ remember what it’s like to be bummed at the end of a relationship.” Chris smacked Joey’s leg.


Joey laughed. “Perfect! I wish.”


“Justin,” Lance said. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure the right girl’s out there for you and once you meet her…”


Justin interrupted, “No, I know she wasn’t the one. It’s just…I don’t know. Chicks are strange, you know.”


“And they’ll make you do strange things too.” Chris mumbled.


“No doubt!” JC laughed then asked, “I’ve got a question. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done because a girl? Not for her but because of her?”


Justin raised his hand. “Have you heard my album? For some crazy reason I actually thought I could guilt her back into being with me.”


“Yeah, one bitter song after another is always the way to win a girl back.” JC joked. Justin flipped JC off.


“Well, I had a kid and stayed with her. I think that’ll beat everything.” Joey put his hands behind his head.


“That doesn’t count for anything. You’re happier and better off now. Those are the best two girls that have ever happened to you.” Lance said.


“Shut up! What have you ever done because a girl? Opened the door. Paid for the meal. You’re a gentleman to a fault.”


“Fuck you, Joe. I lost my virginity because a girl told me if I didn’t, she’d tell everyone I was gay.”


“When was that? Last week?” Justin slapped his knee as he laughed.


“No, when I was like 16.”


“What about you, Jace?” Joey asked.


“No, I don’t think so.”


“You have to, man. It was your question.” Justin prodded JC.


“Well,” JC squirmed in his seat. “Once, Bobbie told me her fantasy was to have a threesome.”


“You didn’t…did you?” Lance asked.


“Hey, two girls could be sexy.” Joey smugly said.


“Um, yeah…it wasn’t a two girl thing.” JC blushed.


“You didn’t…did you?” Lance repeated.


JC looked down as he nodded his head. “I couldn’t have sex with her for weeks after that, I was so grossed out. It was with that Steve guy she’s with now.” All the guys looked at JC disgusted.


“What about you, Chris?” Lance asked.


Justin shot a look between Chris and Lance. “Aw, leave the old man out of it.”


“No way. You made me answer. He does too.” JC exclaimed.


“It’s cool, Justin.” Chris said softly. “You really want to know?” The guys nodded. “When Dani and I broke up, I,” Chris let out a sigh. “I kinda downed a bottle of pain pills.”


“What?” Joey looked at Chris, shocked.


Chris didn’t say anything. Justin cleared his throat. “Can I?” Chris nodded. “Well, you guys remember when he was in the hospital for phenomena right after they broke up.” They all nodded. “Well, it wasn’t phenomena. Right after the emptied the bottle, he called me and told me what he did. I rushed him to the hospital to get his stomach pumped and promised not to tell anyone what happened.”


“Dude. I’m sorry. We didn’t know.” JC apologized.


“It’s cool. Don’t worry about it.” Chris looked up at his friends and gave them a weak smile. “Chicks’ll make you do crazy shit. I’m good now, though.” The room was quiet for a while. Then Chris stood up. “Enough of this somber shit. Let’s go bug Jordan Knight. He’s over at his brother’s ranch this week, I think.”


Lance looked at Chris like he was crazy. “It’s two in the morning. They’d kill us.”


“Don’t care.” Chris kicked Lance’s foot and motioned towards the door.


“Oh, what the hell. It’ll be fun.” Joey got up and soon the rest of the guys were grabbing shoes so they could go invade the Knight ranch.


The End


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