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Broken Vow

By:  Joeylance

Part One


Song Fic– Based on "Broken Vow sung by Josh Groban from "Closer" CD  

(Sony ATV Tunes LLC/Wallyworld Music ASCAP/Vita Mia Music SOCAN admin. By Sony/ATV Songs LLC BMI)


Tell me his name

I want to know

The way he looks

And where you go

I need to see his face

I need to understand

Why you and I came to an end.


Tell me again

I want to hear

Who broke my faith in all these years?

Who lays with you at night?

While I’m here all alone

Remembering when I was your own


I let you go

I let you fly

Why do I keep on asking why?

I let you go

Now that I found

A way to keep somehow

More than a broken vow



"Who is he?  I want to know his name."  He demanded as he came storming into her office at the hospital.


She looked up from her paper work on the desk; his angry face glaring at her from the doorway.  She sighed; taking off her glasses and placing them on the desk as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.  She quietly walked over to him and pulled him into the room shutting the door behind him.


Please, keep your voice down.  This is a hospital.  If you can’t do that then I will have to ask you to leave."  She said as she turned to face him.


His eyes were clouded with passion but not the kind she wanted to see.  She hadn’t seen him this angry before.  Wait take that back; last night at her apartment when he threw her roses against the wall shattering the vase.  Then throwing the wadded up card at her demanding to know who they were from.  She hadn’t told him then and wasn’t going to now.  To defuse the situation she asked him to have a seat so they could talk.


Grudgingly he sat down.  He knew if things got out of hand she would call security and have him thrown out.  Swallowing the bile that was raising in his throat, he sat down in the chair opposite her desk.  She returned to her place behind the desk.


She softly said "If you think you can conduct yourself in a grown-up manner we can talk.  If not, you’re out of here."  She didn’t hate him; she just didn’t love him anymore.  "Now, why are you here?"  She gently asked.


"Why am I here?  He said his voice beginning to raise again.  "I’m here, as if you didn’t know, because the final divorce papers were delivered to me this morning along with your wedding set.  Did you take lessons on how to hurt people from Annie?  I mean she is your new best friend."  He jeered.


"How can you be so cruel?  She said.  "You know the true story about that package and yet you continually want to think the worst of people."


Well, the last few months haven’t done much to restore my faith in humanity."  He replied.  "My wife up and leaves me for another man and then wonders why I feel hurt?"


"Justin, how conveniently you re-write our history.  You know perfectly well that…  The phone rang at that moment cutting her off  "Hello, Dr. Jamieson here.  Yes, I can be there in two minutes.  Bye"


" I’m sorry," she said as she turned back to him.  "An emergency has just come up.  I will be back in about half an hour.  If you want to wait, feel free.  If not, we can continue this discussion at a more appropriate time and place.  Now if you will excuse me."  She stood up and then walked towards the door.  Before opening it, she turned to look at him and said.  "I’m sorry that things ended like this.  I never meant to hurt you and deep down I don’t think you meant to hurt me either."  With that said she left the room, leaving him to ponder what she had said.


He stared at the nameplate on her desk Dr. Cassandra Jamieson.  He had met Cassandra in April 2002 at the hospital when he and Chris had been visiting JC and Annie after the birth of their twins.  She worked with Annie at Restoration Hope.  She was a plastic surgeon.  She was everything that he had never imagined he would want in a woman.  She was older (about 10 years); highly educated; spoke three languages, and completely unimpressed with his star status.  She was 5’ 11" with emerald green eyes and dark brunette hair.  She was also drop dead gorgeous.  He had peppered Annie with questions about her.  Annie said that she had an extremely bad history with men and to proceed with caution.  She had said that Cassie may seem strong but she was very vulnerable and not looking for a relationship with a man; let alone someone as high-profile as Justin.  He, being Justin, of course, ignored her words and pursued Cassie anyway.


He was still picking at the wounds of his broken heart from Britney and was no more ready for a relationship than Cassie, but he didn’t care.  He wanted this beautiful creature who stood before him and so he relentlessly worked till he had her as his own.  He was like a beagle on the trail of a rabbit – single minded and determined to get his quarry.


He remembered vividly the night she had revealed her past to him.  They had gone out to dinner and the movies.  She was not a big one for clubbing.  She hated large crowds.  They had come home and were sitting on her sofa in her apartment.  He was kissing her and as it got more passionate, she backed away like always.  He was so confused.  "What the hell is wrong?  Every time we get into it, you shut me down.  Why the wall?  Don’t you want me or do you just like to tease me?"


"No, she said tears beginning to form in her eyes.  "  It’s just that… her voice trailed off as she looked down.  He took her chin and lifted it up so her eyes were looking into his.  "What is it?"


"I guess I should have told you this a long time ago, but I was afraid."  She began hesitantly.  "You deserve an explanation."


"What is it, babe?  I know that Annie hinted that you haven’t exactly had a stellar history with men, but she never elaborated."


"Annie, is a dear friend and she said that I should have told you this awhile ago, but I was so ashamed."  She started to cry.  He gathered into his arms and held her.  She cried for the longest time and then looked up at him and said.  "I am just going to say this as fast as I can.  This will be the Cliff Notes version but there will not be an exam at the end. 

Please don’t interrupt till I am finished.  Okay?"


"Anything, you want.  He said wiping the tears from her cheeks.  She took a sip of her wine and then a deep breath and began.  "When I was five years old, my daddy died.  For a few years, it was just my mom and me and then she married Bill when I was seven.  He didn’t have much time for me, so I tried my best to stay out of his way.  I worked hard in school and was quiet when he was home at night so he wouldn’t notice me.  When I was about nine, he started hitting me hard if I messed up.  I tried not to, but I was still a child.  One never knew what would trigger his next explosion.  It constantly changed.  Mom never stuck up for me.  She had become an alcoholic after Daddy died and it got progressively worse.  I learned to live with it.  I mean what choice did I have.  Where could I go?  I had no other family.


She paused and took another deep breath.  Justin was struck how flat her voice was.  Not a hint of emotion crossed her face.  She was unreadable and expressionless.


"Anyway, on my thirteenth birthday things began to change.  For one thing, I was no longer a child.  Bill began to notice.  I tried wearing baggy clothes and slouching, but it didn’t work.  He started coming up to me and saying stand up straight and then pulling back my shoulders as he held me against him.  Mom said nothing.  Then one night he came into my room.  He had been drinking and I thought well I was just going to get hit for some minor infraction.  Instead he tied my hands to the bedpost with scarves and put one over my mouth.  He said that he didn’t want the boys to have the first crack at me.  It was his "right" as my "dad".  He’d break me in right.  Teach me the things that men wanted and liked.  I tried to protest, tried to fight him off, but he hit me really hard.  Then he said that if I ever breathed a word of this to anyone he would have me sent to a juvenile home.  He laughed darkly then said where would my scholarship to that private school for next year go.  Probably to someone more deserving.  Who wasn’t a tease.  (Justin cringed – he was so sorry that he had used those words earlier).  He said that if I told I could kiss me dreams goodbye.  So, I let him.  Again what choice did I have?"


Justin opened his mouth to speak, but she put a finger to his lips.  "So for the next three years, I endured his coming into my room practically every night.  Then one day, it happened.  I lost it at school.  A teacher came up behind me in the hall and touched my shoulder.  It startled me and I turned around and slapped him.  I was taken to the office and they were going to call my mom and stepdad.  Something inside of me just snapped. 

I blurted out some of things that I had been enduring for the past three years.  A social worker was called and I was removed that day from my home.  I have never seen or spoken to my stepdad again except when I had to testify in court.  My mom disowned me when he was sent to prison and she died two years later."


"I had lovely foster parents who eventually adopted me.  They loved me like I had never been loved and treated me so special.  I love them so much.  I don’t think I would have survived without them.


She paused and took another sip from her wine glass.  Setting it down she continued.  "I fulfilled my dream to be a doctor.  Because I had that goal, it was easy to avoid men.  I was too busy.  I didn’t have the time or the inclination.  Then three years ago, I came here to Restoration Hope.  I met Annie the first day.  I was so impressed with her gift.  She is such a special woman and a wonderful friend.  As time went on, I got to know JC.  He was like no man I had ever met before.  He like my "new" dad made me see that not every man was like my stepdad.  He treats Annie with such love and devotion.  I mean they personify soulmates.  I started to hope and long for a relationship like theirs, but then I realized that something like that comes along once in a blue moon.  So, I thought maybe something like Joey and Kelly, you and Britney or Lance and his writer friend, I can’t recall her name at the moment.  But, then you and Brit broke up and the next thing I know you are dating me.  So my question to you is why me?  What do I have that you could possibly want when you have your choice of anyone in the world?


Part Two


Tell me the words I never said

Show me the tears you never shed

Give me the touch

The one you promised to be mine

Or has it vanished for all time


I let you go

I let you fly

Why do I keep on asking why?

I let you go

Now that I found

A way to keep somehow

More than a broken vow


Ring!  Ring!  Cassie’s cell phone brought him abruptly back to the present.  He debated whether he should answer it or not.  Having decided in the affirmative he walked over to the desk and picked it up.  The caller ID said "Little Man".  "Damn" he thought to himself that’s Him, Cassie’s new man.  Should he push the call button and confront the man that had destroyed his life or….


"Excuse me sir, are you supposed to be in here?"  He whirled around to see Cassie’s assistant George walking in the door carrying a bouquet of flowers.   "Oh I’m sorry Mister Timberlake I didn’t realize it was you.  Is Doctor Jamieson here?  George set the flowers on the file cabinet and then walked over to Justin as the former was quietly placing Cassie’s phone back down where he had found it.  So much for that idea.


He put on his biggest; ‘innocent’ smile as he looked at George.  "No, she was called out on an emergency.  She said she would be back in half an hour.   She said I could wait for her here.  Can I help you?"  He asked.


"No.  That’s alright.  These flowers were just delivered for her.  I’m just wondering why you didn’t bring them in yourself.  Oh, I know you probably wanted to surprise her."


" Yes", Justin lied.  I’m just full of surprises."


"Well, I have to get back to work."  George said as he headed towards the door.  "Good to see you again.  Bye"


"The same".  Said Justin.  "Bye."  He waited till he was sure that George was down the hall and went over to the flowers.  He grabbed the card and saw Cassie written on the envelope.  He was trying to figure out how to open it and not reveal that he had done so.  Happily for him, luck was on his side; the card hadn’t been sealed.  It only had the flap inserted into the envelope.  With trembling hands, he pulled out the card.  It read:  M.S.G., See you tonight at 8:00 PM your place    Little Man


"Dammit" he said as he stuffed the card back into the envelope and replaced it on the holder.  "Who the Hell is Little Man?  I have to know."


Rubbing the back of his neck and lost in thought, he jumped when Annie said "Justin, yo Justin, could I have a little help here?"  She was coming in the door pushing a stroller which contained in the front William (or Wills as he was nicknamed) and in the back what looked like a large painting wrapped in brown paper.


"Unkey Justy!  Unkey Justy!  Yelled Wills.  Justin looked down on JC’s son, his spitting image except his eyes and hair color were Annie’s.  He was holding up his pudgy little arms to Justin.


"Annie, what can I do to help?"  Said Justin solicitously.


"You could take this painting and place it over on the sofa for me."  She replied.  He took it and placed it where she had said and then returned to her and Wills.  "Is that one of yours?"


"No, she said, picking up Wills who was still calling for Unkey Justy.  She handed Wills to Justin and placing her hands on the small of her back stretched out her back.  "He is getting so big and heavy."


When she was done, she said, "Justin, not to be rude but why exactly are you here?  Wasn’t your divorce finalized today?"


"Yes" he said quietly.  "I came to talk to Cassie but she was called out on an emergency.


"Do you think that is such a good idea?  I mean things are not all sunshine and roses between you two.  Sorry I used the roses imagery but I heard about them last night when Cassie showed up at our door at 3:00 AM hysterically crying.  That painting you referred to is hers."


"Cassie paints?  I didn’t know she did."  He said shocked.  "Something else I didn’t know about my wife.  Or should I say ex-wife" He added bitterly.


"Actually she didn’t paint as much as scream, cry and throw paint at canvases for four hours in my art room.  Luckily, the children were sleeping downstairs with JC in the guest room last night.  They were having a "Sesame Street" Night and all fell asleep on the bed.  I just left them there."


"When Cassie arrived, I took her upstairs to my studio.  Painting is great therapy even if you aren’t good at it.  I gave her some old clothes, paints and laid down drop cloths and set up canvases for her.  The one on the sofa is the one that she liked the best.  She wanted to hang it here in the office.  For an abstract, it’s not bad.  Oh by the way, if I ever hear Linken Park’s "Numb" again it will be too damn soon."


Justin looked at her and laughed.  "Annie, you hardly ever swear."  Wills was getting antsy so he set him down on the floor.  Annie walked over to the stroller got some toys and handed them to him to play with.


Turning back to Justin, she said.  "I am the mother of two nineteen month old toddlers and the wife of JC who is sometimes a bigger child than the twins.  I have had the sum total of 3 hours of sleep, fought traffic to get over here and because of you; (realize I’m using twisted logic here), am going to be too tired to enjoy my evening to myself."


"I don’t understand," he said shaking his head.  "I’m spoiling your evening?"


"Justin, once a week JC takes the children and I have a night to do whatever I want.  It is a great time to read a grown up book, watch a movie, paint, etc.  Tonight all I want to do is study the back of my eyelids.  And all because I was comforting Cassie most of the night because of your childish outburst at her place."  She said angrily


She paused and then continued.  "Justin I don’t want to say I told you so, but I told you not to do this.  You didn’t listen and it ended up just as I feared.  God, you are so self-centered sometimes I want to slap you back into reality."


“No hit, bad, bad" said Wills


Chagrined Annie said, “Yes Wills hitting is bad."


She motioned to Justin and they sat down on the chairs by the desk.  When they were seated, he said.  "Annie, I am sorry that you were put out, but up until last night Cassie was still my wife.  I have a right to know who she is seeing."  He said indignantly


"Justin, you and Cassie haven’t been a couple since CFTC in Miami and you know why.  I was there.  Well, not there in the hotel room, but JC and I were at Challenge.  You were such a media-whore and arrogant conceited snot those few days, I wanted to…never mind" she said glancing over at Wills happily playing on the floor.


Interrupting Justin said.  "Annie, in my defense, I explained that to all of you.  A lot of that was just publicity and media attention.  It meant nothing."


"Justin", she countered, "you were a married man and yet you conducted yourself like the most eligible bachelor in the world.  It was disgusting.  Do you know how much it hurt Cassie?  You, of all people, know her fragile history and yet you persisted in doing whatever struck your fancy."


He interrupted her again and said  "Look you and JC; Joey and Kelly kept your marriages a secret.  Why couldn’t I do the same?  It seems a little hypocritical to condemn me."  He said angrily.


She countered back "Our situations were different from yours.  Joey and Kelly have been together forever and JC and I had our reasons.  Besides, Joey and JC weren’t seen with the "starlet of the moment" on their arm every other week.  Do you have any idea what it did to Cassie to pick up the newspaper and see you out cavorting with your latest flavor of the month."  She said staring into him with those eyes of hers.  The ones that seemed to see right into his soul.


She continued.  "And the excuse, that you were drunk and didn’t know what you were doing was so lame.  Justin, my God, Cassie walked into your suite to surprise you and found that "actress" about to give you a "Monica".  If it had been me, you would now have a lot in common with Lorena Bobbett’s husband.


"Annie!  He said nervously laughing.  "You wouldn’t!  You are the sweetest, kindest woman I know."


"Justin, have you ever seen JC really angry?"  She asked quietly


"No, but I heard about the hotel incident from Lance and Joey."  He replied


She leaned over and stared into his eyes and quietly said.  "Justin, if you ever provoked me that much I would make that look like a Sunday school picnic."


He shuddered.  "Remind me, never to do that."


" Trust me, I will.  She said her anger slowly going under the surface again.


Just then, Wills came toddling over saying "ice cem, ice cem".  She reached over picking him up and putting him in her lap.  "In a minute, sweetie!


Standing she said.  "Justin, I have to go.  We are meeting JC and Dena (Wills’ name for his sister) for ice cream.  That is if they are finished in the studio.  I swear Claudine has JC wrapped so tightly around that little finger of hers.  They could listen to music together for hours.  I wish I could have been a fly on the wall and seen them in the studio today at home.   He even had little earphones made for her"


She walked over to the stroller and placed Wills in it just as there was a knock on the door.  In walked JC carrying Dena.  She was the image of her mother with JC’s eyes and hair color.


"Unkey Justy" she said reaching out to him.  He took her from JC.  She wrapped her little arms around his neck and gave him a baby kiss on the cheek.  "I love you Unkey Justy" You love Unkey Justy, Mommy?’ she asked sweetly.


"Yes, Mommy loves Unkey Justy."  She said as she came over and took Dena from his arms.


"Justin, please think on what I said.  It is better this way.  I just hope that in time you will come to realize that truth."


She kissed him softly on the cheek and placed Dena in the other seat in the stroller.


JC came over and gave him a hug.  "I’m sorry Justin, but I agree with Annie.   Just know we will be there for you too if you need us."


"I know said Justin.  "  Now go and have your family time.  Talk to you later.  Bye."


With that, JC took the stroller and guided it out the door closely followed by Annie.


He stood there for the longest time then darkly said to no one in particular   "I have so much to do before 8:00 PM.


Part Three


I close my eyes

And dream of you and I

And then I realize

There’s more to love than bitterness and lies

I close my eyes

I’d give away my soul

To hold you once again

And never let this promise end


I let you go

I let you fly

Now that I know, I’m asking why

I let you go

Now that I found

A way to keep somehow

More than a broken vow


Justin called Chris first but after getting no answer, he remembered that he had said he was going to be out of town for a few days.  He tried Lance next, but he had a date with his writer girlfriend who was in from visiting some of her family in the Ukraine.  Joey was next, but he and Kelly had


play date dinner with some of Brianna’s little friends.  He knew better than to call JC.  Wasn’t about to further ruin Annie’s night.  Plus they would just think his plan was bordering on, no, not bordering on, was stalking.  So, he would go it alone.




Cassie was arriving home from work.  It was about 6:30 PM.  She unlocked the door, kicked off her shoes and placed the mail on the table by the door. 

Closing the door, she then took the groceries to the kitchen.  Dinner was going to be simple, steak with onions, peppers and mushrooms, buttered potatoes and a tossed salad.  Little Man was bring the wine and dessert.  (He had gotten that nickname form Wills.  She and Annie had been out shopping and returned to find he and JC feeding the twins lunch.  Food was everywhere.  Annie, after kissing JC hello, had tousled Wills’ hair and said   "Such a little man."  Wills had looked at him and said "wittle man, wittle man".  The moniker had stuck.)  She placed the salad stuff in the frig and then returned to the living room to check her mail; nothing urgent.  Placing it on the desk she went into her bedroom and stood staring into the closet pondering what to wear.  After debating for a few minutes, she decided on a emerald green turtleneck sweater and blue jeans.  Stripping off her work clothes and throwing them in the hamper, she walked into the bathroom to take a shower.


As she let, the warm water hit her body she thought back to earlier in the day.  She was relieved to say the least when she returned to her office and found that Justin had gone.  She really wasn’t up to talking to him again.  She had smiled when she saw the flowers on the file cabinet.  She decided to leave them at work.  The painting was staying at the office till she had a chance to take it to the framers.  Annie had said it was good but she wasn’t so sure.  It was mainly black, red and blue paint which she had thrown at the canvas.


Annie was so supportive last night; such a great friend.  To cheer her up, Annie had motioned to her during a break to come downstairs and see the Kodak moment in the guest room.  Annie, of course, had captured it on film.  JC was sprawled out on the bed on his back contentedly sleeping.  Wills was curled up on his one side with JC’s arm wrapped around him.  His other arm was cradling Dena who was lying on his chest, her little thumb in her mouth.   It had been the only thing which made her smile last night.


Turning off the shower, she wrapped a towel around herself then brushed her teeth and dried her hair.  Being short, it didn’t take too long.  She decided to forego hair gel and let it fall naturally in its loose curls.  She put on a little mascara and lip gloss.  Spritzing on her perfume, she got into her clothes. Not being able to decide which shoes to wear, she went barefoot.


Returning to the kitchen she got out the plates, silverware and glasses etc and set the table.  She only put two candles on the table and didn’t dim the lighting that much.  After all this was only a first date and she didn’t want to give off the wrong impression.  She then picked out some music and put it in the CD player, turning it on so she could sing while getting dinner ready.  She had a choir voice but not a solo voice, so she saved her singing for just herself.


She scrubbed the new potatoes and placed them on to cook, then cut-up the vegetables for the salad and placed the bowl in the frig till it was time to serve.  She flipped the steaks which were marinating in the frig and then cut up the onions and peppers and started to sauté them.


Hearing the door bell, she looked up and saw that it was 7:45, he was early. Wiping her hands on a towel, she walked to the door, checking her reflection in the mirror by the door before looking out the peep hole.  No one was there; she looked down and saw something sitting on the floor of the hallway.  Cautiously opening the door, she smiled as she saw Baby Tugs (a Care Bear) setting there wrapped around a bottle of her favorite Merlot wine.  She picked up the Bear and saw a card attached which read.  "Everyone need a little Tough Love.  Please take me inside."  Little Man


She carried the Bear inside and placed him on the sofa and put the wine on the counter.  No sooner had she done that then the doorbell rang again.  Looking out this time she saw a bouquet of silk roses in a plastic vase was sitting on the floor.  She opened the door and read the attached card.  "These probably won’t break when thrown against a wall".  Little Man.  Laughing she took them inside and placed them on the table.


Door bell rang again.  This time there was another Care Bear – Baby Hugs along with a bag of DVDs from the video store.  The card: I love to hear you laugh.  Hoping I can get you to snort.  Little Man


One more ring, this time she looked out and saw him standing there a pastry box in one hand and a single peace rose in the other.  She opened the door and grabbing his leather jacket pulled him into her apartment.  He had on black jeans and a black sweater.  "Are you completely deranged?"  She laughed.  "You never cease to amaze me."


" Hey, that’s my purpose in life."  He replied.  "This is for you" handing her the rose.  "I only got one"; he began by way of explanation, "since this is our first date.  I picked this one because yellow is for friendship, like the ones I sent yesterday and red is for love.  I am hoping that someday we can progress from this fabulous friendship to something more.  However, I know that rushing you is the last thing I should do, so please accept this in the spirit I am giving it."


"Thank you, she said as she took it and held it to her nose inhaling the sweet fragrance.  "They are my favorite.  My daddy used to grow them."


"May I take your jacket and let me take the dessert box to the kitchen.  By the way, what is it?"  She asked.


"It’s a surprise.  You can’t know till after you’ve eaten all your vegetables."  He said in mock seriousness.


"Yes, daddy!"  She laughed as she carried the box to the counter.


"So, what can I do to help?  He asked as he followed into the kitchen.


Turning towards him, she asked.  "Do you want to grill the steaks while I put the rest of the dinner together?"


"I’d be happy to just show me.  I’m the grilling king!  He said puffing out his chest.


"Careful Little Man, she said as she playfully poked him in the stomach.  "Wouldn’t want to have to deflate that ego."


They both laughed and then she switched on the Jenn Aire grill and took the steaks out of the frig.  They worked together to get the dinner on the table.  He opened the wine and then pulled out her chair for her to be seated.


Pouring the wine, he raised his glass and said I would like to propose a toast.  "To M.S.G."


"Excuse me" she interrupted "but what exactly does M.S.G. stand for?"


"M.S.G. stands for My Statuesque Goddess.  Of course, I would never assume to think of you as a possession.  He said quickly.


"And here I thought you thought I was a Chinese seasoning."  She laughed.


"Now hush, he said. She stuck her tongue out at him.  "I want to finish this toast so our food doesn’t get cold.  I want you to be awed at my cooking prowess and that won’t happen if it’s cold."


"No in all seriousness.  To M.S.G. the woman who has been my best friend who is a girl for the past year.  Your beauty is exceeded only by your brains.  You have endured a terrible past few months and yet always remained my friend.  You are very dear to me and I hope that whatever lies ahead you and I will always be friends."  They clinked glasses and drank.


She stood and said  "Now, it’s my turn.  To my Little Man, you are also my dearest friend who is a guy.  You have been like a brother to me and maybe someday we can be more.  No one can make me laugh as hard and get me as giggly and as silly as you do.  To the future, who knows what it holds."  Again, glass clinking.


They spent the rest of the dinner, laughing and talking and just having a terrific time.  When they were done he helped her cleared the table and put the food away.  They did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.  They decided to wait awhile for dessert.


As they were walking into the living room she said" So what is in the DVD bag?"


"I figured that today you needed to laugh so I got some of my favorite funniest movies.  I wasn’t sure exactly what you would like to watch so I brought you choices."  He said as he dumped the DVDs on the coffee table.


She sat down on the sofa and starting reading titles:  "Clue",  "Noises Off", "Monty Phyton and the Holy Grail",  "Blazing Saddles",  "The Silver Streak", "Young Frankenstein", and "The Blue Collar Comedy Tour".  Overwhelmed she said.  "These are all good; what do you suggest."


"How about we start with "Clue?  It is really funny but only about 12 people in the world have seen it."


"Sounds, great.  Do you want anything else before we start?  She asked.


"No, I’m good.  Now, sit back and be prepared to forget the day."


They settled into the sofa and lounge chair respectively and watched the movie.  When it was over, she said  "Thank you that was just what I needed.  Shall we have dessert?  I’m dying to know what you brought."


They went out into the kitchen where she put on the coffee and got out the plates. When the coffee was brewed he told her to go sit at the table and he would serve her.  After she was seated, he had her close her eyes.  He brought in her plate and set it down in front of her.  "Open your eyes."


"My favorite, German Chocolate.  How did you know?  She asked.


"A Duh!  What do you have every time we have lunch together."  He said laughingly


"Of yea, I guess I’m predictable."  She laughed.


"Only about dessert.  He replied.  "The rest of you is an enigma."


When they were finished, they cleaned up and then he said "Should I go or do you want to watch another movie?"


"Let’s watch one more.  She replied.  "I don’t want this evening to end just yet."


Picking out "Monty Phyton and the Holy Grail", they settled back down in the sofa together to watch.


2:30 AM


Justin was parked outside her apartment building.  He had gotten caught up in traffic and hadn’t arrived there till after 8:00.  Damn he thought to himself.  I’ll just have to wait till he comes out.  He looked at his watch.   2:30!!  The lights were still on in Cassie’s apartment.  What could they possible be doing at this hour?  His mood was growing exceedingly dark and menacing.  He hadn’t had any dinner and consumed most of a bottle of Captain Morgan.


Cassie woke up in his arms.  Looking at her watch, oh my goodness, it’s 2:30 she thought.  "Little Man, Little Man, wake up.  It’s late and I have to go to work in the morning."


Slowly he opened his eyes and realized he was holding her in his arms.  He quickly released her.  She smiled and said,  "It’s okay.  Actually it was very nice."


He got up and taking her hand headed for the door.  "Thank you Cassie for dinner and this lovely evening."


"Yes, it was nice and just what I needed.  I can’t thank you enough."


He took her hand and kissed the inside on her palm.  "Good night.  I’ll call you tomorrow.  Oh by the way, do you want to go to JC and Annie’s for Thanksgiving.  That is if you don’t have any other plans."


"Oh good Lord, please don’t tell me that Annie is going to cook?"  She said in mock horror.


"No, her parents are going to be there.  Though I must say in her defense, she is getting better."  He replied.


"You know, she laughed.  "  I always wondered why she and JC were so skinny?


"Ha Ha, very funny.  Well, gotta go.  Bye."  With that said he opened the door and headed down the hall.




Justin looked up as the taxi pulled up to the door. Knowing he was going to be drinking, Little Man had decided to come and go by taxi.  Now I can see who it is.  Come on; come into the light so I can see you.  Come on you can do it.  Justin was mumbling to himself.  Little Man walked under the street light and opened on the door to the taxi.  Oh my God!  It can’t be.  Not him of all people don’t tell me that it’s him!  He struggled to open his car door, but he couldn’t seem to make his hands work.  By the time he got it open, the taxi was pulling away.  Damn Damn and triple Damn!!


Cassie looked and saw his jacket laying on the back of the sofa.  She picked it up as the door bell rang.  Opening the door, she said,  "Oh, I see you remembered you left your jacket."  She froze when she saw she was staring in Justin’s cold and fury filled eyes.


She tried to close the door but wasn’t fast enough.  He pushed past her and stormed into the room, slamming the door behind him.


"How could you, you little.. He screamed.


She cut him off.  "How could I what?  I have no idea what you are talking about."


"I just saw your "lover" leave."  He spit out the words.


"My what?  She said, her anger starting to rise.


"You heard what I said.  I mean the ink isn’t even dry on our divorce papers."  He screamed.


"First of all keep your voice down, it’s 3:00 in the morning."  She said trying to keep him calm.


"What are you going to do about it call security?"  He sneered.


Suddenly she realized the seriousness of the situation.  Justin was clearly angry, that was a given, but he was also very drunk and there was not telling what that combination could ignite.


"Justin, can’t we talk about this like two rational adults?  She said hoping to distract him.  "I can assure you that nothing happen other than two friends having dinner and watching a movie."


"Well, let’s look at the evidence, shall we?"  He said as he began circling the room.  Exhibit # One – Care Bears.  Do friends get my wife, oh pardon me ex-wife her favorite collectibles?"  Exhibit # Two – A single rose in a vase.  Oh how romantic.  I could just gag.  Exhibit # three - he said as he stalked into the kitchen.  Her favorite bottle of wine in the recycling bin.   Exhibit # Four – Lifting the lid of the pastry box – German Chocolate Cake, your favorite.  For just a friend, he certainly knows a lot about your likes.  However", he said as he walked towards her again  "Does he know what turns you on?  Can he turn you to jelly with his touch like I used to?"


“Justin, please.  I think you should go.  This is getting us no where."  She walked towards to the door.  Before she got there he grabbed her and pushed her up against the wall holding her by the shoulders.  "So did you sleep with him?  No wait, you never do anything on a first date.  You’re not a tease.  Although I don’t see why not, it certainly doesn’t have anything to do with your virginity."


She lifted her hand to slap him but he caught it.  "Oh no, we’ll have none of that.  I have any idea.  For old times sake and since I haven’t made love to you since July.  How about we have a farewell screw?"


“Please Justin, don’t do this.  I beg of you."  She pleaded.


"Oh I’ll have you begging," he said as he took hold of her wrists and starting dragging towards her bedroom.


"Please, Please don’t this."  She cried, but he wasn’t listening.


He pushed her into the room and shoved her onto the bed.  He straddled her around the waist and holding her hands above her head starting kissing her.  She tried fighting him but he was too strong.  He traced a finger down her throat and said,  "Does he know the spot that makes you moan?  Is it right here?  He kissed her there and her body betrayed her and she moaned.  "Oh that’s it.  How about X marks the spot."  He said as he gave her a love bite.


Bored with that, he said.  "You know what I really want?  Something that you never would give me."  He got up and removed his jeans and then sat back down on the bed.  He took her hands and pulled her towards him. Grabbing her by the hair, he began to push her down as she was cried hysterically.  He stopped for a moment.  "What was that?  I didn’t quite hear what you said."


In a quiet little girl voice, she said.  "Please Bill, I promise I won’t tell.  I’ll be good.  Just please don’t make me do that."


Justin head snapped up and he leapt off the bed like it was on fire and ran into the bathroom barely making it to the toilet before he began retching violently.  After he had emptied the contents of his stomach for what seemed like the seventh time; he flushed.  Going over to the sink he threw water on his face and gargled with some of Cassie’s mouthwash.


He walked back into the bedroom.  She was sitting on the bed, her knees drawn up under her chin just rocking back and forth softly crying.  He walked over to the bed and went to touch her.  She shrank away from his hand.


He sat on the floor by her feet and started to sob.  "Oh Cassie, I am so sorry.  Please forgive me.  I can’t believe that I was this stupid.  The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you.  Please, please talk to me.  God, Annie was so right.  All I have ever done was hurt you.  I was in love with the idea of you not in love with you like I should have been.  She said to be careful what you wish for.  Please what can I do to make this right?"  His tears were falling on her feet.


He felt her hand gently resting on his head.  "Justin" she said softly.  "I think that it would be best if you leave.  We can talk about this tomorrow, but right now, I can’t look at you.  Please go."


"Alright" he said as he rose from the floor.  "Will you be alright.  I hate to leave you like this."


"Justin, you are the cause and the effect of this situation and right now I can’t think logically so please just leave.  I have endured much worse than this and survived.  I will be fine.  Now, please go."


He picked up his jeans and put them on.  Then looking back at her one last time headed out the door.


She heard the door close and then started to sob.


Ten minutes later, she heard the door bell ring.  "Oh God, what now!"  She said as she forced herself up off the bed and slowly made her way to the front door.  Looking out the peep hole she threw open the door and fell into his arms.


"I forgot my jacket."  He said walking her into the room, closing the door and leading her over to the sofa.  I saw Justin downstairs in the lobby.  He is taking my cab home and threw me his keys.  He gave me a hug and said we would talk but that things would be alright.  He understood things a lot clearer now.  Do you know what he was talking about?"


"Yes, but right now all I want is for you to hold me and promise never let go."  She said quietly.


"I promise."  He said


She smiled and looked up into the tender, kind chocolate brown eyes of Chris Kirkpatrick.


The End


Tell Joeylance what you thought of her story!