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By:  Jessica

As Lindsey walked in the hotel room, she saw Jamie drop her bags and turn the TV on to MTV. Lindsey just shook her head and went to put her stuff down on a bed. She could hear Carson Daily rambling and looked down at her watch, realizing it was probably time for the end of the show.

“Not only do these guys have the number one song today, but they are also ending the second leg of the Pop Odyssey Tour tonight at Madison Square. Here’s Selfish by NSync.”

Jamie hollered into the bedroom, “They’re number one today!”

“What’d you expect? It’s a great song, a good video, and like a week or so from retiring.” Lindsey replied as she brushed her hair trying to get rid of that “just-woke-up-from-a-nap-on-a-plane” look.

Knock knock. “Room service.”

Jamie looked confused since they hadn’t been in long enough to call for anything. Lindsey hollered from the bedroom, “Don’t want any.”

“Um, okay…Candy gram.”

Lindsey walked into the living room smiling. Jamie asked her what she was doing. Lindsey shushed her. “Sorry! Try again.”

“I got it. Sexy man wearing nothing!”

Jamie questioningly looked at Lindsey as she laughed, walked to the door, and opened it. “That’s more like it. Come on in.” Jamie was star struck as she watched her friend hug Lance Bass. This was the guy that had paid for her and Lindsey to fly from Mississippi to New York and gotten them front row tickets to their concert. She always thought it was too cool that her roommate was best friends with a member of NSync. “Hey, Lance, this is my roommate Jamie.”

Jamie nervously giggled as she shook his hand. “Thanks for flying us out here.”

Lance smiled. “I figured you two deserved it after another hard year at Mississippi State. So, Lin, how’d the grades turn out?” Lindsey grunted. Lance then flopped down on the couch next to Jamie. “Did Scott mind me borrowing you this weekend?”

Lindsey shook her head. “Nope. In fact he had a job interview today at Hope High School in Columbus. They have a history/coaching job opening up for next year.”

Jamie interjected. “Show him the ring.”

Lindsey blushed and held her left hand out for Lance to look at. “Wow! That’s beautiful. The wedding’s next summer, right?”

“Yeah, after I graduate. In fact it’s like a year from last Saturday…So, when do we get to see the other guys?”

Jamie gasped. “We get to meet the other guys?”

“Why don’t we go now.” Lance said as he stood up and started walking toward the door. The two girls followed him down the hall to a room that a lot of laughing was coming from. The door was cracked, so Lance pushed it open and motioned for the girls to come in.

Justin jumped up from the bed when he saw Lindsey and gave her a big hug. The other guys followed suit. Then Chris noticed Jamie. He walked over to her, put his arm around her, and said, “Hey Lin. Who’s your friend?”

“Guys, this is my roommate, Jamie. Jamie this is Justin, JC, Joey, and the one connected to you is Chris.”

Jamie gave a weak wave, overwhelmed by the guys. Chris walked her over to the couch and asked her to tell everyone about herself. She told them she was from Starkville, a senior accounting major, and a huge fan. Lance, not wanting to let the guys have to opportunity to play twenty questions about how much of a fan Jamie was asked, “If you’re from in Starkville, why do you live in the dorms with Lindsey?”

“Well,” Jamie explained, “I have a scholarship that pays for the dorms and I didn’t want to stay at my parents.” While she was talking, Chris put his arm around her. Unconsciously, Jamie snuggled up with him.

Lindsey noticed this and nudged Lance. He just smiled and mouthed, ‘love at first sight.’ Lindsey nodded then gave a look to Jamie.

JC glanced down at his watch and mentioned that they needed to go. Everyone grumbled not wanting to break up the reunion. JC got up and kissed Lindsey on the forehead. “We’ll see you at the concert.” Lindsey nodded.

“Dude,” Joey said, “you can’t kiss her anymore. Did you see the rock on her hand?”

Lindsey laughed, and then hooked her arm in JC’s. “You know you’ll always be my second.”

Justin scoffed. “What about me?”

Lance grabbed Lindsey around the waist. “Guys, I think I get first dibs.”

Joey punched Lance in the arm. “Just because you two have been friends since like birth doesn’t mean a thing.”

Lindsey just shook her head then started to push Lance out the door. “Didn’t you guys need to go?”

Justin pointed to Chris and Jamie, who were whispering to each other. “We will as soon as we get him away from his new girlfriend.”

Jamie realized everyone was looking at her and scooted away from Chris, blushing. They boys walked out of the hotel room as the girls went back to theirs to start getting ready for dinner and the concert and so Lindsey could call Scott to see how the interview went.

The two girls truly enjoyed themselves at the concert. This was Jamie’s first time to see NSync in concert and she could swear that Chris kept looking at her. Lindsey had been to many of the guy’s concerts, so she had as much fun watching the guys as she did the crowd, especially Jamie. After the concert was over, Lonnie escorted the girls to the back. They sat in a living area while the guys got quick showers. The first in the room was Joey. He sat down between the girls then asked, “So, are you two going out with us tonight?”

Jamie nodded. Lindsey patted Joey on the knee. “Ya’ll did a good job tonight.”


“So, are Britney and Kelly coming too?”

“Yeah!” Justin said as he and Lance walked in. They were soon followed by JC and Chris. Once everyone was there, they went to Club Mirage and walked straight up to the VIP room. They sat and talked for a while, and then Chris asked Jamie to dance. She accepted and they ended up dancing the whole night.

The next morning, Lindsey, Lance, and Jamie got on a plane to fly back to Mississippi. Lance had fallen asleep, so Lindsey asked Jamie, “How was your evening with Chris?”

“That was the best day ever. He asked for my number.”

“That’s great. You know he doesn’t do that with just anyone. You gave it to him, right?”

Jamie nodded. Just then Lance grunted. “He said he would call. He likes you. Now, shut up!”

The girls laughed, then quieted down when Lance shoved Lindsey and shushed them both.

The End


Tell Jessica what you thought of her story!