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By:  Kristy



Warning! This story contains a forced scene! Do not read if you're uncomfortable with it.


I will come to you

In the still of the night

And I will crush you

With the burden of sight


Nick Carter stood at the foot of her bed, just as he did for many nights before. She had never known it, except for a few times when he left her a token. A simple red rose, left on the pillow his head should be laying on. He had watched her discover this rose when she woke as the first rays of sunlight crept onto her sweet face. The first time, confusion played on her features. The fear in her eyes grew as the nights wore on. Oh he didn't leave them every night, just enough to let her know he would never leave her.


And you will understand

The shadows in my heart

The fury of my conviction

Will cause your heart to quicken


Tonight, Nick wanted her to waken to see him there, watching over her as if he was her personal angel. He had never felt this intensely for a woman before. It all began one sunny afternoon on the sidewalk. She had spilled the contents of her purse and Nick had been her kind stranger. Her smile had lit his heart afire. As he handed her back her wallet, he caught her name and address on her licence. He followed her from her home one morning and learned her place of work, habits, routine over time. It started out as a curiousity but soon became his living obsession.


And then, my dear

You will see you want me here


Nick stared at her sleeping form, willing her eyes to open and focus on him. His heart fluttered as she stirred, moving from her side to her back. His palms were moist, sweat beading on his forehead. The camisole she wore to bed slid on her chest, revealing the curve of her breast. Nick's blue eyes bored into her as he licked his lips.


And when you wake up

You will see yourself through my eyes

And when you break up

You'll understand

Why it is I cry


Nick's heart hammered in his chest as her eyes slowly opened from the comfort of sleep. His breath quickened as she sensed his presence. She sat up bolt upright, her back against the headboard, her eyes darting around for an escape, a object of defense. He had to make her understand.


Let me speak quietly

So your heart can hear

I will hypnotize and mesmerize you

With the sound of your own fear


Nick spoke of his feelings, quietly, calmly as he walked around her bed. He didn't try to touch her, he just wanted her to understand and not to be afraid. He loved her too much to harm her. She was the only one in this world who could or would ever understand him. He knew she was still very much afraid and he fed off her fear. It made him feel alive. He knew someone finally had noticed him.


I just wanna get along

This is your song

I wrote it in my head

But the melody's all wrong


She still wasn't getting it. Nick could see it in her eyes. She wanted him to leave and never come back. She didn't want anything to do with him. The unspoken rejection stabbed him in the heart. He explained it was all for her. No one would ever care for her the way he does. She still wanted him to leave. She was going to call the police if he didn't leave right now. Since telling her wasn't working, Nick decided he had to show her how he felt.


And it's driving me crazy

Not having you, baby

To keep me company

In my own private world


Nick threw his body on top of hers, kissing her lips roughly. She screamed into his mouth, her arms pushing at his chest. He pulled away and grabbed her wrists. Nick saw the fear in her eyes, the tears starting to well up. He could take away those tears. He raised her arms above her head, holding her wrists down with one hand. He trailed his other hand down her trembling body. He shhed her, his fingers pulling her panties down, telling her he'd love her like no one else.


You're my one true girl

And I won't be stoppin'

Just cause your knees are knockin'

When I decide to drop in


Nick shimmied out of his pants and entered her resisting womanhood. She cried and Nick tried to kiss her tears away. He started to cry with her. His wanting, needing her had finally come to be. With every thrust, she was more his. He would always be with her and she with him. She pleaded with him to stop, begged him. Her arms strained against his grip. Nick's heart broke for her. She had this love right in front of her, inside her and she didn't want it.


So don't make a sound

Cause there's no one around

To come between us now

I'm gonna haunt you girl


Nick finished and rested on top of her. He felt her body tremble, her tears washing her face. He leaned up and kissed her gently. His eyes looked into hers, hurt that she didn't respond to him after his declaration of love. He got up, his own body shaking. The force of his feelings scared himself. He felt her in her bed, unable to comfort her. Nick left her house, to find peace in his own bed. He knew she would haunt his dreams and thoughts, just as he would haunt hers. She would finally understand his torment.


The End


"Haunted" Written and Performed by Jewel


Please tell Kristy what you thought of her story!