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Chapter Two


Lynn came in from their humble garden to find Nickolas at the table, his head in his hands. She placed the garden basket on the floor and came up beside him. "Nickolas?" she asked, concern in her voice. He sighed as he felt her hands on his shoulders. "My lot has been attacked by rabbits, half is gone," his voice cracking. Lynn's eyes filled with tears knowing Lord Alexander would be furious and would let them starve through the winter ahead. She slipped her arms around his neck from behind, her chin resting on his shoulder as she felt him shake with silent sobs. "We'll think of something, my love," she murmured. Nickolas rubbed her arms, her love and faith in him giving him strength, yet it made him feel unworthy of her. He couldn't provide for her like a man should for his wife. Yet she loved him. It made him cry harder. They stayed that way until he calmed down and they went to bed. Lynn held him and stroked his back as he slept. She had a plan and she hoped to Goddess it worked.



The next day, Lynn left for the castle after Nickolas went out to the fields. She smiled nervously at the farm boy who worked on the castle lands. He was an orphan of twelve or thirteen from Spain. His name was Howard. He had exotic dark skin, darker than the Lord's, dark curly hair that ended at his chin. Lynn saw him around the village, always quiet, never in anyone's way, very shy. Howard smiled back then looked away quickly, going back to his work.


Lynn was admitted to enter the castle by Brian, Lord Alexander's servant. She had seen him too, on a handful of occasions. Bright blue eyes, curly sandy hair that was sheared short, and a strong jaw line that made him look strange. Lynn was not used to seeing sculpted features, as if Apollo himself had created him. He asked her, in a unique accent, to wait in the hall and he would see if the master could see her. Lynn nodded her agreement nervously. While she waited, she looked around at her surroundings. Torches lit the long hall, dots of firelight in the distance. A few carved tables and beautiful chairs were here and there. Lynn examined one closely. Dark wood with Chinese silk. She gingerly ran her fingers over the smooth fabric. "Exquisite, isn't it?" a cultured raspy voice asked. Lynn jumped and turned around to meet Lord Alexander's deep gaze.


Lynn's body stood frozen, rigid with acute nervousness. Lord Alexander smirked and extended his hand gracefully, saying, "Sorry for the surprise. It flatters me that you appreciate my collection." Lynn took his hand gently, touching only his clean fingertips for she was common and knelt briefly, showing her deference. "It is very beautiful," she said, then remembering her reason for being here, straightened her posture, "But I'm not here to admire your belongings." Lord Alex, as Brian sometimes called him, raised his eyebrows at her forceful tone. "As you know, my husband's lot was destroyed by rabbits. It was not his fault, my Lord, so please do not hold him accountable. Have mercy on us," Lynn pleaded, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Lord Alexander's back straightened to his full regal height. His eyes bored into hers. Lynn gasped softly as a flash of red appeared, then faded just as quickly.


"I have an offer to you and your husband," Lord Alexander stated, his features stoic. Lynn waited, her heart pounding. "Your husband works my personal land as well as whatever's left of his lot. He will keep what he can salvage from his lot, nothing will be owned to me, as long as he works my land. Agreed?" he said. Lynn nodded, her eyes wide with amazement. "Thank you," she whispered softly, bowing slightly. "I am not finished," Lord Alexander continued, "You will also work in my castle, woman's work and my garden. I also insist that you and your husband move into the servant's quarters. I like to keep my people close about me."


Lynn's eyes widened at his proposal. She was fearful of Nickolas's refusal, but it was this or suffering. "We're at your service," she accepted with her head bowed. Lord Alexander gave her leave and she turned to her home quickly. Brian crept out of the shadows as he watched her leave the castle. He turned to his master. Jealously consumed his being as he saw the lust in Alex's brown eyes. "She is married," Brian reminded his liege. "It is of no consequence," Alex replied. He ran the back of his hand over Brian's cheek tenderly. "Even after all these years, vows mean something to you," Alex said, with a smile, "I admire that about you." Brian's eyes closed as Alex caressed his other cheek. "Come, let us to bed. We'll feed each other tonight," Alex tempted and Brian followed willingly.


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