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Leave The Lights On

By:  Kristy



I like your smile

Don't like complication


His smile lit my body on fire. All he had to do was smile that sexy half smile and I was all his. And he knew it. How I met Nick Carter means nothing. How we ended up in his room is also of no matter. All that matters is the here and now. We both knew why we were here. No games. It's very simple.


I like your style

Don't like calculation


His blue eyes stayed on me as he unzipped his jacket, revealing the white t-shirt underneath. It fell to the floor. My eyes locked with his as I grabbed the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head. I smiled at him, shaking out my hair in a tousled, sexy fashion. Clothes were removed like a game. His pants, my skirt, his tee, my bra, our eyes drinking in each piece of new flesh.


Come towards me, dear

There's something you need to hear


We were down to one article of clothing each. Nick smirked that sexy smirk again, making my thighs quiver. I lowered my head, keeping my eyes locked with his in a seductive stare. I smirked back, beckoning him with a crook of my finger. He came to me obediantly, his hands resting on the thin fabric of my panties covering my hips. My hands ran up his arms. I kept my eyes on his, lowering them to catch his tongue wetting his lips. All my control was lost. His head lowered to mine. Our lips collided passionately.


I said

If you want my love

You can try my love

You can't buy my love

Just take my hand


I snaked my fingers into his long, blonde hair as his tongue teased me into a frenzy. Mine searched for his, chasing into his mouth. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling my body against his. Our intense kiss slowed to a sensual touch. He caught my lower lip between his, sucking gently. I pulled back, looking into his blue, blue eyes. I pressed my palms to his chest, putting some space between us. I stepped back and offered him my hand. He broke the stare as he looked at my small hand. He clasped my hand and I pulled him towards the bed, just a few steps behind me.


If you want me, dear

Then just beckon, dear

And I will appear


I could feel the mattress hit the back of my legs as Nick leaned down and captured my lips again. I returned his kiss, working my magic on him. He didn't realize he was going to hit the mattress first until it was too late. His look was priceless as he looked up at me from the flat of his back, still standing in front of him. I couldn't help but giggle. He laughed with me, sitting up and grabbing my arms. He hauled me over him, my knees on either side of him.


Nick let his head fall back as I left feather kisses on his neck. My hands ran up his sides, my lips moving down to his collarbone. His hands glided up my thighs, resting on my hips as I found those hidden rings. A low moan escaped his lips as my tongue jetted out, licking his nipple carefully. Satisifed with his reaction, I let my lips fall over the small silver hoop, sucking the ring away from his body. Nick gripped my hips firmly, his fingers digging into my skin. I let go, licking his sensitive nipple tenderly.


I said

You can leave the lights on

You can leave the lights on


I looked up to see the Nick only a lucky few get to see. Tousled hair, dark blue eyes full of unabashed lust, full, just kissed lips, slightly parted as they came closer to mine. He kissed me soundly, his tongue dueling with mine as he flipped me onto my back. I could only breathe as his soft lips traveled down my neck, stopping to nip and lick here and there. I moaned as he cupped a breast, his thumb rubbing my nipple until it was hard and aching for attention. His lips were on the move again, kissing south until he reached the other mound.


I arched my back as his lips took hold of my nipple. His fingers rubbed and twisted one while his tongue strummed the other. My fingers tugged on his long locks, my body under his control. Nick switched, paying equal attention to my round flesh. I struggled to hang onto my sanity, biting my lip to keep from screaming out. He kissed down my stomach, finding my navel ring. I writhed under him as he dipped his warm tongue into my navel, his lips sucking on the silver ring.


I believe in love, dear

Without limitation


Nick pulled back and looked up at me from his angle over my stomach. I watched as his hand caressed my thigh, his touch sending tingles throughout my body. His hair fell into his face as he lowered his head, his fingers inching my panties down my hips. I lifted and shivered slightly as I laid there, now naked before him. He parted my legs slowly, his eyes focused on mine. Nick broke the erotic stare, his gaze travelling down my body, drinking in the hard nipples, marks that his lips made, and my very being.


His hand came down from my knee, his fingers parting my folds tenderly. My head fell back, my eyes closing as my mouth opened in a soft gasp. A long finger entered me, exploring me. I moaned as another digit penetrated my core. He slowly moved his fingers in and out of my wetness. Nick's hair tickled my skin as he bent down, placing light kisses on my pelvic area, his fingers preparing me for him. His thumb pressed against my most sensitive spot, making a slow circle. A loud moan escaped me as my body demanded more.


Believe in being clear

To avoid aggravation


Nick would have continued his torture if I hadn't pulled on his blond hair. He looked up at my flushed face and smirked knowingly. He pulled his fingers away as I sat up slightly to meet his lips. I wrapped my arms around his body as our tongues meshed passionately. I couldn't say how his boxers ended up on the floor. All I know is that his full erection pressed against my body and my fingers wrapped around him. His groan was music to my ears. "I want you," I whispered against his kiss.


If you want me to

I will exist just for you


Nick answered me by teasing me with the tip of his hard cock, rubbing himself over my swollen clit. I moaned and caught his lower lip between mine, grabbing his ass as I sucked on his lip. He entered me slowly, both of us savoring every inch. Nick settled himself deep within me, not moving as he kissed me just as deeply. He somehow caught my hands in his and pinned my wrists to the pillow my head was laying on, his fingers laced with mine.


"I want you, too," Nick whispered back. I smirked and arched my back, wanting him to move, make love to me, fuck me, just anything.


I said

If you want my love

You can try my love

You can't buy my love

Just take my hand

If you want me, dear

Then just beckon, dear

And I will appear

I said

You can leave the lights on

You can leave the lights on


Nick pulled out slowly and plunged back into me. He started a slow, torturous rhythm, pulling nearly all the way out slowly, then pushing himself back in quickly. He smirked at my frustrated moans. My fingers squeezed his and my hips moved, wanting more of him. Nick thrust faster, much to my relief. He moved deep, hitting every part of me.


I will mesmerize with milky thighs and languid eyes

I'll prophesize your moans and sighs

Just look at me sacredly, religiously, hungrily, let your eyes say "Please", I will not leave


I wrapped my legs around him, drawing him in deeper. We both moaned at the sensations coursing through our bodies. Nick continued to pound into me, driving us both closer to the ultimate pleasure. He let go of my hands and they flew to his face, my fingers lacing into his hair, tugging gently. His strong hand lifted my leg higher up his side, gripping my smooth thigh. My body arched against him, feeling him sliding deeper than I ever thought possible.


I said

If you want my love

You can try my love

You can't buy my love

Just take my hand

If you want me, dear

Then just beckon, dear

And I will appear


My eyes met his dark blue ones. I held on as he went deeper, faster. I could feel my body get ready for the impending explosion. Nick felt it too. He pushed me to the limit, my walls tightening around him as I came. He watched the fire ignite in my eyes. He came a few strokes later, his eyes glowing.


Nick rolled over onto his back, pulling me next to him. I leaned up and kissed his lips softly, the kiss becoming hotter with every lick of his tongue. I soon settled into his nook, his hand resting on my side. I fell asleep with the most erotic image in my mind. Nick's eyes locked on mine as he exploded inside me.


I said

You can leave the lights on

You can leave the lights on


"Leave The Lights On" Written and Performed by Jewel


The End


Please tell Kristy what you thought of her story!