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In My Hands

By:  Kristy



Chapter One


Lynn Carter stood looking out the small cottage window up at the Lord's huge castle. A warm breeze ruffled her raven hair, stray strands falling out of the long braid that hung down her back. She watched the sun set, the long shadows deepening the castle's angles, making it look even more ominous than usual. Her husband would be returning from the fields soon now that the light was extinguished. Lynn smiled at the thought of him. They had been married a few months now. Her and Nickolas Carter had grown up together on the Manor. She could remember when he used to shove her into the haystacks. It was a sign of affection back then, he claimed. Parent arranged unions can be dreaded, but in their case it was a blessing. They were in love and their families wanted the marriage. Their Lord consented and they were wed. The pantry was still stocked with wedding gifts of bread, fruit, and meat.

Lynn's attention returned to the Lord's looming castle. Despite the warm air, a cool shiver ran down her back. She had never met him until he had summoned her and her family to give his blessing of the marriage. She was nervous, but being in his presence was almost unbearable. All she could remember were the way his eyes looked her up and down. Cold, hard, and a rich deep brown that she had never encountered before. The color and intensity of his irises were so rare that Lynn didn't think it was natural. He had dark, Spanish looking skin, not of the English stock. No one knew how he came into his money or how he came to the Kingdom. He was just here. He allowed them to marry, but whenever she was at the market or gardening, she could feel him watching her. He was rarely at the market but when he was, she would notice him watching her every move as if he wanted to commit her actions to memory. It made Lynn's skin crawl. There was something about him that she thought was alluring yet repellent.


Lynn was off in her musing world and she jumped when she felt arms encircle her slim waist. She laughed at herself and leaned back into the strong chest of her husband. "I didn't mean to scare you," Nickolas said, gently kissing her cheek. "I know. I did not hear you enter," Lynn replied, her hands covering his. His long fingers drifted down below her belly button, covering her womb. "We have been married a few months now, people are starting to wonder why we're not with child yet," Nickolas hinted, kissing the soft skin of her neck. Lynn giggled, turning around in his arms to face him. Nickolas was a hair over six feet tall, dark blonde hair the sun had lightened, cut uncharacteristically short and messy, blue eyes that reminded Lynn of the sky, and perfectly shaped lips...full and soft. He knew his lips were her weakness and used them every chance he got, whether it be kisses or a pouty look. "It is not for a lack of trying, my dear," she said, a teasing smile on her lips. Nickolas leaned down and kissed her passionately, those lips molding themselves against hers as her arms snaked around his neck. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to their bed. Lynn giggled at his actions. "What about your dinner?" she asked, "It is getting cold!" "Later," he murmured, attacking her flesh with love. Nickolas's lips and kisses, motions of love, drove out her earlier disturbing thoughts.




From his high perch, Lord Alexander could see the black outlines of bodies in an erotic embrace against the firelight coming from their cottage. He let out his inner frustration by scratching his fingernails on the cold stone ledge. "My Lord?" his manservant, Brian asked cautiously. His master's moods could turn in a moment's notice. "Why didn't I take her when I had the chance," was all Brian heard him growl to himself. Lord Alexander whirled about suddenly, his dark cloaks dancing angrily around his person. His browner than brown eyes flashed a demonic red for an instant, returning to their normal shade. "I must go," he said lowly. Brian waited until he had exited the room, bowing slightly, then looked out the window. He felt a twinge of jealousy as a peal of female laughter drifted up on the warm breeze as he saw two young lovers in their marriage bed.


In My Hands >