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Chapter Twelve


“OH NO, OH PLEASE NOOOOOOO!” Nickolas cried out. Brian and Michelle raced to Lynn and Nickolas’ chamber to find him bent over Lynn’s deathly pale body. Michelle gasped as her hand flew to her mouth, seeing Nickolas’ bite in her throat, Lynn’s fresh blood on her skin, no longer dripping from the wounds. “What the hell….?!” Kevin’s deep shout precluded his arrival into the chamber. Alexander followed close on his heels.

Nickolas’ face was streaked with reddish tears as his wife lay still, in death’s embrace. “I killed her, I killed her,” he kept repeating, stroking Lynn’s cheek and hair. Kevin’s eyes were hard yet grave. Alex leaned up against the stone wall, his face a mask of shock. His love was gone once again. His knees gave way and he slumped down hard on the floor. He just stared at Lynn’s once bright face, now still and white. Brian felt for the young immortal. He recalled the first times he killed and how hard it was on his psyche. Michelle grieved for her dear friend. Brian pulled her to him, gently turning her eyes from the bed.


Michelle let Brian comfort her for a few moments before a fire swelled in her stomach. Tears of sadness turned to anger as she pushed herself from Brian’s arms. “Do something!” she screamed, looking first at Alex, then turned her fierce eyes to Kevin, “I know what you are and what you did to Nickolas and Lynn! I know you can finish what you started!” Michelle’s words lashed at Alexander, leaving him stunned. He did not have time to recover from her attack when Nickolas got that same fire of anger in his belly.


Nickolas strode to Alex and lifted him up by his tunic. Kevin and Brian’s mouths dropped as Nickolas displayed his true power. His normal blue eyes were now red with emotion. He lifted Alex off his feet and slammed him against the stone wall. “You,” Nickolas commanded in a low, dangerous voice, “will save her, just as you ‘saved’ me. You will give her to me for all time. And you will leave us alone.” Nickolas punctuated his demands by hitting Alex’s back against the hard wall, then letting him drop to the floor. If this had been a mortal, Nickolas would have broken his back with the strength of hit. Alex just shook his head soundlessly.


“DO IT!” Nickolas yelled, his eyes blazing red. Alexander’s ears picked up on Lynn’s barely there heartbeat. In the emotion of losing her again, he missed it. He shook his head and croaked, “I can not.” Kevin, filled with rage at Alex’s reluctance, he moved quickly to Lynn’s side, piercing his wrist with his sharp fingernail and let his dark blood fall onto her lips. Kevin lowered his wound to her mouth, letting the blood run down her throat. Her heartbeat got louder and soon roared in Alex’s ears as her change came about. Kevin felt her mouth start to suck, drawing more into her system. He felt lightheaded. Lynn’s eyes flew open and let go of Kevin’s wrist, screaming and thrashing around.


“What’s happening to her?!” Nickolas screamed. Michelle watched in horror as Lynn’s body became very still again. “Her physical being is dying,” Alex explained. “When she wakes, she’ll be like us, like you,” Kevin said to Nickolas, his wound already healed. “It happened to you as well,” Brian said softly. Michelle’s eyes fixed on Lynn and she gasped as her eyes opened, drawing her first undead breath.


Michelle stepped closer to her. She saw the pale skin, the veins faintly showing. Lynn’s hair was thicker and softer. But it were her eyes that caught Michelle’s attention. Bright green, like Kevin’s. Like brother like sister, she thought.


All of them were startled when the bell sounded, signaling a visitor.


< In My Hands >