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Chapter Five




Claude, Jacques and Annie arrived at the café first.  Annie was in the kitchen talking to Pepe when she heard the front door open and the guys filing in.  Out in the dining room area, everyone was looking around the restaurant in silent wonder.


The floor was unremarkable, light hardwood that seemed slightly worn, especially around the entrance and the kitchen.  The walls were completely made of plaster, with white crown molding along the top by the ceiling and white woodwork with pink accents placed over top the bottom half.  The rest of the uncovered plaster had been painted a light, airy green akin to the color of a tree frog’s skin.  Water color paintings done by local artists hung on the walls, with a sign by the door that tactfully pointed out that this was a restaurant, not an art gallery and that under NO circumstances were the paintings for sale.


Tall windows made up several smaller panes graced the outside walls of the café.  Gauzy, see-through curtains allowed natural light inside, but at the same time offered a significant privacy factor for those dining inside.  Heavier, darker ones hung on the sides and could be closed for seclusion.  Lighting inside was provided by several lamp scones protruding out from the wall.  Beneath the small lamp shades on each one could be seen

flame-shaped light bulbs, creating slight, diffused lighting throughout the entire café.


A large round table with enough seating for twelve, obviously reserved for special occasions, stood in the center.  It was covered with a crisp, white tablecloth, with flowers floating in brandy snuffers and a few lit candles.  Several smaller tables, only designed with two to four people in mind, were scattered around the rest of the dining area.  A small dance floor and orchestra area are off to the left of the entrance, while a tiny greeting area with desk was the first thing visitors caught sight of.


Annie stepped out of the kitchen into the dining room through a door opposite the front entrance.  Her hair was haphazardly piled on top of her head, making her look incredibly sexy.  Her clothes consisted of a pink cashmere sweater, pencil thin black pants and blacks flats on her feet.  The same filigree cross was at her neck, which only served to draw an observer’s attention to her face, slightly flushed from the heat of the kitchen.


She walked over and stood beside Claude and Jacques, who had been helping put some final touches on the center table.  As introductions were made all around, Annie shook each of their hands warmly.


When she got to JC, Annie took hold of his hand and then leaned forward to gently kiss his cheek.  "Bonjour, mon ami Josh."


This created an instant blush to start across his face, while also causing the whole group to go momentarily speechless.  Note the "momentary" part.


"Way to go, JC."  Chris leaned forward and nudged him with his elbow, grinning wickedly.  "Very smooth."


Somehow, JC managed to get redder.  "Quiet," he hissed, secretly praying that fate would decide to call an end to "Embarrass the Living Bejezus Out of JC" day.


Fate must have decided to give it a brief consideration, for at that moment Pepe, the owner of the café, came out from the kitchen.  He bowed cordially before speaking.  "Dinner is nearly ready, my friends.  Please."  He motioned towards the large table.  "Be seated.  The appetizers will be out



Everyone filed into their seats, JC making doubly sure to get a seat next to Annie.  Once everyone was settled, Pepe addressed them again.  "Everyone, I am please to have you in my humble establishment.  Your fare tonight will consist of traditional country French Cuisine.  Not excessively, fancy, but delicious and filling.  I hope that you shall enjoy your meal.  Bon



Platters of appetizers were brought forward and arranged on the table.  They consisted of shrimp, mushrooms, veggies and the Ultimeca of all French food: Escargot or, to be more precise, snails.


Claude called for everyone’s attention.  "Before we begin, I will say the blessing."  They all bowed their heads and waited patiently.  When he had finished, a unified "Amen" went up and the party dug in.


The guys, who were accustomed to burgers and fires, were having a ball trying everything.  Everything, that is, except the snails.  Chris and Joey, for some reason, began reverting to little-kid mode.  The former made the first move.


"You try it."  He offered, holding up one of the mollusks.


Joey, who for some reason was not feeling nearly so adventurous anymore, shook his head and pushed it back towards Chris.  "No, you try it."


Chris glanced at the snail, made a face and forced it back into Joey’s face.   "I dare you."


Joey smiled, accepting the challenge.  "I dog dare you."


"I double dog dare you."


"I triple dog dare you."  Joey then leaned back, smiling.  There was nothing higher than a triple dog dare, which meant Chris would have to eat it himself.


Fortune, a close friend of fate, decided to smile on Chris, for Annie chose that moment to step in.  ("Isn’t anyone going to try the escargot?")


Chris, already nervous enough about the snail he was now holding, turned to her voice.  "What’d she say?"


Francesca laughed.  "She wants to know if anyone is brave enough to try the snails."


Joey held up one finger.  "Tell her we were just discussing that."


JC took a deep breath.  "I will."  This caused Chris to breathe an audible sigh of relief as he placed the snail back down on his plate.


Annie selected a snail from the main plate.  She gently pulled it out of its shell and dipped it in butter, then held it out towards JC.  He went to take the fork from her, but she intercepted his hand,  ("No, I will feed it to you.")


Francesca translated automatically.  "She wants to feed it to you."


JC swallowed.  "Okay."


Her eyes never leaving his, Annie placed the snail in his mouth.  He bit down, tasting a salty flavor and being pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t slimy as he’d imagined.


("Good?")  She smiled softy, raising one eyebrow slightly to convey her word.


It was enough, because JC nodded.  "Yes."


("More?")  She picked up another snail, motioning it towards his mouth.


Again, he nodded.  "Yes, please.


Annie fed him three more, while Chris and Joey continued staring in disbelief.


Chris stuck out his tongue.  "I think that’s about the grossest thing I’ve ever seen."


Joey indicated his assent.  "Yeah, it’s pretty disgusting all right."


"How can he eat snails so casually like that?"


"Snails"?  Joey gave him a confused look.  "I was talking about the fact that JC’s getting fed by a gorgeous woman that I saw first."


The romantic bubble Annie and JC had blown was popped when Pepe brought in the main course.  It consisted of roasted potatoes, grilled vegetables and roasted chickens.  Everyone ate until they were stuffed, at which point Pepe returned with coffee and dessert.


Justin groaned.  "We can’t possibly eat another bite.


Pepe smiled at him.  "We have a tradition here at Pepe’s.  No one gets dessert unless they earn it."  He passed his smile around the rest of the table.


"You’ve heard the expression "sing for your supper?"  Well here, you must sing, dance; tell a joke, whatever you wish, before you’re allowed dessert.  Besides, it will give your dinner a little time to settle.  Agreed?"


Everyone at the table nodded their consent.


Claude stood, clearing his throat.  ("Before we begin, I would like to say a few words.")  Jeannette and Francesca quietly translated for everyone who didn’t know French.  ("The reason we are here tonight is to celebrate Annie’s new job.  She has worked towards this for a long time.  Both her skill and her determination make me as proud of her as if she were my own granddaughter.")


("I am also please to have had the privilege to meet these five young Americans.  I strongly believe that nothing happens in life without a purpose, although it can sometimes take years to discern exactly what that reason is.")


He turned slightly so he was facing JC, slipping into English.  "However, I do know this; your meeting Annie this morning was special, almost as it if were foretold.  Today was the first time Annie has ever arrived late to my shop."


Claude refocused his attention on Annie, transitioning back into French.  ("Annie, I have a gift for you.  Please accept it with all my love.")


She took the small box he gave her.  It was wrapped in copper colored foil-like paper with a simple white bow on top.  When she opened it, her breath caught in her throat for a moment.  Then the tears began.  (I can’t.  I’m not worthy.  Why?")


JC leaned over for a better look.  It was the locket Claude had given to Marie, the same one he himself had only glanced at earlier that day.  Now that it was a little closer, he saw it was a gold, oval locket on a golden chain.  The back was plain, but there seemed to be something written on the front.  Unfortunately, JC couldn’t see what it said, or even if it was in English.


Claude smiled at Annie, patting her cheek.  ("I can’t think of anyone else in the world who deserves this more.  As I said earlier, you’re like the granddaughter I never had.")


Annie’s hands were trembling as she undid the clasp.  She went to put it on, but her hands were shaking so badly she could hardly hold it still.  Finally, JC reached over, taking it from her and placing it around her neck.   She smiled at him through her tears.


JC smiled gently at her, while at the same time feeling a bit self conscious that the translators had to interpret his every single word to her.  "It’s perfect.  Claude is right.  It looks beautiful on you and belongs on you."


She stood and threw her arms around Claude’s neck in a large hug.  ("I will cherish this forever.  It will become as special to me as my cross.")  She kissed his cheek.  ("Thank you.")


Claude returned her hug for a few moments, then cleared his throat and returned to English.  "Okay, let the entertainment begin before we all get too maudlin."


Diane and Lynn got up and told some horrible knock-knock jokes.  The Francesca and Jeannette sang a traditional French folk song.  Claude and Jacques followed up, the former singing a lullaby and the latter accompanying him on the acoustic guitar.  Halfway through, Claude’s voice cracked and became choked with emotion.  Annie went to him and, taking his hand in her own helped him finish the song.  Her singing voice was that of a lilting soprano.


When it was over, she turned to the guys.  ("Okay, it’s your turn.")


After a brief discussion and working out of harmonies, they went up to the small stage and sang "Somewhere over the Rainbow" in accapella.  Throughout the whole song, Annie remained transfixed.  The harmonies, despite being created on the spot, were tight and the sound was so pure!  She got the feeling this group of young men were destined for great things in their lives.’


When they sat back down at the table, Joey turned to Annie.  "Okay, now it’s your turn."  Jeannette stepped in to do her job.


("But I already sang with Claude!")  She protested, giving him a look of disbelief.


"No, that was only half a song."


"Please?"  Joey tried giving her puppy eyes, which he wasn’t exactly very good at.


It must have been enough though, because she laughed and got to her feet.


("Alright.  I’ll play the piano for you all.")  She walked over to said instrument and sat down.  ("Would you all like it fast or slow?")


Justin was the quickest on the draw.  "Fast.  It’s getting way too somber in here."


Annie nodded, then began to play slowly.  She had chosen a Hungarian Rhapsody, which started off softy but built to a fiery conclusion.  Her fingers danced over the keys as she played, her feet moved with the speed of a tap-dancer as she lightly touched the pedals.  The song slowly began to build, expressing raw emotion and strength almost palpable to the touch.  Then, all the tension was released at once, as the song needed thunderously.


Everyone leapt to their feet, applauding and cheering.  They showered her with praise as she returned to her seat, the translators interpreting and adding their own compliments in as well.


Pepe nodded, obviously pleased with all the performances.  "You may have dessert now, if you wish."  He and a few members of the staff went to the stage and began playing some light jazz.  Instead of eating, everyone decided to dance.  Lance and Justin danced with their mothers, while

Chris and Joey took Jeannette and Francesca, respectively.  Jacques decided to sit in on the guitar, while Annie asked Claude to dance.  This left poor JC without a partner, so he sat at the table and quietly watched.


After a few moments, Claude motioned him over to where he and Annie were.  "Josh, will you finish this dance with Annie?  I’m feeling a little tired."  Indeed, he looked at bit worn out.


("Claude, are you all right?")  Annie held on to his arm, concerned.


He gently shook her off.  ("I’m fine.  Dance with Josh.")


JC put one arm around her waist, then took her other hand in his and drew it to his chest.  Finally, she was here, in his arms.  So close, her perfume was enveloping him.  He felt her breath on his cheek and silently prayed that his body wouldn’t betray him.  He didn’t want her to get the wrong idea.  Although, he thought, then caught himself.  No!  Focus JC – think of Chris and Joey in the morning.  He let out a tiny sigh.  Okay, that’s better now.


They both continued to dance slowly, savoring every moment, oblivious to their surroundings.  So much, in fact, that they both jumped when Lance came over and tapped JC on the shoulder.  "Hey, the music stopped five minutes ago."  He gave JC an apologetic look.  "I hate to have to do this to you, but we have to get going."


JC sighed.  "Yeah, I know."  He released Annie and joined the others in saying good-byes.  Afterwards Claude, Pepe, Jacques and the rest of the staff went into the kitchen while the guys and their entourage headed for the door.


JC went over to Annie, taking her hands in his.  If only I could speak, French!  He thought, frustrated beyond, well words, actually.  There was so much he wanted to tell her.


She smiled at him.  "Josh, thank you for a lovely evening.  I’ll never forget it, as I believe it has changed both our lives."


JC swore he could feel his jaw hit the floor, and he was fairly sure his eyes were as big as cartoon saucer plates.  At least, that’s how they felt.  "What?"


Annie laughed lightly.  "I said, thank you for.."


He shook his head – had a miracle occurred?  He could understand every word

she was saying.  Maybe he was hallucinating.  He’d only had one glass of wine with dinner.  "You speak English?"


"I never said that I couldn’t.  Joey simply assumed that, plus I never thought I’d see any of you again and figured I’d just play along with it.  Then you showed up at Claude’s and it kind of spiraled out of control.  Jacques made me promise to tell you before the night was over, then I got the idea to give you a memorable French experience."  She looked down, then back at him, giving him her best "I’m so sorry" look.  "I apologize for deceiving you.  Can you forgive me?"


JC laughed.  "Of course.  It actually was pretty funny watching the world’s "Greatest Flirt" stopped dead in his tracks because of a language barrier.  Besides, it added an air if mystery to the day."


Annie’s face turned serious.  "Josh, thank you; for making Claude so happy.  Most people don’t care to listen to this stories."


JC sobered as well.  "I was happy to.  I learned a great deal, and not just about the war."  He paused.  "Well"




"I gotta go."


"I know."


"May I kiss you?"


The question caught her by surprise, but only for a moment.  "Yes."


JC gently lifted her chin with his fingertips, kissing her softy on the lips.  Both of them got a fluttery feeling in the pit of their stomachs, and it had nothing to do with anything they’d eaten that evening.  After a few moments, he broke it off.  "Well."




"I gotta go."


"I know."


"So, does this conclude the memorable French experience you had planned?


Annie smiled softly.  "Not quite.  You can only end a French date with this – a French kiss."  She placed her palms on either side of his face and gently dated her tongue into his mouth, their tips barely touching.  It was a soft kiss, not the tonsil hockey, tongue fencing ones commonly portrayed in romance novels and expressed by high school teenagers.


When it ended, JC felt breathless.  "Oh my!"


Annie’s smile was still on her face.  "Agreed."


He leaned towards her a second time, the taste of her mouth still lingering in his like a delicate dessert.


"JC!"  Chris was yelling for him at the door.  "Come on!  We have to go!"


JC closed his eyes, feeling the last bit of her fade from his lips.  "I gotta go."


She nodded.  "I know."


They walked over to the table where JC retrieved his jacket before turning to her.  "Address, phone, something, anything!"


"Here, you can have one of my cards."  Annie grinned at him sheepishly, glancing down.  "I was so happy after the interview, I went straight out and had a few of them made on the spot."  The card had her home address and phone number.  "What about you?"


"I’m not sure where we’re going yet.  Ill send you the address as soon as I know, and I’ll write you every day.  I have so many questions.  I want to know everything about you."


"Bye Josh, mon ami."


"Bye Annie."  JC had to turn to make sure he didn’t get delayed any longer, mostly because he didn’t want the other guys butting in.  As he got in the van and closed the door, he suddenly found himself surrounded by all four of them.


"Did you kiss her?"  Justin was leaning forward expectantly; one of his legs twitching like a dog getting the sweet spot on its ear scratched.


"Details man!"  Joey seemed like he was going to explode if he was kept out of the loop for any longer.


JC shook his head.  "Listen Justin, I would never kiss and tell that would be one of the worst betrayals."  He leaned back in his seat, intending to maybe get in a quick nap on the way back to the hotel before he remembered something.


"Oh Joey?  She speaks perfect English."


With that, JC closed his eyes, allowing a sly smile to spread across his face, leaving Joey bewildered and feeling, if possible, even more confused than before.


< Paris >