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Chapter 8


Weeks passed and soon months. Brian continued to have fun with Michelle’s mind and dreams. He even stole into her chamber one night and had his way with her. In Michelle’s mind, it was all a vivid dream. Kevin stayed as Lord Alex’s guest, only on the restriction that he kept his killing to a minimum. Lynn became closer to Alex, due to the unfortunate death of Nickolas’s father. Her dear husband was called on to go back to the family farm to help out, since his only brother was not of age yet. Alex took this opportunity to gain Lynn’s trust. He, as always, got what he wanted. Kevin tried to give him advice, to warn him about moving too fast, but Alex wanted none of it. He wanted her and he wanted her now.

It all came to a head one fateful, stormy night. Kevin sensed what Alex was going to do and stayed tactfully away, but close enough in case something went wrong. Alex seduced Lynn with a few words and her mind and body was his. His dark gift allowed him to hypnotize and dominate one’s will. Her will was now his will. Lynn was at his mercy. Alexander undressed her, dropping her dress and corset carelessly to the stone floor. She gave no resistance, just looked into his eyes, her pupils dilated under his spell. Alex then undressed himself and guided Lynn to his bed. He spread her out in the very middle, feeling no need to restrain her. He caressed her warm cheek, her eyes still on him. Alex murmured words and phrases such as, “Finally” and “Soon we will be together as we were meant to be”.


Alex leaned down and kissed her smooth cheek, then the corners of her mouth. He let out a moan as he finally kissed her lips. Lynn responded, moving her lips with his, just following his lead. He ran his fingers down her side, feeling the soft curve of her breast. Lynn just laid there, not moving, letting him do want he wanted with her. Alex took a plump mound of flesh in his mouth. He heard her moan in response. He worked his tongue around her hardening nipple, then flicked the tender bud. Lynn’s back arched slightly off the bed. He kissed and licked down her stomach, her mortal flesh tasty to his sensitive tongue. He reached her very being. Alex felt himself harden up, thinking of being inside her, how warm and tight she would be. Lynn panted in her state of suspended mind, just her body, not her mind or heart, responding to his carnal touch.


Alexander smirked inwardly as he heard her moan, his tongue jetting out to taste her sweetness. He licked her opening, then plunged in as far as he could go. He dived in and out, mimicking what he was about to do to her with his swollen manhood. He roughly nibbled on her clit, making her scream with pleasure.




Down in the great hall, Nickolas had returned and Kevin tried to detain him. Nickolas was eager to have his wife back in his arms and this man was in his way. Then he heard her scream. At first Nickolas panicked, thinking she was in danger. But he heard this scream before, it was her cry of passion. His heart pounded and he nearly knocked Kevin down in his haste to get to her. Nickolas knew right where she’d be and his blue eyes widened at the sight of her, in bed with another man. How could this be?! He shook his head as if to deny he was seeing her in another’s arms. But it was her look that shocked him senseless. Her green eyes were wide and looked right through him, as if she had never seen him in her whole life. Lynn didn’t even cover herself up and Nickolas knew how bashful she was.


Then Nickolas’s attention turned to the man who was atop of his dear wife. Alexander turned to see what had interrupted his moment. He was just about to enter Lynn, her wetness waiting for him. His dark brown eyes narrowed and flashed an angry red. His fangs were bared, ready to sink into her flesh at just the right moment, taking her in the height of pleasure. Nickolas backed up until he hit the cold stone wall. Alex got up, his erection softening slightly. He grinned menacingly, his sharp teeth glimmering his the firelight. Alex didn’t stop until his bare chest was touching Nickolas’s heaving one. Alex glared at him. He started taunting Nickolas, telling him how his wife wanted him, couldn’t take her hands off him. Telling him that Lynn didn’t really love him and wanted to be with Alex forever.


Kevin appeared in the doorway, catching Alex’s rant. He shot him a warning look, but Alexander didn’t back down. He kept telling Nickolas how his wife reacted to his erotic touch. Kevin saw the fire burning deep within Nickolas’s eyes, but Alex did not, for he was deep in the throes of power. A deep growl erupted from Nickolas’s mouth, a animalist sound full of raw anger. He shoved Alexander hard, pushing at his chest. Alex stumbled but quickly regained his balance. Nickolas took a swing, but Alex dodged the blow and Nickolas crashed to the floor, his head hitting a wooden table on the way down.


All this time, Lynn did not move from her spot on Alex’s bed. But seeing her husband hurt and in mortal danger, snapped her out of Alex’s trance. She did not notice her nudity as she rushed to her Nickolas’s side. “Oh my gods,” she cried, her voice high pitched with panic, “He’s bleeding!” She looked frantically at Alex, then to Kevin. “DO SOMETHING!” she screamed, tears running down her face. Lynn cradled Nickolas in her arms. “Do not leave me,” she whispered to him, the blood running from his head into her lap. She went back to screaming at Alex and Kevin to do something. “DO NOT LET HIM DIE!”


In Alexander’s mind, it was someone else screaming……




Lydia screamed and cried tears of defeat and sadness as she saw her beloved Alexander in Claudia’s grasp. “No, please, no, don’t take him….take me, let me die!” she pleaded with this she devil, her eyes a blazing red, her black hair flowing around her and Alex like a death cape, her fangs beared ready to sink into her prize. Claudia paused and smiled evilly. “My dear, sweet, Lydia…it is not you I want for eternity….it is my dark lover.” Her red eyes gleamed mischievously as those clear green eyes, welled up with tears, her hand going to her mouth. “Oh don’t look so shocked, innocent Lydia. I have had a taste…and I want this taste forever.” And with that, Claudia sank her sharp teeth in Alexander’s pulsing vain. He cried out as exquisite pain coursed through his body. Tears ran down his cheeks as he heard Lydia’s screams and cries. Lydia rushed them, knocking Alex out of Claudia’s arms, but it was too late. She had drank him dry…she just had to finish the job. The last thing he heard was the snap of Lydia’s neck…..




Alexander’s eyes flashed their demonic red and he growled, his fangs poised to strike. Lynn gasped harshly as Alex ripped Nickolas from her arms and sank his teeth into his neck. She couldn’t breath as his skin became deathly white. Alex came up for air, his lips and teeth stained with blood. He then sliced his own wrist with his teeth, letting his dark fluid run into Nickolas’s mouth. He swallowed the thick blood and sat up slightly to suck on Alex’s wrist. Nickolas jerked and fell back to the floor, his body in agony. Lynn screamed at Alex, “What’s happening to him?!?!!?” Alexander just looked at her, then turning his eyes back to the dying Nickolas. His body continued to jerk and writhe on the floor, then he was still. He slowly opened his eyes. It was bleary but he could make out his wife and Alex on either side of him. He remembered everything that had happened and felt out of place, like he was himself, but yet not. He turned to Lynn, who suddenly came into sharp focus. He had never seen her look so clear before. He could see the littlest things, the flecks of gold in her watery green eyes to the pores in her skin. Lynn gasped. His eyes…they were still blue but an unearthly blue, darker and clearer.


A blanket was thrown over Lynn’s shoulders and she wrapped it around herself. Kevin guided Nickolas up and said in his deep voice, “He needs to rest.” He and Lynn walked the shaky Nickolas to their chamber. When Kevin returned, Alexander was in the same position and looked up at his friend. His eyes were back to their deep brown and they were blank. Kevin sighed. This was not how Alex has planned this to go.


< In My Hands >