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Chapter Four


Lynn collapsed gracefully into an overstuffed chair in the great room. A roaring fire was blazing in the hearth. She gazed into the flames, letting them hypnotize her as she rested. All day she had been slaving in the gloomy castle, cleaning rooms that haven’t seen the light of day for years, it seemed. Now it was dusk. Nickolas, after completing his day’s work, went to help his brother at his home. It was late and she assumed he would be dining there as well. Lynn sighed. Even though he was only across the village, her heart ached for him. He made her feel safe and not alone. It was the first time she had been without him at night, since they had married. And with this creepy stone enclosure, Lynn felt afraid for no reason at all. The shadows moved out of the corner of her eye, cool breezes in landlocked rooms. And she had seen no one all day. That disturbed her the most. Where was Lord Alexander?

“Good evening,” a raspy voice sounded behind her. Lynn sat up in the chair and gasped at his sudden intrusion. She had not heard anything preceding his entrance. No footsteps, creaks, nothing. Her startled eyes found his form in the firelight. Dark clothing, mysterious smirk, hypnotizing eyes. Alexander moved and her eyes followed him as he sat down across from her. He stared into her green eyes, seeing her confusion and wonder at him. He could read her thoughts. Lynn’s questions about what was it he did all day and why hadn’t she heard him. It was an old castle with many creaks and telltales signs of one’s coming closer. Even though he made her uncomfortable, she was still intrigued by him.


Lynn closed her eyes for a second, breaking the eye contact. She felt dizzy after looking into his dark orbs for so long. Alexander spoke, “You have many questions about me.” It was not a question wanting confirmation but a statement of fact. “I have come to answer them for you. I can tell this bothers you and you will not be comfortable in my home until you know my lifestyle.” Lynn glanced up and met his eyes briefly, allowing him to continue. “I sleep during the day. My head is clearer at night. I make better decisions during nightfall.” Lynn nodded and commented, “That is strange.” Lord Alexander laughed, a sound that surprised Lynn. His laugh had a wild edge to it and he didn’t seem to be the type to laugh much. “Yes, many consider it strange. People have taken my habit the wrong way so I hide it.” He penetrated Lynn’s thoughts once again and smiled as she was satisfied with his reason.


“Where is Nickolas tonight?” Alexander asked. He knew, of course, but he wanted her to open up to him, trust him. Her sweet face fell. “He went to help his brother tonight. It is late and he will spend the night there, I assume.” Alexander reached over and covered her soft hand. He heard the heartbreak in her voice. Lynn closed her eyes and felt the sting of tears form under her closed lids. Alexander’s touch sent warm shocks through her. It was an odd sensation, but his fingers stroking her hand brought some comfort to her. Alexander beckoned Brian and ordered that dinner be brought out at once. Alexander dined with Lynn that lonely night. She still felt unease in his presence but she was grateful for the company.


Brian watched the talk and smiles between Alexander and Lynn. It made him sick. He had been with Alex for so long, given up so much and had given Alex everything. Now she would get all his love and attention. His dark nature bubbled up. Brian left and Alex never noticed.


< In My Hands >