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Chapter Eleven


At Lynn’s request, Michelle was brought to live at the castle to nurse her. One night Michelle, went to Brian’s chamber. She knew the way from her visions and dreams. Brian sat on his bed as if waiting her arrival. She glared him, wanting to hate and despise him for his part in what had happened to her dear friend. Brian held her gaze and for a few moments, just stared at each other. Brian wove his way into her mind, learning her knowledge and her deep river of attraction. He arched his eyebrow and remarked, “So you found me out.”

Michelle wanted to say so many things to him, but could not. “What are you?” she finally half whispered. Brian laughed wryly. “We are nothing…but you morals call us, night walkers, blood suckers, Nosfruatu, vampires. We feed off of humans to keep our bodies alive,” he explained. Even though Michelle knew this, actually hearing spoken made it more real and her knees shook. “All the myths and stories are true,” she murmured, almost to herself. “Yes, quite,” Brian agreed. He watched her take in some deep breaths. Her head snapped up and stared into his bluer than blue eyes.


“Why Lynn? What did she ever do to deserve this?” Michelle demanded. Brian sighed and sat down, running his fingers in his hair. “I do not know exactly,” he replied. Michelle snorted, “Oh right.” Brian lifted his eyes to hers and glared. “I do not know,” he repeated, “Alex is the one who has the obsession. He’s the one who started it all, arranged for her and Nickolas to live here under the false pretense of working off what he owed. All for Lynn and I do not know why.” “I may know why…” Michelle quietly stated and told Brian what she had learned.


Michelle had suspected the connection, but Brian latched onto it right away. “I’ve heard him mumbling about a Lydia,” Brian commented, “And that would explain his obsession with Lynn. He felt she was Lydia come back to him…” “And he wanted to make her into what he was and be together for all time,” Michelle finished. “But it all went wrong,” Brian continued. They sat, the whole story sinking into their minds.


After a few long moments, Brian heard Michelle’s faint sobs. In spite of his inhuman body, his soul was still held compassion for the mortal race. His heart went out to her as his arm reached around her shaking shoulders. She didn’t resist his embrace and cried on his shoulder, cried for Lynn and Nickolas, how their lives can’t go back to normal…cried for herself and how she still had an attraction for Brian. It made her sick, knowing what he really was and it made her sicker that in some way she wanted… don’t even think it, she told herself.


Brian’s mind whirled as he read Michelle’s thoughts. Was it possible? Could he do it? He had never felt this way about a mortal…not since Alex created him. He loved Alex though. For the longest time it had just been the two of them. But nothing had been the same since Alex developed his obsession with Lynn. Brian held Michelle to him, letting her cry. He stroked her hair, letting his hand drift down her neck. His head spun as his nose was filled with her scent. Now he realized how Alex felt. The desire, the want of wanting someone so much…he would do anything for her, to do anything it takes to make her his for all time. Brian let his lips touch her silky skin on her cheek. Michelle closed her eyes, reveling in the feel of his soft kiss. He kissed her jaw, working his way to her neck. She tilted her head, inviting what was to come. His fingers tangled in her flowing hair, her bosom heaved against his chest. Michelle opened her mouth slightly, letting air out as Brian’s sharp teeth scraped her smooth flesh. He was about to bite in when a strangled scream sounded, followed by a desperate cry of anguish.


< In My Hands >