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Chapter Fifteen


Present Day


Dr. Cassandra Jamieson (or Cassie), as she was know to her close friends) smiled to herself as she quietly opened the door to Annie’s room.  JC was sprawled in what looked like a very uncomfortable position in the chair next to his wife’s bed.  He was holding her hand in his, their fingers intertwined, while a sweet smile set itself comfortably upon his lips.


At the sound of the door creaking closed, JC’s eyes opened to half-awake silts.  “Oh, hey Cassie,” he mumbled, stretching and trying to rub some life back into his tired eyes while also stifling a yawn.  Truly an impressive show of multi-tasking.


Shaking herself from the slightly hypnotic spell JC's eyes were so capable of casting, Cassie walked towards him.  “Sorry JC.  I didn’t mean to wake you.”


“Oh, that’s okay.”  He finally finished stretching and seemed a bit more coherent now.  “I wasn’t really sleeping anyway.  Just kind of daydreaming about when I first met Annie in Paris.”  He smiled, shaking his unruly hair.   “Maybe I’ll write a book on it someday, then Lance can produce it as a movie.”  He laughed.  “Annie and I have definitely had our share of intrigue and romantic moments.”


Cassie smirked, not wanting to disturb Annie.  “You know, you’re one of the most romantic guys I’ve ever met.”


“Yeah, I know,” he said with a self depreciating laugh.  “Annie always says that too.”


“But I’m pretty sure that she loves you even more because of it.  She’s always saying how much the special and unique things you do for her make her feel that much more loved.”


“Thanks,” he replied, trying to hide the embarrassed blush he now felt spreading over this face.  To rescue himself, he decided a change of subject was in order.  “Now enough about me.” He stood, trying to stretch some feeling into what was left of his back.


“Cassie, I didn’t know you worked at this hospital.”  JC continued when his exercise in futility was finished - his spine felt like it was about to go on strike.  He had been so intent on trying to convince it that bending was a good thing, a safe thing, and it should do what it was made to do or he would think of something even more painful to do to it that he hadn’t noticed until now that Cassie was wearing blue surgical scrubs.


Cassie was a plastic surgeon and had worked at Restoration Hope with Annie for the past few years.  “I sometimes do an occasional surgery here to help out some of my former colleagues.  Since the one today is fairly routine, I thought I’d stop in to see you, Annie and the babies before I’m needed.”


“That's cool. By the way, how did you know we were here?”


“Are you kidding?”  Cassie laughed, shaking her head.  ”You’re the talk of the hospital.”


JC’s face took on the expression most people get when waging a three-way war between a stiff back, bleary eyes and general lack of sleep; a rather incoherent one.  “Really?”


“Well, let’s see.” Cassie held up her hand to start counting off fingers.


“One - Lance, I think that’s his name, was sitting for most of the night in the maternity waiting room with 2 huge teddy bears.”


Another finger up.  “Two - the nurse at the maternity station were gushing about the dreamy pop star with the gorgeous blue eyes who was so wonderfully supportive of his pregnant wife during the birth of their twins.” Cassie smiled. You really impressed them.”


JC’s earlier blush seemed a light predawn tease compared to the one that now spread across his face.


“Three - The ‘green around the gills’, chalky white face and panicked look when Annie was getting her I.V. was noted with some degree of amusement.”  She chuckled softy at his expression.


“All right, all right,” JC raised his hands in surrender.  “So I have a little needle phobia.”


“Little?”  Cassie looked at him in disbelief.  “JC, I read the article where you talked about your “little” needle phobia.  You need help!”


“Okay, why does everyone always seem to focus on that,” he muttered, getting irritated.


“Hey, calm down.  I was only teasing.” She glanced at her watch.  “I’d like to take a quick look at the babies, then I really have to get going.”


“Do you want me to wake Annie?”


“No, I’ll stop by later to talk to her.  Right now she needs her rest - she’s been working really hard in the past few hours.”


“She was amazing.”  JC smiled proudly.  “I know I couldn’t have done what she did.”  He laughed, shaking his hand.  “You know, I think the blood is finally coming back to my hand.”


They walked over and peered in at the babies.  “They’re so beautiful,” Cassie whispered, staring at the twins.  “I’m so happy for you.”  The quiet moment was broken by Cassie’s pager vibrating in her pocket.  She glanced at it as she pulled it out, then turned towards him.  “Gotta run,” she said quietly.  “I’ll be back later.”  After giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, she slipped out of the room.


As the door closed, Annie stirred.  “Who was that?” she asked sleepily, looking at JC.


“Cassie.  She stopped in to say hi, but didn't want to wake you up.  Said she'd be back later.”


“That’s nice.”


The serene moment was broken as the babies began to fuss.


“Hungry again?”  JC chuckled as he made his way to to their cribs.  He glanced back over his shoulder.  “Which one do you want first?”


“Whoever seems the hungriest.”  Annie smiled as JC brought over William.  “The nursing instructor said she’d teach me how to nurse them both at the same time.”


He returned her smile.  “That should prove interesting.”


No sooner had the babies been fed and changed, then JC’s and Annie’s folks arrived.  There was the usual oohing and awing, cooing, crying and speculating of the babies' looks that always happens with new grandparents.  After about an half an hour they left to set things up at the new parents’ home.  Annie’s mother was going to stay for a few weeks, but if anything came up afterwards, JC’s parents lived right down the road.


Joey and Kelly arrived a little while later.  Once again, the conversation centered around the babies.  Joey made a few crude remarks, which earned him a good smack upside the head from Kelly.


JC took the opportunity to go out, telling Annie he was going to stop by the house and see that her parents got settled in. Then he’d shower, change and come right back.  The other reason was because he’d thought of a wonderful surprise for Annie, but didn’t want to let her know just yet.


The day dragged along and consisted mostly of well wishers calling, and flowers and cards being delivered.  TJ had quietly slipped in when no one else was there and had a nice visit with Annie. As he was leaving, TJ told her that he would stop by the house to make sure the infant car seats were properly installed in JC’s car.


Things just seemed to be settling down when Cassie finally made it back to the room. She was chatting with Annie while holding William when JC returned from his secret mission.


He walked over to Annie’s bed and kissed her, then gently took Claudine in his arms.  “Reach in my pocket.” he said, turing.


She reached in and pulled out a small blue jewelry box.  Opening it, she gasped at first, then started to cry quietly, one hand to her mouth.  “They’re so beautiful, Jace.”  He bent down when she motioned him and kissed her softly.  Thank you,”  she whispered.


Annie turned the box to show Cassie.  Inside were two sapphire hearts - a pink one and a blue one.  Noting Cassie’s perplexed look, she laughed.  “JC gave me a charm bracelet on our wedding day which has a single ruby heart. Every year he adds another one to represent each year of our marriage.  These two are for the babies.”


Cassie turned to JC and smiled.  “My earlier assessment is confirmed.”


JC blushed as he handed Claudine back to Annie, but before he had a chance to speak, Justin and Chris came in the door.  They immediately began teasing JC about the babies, then walked over to hug Annie.


It was only when JC took William from Cassie that they even became aware of her presence.


Chris wiped his hand on his pants and held it out as he walked over.  “Hi, I’m Chris,” he said easily, smiling.


“Cassie,” she replied, taking the proffered hand.


Playfully, Justin shoved Chris aside and grabbed the now vacated hand for himself.  “I’m Justin,” he purred, kissing the back of her hand.  “Trust me, you don’t want to hang out with an old man like Chris now, do you?”


Cassie was slightly taken aback and was unable to answer.  Annie watched a hurt look spread across Chris’ face.  He noticed her watching and quickly slid into a more neutral expression.


Justin continued his pursuit.  “How would you like to have dinner with me?”  Seeing the doubt in her eyes, he quickly added,  “I won’t take no for an answer.”


Cassie was at a complete loss.  “Yeah, I guess so,” she said quietly, letting go of his hand.


He offered her his arm and escorted the doctor out the door while Chris stood there completely dumbfounded.


JC walked over and put a hand on the older man’s shoulder.  “Hey, would you like to join us for dinner?  It’s just hospital food, but it’s not really all that bad.”


”Huh?”  Chris jerked as if waking up.  “No, that's all right,” he added distractedly.  “I think I’ll just go home.”  He nodded goodbye to them both, then hurried from the room.


JC joined Annie at her bed, noticing the worried look on her face.  “What’s wrong, baby?”


Annie looked at him with concerned eyes.  “Josh, I have a bad feeling about this.”


Author’s note - This chapter advances the story but also is a set-up for “Broken Vow” which I am re-writing and will re-post soon.


< Paris >