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Chapter Three

Present Day


"JC?  Can you hear me?"  Someone was calling his name.  "Josh" And whoever it was seemed to be getting louder and more insistent.  "Joshua!"


JC finally opened his eyes, the last remnants of the dream ending.  He was back in the present.


Annie was staring at him from her bed.  Seeing he was finally awake, she smiled at him.  "Josh honey, have you called anyone yet to let them know what happened?"


JC suddenly felt very alert…and sheepish.  "Omigosh, I completely forgot!  I was so happy and wrapped up in the moment.  It just slipped my mind."  He grinned at her.  "Of course, it wasn’t like I had much choice, since you had a death-grip on my hand."


Annie pointedly ignored his last comment, but did roll her eyes.  "Well, now that the evil gripy-hand has released you, don’t you think you might want to do that now?  Lance sure was worried when we left his house right after dinner, especially since this all happened earlier than expected."


JC picked up the cell phone and started dialing.  After a few seconds, he started speaking.  "Mom?  Dad?  It’s Josh.  Annie and I…well, actually, Annie…had the babies about 3 hours ago.  I would’ve called sooner but we fell asleep."


"Yeah, I know.  Sorry."


"Everyone’s doing fine."


"Boy and girl."


"He’s 6 pounds, 21 inches.  She’s 5 pounds, 8 ounces, 20 inches."


"Yes, they both have all their parts.  I checked."


"She’s fine but very tired."


"Love you too."


"See you tomorrow.  Bye."


An almost identical conversation repeated itself with Annie’s parents.


JC called Johnny, who suggested placing a brief announcement in the newspapers in the morning, if it was alright with them.  After some discussion, Annie and JC agreed, saying that it was fine.  It would read: JC Chasez, singer/songwriter of *Nsync and Annie O’Reilly Chasez, artist and medical sculptress, are pleased to announce the birth of their twins at St. John’s Hospital Birthing Center.  Mother, son and daughter are doing well.


JC decided Chris should receive the next call, since Justin was probably with him.  They had said they were going to play some golf, which meant they’d probably ended up at Chris’ house to play video games and watch movies.


"Hey man."


"Sorry, I woke you.  Forgot it’s 4 am."


"Just called to tell you that you and Justin are "uncles" again."


"Chris, my ear!  I need it to sing, especially since I have a family to support now."


"Hey Justin, sorry.  I see Chris woke you up."


"Yeah, his couch is comfy."


"Boy and a girl."


"Everyone’s fine."


"Thanks man."


"I’ll talk to you tomorrow.  Our folks are flying in tomorrow to see the babies.  You can come in too."


"No, still have to call Joey and Lance."




JC hesitated before calling Joey, but Annie said that he’d be hurt if they didn’t tell him."




"Hey guy, sorry to wake you, but I wanted to tell you the babies are here."


"Yeah, we’re all fine."


"Annie says to tell Kelly she was right.  She’ll know what she means."


"There’s nothing like it, Joe.  I feel like I’ll explode if I don’t keep telling people."


"When Claudine looked into my eyes and was holding onto my finger…I just melted!  And William…I have a son, man!"


"Thanks, talk to you tomorrow when you come over."


JC hung up the phone, sighed and began to dial Lance’s number.


"Okay, one more to go.."


"Lance?  Hi, it’s JC."


"Where are you?  The signal is so clear."


"The waiting room?"


"Have you been there all night?"


"I’m coming to get you.  Stay put."  He was about to hang up, but then remembered nnie.  He managed to stop himself in time.  "Wait a moment, let me check with Annie."  This time, he turned to her.  "Annie, Lance is in the waiting room."


"I heard."


"Do you mind if I being him back?"


Annie seemed to deliberate for a moment.  "Get my bag."


JC complied, still keeping Lance on the line.


"Just give me a minute."  She got out her brush and ran it through her hair while JC ended his conversation with Lance.  Then, using a few clips, she piled it on top of her head.


"I love brushing your hair."


Annie laughed.  "If I remember, that’s what led to this present situation, isn’t it?"  She put a light dusting of blush on her cheeks, a touch of mascara and a little lip-gloss, then turned to him.  "Well, how do I look?"


"Beautiful.  But then, you always do."


"No seriously."  She straightening her gown, JC had bought for her.  It was pale blue and looked wonderful against her skin, a reminder of just how good JC’s "developing artist’s eye" was becoming.  "Go get Lance."


JC went out the door, returning about five minutes later.  Lance followed in behind him, carrying two teddy bears.  One was pink the other blue.  "These are for the babies."


Annie could only giggle at him.  "Lance, those are as big as you are."


"I know.  Guess I got carried away."


"Thank you.  They’re wonderful."


Lance set them down, then came over and kissed Annie on the cheek.


"You look radiant."


"And you’re a lying southern dog." She winked at him.  He gave her his best puppy dog eyes, making all there of them laugh.  "Do you want to see the babies?’


"Yes, I’d love to."


Lance walked over to William’s crib first.  The boy had his thumb in his mouth and was quietly sucking away.  "He’s so little and perfect.  You’re so lucky, JC."


Then he walked over to Claudine’s crib.  She had just opened her eyes and was looking at him.  He’d never experienced a feeling like this before.  Oh sure, he was Brianna’s godfather and loved her dearly, but he hadn’t seen her so soon after birth.  He found that he was overcome and a tear made its way down his cheek.


Just then, Claudine let out a little sigh.  It startled Lance so much he jumped.


JC walked over and gently picked up his daughter.  "Would you like to hold her?"


Lance looked up at him.  "Can I?"


"Of course, but first you have to put on one of these lovely hospital gowns like I’m wearing."


Lance complied and sat down in the chair next to Annie.  JC placed the baby in his lap.  "She won’t break, you know.  Just make sure that one arm is supporting her head."


Lance held the little body in his arms and again was overwhelmed by emotion.   All the while, JC was covertly taking pictures.  "Hey Lance, look at me."


He looked up and JC snapped a picture.  "I think I’ll sent this one to the "Enquirer."  Headline – Lance Bass: the real father of one of JC’s twins.  The Untold Story."


Everyone laughed, waking William who immediately began to wail and let everyone know of his need for food.  JC went over and picked him up, then looked at Annie.  "Should I change him first?"


She nodded.  "I can’t wait to see this."


JC put on his pouty face.  "Hey, I’ve been practicing."


"Then go for it."


He got out the supplies and started changing his son.  He was almost halfway through when Annie spoke up.  "Remember what they told us about boys."


Her warning came too late, for no sooner had the words left her mouth; William peed in JC’s face.  He leapt back in surprise while Annie and Lance both began to laugh hysterically.  Annie was soon holding her stomach, although a few stray giggles still erupted past her lips.  Please stop.  It hurts too much to laugh."


JC wiped his face and took a little bow.  "And now, for my next performance."  He finished changing William without further incident and handed him to Annie.


Lance stood nervously, handing Claudine back to JC.  "I, uh…maybe I should be going now."


Annie, however, wouldn’t hear of it.  "Oh no, stay.  JC get me the blanket, please."  He handed it to her.  "Lance, close your eyes for a moment."  He did so, waiting while he heard the shuffling of fabric.  Finally, he heard her voice again.  "Okay you can open your eyes now."


Annie was covered by the blanket.  Except for the quiet sucking sounds, you wouldn’t have known what was going on.


After several more minutes of idle chat and continued congratulations.  Lance decided to take his leave.  "I think I’ll go home and get some sleep.  Besides, you two are probably really tired and need some rest as well."


He walked over to the door, then looked back at them over his shoulder.  "Thanks for letting me share in this.  I’ll see you later."


With that said, Lance was gone.


< Paris >