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By:  Jessica


Lance couldn’t believe he was actually sitting in a college classroom. When the guys had decided to take a year break, the idea of him actually going to college instead of doing it by correspondence sounded cool. But now, as he looked around the room, all he saw were glares from the other students wondering why he had invaded their school.


He had almost talked himself into walking out and going back home when he remembered there was nothing for him to go back to. He had hired people to help out with both of his companies and since he and Laura had broken up a few months ago, going back to Mississippi seamed futile.


Lance looked up in time to see a smiling girl looking at him asking if he was saving the seat in front of him. Lance shook his head and she sat down. He could barely hear the music coming from her headphones. It sounded like the new Foo Fighters CD.


The professor walked in and immediately went to lecturing on the importance of understand the history of economic. At the end of the class, everyone raced out of the classroom to go drop the class. The girl sitting in front of Lance turned around and asked if he was going to do the same. He said no. She smiled and said that that was the professor’s scare tactic to get only the people who really want to learn in his class. She had had him for a different class last semester and knew how he worked, but pointed to the study guide listed on the syllabus and told him that it was the most important book to have.


Lance thanked her then asked her why she was being so friendly to him. She just shrugged her shoulders then said that she’d love for him to be in her study group. He said he could use all the help he could get. She patted Lance on the arm and told him that she was sure that actually going to college couldn’t be as hard on him as touring. She then put her headphones back on and walked out of the room before it hit Lance that she knew who he was. He began to call after her, but realized it was too late.


Lance just shook his head and decided he was going talk to this girl the next time the class met. He might even find out her name.


The End


Tell Jessica what you thought of her story!