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By:  Jessica

Kelly unlocked the door and walked into the cabin that would be her and Joey’s home for the next few days. Her eyes scanned the hardwood floors, the fireplace, taking the whole site in. “This place is amazing.”

Joey smiled and walked past her, bags in hand, heading towards the only bedroom. “Nothing but the best for my girl.” He dropped the bags on the bed then walked back into the living area. “Close the door, girl. We aren’t heating all of Colorado.”

Kelly shut the door then shrugged out of her coat and placed in on the back of a chair in the kitchenette. “I still can’t believe you planned all this without me knowing. And you got Lance to baby-sit all weekend. You’re a miracle worker.”

Joey smiled to himself as he piled logs into the fireplace to start a fire. “I can be sneaky when I want to be. Plus, Lance is always asking to spend more time with his goddaughter and his girlfriend lives just down the road from him now if he needs a woman’s held. He’ll do fine.” Joey watched as the tiny flame in the back began to get bigger and bigger. “Why don’t you go get comfortable? Dinner will be delivered in a few minutes.”


Joey walked over to Kelly, wrapping her in his arms and kissing the top of her head. “Did you think I was going to make you cook in the first ten minutes of our romantic getaway?” Kelly let out a content sigh and hugged Joey tighter. “Now, go get comfortable.”

Kelly nodded and headed towards the bedroom, closing the door behind herself. Joey was running around, lighting candles and turning some soft music on when he heard a knock at the door. When he answered it, a young man had a plastic sack in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. “Here’s your dinner, Mr. Fatone.”

Joey thanked him, took the items, and tipped the man. He walked into the kitchenette and pulled out two plates and two wine glasses. As he was pouring the wine, Kelly stepped out of the bedroom in an emerald green silk robe covering a matching peignoir. Joey’s breath caught in his throat as the candlelight caught the silk, her curly hair, her huge smile. He cleared the blockage as he smiled at Kelly, handing her one of he glasses. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you. I was saving this for a special occasion.”

Joey raised his glass. “A toast. To beauty. To love. To forever.” Kelly slightly nodded as they clicked glasses and took a sip. “Your dinner, my dear.” Joey motioned to the table with two plates of steaming pasta. They sat to eat, all the while maintaining continual small talk.

When they finished their dinner, they went to sit on the couch and enjoy the fire. Kelly let out a small sigh as she curled closer to Joey. “You don’t know how much I needed this. A break from life. A few nights just you and me. No kids. No guys. No fans. Just us.”

Joey nervously laughed. “Well, I’m, glad you can relax, but I had another reason for bringing you here.” Kelly looked up at him eyebrows raised. He turned to face her and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. She saw his hands shaking. “I…I wrote it all down so I wouldn’t forget.” He cleared his throat then began to read. “I still recall the first time we met. The first time we talked, I’ll never forget. You said hello and told me your name then you waved goodbye as you walked away. But I knew. I still recall the first time we laughed. I was wearing a tie. I was scared half to death but you made me clam when you took my hand and you sang along the first time we danced. I knew. I never make predictions on what the hands of time will do. It’s the fear of disappointment from dreams that don’t come true. My reason tried to warn me of my history as a fool. It said I didn’t know the danger of breaking all the rules. But I knew. I still recall when I took that dare. The warmth in your eyes. The chill in the air. I had to ask to set things in stone. Like I didn’t know that you were the one. But I knew. I knew you were.” He took a deep breath as he looked up to see the tears falling down Kelly’s cheeks. He pulled a small box out of his pocket and got down on one knee. “I love you Kelly. Will you marry me?”

She wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. More tears fell as she answered, “Yes!” Smiling, Joey wrapped his arms around her waist and held her.

The End


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