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By:  Jessica

“5, 6, 7, and 8. 1, 2, push 3, 4, move 5, 6, 7, 8. No no no! Stop the music. This is simple guys. Just move from there to there in four counts.” She said as she pointed. “Why can ya’ll get the intricate stuff, but you can’t do a simple formation change?”

Lance answered, not realizing it was a rhetorical question. “It’s just the music goes so fast.”

She pointed to JC and said, “Then blame it on him. He wrote it. I just put the dance moves to it.”

Chris wiped the sweat from his brow. “Can we take a break?”

She looked around the room and saw how tired everyone was. “Yeah, let’s take five, but when we get back we’re going to get the formation change down.”

All the guys grumbled as they went to sit down on the couches in the back of the dance studio. They all grabbed for a bottle of water out of the cooler, sitting next to the couches. She went out the door to go to the restroom down the hall.

“I swear,” Joey began, “she acts like we should be professionals at this.”

“Well,” Justin said as he grabbed for a towel, “after this long, we should be.”

“It’s just that she wants us to do things my body never knew it could do. Never knew it should do!” Joey continued.

“Guys, we always want fresh blood to choreograph stuff for us and she’s made up a great dance. We just have to give it a chance.” JC defended.

Lance laughed. “She is right. We’ve got the hard stuff down. Why can’t we get the formations?”

Joey sat up. “Because she wants me to move like 20 feet in four counts. It’s impossible!”

“Well, if you were in the right spot to begin with it wouldn’t be so hard.” JC joked.

Joey threw his empty water bottle at JC. “Shut up man! It’s easy for you since you just stand up front and sing. The rest of us are working our butts off back here.”

Chris hit Lance in the arm. “Not all of us are working our butts off. It would take years of hard dancing for yours to go away, son.”

“Thanks, jerk!” Lance said as he pushed Chris off the couch.

She then walked back into the dance studio. She heard the guys laughing and saw Chris doing impressions of Lance’s dancing. She just smiled and shook her head. She knew that when they were happy and joking around like this was when they did their best dancing. JC noticed she had come back in and got up to go talk to her. “So, how bad do they hate me right now?” She asked JC.

He smiled. “It’s been worse. We’re just tired.”

“I know. Really, ya’ll don’t look that bad. It’s just getting in formation.”

JC kissed her on the forehead. “We’ll get it. I promise.”

She smiled at him then yelled, “Time’s up guys!”

Justin whined. “It hasn’t been five minutes yet.”

She shook her head and crossed her arms. “Get your butt up here. The sooner ya’ll get this, the sooner you get to go home.”

Justin shoved JC. “Man, your woman is a slave driver.”

Joey added, “No doubt. You’ve gotta get a nicer girlfriend next time.”

As she walked from the side of the studio to the front mirrors she smacked both boys in the back of the head. “That’s Mrs. Slave Driver to you. Now, ready? Same spot. 5, 6, 7, and 8. 1, 2, push 3, 4, move 5, 6, 7, 8. Better. Again...and this time with music.”

The End


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