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Chapter Ten


Flashback  (Tuesday)


Annie’s plane landed safely in Orlando, Florida.  After going through the usual horror of getting off the plane, retrieving her luggage from the beast living in the conveyor belt, dancing through the fun of Customs with an officer who looked like she’d have been better suited to checking the luggage of incoming souls to Hell rather than exhausted travelers, and tactfully avoiding the people selling T-shirts outside the airport, she managed to hail a taxi and get to her hotel.  Once she was checked in, Annie called her parents to let them know she had arrived in one piece.


Following that phone call, Annie made a second one to her job to see what time they wanted her to report in.  Next came the unpacking of all her bags, always a daunting task after any trip.


Growling protests from her stomach finally convinced Annie to go eat dinner, after which she set her alarm and flopped down on the bed.  She quickly fell asleep, not caring that it was still early.  She wanted to avoid as much jet lag as possible.




Annie returned to the hotel early that evening.  If there was one thing she was sure proved the existence of Evil, it was orientation tours.  At this point, she wanted only to take a shower, eat and go to sleep for a very long time.  She put on a CD of Italian music while she prepared to get cleaned up.  For some reason, it always relaxed her.


The CD was still playing when she got out of the shower, just in time to pick up the phone ringing next to the stereo.


Eco ora mai, il momento temutto da tempo, sai

Gia so quello che mi dirai, e la fine, di noi

It is my hour, the moment of time

Already I know this which you give me, and the end of us




"(Annie!  Where have you been?!)"  It was Jacques voice on the other end of the line, sounding urgent.  "(I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all day!)"


Slightly irritated, she couldn’t keep the sting of sarcasm out of her voice.


"Duh, Jacques.  At my new job."


("Annie, please!  Just listen to me!)"


So che con lui tu te senti piu libera esere di voleve, di prendere di contare di piu

I know that with him you feel more free to be, to want, to have to sing of more


"(Jacques, what’s wrong?)"  Annie suddenly felt very chastened.  It had just now dawned on her that he was speaking in French which meant something was terribly wrong.


(It’s It’s Grandpere.)"  He sobbed.


Any remaining traces of irritation fled form Annie’s mind.  ("What happened?)"


"(He, he died last night; in his sleep.  The doctors say that he probably

didn’t feel anything at all.)"


Che scioco io io che ti o dato tutto di me

O, che vai stai portando il mio cuore con te

That I?  I who gives you all of me

Oh, what happened? You are taking my heart with you.


Annie fell heavily onto the bed, grasping the phone tightly.  "(Oh Jacques!  I’m so sorry.  What can I do?)"


"(Nothing right now.)"  Jacques was sobbing intermittently now.  "(The service won’t be for a few days.)"


"(Jacques.)"  A tear fell down Annie’s cheek.  "If it is in my power, I will be there for it.)"


"(I know.)"


Un amore per sempre dura solo un istante

Sono tanti recordi che svaniscono en te

Resta forse quel sogno

Una stoira di amanti ma la fine vai via da me

A love for always, last only for an instant

I remember so much that, disappears in you

Perhaps the dream remains

A story of love but the end goes away from me.


"(I love you, Jacques.)"


There was a pause on the other end before he answered.  "(I love you too, Annie.  Goodbye.)"


Annie hung up the phone with trembling hands, then slid off the bed to the floor.  She began to cry in earnest now, deep gut-wrenching sobs that tore from her throat.  Her thoughts whirled about in her head like a dervish; none stopping long enough for her to focus on them.  What to do, who to call?  She snapped her head once to clear it.  Focus!  Lying on the floor like a child wasn’t going to help her right now.


Cuesta cita che mi penso deserto di lacrime

Sento il cuore affogare en me

Mentre tu sei con lui

This cites what I think, desert of tears

I feel my heart is suffocating

While you are with him.


It came to her then; Josh!  She had to tell him.  He had a right to know.  Holding back her sobs, Annie tore through her purse for the card JC had given to her.  After a few tense moments of searching and fearing, she’d somehow lost it on the plane.  She found it and picked it up.  On the front of the card was WEG Productions phone number, with the number of Johnny’s private line on the back.


Annie had no trouble getting the number to work.


"Johnny Wright of WEG Productions.  How may I help you?"


"Hello, this is Annie O’Reilly."  She paused; knowing that what she was about to say was going to sound very stupid.  "You don’t know me, but I need to get in touch with JC.  I have a very important message for him."


Dicono che no se muore mel amore

Non perdi mei

Io me sento morire ormai fuoco dentro di me

I say that my love dies

You never lost I feel it die by this time

Fire within me


"Johnny’s voice lost every trace of its former amiable nature.  " How did you get this number?"  He demanded quietly.


"JC gave it to me.  In case, there was something extreme or urgent I need to get to him".  The man’s tone had thrown her off slightly, and she felt about two feet tall when she heard herself stammering.


"Johnny’s voice managed to grow even darker. "Haven’t you done enough already?"


Annie’s voice conveyed her ever-increasing confusion.  "Excuse me?"


"JC got his package yesterday."  Johnny’s voice cracked with barely contained anger.  "Were you calling to see how deep it cut?"


So pure che dovre essere felice per te

Ma, mentirei, perche volgio che resti con me

I know however that I should be happy for you

But it is a lie, because I want what remains with me


"No!"  Annie felt like things were starting to spin away from her control.  "I don’t know what you’re talking about!"


Johnny scoffed.  "Forgive me if I find that hard to believe."


"No, really!"  She was starting to panic a little at the thought that this man might hang up on her without even listening to her.  "I don’t understand!"


"Well, neither did JC."  Johnny sighed heavily, exasperated.  "I can’t think of a single reason why I should want to continue this conversation with you."


"Wait!  Please."  Annie’s earlier tears were starting to creep back into her voice.  "Let me explain!"


"Like you let JC explain?"  Sarcastic laughter rang through the receiver into her ear.  "This talk is over, Annie.  Goodbye."


Un amore per sempre

Dura solo un istante

Sono tanti ricordi che svaniscono en te

A love for always

Lasts only for am instant

I remember so much that disappears in you


Johnny was just about to hang up when Lance walked into the office.  Overhearing part of the conversation, he turned to the man.  "Is that our Annie?"  He asked in a hesitant tone.


Johnny’s voice was more akin to a growl.  "Yes, it is."


Lance seemed to be debating something, then nodded once.  "Give me the phone."


He held out his hand.


The manager appeared hesitant at first, then shook his head.  "Sure.  You talk to her."


"Annie?"  Lance’s voice was cold.  "It’s Lance."


Resta forse quel sogno una storia di amanti

Ma la find di verio vai, vai con duole

Perhaps this dream remains a story of love

But I see the end, you have to go, go with pain


"Oh Lance."  Annie’s breath caught in her throat at hearing the voice of someone who might still listen to her.  "I don’t know what’s going on, but I need to leave JC a very urgent message.  It’s vitally important that he gets it."


"Didn’t you do that already?"  His voice was beginning to take on a tone similar to the one Johnny had used.


"I don’t understand.  What’s happening?  Everyone keeps saying things that make no sense."  She took a shuddering breath.  "I’m so confused."


Lance had no sympathy whatsoever.  "How’s it feel to have the shoe on the other foot now?  Does it hurt you as much as it hurt him, Annie?"


"Lance, I’m so mixed up."  Annie’s voice was beginning to crack.  "Things are such a mess.  I really need your help.  Please listen."  She finally dissolved into tears as the weight of the day’s events collapsed in on her.


Lance’s earlier anger slid away like sunlight from an eclipse.  "Annie?’  His voice was now soft, consoling.  "Please stop crying.  I can’t understand a word you’re saying."  He ran a hand through his hair.  "Where are you?"


Un amore per sempre dura solo una istante

Sono troppi ricordi che scaniscono en te

Resta quei che momento forse solo un istante

Ma la fine vai via lontano da me

A love for always, lasts for only an instant

I remember so much, that disappears in you

This moment remains perhaps only an instant

But the end goes away, far away from me


"I’m at the 4 Seasons Hotel, room 472 here in Orlando.  Do you know it?"  Annie somehow managed to get the words out in between sobs.


"Yeah."  Lance glanced at his watch.  "I can be there in about 1/2 an hour."


"Thank you."


As soon as Annie hung up, Lance raced out of the room.  He almost knocked over JC and Joey, who were on their way in to discuss a photo shoot schedule.


"Whoa!"  Joey slid to the side of the doorway as Lance rushed by.  The former then entered the room, glancing over his shoulder.  "Where’s he going in such a big hurry?"


"The 4 Season Hotel".  Johnny was busily scratching something down on paper.   "He just got off the phone with Annie.  Seems she’s here and rather hysterical about something."


JC’s head jerked up from the papers he’d been looking at.  "What?’  He asked incredulously.  Slowly, a very dark scowl began to creep its way across his face.  "Oh I see."  He straightened up deliberately.  "Move one, JC.  Yeah, right!"


JC stalked out the door, very quiet.  Johnny watched him go, then turned to Joey.  "You’d better go with him."  He stared out the door where JC had gone.  "I didn’t like the look in his eyes."


JC was struggling to unlock his car and not doing very well.  His hand was shaking so badly; it looked like he was just someone random on the street keying up another person’s vehicle.  This, of course, only served to further fuel his growing rage.


Joey put a hand on JC’ shoulder, another hand on the keys.  "Jace, let me drive.  You’re just going to get yourself, or someone else, hurt badly if syou go racing off like this."


JC gave him a glare, then handed over the keys without saying a word.


No sooner had Joey pulled out of the parking lot, JC shoved a CD in the player.  The sound that came out of the speakers sounded like a flock of chickens getting run over by a pack of wolves who were trying to gargle gelatin while howling "The Water is Wide."  And that was just the singing part.


The music if it could be called that in some sort of twisted reality, sounded like an automobile from the 1940’s with all its original parts trying to run a drag race against a 1997 Ford Mustang.  Basically, a total frontal assault on the senses.


Joey shook his head, trying to see if that would make the music sound halfway coherent.  It didn’t help at all.  He made a move to turn off the offensive sounds, but JC slapped his hand away.  "Don’t touch it. " The latter growled, staring out the window.


"But what is it?"


"Swiss band.  I can’t remember their name, but I picked up the CD while we were in Germany.  He glanced at Joey from the corner of his eye.  "And even though I have no idea what they’re saying, it reflects perfectly how I feel right now.  So don’t touch it."


Joey decided that it would be best to go to his own little happy place and try not to think too hard about the noise blaring around him.  Fortunately, it didn’t take that long to get to the hotel.


"Now, JC, just let me do the talking."  Joey approached the manager with one of his best smiles.  Out of the corner of it, he whispered,  "Because all you’ll get from her is a restraining order."


JC stood off to the side, clenching and unclenching his fists as Joey sweet-talked the manager, seething quietly.  After Joey got the room number, they took the elevator.  This only further irritated JC’s already foul mood.   By the time the door opened to their floor, JC was in a decidedly unhealthy state of mind.  He literally sprinted out of the open door like a

racehorse, leaving Joey to keep up as well as he could.




Ma la fine vai via lontano da me

But the end goes away, far away from me


As the song ended, Annie hit the repeat button starting the song over again.   She’d been listening to that one song non-stop ever since getting off the phone with Lance.  During that time, she’d gotten some underwear on and her hair half-way dry, but was still clad in her robe.


No sooner had the song begun again, there was a knock on her door.  Annie raced over, practically ripping the door off its hinges as she opened it.  Lance stood there, staring at her in concern.  As soon as she saw it was him, Annie dissolved into further tears, falling forward.


Lance caught her, leading her carefully over to the bed where they both sat down.  He didn’t say anything at first.  It was one of those moments when you knew no words were needed.  He simply held her, occasionally stroking her hair.  As she continued to cry, he hugged her close to provide comfort, whispering.  "It’s okay, Annie."


They were still sitting like that when the door bust open.  What could be most quickly described as an extremely enraged JC came flying in, followed closely by Joey, who was panting for breath.


Even bent over panting, Joey kept an eye on JC.  His friend’s behavior had him, to put it mildly, seriously worried.  In all the time he’d known him, Joey had never seen JC this angry.  JC had actually kicked the door in, not such a far-fetched feat considering that the door hadn’t even been

latched.  In his concern for Annie, Lance had completely forgotten to make sure that door had locked.


Seeing Lance, sitting there with Annie in his arms, did absolutely nothing of JC’s state of mind.  If anything, it continued to bend what was already the severely twisted remnants of his temper, his patience and his heart.


"Well now."  JC growled softly, spitting out each syllable.  "Isn’t this just the sweetest thing you ever saw in your life?"  His eyes locked on Lance’s face.


"Just move on?  Forget about her?"  JC clenched a fist at his side.  "Makes perfect sense now."


He stalked slowly towards Lance.  The latter stood up calmly, placing himself between Annie and JC.  As he got closer, JC raised his fist up, keeping his eyes locked with Lance’s.  In the background, Annie’s music continued to play.


So che con lui tu te senti piu libera esere di voleve, di prendere di contare di piu

I know that with him you feel more free to be, to want, to have to sing of more


They both blinked, then JC threw his fist right towards Lance’s jaw with all his weight, his anger, and his pain behind it.


Disclaimer:  The song featured in this chapter, "Un Amore Per Sempre", had its music composed by Walter Afanasieff, lyrics written by Marco Marinangel and was performed by Josh Groban.


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