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Misplaced Anger

By:  Jessica


“Stupid fucking bitch. I fucking hate her.” Justin took another long swig of his 40 as he barreled down the road. “She fucking shows up at my club with her skanky friends and calls me out. Oh fuck no. And then instead of fucking talking or fighting, she wants a dance off. She’s fucking off her rocker. Shit.” Justin put both hands on the wheel, dropping his bottle to make his turn. “You don’t fucking cheat on me then call me out for a fucking dance off. I’m Justin fucking Timberlake. No one fucks with me. No one!”


Justin pulled into the driveway, turned off his car and grabbed the bottle before slamming the car door and continuing to rant. “And now I have to fucking take care of Bass’ house and his fucking zoo. You wanna go to space, you fag? I’ll send you there. I’ll pay for the whole fucking thing if I don’t have to take care of your shit while you’re gone.”


Buddy lay resting in his dog bed until he heard the front door open. He ran up to Justin, wanting some attention and to go outside. He jumped up and put his front paws on Justin’s stomach, barking. “Get down you noisy piece of shit.” Buddy continued barking and head butted Justin’s groin. Justin took a step back, grabbing himself with one hand and hitting the dog with the empty liquor bottle on the head until he got down, whining.


“Serve’s you right, you shit. That hurt like hell.” As Justin walked into Lance’s house, Buddy backed away, whimpering. “Shut up!” Justin yelled, the noise echoing through the house. “Shut the fuck up!” Justin threw the bottle towards the retreating dog, but missed. He watched it shatter against the wall. The loud noise scared Buddy even more, so he turned and ran into the living room. He turned to look towards Justin’s direction when he called his name and ran into a coffee table knocking over a lamp. “You better’ve not broken anything, Bud.” Justin walked into the living room and saw the lamp on the floor and Buddy cowering in his dog bed.


“Bad dog. Bad dog. Come here.” Buddy tucked his tail as he stood up. “Come here!” Slowly the dog approached with is head lowered. “You fucking made a mess of Lance’s house, you dumb dog.” He hit Buddy on the head, grabbing his collar so he couldn’t run away. “There’s glass everywhere.” Justin kicked him in the stomach and Buddy cried as he tried to get away from Justin’s tight grip. “And you broke the lamp. That’s a Tiffany, you know. You stupid bastard.” Justin hit Buddy’s head again before his eyes landed on the metal frame of the lamp and began to burn red hot.


Justin picked up the lamp and began to beat Buddy everywhere he could. “You ruined Lance’s house. He’ll fucking kill you when he gets home. Kill you!” Justin kept hitting until Buddy’s body went limp. Justin took his hand off of the collar and used both hands to hold the lamp as he continued beating the dog.


“I hate you.” Justin screamed. “I fucking hate you. This will teach you to never fuck with me again Britney!” Justin heard what he said and stopped swinging the lamp. He dropped it to his side and looked down at the floor.


Buddy was lying in a pool of his own blood and urine. He wasn’t moving and he didn’t look to be breathing. Justin’s eyes got huge as reality settled in and quickly sobered him up. He dropped to the ground and hugged the lifeless form to his body. “No! Oh fuck no. I’m sorry. Buddy, wake up. Wake up! I’m so sorry. No!” Tears began to stream down his face as he cradled Lance’s now dead dog.


The End


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