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Chapter Five


Brian sat down at an empty table in the tavern. His electric blue eyes scanned the rowdy room, looking for his prey for tonight. In his mood, he didn’t want to play, he just wanted to do it. Then he saw her. For the first time in a long time, Brian felt warm desire in his cold body.

Michelle poured the ale into the faceless man’s mug, fending off his hands as best she could. Nights like this, she just wanted to slap these silly men. She went back behind the counter to refill her jug. For some unexplained reason, she chose that moment to look up and saw bright blue eyes staring at her. Michelle gasped, her bosom heaving. This man made her heart race and her palms sweat. He was an oasis of calm in this place of chaos. Loud shouting and fights were abound but it stayed away from him. It was as if a force field were surrounding him, keeping the chaos at bay. He smiled at her and warmness coursed through her being. Michelle blushed and picked up the full jug, making her way over to him.


Brian watched her every move as the blushing beauty made her way to him. Her curvy figure was outlined in the tight bodice of her dress. Her full breasts spilled out from the corset, the material hugging her swaying hips before spreading out in a full skirt, hiding her shapely legs. His eyes lifted to her face. A sweet one with round cheeks, full lips that shaped a tantalizing smile, eyes that shone with childlike excitement. Her brown hair was piled up on top of her head in a messy bun, typical for a peasant girl. Brian felt himself get hard. His sensitive nose caught her scent, a natural musk that was female, mortal…..and virgin. Brian licked his lips as she stepped up to his table.


“How are you tonight, sir?” Michelle asked, filling his cup. “Better,” Brian replied. His voice was sweet and melodic, capturing Michelle’s heart instantly. Her eyes gazed into his. The clear blue irises became darker until they were midnight blue. Brian stood up, his intense gaze never wavering. He held out his hand and Michelle took it. Her mind was racing, I don’t know him! I can’t do this! I don’t even know his name. His voice was in her mind and supplied his name, Brian. She wanted to look away but found she could not. His voice again, his lips not moving, Come with me. And so she went.


Brian broke the stare, knowing his power was still over her. She followed him up the stairs, to one of the tavern rooms. He shut the door and led her to the bed. They undressed each other, piece by piece, their hands exploring newly revealed flesh. Lips soon followed fingers. Knowing it was her first time, Brian took her gently, slowly. Michelle gasped as he entered her. Her nails dug into his back as he moved in and out, claiming her as his. Their bodies moved together so perfectly, as if they were made for each other. Brian felt her walls close in around him and knew she was close. So was he. “Brian,” Michelle whispered. He leaned down and kissed her full lips. He trailed kisses to her neck and found what he wanted. Michelle’s body started to shake with her first orgasm. Brian bared his sharp teeth and pierced her skin just as she was thrown over the edge. Michelle gasped loudly, not realizing what was happening. Still high on pleasure, his bite just felt good. Brian groaned as he came, her hot blood pouring into his mouth. He sucked, not missing a drop. He drank just enough to make her fall asleep. Brain pulled out and rolled over next to her. She was in a deep sleep already and Brian grinned. It was his turn to have some fun.


< In My Hands >