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Exit 69

By:  Kristy



Staci pulled off the interstate at a rest stop, just after exit 69. She had seen the exit a half mile back and couldn’t help smirking at the number. Then the rain came pouring down, beating her windshield. The rain blinded her so she decided to pull off until it calmed down. She parked her car and turned off the ignition. Just as she did that, a flash of lightning brightened the dark gray sky. The deep rumble of thunder followed a few seconds after. Staci knew the storm was close and that she might be here awhile.

She peered through the sheet of rain, wondering if this rest area had some good vending machines. Her throat wanted refreshment and her stomach told her she needed to fill it. Staci bunched up her long blond hair into a messy bun, took a deep breath, and made a dash for it. As fast as she ran, she still arrived under the shelter half soaked. And as she rounded to the vending machines, she found she wasn’t the only one to brave the rain.


A man about her height, an inch or so taller, his clothes rain spattered like hers. His dark curls dripped with water. ‘He wasn’t successful at dodging the rain either,’ Staci thought with a smirk. He looked over at her and smiled sweetly. She smiled back and said hello. He greeted her back as they deposited their money and made their selection. She cracked open her Coke and took a drink. She leaned up against the brick and looked out onto the storm. The young man joined her and they made small conversation. It concluded with him inviting her to wait out the rain with him in his tour bus. It was then it clicked with her that she was talking to Howie of the Backstreet Boys.


Howie grabbed Staci’s hand and together they ran through the rain. If they had been half soaked getting to the shelter, they were fully soaked when they got inside the bus. He shrugged off the jacket her had on and Staci noticed the definition of his chest, the wet shirt sticking to his skin. Before she could think about it, she reached out her hand and ran her fingers over the wet material, feeling the strong taut of what was beneath. Her hand stilled and she raised her blue eyes to his deep brown ones. The eye contact didn’t last long. His lips came crashing down on hers and she was soon wrapped up in his arms.


They left a trail of rain soaked clothes on the way to the back of the bus, to his bed. Luckily the driver was sleeping in a bunk near the front of the bus, so they didn’t have to worry about him. They fell onto the soft bed with muffled thud, tangled in each other’s embrace. Their lips meshed in a heated kiss, tongues wrestling for control. Staci’s lips broke away and attacked his neck. Howie’s mind sought for her name and realized he didn’t know it. She licked his pulse point and he moaned. He fought for control and finally panted out with a sheepish smile, “What’s your name?”


Staci smiled and kissed him quickly, “It’s Staci.”


Howie reached up and removed the hair tie, letting her long locks slide down. “Hi, Staci, I’m Howie,” he replied.


Staci whispered, “I know.”


Howie’s chuckle was muffled by her soft lips on his once again. He rested his hands on her hips, letting them travel up her smooth back as she kissed him passionately. Staci was clearly in control and Howie didn’t mind giving that up. She moved her hips over him, teasing his ever growing erection. She reached down and ran her fingers over his smooth shaft. Howie let out a moan at her touch. Staci continued her manual attentions as her lips teased his neck and chest.


Staci sat up and smirked at the disappointed look on Howie’s face. He reached up and ran his hand down her cheek, neck and traced her curve of her breast. A flash of lightning lit the dim room for a moment, the desire echoing in the thunder that followed. Howie toyed with her taunt nipple, watching her face carefully. Her eyes closed and her lips parted as he twisted and pinched gently. Staci brought her hand up and covered his own. She opened her eyes as she took his hand away, kissing his palm.


Howie watched with a curious smile as Staci rearranged her body. She left his body for a moment and straddled his stomach, her back facing him. He caressed her smooth ass and rested his hands on her hips as she moved them closer to his face. Her center was soon positioned over his waiting lips. Staci leaned down and took his hard length into her warm mouth. Howie moaned at the sensation and licked her folds in response. He gripped her hips, holding her in place as he plunged his gifted tongue into her wetness. Staci bobbed her head up and down, her tongue giving him pleasure as well. Howie’s hips moved with her mouth and he latched onto her throbbing bud, his lips sucking and his tongue strummed her into an erotic rhythm.


Staci could barely concentrate on her task with Howie’s mouth on her nether regions. She felt him harden even more in her mouth and knew he was near the edge. She pulled her mouth away and reluctantly moved her hips away. But Howie wouldn’t let her move. He dug his fingers into her skin to keep her from taking her sweetness away from him. His mouth had his way with her and her resistance faded, her hips grinding into his face. Staci’s moans rose and Howie felt her body shudder. He smirked inwardly as she let it go. He moved out from under her and guided her onto her back, kissing up her body as she recovered from the explosive orgasm.


Staci felt him getting closer to her lips and kissed him lazily when he got there. She wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling his body cover her own. Howie’s unrelieved erection searched out her treasure. They both moaned into each other’s lips as he found it. Howie pulled out and slid in slowly. He built up his pace, savoring the feel of her walls around him. The rain beat the outside of the bus, the lightning flashed, and the thunder crashed as their bodies demanded more from each other. Staci wrapped her legs around his waist, taking him deeper. Howie moaned and stuffed her tightness with all he had. Her legs squeezed him as she succumbed to her second release and Howie followed, his moan drowned out by the storm raging outside.


Howie rolled off her, laying on his back next to her. After his breathing returned to a normal level, he pulled Staci’s body close to his own. She molded her form against his and they both fell into a contented sleep, the storm starting to subside.


Staci woke up and turned to see Howie’s eyes still closed. She turned her gaze to the window and saw the sky starting to clear. She sat up and gathered up her clothes. Luckily, they were mostly dry. Staci got as far as zipping up her jeans when she felt Howie’s touch on her arm. She turned and smiled. He returned her smile and pulled her gently down for a kiss. Howie got up himself and found a pair of boxers to put on. Staci admired his nude form, knowing she’d never see it again. Howie turned and smirked as he caught her looking. No words were spoken as he walked her to the front of the bus. He pulled her back to him and they shared a long, lingering kiss before she stepped off the bus and walked out of his life.


Staci got into her car and drove off, leaving the man but taking with her the memories. She smiled as she recalled his gentle touch, his urgent thrusts. Her body longed for him again, even though her head knew she’d never lay eyes on him again. The miles past under her wheels. She saw a bus pass her and she smiled, wondering if it was Howie. She saw it exit the interstate to gas up. Staci bit her lip, her hands ready on the wheel. She grinned and pulled off where the bus did. She was going to find out.


The End


Please tell Kristy what you thought of her story!