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By:  Jessica


“What are you doing?” Lance asked as he walked over to the doorway Justin was standing in.


“Shh.” Justin glanced up at Lance then back to his original focus. Lance saw what Justin was watching and smiled. It was obvious to everyone that Justin had a thing for JC but just wouldn’t admit how he felt. “Look at him, man. He’s so focused on getting the notes right. I never knew he stressed so much on a song.”


Lance saw JC turn his nose up at whatever he had just played, grab the music off the piano, and scribble down new notes. “You’ve got a perfectionist working on a solo album. How could you not expect him to be stressed?”


Justin shrugged. “Mine wasn’t that hard to get together.”


Lance rolled his eyes. “Yours wasn’t that hard because you were a pop singer doing a pop album. Jace is a pop singer trying to write good blues music. He’s having to change his whole mindset.”


Justin, almost inaudibly, said, “He’s cute when he’s stressed.”


“Have you ever told him how you really feel?”


Justin shook his head. “I can’t.”


“Why not?”


“Britney…” Justin shifted his weight from one foot to the other.


“What the hell does she have to do with you and JC?” Lance scrunched his eyebrows. Justin sighed. “Just because she left doesn’t mean he will. You love him and I know he can see that. Just talk to him.”


Justin shook his head again. “I just can’t, man.” Lance patted Justin on the back, stood for a minute more then left Justin watching JC intently.


The End


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