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Chapter Four


Flashback Continued


Annie burst through the door, a huge smile lighting her face.  (Claude, Jacques!  I got it!  I got it!)


JC was still at the kitchen table, studying the pictures Claude had shown him.  He didn’t know how long he’d been sitting there, but the woman’s sudden arrival startled him.  He dropped the picture he’d been holding.


"Oh."  She stopped abruptly in her tracks.  After regained her composure, she smiled at him.  (Pardon me, but what are you doing here?)


JC shook his head.  I’m sorry, I don’t speak French."  Under his breath, he added  "Really wish, I’d taken it in high school now."


Jacques entered from the front.  He’d been helping a few tourists who had ended up leaving without buying anything.  "Need help, JC?"


"Yes."  JC rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.  "I don’t understand what she’s saying.  Can you help me?"


"Sure."  Jacques turned to Annie and slipped into French seamlessly.  (How’d it go?)


(I go the job!  He told me I could start Monday.)  Her earlier excitement returned in a rush, then just as quickly subsided.  (Now, could you please explain to me why there’s a gorgeous young man sitting at your kitchen table?)


(He asked to stay, so Grandpa told him stories about the war.)


A grin appeared on Annie’s face.  (How’d he take it?)  She asked, nodding her head towards JC.


Jacques couldn’t hold back a little smirk.  (He cried like a baby.)


Her face turned serious.  (How’s Claude?)


(He’s resting.)  Jacques sighed.  (You know how talking about his life with Grandmere always tires him out.  Each time, it seems to take him longer to recover.  I worry about him.)


(So, do I, but he needs to talk.)


He nodded.  (I know.)


"Excuse me."  Both of them turned towards JC, seemingly surprised to see him sitting there.  "Would you like me to go into another room?"


"Oh, I’m sorry," Jacques apologized.  "That was very rude of us.  We shouldn’t have been ignoring you.  You are our guest, after all."


JC finally saw an opportunity to ask a question that had been nagging him since the café.  "Jacques, would you please introduce me?"


"Certainly."  He waited until JC got up from the chair, then continued.  "Joshua Chasez, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Annie O’Reilly.  Annie - Joshua."


Annie held out her hand to JC.  As he touched it, he felt a spark of electricity that certainly wasn’t static in nature.  Her hand was warm and soft but possessed a strength.  JC drew her hand to his lip and lightly brushed it with a kiss.  "Pleased and charmed to meet you, Annie."


"Merci."  She replied, blushing as she withdrew her hand from his.  "He is so charming."  Annie thought.  "I wonder where this is going to go?  I’ve never felt like this before.  It was all I could do to concentrate at my interview with Mr. Basille’s since my mind kept wandering back to those soulful azure eyes and that beautiful smile.  It’s so genuine, with a hint of shyness.  Plus, the rest of his body ain’t bad either."  Annie suddenly realized the direction her thoughts were taking and shook her head a little.   "Focus Annie, focus!  You’re acting like a teenager mooning over her first crush.  Concentrate!


Annie turned her attention to Jacques.  (Jacques, would you mind translating for me?)


He shook his head.  (Annie, how much longer are you going to keep this thing up?)


(Just a little longer – it adds intrigue to the mix.)  She winked at him.  (Besides, we said we were going to give him a "memorable French experience", remember?)


(Alright, if you’re sure you know what you are doing.  I’ll go along with it, but be careful.  He seems like such a nice young man; I would hate to see him hurt.  Also, Grandpere likes him.)


Annie rolled her eyes.  (Okay, okay.)


Jacques was beginning to get exasperated.  (For crying out loud Annie, you speak five different languages!  Cut him a break.)


She held one hand up, gently breaking off his frustration-fueled outburst.  (Tell you what – suggest that he and his friends join us all for dinner at Pepe’s.  That guy owes me a favor anyway and this seems like as good a time as any to use it.  It’ll be our treat, plus it’ll be a celebration of my new job.  Then I’ll tell him afterwards.  Agreed?)


Jacques nodded; knowing it was the best he would get out of her.  (Agreed.)


He faced JC once again, transitioning back into English.  "JC; Annie, Grandpere and I would be honored if you and your friends would care to join us for dinner tonight at Pepe’s.  Our treat, because we’re celebrating Annie’s new job.  Can you make it?"


JC’s eyebrows knit together in thought.  "Are you sure you want everyone?  There’s five of us plus two translators, not to mention that two of the guys have their moms along with them."


"No problem; the more the merrier."


"Well, if they agree, it’s fine with me."  JC cleared his throat.  "Is it okay if I ask Annie some questions?"


Unfortunately for JC, the clock chimed 5 o’clock and almost as if on cue, the bell of the shop’s front door rang.  Joey’s voice came in from the front.  "JC, you here?"


JC sighed, then walked through the kitchen door to the main part of the store, where he was practically assaulted by the guys as they rushed in.  "Did you meet her?"  "What’s she like?"  Everyone was speaking at once, making it hard to make out who was saying what.


Jacques and Annie came out from the kitchen, causing Justin and Chris to have the same reaction that the others had done earlier.


"Close your mouths, boys," Lynn scolded, tapping Justin’s jaw to emphasize her point.  "You’re drawing flies."


JC turned so he could see everyone.  "Listen, Jacques, Claude and Annie have invited us to dinner at a little café nearby to celebrate Annie’s new job.  Can we go?  Please?"  His tone took on that of a small child who wants just one more cookie before going to bed.


Diane shook her head, smiling.  "How can we turn down such a generous invitation, especially when coupled with a face like that?  Of course, we accept.  Where; at what time?"


Jacques stepped in.  "Pepe’s at seven; it’s just around the corner on Canal

Street.  We’ll see you there."


"We’ll go get ready."  Lynn stepped forward.  "Any special clothing requirements?"


"No, just be neat and clean.  It’ll be a private party."


She nodded.  "Okay guys, let’s go.  Lynn began herding them all towards the van, then turned back.  "We’ll see you at seven."  Once everyone finally got settled in the van, they left.


Once they were gone, Annie threw her arms around Jacques.  "Thank you, thank you and thank you."


He grinned hugging her back.  "Annie, with all my heart, I hope that this evening is everything you hope it to be."


"So do I Jacques.  So do I."


< Paris >